
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More consistent ratings.
    What we have to be careful about is the 1 to 10 rating on dancer appearance, in the reviews. For instance... me being an old codger, might rate a dancer in at 8 when a younger man might rate that same dancer a 6. So, for me, I use the magazine, "Cosmopolitian" as a guide. Any dancer I see that could have walked out of that magazine, definately gets a 9 if not 10 rating from me! Another confusing issue is, how many of us combine appearance and dance skills together as a rating? This could be an unfair and bias way. Therefore, I keep the appearance rating of dancers seperate. If I chose a '7' rated dancer, I could very well rate her dance skills at a 9 or 10. So, my rating scheme, primarily on dancers is AAA: Appearance (face, hair, makeup) Alignment (body structure) Attitude (self explanatory)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Marital Status and Mileage
    I don't believe marital status makes any difference in mileage, but $$$$ does. It's all about the money! Right? When I was married, I kept my wedding band on. Didn't see any difference in mileage. When my wife passed away, I still kept my wedding band on for about 18 months, I suppose out of respect for her, and I still felt a 'connection' between us. It took meeting a lady friend who has become a S.O. to me, for me to remove it. However, as a widower and being in a club with the band on, everyone thought I was married. Only the dancers that knew me better, knew the real story. Naw.... it's the money, ONLY the money! LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    strip clubs book adina howard freak like me to come to your club.
    I don't even have a clue who 'Adina Howard' is!!! Adult film start? Famous stripper? Famous singer? Famous transexual? Famous cross-dresser? Famous at anything???
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strippers With Sexual Problems?
    Well, being a former stripper for 20 years..... oh wait, crap, wrong thread! I can see where Doug is coming from with his topic. I've never personally known any dancers that have had these problems, so I can't honestly say. However, I would wonder what the percentage of ladies/women, in general, have grown up with abuse, that may have led them to a 'sexual type' industry, rather than other work environments.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Younger Dancers vs. Older Dancers
    Raincoat - I just lucked out on this stop. It was Stephanie's Cabaret in Evansville, IN. That was my last stop for the evening. Tried two other clubs that were terrible! The 34 y.o. told me of the two types of dances offered, topless and nude. Of course, nude was more expensive. What I didn't know was 'WHERE' the nude dances were being performed after getting about 6 topless dances from her. As we were headed back to the table, I pointed out to her and asked what that aisle way with the closed doors was. She told me that's where the nude dances were performed, behind closed doors. I could have saved a bunch of "topless dance" money if I had visually checked the club out beforehand. Anyway, if anyone, I mean anyone drives through Evansville, IN, you have to make a stop at Stephanie's, and opt for the 2 for 1 'NUDE' dances for $50 in those converted video peep booths! You will NOT regret it!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Effect of No Smoking Laws
    How about? 1) laws prohibiting smoking in vehicles with small children? 2) laws prohibiting smoking on public streets? 3) laws prohibiting smoking while operating a motor vehicle? Where does it end? Like FONDL says, ban smoking, ban drinking, ban lap dances, ban music, ban dancing altogether, ban public affection in public, ban singing. Hell, seems everyone is so damn worried about the environment and how this and that is affecting it! But, everyone wants to approve of gay marriages, gay weddings? RUBBISH!! Just leave me and my cigarettes alone! LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More consistent ratings.
