Running into ATF OTC unintentionally

Have any of you run into your ATF while spening quality time with your family say shopping or at the park, etc? Any fun / drama to tell?
Have any of you run into your ATF while spening quality time with your family say shopping or at the park, etc? Any fun / drama to tell?
last commentI've run into strippers before when I was just out shopping, but no ATFs. A couple of the dancers drive by my house on their way to work, but they aren't ATFs either. Ran into a stripper who came to my home accidently, but I'd rather not get into the details. She was definitely ATF material, but she worked less than a week and I got the pleasure of her company once at Tootsie's when it was more a dive, and things moved on. There was excitement nearby involving a stripper, but again I'd rather not get into the details. Ran into a lot of strippers when paying my respects to "white boy" (a strip club bouncer) at a funeral home. Lots of tears, that was the extent of the drama. They had absolutely no interest in working that night for whatever that's worth. Ran into another stripper from out of state at the house via her less than worthless boyfriend. Ran into crack head prostitute former stripper at work. Recently ran into 2 super hot escorts / strippers at my buddy's place of work. A stripper used to work for me and I would meet her buddies from time to time--don't recall and fun with her buddies. That was a wacky girl who I temporarily saved from lowlifes. I don't know when you're talking so many years yeah it happens, but not too often. :(
I should have written not too often when compared to all the years that have passed.
Wow, Jablake, I need to move to your neighborhood :)
Bones sounded like he has a slice of heaven in Tenn that he was talking about unloading. The way he described it sounded like paradise. :)
jablake - I had it MADE while The Tunica Cabaret was open! Christ, just about all the dancers knew me by name and what I liked in my dances. I have had so many neat and sometimes unusual experiences in that club the year and a half it was open! I knew all the bartenders, DJs, waitress, security, managers, and owner. They gave me 'lifetime' membership to the club (till it closed - :-( ). For me, 90% of my visits, I left completely satisfied and in a rather short period of time each visit! I don't even want to GUESS how much money I'd spent in that club!
As far as this thread's title..... I did run into a dancer (non-ATF), that had given me my first BBBJ & CIM at The T.C., second day they were opened. I happened to see her at the main bar in one of the casinos a few months afterward, while I was with my daughter & her b/f who were visiting from Ohio. She approached me and we did the introductions. (I told my company that she was a dealer from another casino.) To get away from my company and get Mr Happy taken care of, I made up the excuse that she (the dancer) wanted me to give her a ride to another casino in the area. We departed, parked behind a motel, and I proceeded to get my usual BBBJ & CIM from her in my car. She was really needy of money, so I pulled out two twenty-dollar bills (pre-arranged them) and said that was all I had left from gambling. She bought it. I returned back to the casino and took up gaming with my daughter and her b/f, WITH A BIG SMILE ON MY FACE!
Twice but unlike my younger brother, no sex was involved. The first time was about a year and 1/2 ago. I went into the IHOP for breakfast. As soon as I sat down I saw a dancer that soon became my 2nd ATF. She smiled and waved at me. She was with her husband and he had his back to me. Every time I looked in her direction she was smiling. When they left, she waved at me again. When I got to the club a short time later, I tried to tell other dancers about the chance meeting but they had already heard it from her.
The 2nd time was about 3 months ago. I was eating breakfast in a Waffle House near the club. One of my top favorites came in to get an order to go. I saw her instantly but playing by the unspoken rules, I did nothing. She spotted me and came right over and sat down with me. We chatted until her order was ready. My eyes followed that ass out of the door. I couldn't wait to get to the club to get my hands on it and boy did I!
Remember guys. If you have an unexpected meeting with a stripper OTC, let her make the first move.
Well, since we had mutual friends, it happened all the time, and still does. Just not as often as I would like.
The only accidental encounter I remember was when I was stuck in a traffic jam on the interstate. We were both going to the same place at about the same time and she was only a certain number of cars ahead of me. She spotted me walking around and struck up a conversation with me. I wasn't used to seeing helicopters flying around a wreck scene and walked down a hill a little bit to get a better view.