    I am always objective on my club reviews, as I know people rely on them in helping to decide whether to visit the club or not. As most of you know, I do attempt to determine, during my visits, mileage and available extras. But, if I get the extras, I don't push up the rating scale, as some people go to clubs for fun and a good time, without getting laid. With that said, I do take in account, club attendance, decor, dancers, staff friendliness, prices, and overall experience. I don't give much influence on DJs, as they're all obnoxious, and I don't give much influeance on bathrooms or trolls, as if I gotta' go, I gotta' go! I'm satisfied with what I am reading with few exceptions and find club reviews very helpful.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Younger Dancers vs. Older Dancers
    snowtime - A man (I hope) after my own means! Been in your situation couple of times, and still working a couple of new dancers to that point. Have broken through a 3 month experienced young dancer to the point of jerking me and rubbing Mr Happy all over her face, but no BBBJ yet! Still working the massage therapist too! Keep up the good work!! BobbyI - How well they fuck! Took the "words" right out of my mouth! BRAVO and good to hear from another dirty TUSCLer like me!!! Just last week, passing through Evansville, IN, I stopped off at a club with all young dancers but one! I got to her and she ended up make a lot of money from me. Enjoyed the ALL PRIVATE (behind locked door) experience with this 34 year old HOTTIE. Only think that could have made it better, was a bed in there!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Effect of No Smoking Laws
    Being a smoker myself since 15, I want to quit, but don't have the desire to at this time. I have slowed down quite a bit. However.... Ohio has enacted a state wide smoking ban also, as well as Kentucky, just this year. No smoking anywhere indoors!! What I have found that clubs do to counter this is: 1) Club employees still smoke in their clubs, but in dressing rooms, except Club Lido in Cleveland, dancers put on coats and smoke at "bus stop" type smoking shelter out front. 2) some Louisville clubs "rent" ashtrays to customers for $2 for the night. Money goes into a kitty to pay any smoking ban fines. 3) A club in Elyria furnishes small plastic cups for smokers, then puts them under the counter when not in use. The club makes enough money to pay any enforced fines. 4) Some Ohio clubs have built on outdoor fenced-in smoking porches, some with heaters, some without. These states can do anything they want with their frigging bans, but there will always be a way around THE LAW. I understand the non-smokers rights but as long as cigarette/cigar smoking is legal, US smokers can smoke all we want. As far as those BITCHING and GRIPING non-smokers..... how many of you smoke marijuana still?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Younger Dancers vs. Older Dancers
    I am much like 'snowtime' in that I like to try an inexperienced dancer, however, not for the mystery, but for the challenge of mileage. I can't help it, that's how us dirty old men work it! DandyDan brought up a valid point, especially about conversations. Older dancers seem to hold a decent conversation longer. I enjoy both, the young and old dancers, but usually for specific reasons, mileage being one, extra cirricular activities, being another. If I go into a club just for the "fun" expecting nothing special, and at my age, ANY dancer will do! LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's influence on you
    FONDL is correct in his line of thinking. To reinforce that, on my trip back to Ohio, I stopped off at Stephanie's in Evansville, IN. All young dancers, except one 34 year old. Guess who comes and sits with Uncle Bones? Yep, the 34 year old. Why? Because the younger guys like to stick with the younger dancers. As long as you have a young crowd in the club, you'll find the young dancers hanging with them. The only time I find a young dancer prancing over to me is when she's been rejected by the younger customers. This 34 y.o. dancer and I discussed ages of customers and dancers. She knew I preferred older experienced dancers, and boy I did not regret it one bit when we got behind closed doors!!!! This 34 y.o. dancer made about the same amount as the younger dancers..... but in a lot less time!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which do you prefer?
    Hmmmmm..... let me think....... they both have pussies, right? Actually, I have no preference, Tomboy or Girlygirl. I just can't get that sweet sexy naughty little PP spinner out of my mind yet!!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Music too loud! DJ's obnoxious....
    A big big DITTOS with my brother. HOWEVER..... it's not that bad for me since I have tinitus (constant ringing in ears), that I contracted in 1983 from the pistol range. You just learn to live with the constant ringing and don't think about it. As far as conversation, well, I converse better from the waste down with those PP dancers. If a dancer is talking to me and I'm not aware of it, all she has to do is "yank my chain or anything else" to get my attention. :-) Don't try that Candyman!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A Strip Club Catering to Truckers
    Ratrun - First off, welcome to TUSCL, you picked the best strip club website in existance. And thanks for jumping in with a good discussion topic. We appreciate your interest and input. On this subject, there are three strip clubs off of I-65 south of Nashville beginning with exit 22 on down to exit 6, close to the Alabama stateline. They are Boobie Bungalow at exit 6 (east side); and Watering Hole & Club Utopia at exit 22 I believe (west side). My favorite is The Watering Hole, as you get cheaper laps and great mileage. Pass this info on to your friend, in case he travels the I-65 route.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has easy money spoiled many dancers?
    MIDancer - I have no complaints about how you conduct your business in the clubs, but it sure sounds like an ESCORT talking. Do you ESCORT on the side?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Market" says strippers overvalued - empty clubs prove it
    Count me in on AGREEMENT. I see it here all the time in the Ohio clubs. My FAV club in Columbus is really slow, but standard LD prices remain. However, being a semi-regular, I can get 2fers easy. If dance prices don't start coming down, I believe most dancers will start accepting 2fer prices or undercut their rivals, by lowering their LD prices. This is normally accepted as a NO-NO amoung dancers, but I see it happening more and more. I also see more dancers switching clubs, trying to find busier clubs to work at. Uncle Bones' Recommendations: Start bartering on the LD prices. Slow down or cut out the inflated dancers drinks. Tip only the better looking stage dancers that show appreciation.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Louisville KY. clubs??
    24play4ever - Louisville is normally one of my stop-offs for a quick fix (so to speak) on my way to Memphis. Here is the scoop:(feel free to read my reviews) 7th Street Rd Clubs - Basically, a strip of strip clubs about a mile long. ALL clubs are extras with the right (most) dancers. Most look like 'dives' inside, but most are clean. Like ALL clubs in Kentucky, the clubs PUSH-PUSH-PUSH dancers' drinks, anywhere from $10 on up to champaigne for $150. My favorite 7th Street Rd club is Classie Lady. A hit or miss on dancers' looks, but a DEFINATE for 'extras'! They have two upstairs VIP area, one having chairs and the other having a (ONE) couch. Buy the 1/2 hour special for $110 and a couple of twenties for tips, will get you the normal BBBJ or FS. Becareful of other 7th Street Rd clubs, as they tend to inflate prices. Downtown Clubs - There are 2 to 3 clubs on Chestnut St. and one on E. Market St. Open around noon. Dancer drinks again. Private LD areas. Dixie Hwy Clubs - There are two (newly re-opened clubs under new management), one one each side of the road, about 2 miles apart, heading toward Fort Knox. Both clubs used to be Thoroughbred Clubs, but were sold. Extras available. Price struture: $20 gets you a mild LD; $50 drink gets you a booth for some fondling and jacking; $100 for 1/2 hour in champaigne room, plus tips; $150 for hour in champaigne room with tips. As always, test before going back, and YMMV. Dancers' looks can very, hit or miss. Other Clubs - Are spread throughout the city; Taylor Blvd, Berry Blvd, Preston Hwy, Poplar Level Rd. A bit upper class. Hope this was some help. Condoms recommended. Good luck & be safe.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I dead in the water, or not?
    David9999 - You and I were hatched from the same eggshell!!! My sentiments exactly!! Nevada is making a tax killing on their county approved brothels! Why don't the other states see that??
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's influence on you
    LOL@chandler. Naw, I just like to generally stay in good shape for my general self-worth. I occassionally do get comments from outside of clubs about my fitness for my age. It is an ego builder and nice comments keeps drilling me on to continue. Most of the crap about fitness, abs, muscles, smell, etc., is general SS anyway. Keep it up BG! Errrr.... I mean the regimens!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More erotic adventures of shadowcat
    2for20DollarsLapDancesForever - a "spinner" stripper is usually a very short and light weight dancer (like 4'10")(95 lbs). The term "spinner" comes from taking such a small 'stripper', setting her on your dick and spinning her around. Get the picture? This is true, really. Sixty Six lap dances Candyman?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Barter for lap dances?
    Shadowcat - Had you ever thought that this guy that buys lap dances with movie DVDs......... has probably stolen them from stores??? I ain't got nothin' to barter with dancers for dances except money and a good time!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Dedicated Monger Prep
    Shadowcat and I took hours to prep our daily visits to the PP during the TUSCL convention! Nice long shower with a deep scalp hair massage. Body lotion over the entrie body. Fingernails clipped and clean. Excess nose and ear hairs clipped. Selecting clean matching outerware. Cologneing our favorite spots. I truly believe any serious clubber would prep themselves hygenically and otherwise, not to offend our dancing friends. Uncle Bones says: Cleanliness is next to Godliness... or was is Goddesses???
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I dead in the water, or not?
    clubber - She was just an ATF! I feel for ya' buddy, but like others have said - move on - find another ATF to take her place. No committment. She probably could care less about how you feel anyway. Uncles Bones asks.... If you were never her customer, why is she labeled your ATF? If you have met OTC, but not for sexual favors, then for what purpose? You said, "she often asked my advice, ergo, the father figure thing, I believe." - - - Do you really want to be her FATHER FIGURE? What do you expect out of this type of relationship/friendship?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has easy money spoiled many dancers?
    This is getting totally OUT OF HAND and CRAZY!! Like my brother said.... Anybody that is dumb enough to pay those prices deserves what he gets. I second that. And any DANCER that would charge MONEY just for conversation is a total SLUT and WHORE! Get real guys! Go to a fucking shrink and pay $100 an hour for them to hear your problems!! You might even luck out and find a good looking lady shrink to listen!! MIDancer - I don't $1000 is unreasonable for a four-hour dinner. ---- My question issssss... does this include 8 hours of pure raw uninhibited lusty freaky and kinky SEX? If so, I might be interested.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Turkeys that merit our thanks (Selected Excerpts)
    Does this mean our state congressmen and state senators have to travel to Indianapolis topless clubs for their excitement???