Oh, I just remembered another time. I was sitting at a sportsbar having a beer. I saw one of my favorites suddenly walk in the door. She spotted me and came over and sat beside me and started talking for a few minutes. She said she just stopped by before going to work. Then she asked if I was going to go visit the strip club she works at and I said yeah, I'll be there. Then she left.
I don't know if this counts or not but I had one ATF at one club. I thought she was super hot. She quit working at the club. In the span of a few weeks, I accidently ran into her working at 2 other clubs and another time working as a Hooters girl and she was my waitress.
Only once, at a Wally World in the town the club was at. I have no idea why I even went there, as it was the wrong direction compared to where I was going (probably killing time to sober up), but I was reading a magazine and I sense a presence watching me, and I turn around and hear her voice with her loser 400 pound boyfriend. Nothing especially dramatic happened, so far as I remember.
I know in the middle of the week, it is always possible, though far from certain, to see dancers at the one truck stop restaurant at the one exit immediately north of the one my favorite club is at after the club closes. But none of them are ever anyone I like. I am told that type of thing happens at the truck stop that's immediately south as well, only that is the wrong way.
On two occasions I have seen the same dancer at our local courthouse. Based on the area in the courthouse in which she was standing, I would guess she was there for something having to do with a juvenile case (I know she has a teenaged son). She is not at ATF, and I don't think that she recognized me outside of our usual context. I didn't push things.
I've had several encounters with dancers - in all but one case we just nodded at each other and moved on. I guess neither of us knew what the other's SO would think about an actual acknowledgement. It is definitely the way I like to handle it seeing a dancer OTC.
However, I did have one encounter with a semi-fave dancer in Vegas. I knew this girl from seeing her regularly in a L.A. club. My "wife" & I were strolling through the Excalibur casino when suddenly this dancer ran up to me (gin & tonic in hand), and drunkenly announced how she was SOOOO happy to see me, that she missed me, and why haven't I been to the club lately? All in front of my VERY pissed off "wife". Yeesh! At that point I didn't think there was anything I could have said that would have saved my ass. The wife locked me out of our room that night, and I had to sleep in the lobby. Too bad I didn't know where the stripper was - I would have tried to crash in HER room!
Yes I ran into one of my favorites in the grocery store one time. It was kinda funny because at first I wasn't sure it was her. I wasn't used to seeing her in good lighting and with clothes on.It was her voice that gave her away. Must say that I wasn't dissappointed.She actually looked better than in the club which I wasn't sure was possible. We talked for a while and she wanted to know when I was coming to "play" with her again.
Never - I guess that is one of the advantages (??) of not having any decent clubs within 90 miles of where I live. I drive nearly two hours to any of my regular hangouts. Like chitownlawyer, the only time I have ever seen a dancer OTC is in a courthouse (gosh, is there a pattern developing here?) Earler this summer, while at the Hamilton County (Indiana) courthouse, I saw a Hip Hugger girl in court - she was there with her boyfriend who was in court on a DUI charge (wow, how shocking!).
IT happens to me on a regular basis. I frequent clubs in the same neighborhood where I work (and were I used to live). If I'm out running erands any time near opening or shift change I regularly run into strippers who I know, and the current fave or one of the all time top five (my version of ATF) on numerous occasions. It has only been embarassing once when I was walking back from lunch with my boss and a CF was walking from her car obviously into the club when she said hi and exchanged a few nervous pleasantries. My boss kind of looked at me as if to say exactly how is it you're on friendly terms with strippers (duh). I acted as if I was surprised she went into the club and said she was a regular where I bartended weekends, but now that I knew where she worked I'd have to pay a visit.
The other side of this is running into friends or co-workers in the club, which has also happened more than once. That's easier since usually neither of you is likely to publicize where you saw each other.
Another strange thing happened to me one night at PT's in Centerville is when I ran into a girl who had been dating a friend of mine. We talked for a while and caught up with what had been going on in our lives. She ruined the whole experience by insisting that I pay her for the conversation like it was a private dance. Obviously we might have known each other, but money was more important to her.