
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Do Things Really "Get Better" In VIP (Or more expensive option)
    Funny this topic just came up! Last Friday, while visiting Stephanie's Cabaret in Evansville, IN, there WAS a definate difference between the topless VIP area and the nude VIP area, which of course was double the price also. Read the review.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Still encountering firsts in strip clubs after visiting clubs for 10 years?
    Agree with casualguy. Look at club drinking as casino drinking. Although most casinos will furnish you comp drinks, they do it so that your judgement is frailed. The clubs are the same way. Drink a lot, and judgement on 'spending' becomes frailed too. Listen to 'minnow'! I've just about done everything sexually enticing and fun that I can think of, but I don't quit looking. There is some dame out there that I haven't ran into yet, that is going to teach me something that will blow my mind, let alone blow (pun?) other things!! Thoughts from Uncle Bones: If you give up wanting and wishing, your life begins to wander and waste!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's influence on you
    FONDL has a point on turning fat into muscle, to a point. Most fatty tissue needs to be lost via diet. However, good constant muscle toning (not body building) will enlarge the muscle mass in each area of the body. You need to take a couple days break from the body toning to allow the muscles to repair (suggest creatine to speed the process). At the end of your 'layoff' cycle and at the beginning of your workout cycle, your muscles shouldn't be sore, and will start the building process again. Yes, eating more smaller meals and less larger meals is a great idea. Your digestive system is constantly working. It's important to also remember when using solid weights, to properly pick them up and set them down keeping your back straight. DO NOT leave out back exercises, very very important! FONDL - Will be awaiting your email.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Bill Selection in Clubs
    Good point ShotDisc. When going through a drive-thru (eat), I always hand my bill with via reverse, where the denomination number is more clear. This pretty much ensures the window server of the bill amount. lotsoffun201 has a good point. Using a money clip, I keep the ones on the outside always and the twenties on the inside, all bills arranged catagorically by denomination.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's influence on you
    BG - Go more higher protein diet, lay off the carbs and saturated fats. Locate the excess pounds. Find exercises good for that area where the muscles are located and turn the excess fat into muscle. Pretty simple, but you have to be determined and disciplined. Good luck. FONDL - It should be visible to everyone on the website. In case it isn't: [email protected]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Best city for SC in the US - Tampa?
    First off, a hearty welcome to the TUSCL family. We hope you enjoy the website and be proactive in discussions and reviews. Good luck! I read that Tampa clubs are good for extras, but can be costly also. Whatever you do when you travel to Tampa, carry condoms, as you will probably literally get 'fucked' in one of their clubs, and don't want any STDs. Again, good journey, good luck.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Bill Selection in Clubs
    Like 'rockie' I keep my reserve money in my wallet. I hate opening my wallet in a SC! $20s in my left pants pocket; $1s in my right pants pocket; reserve cash in my wallet. $5s & $10s in my shirt pocket (for LD tipping). Like 'pushin50', I put my $20s in bundles of $100, even in my wallet. My clubbing bank starts at $200 in twenties, As I cash one twenty, say for drinks, $1s go to the right pocket, and $5s and $10 in my shirt pocket. This way, I have some accounting of my running funds. I used to always carry a couple of $100 bills in my wallet, for the BIG FIX (extras). Over time, I found them too easy to expel from the 'ole wallet' and have learned to 'barter' more with twenties. What erks me is when I get home, I usually have a WAD of one-dollar bills that won't fit in my money clip. The perfect solution: Have the U.S. Treasury start printing our bills like the Euro Dollar --- color coded --- in different sizes AND --- for the blind --- each bill is a different texture!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Whore option as new Plan B
    No doubt in my mind that the economy has impacted on their life styles. Why change life styles when you can revert to another ADULT type business and make good money, and keep living the same way? Especially if you have no other training or education to fit another employment field. I constantly see and hear from the dancers' aspect, where the business is just not coming in any longer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    FONDL - Outback, a FAV of mine also. As far as the rudeness, I'm right with you. In fact, I'm at the point now, that I shut my cell phone off when I'm eating, getting massages, in a club. I turn it back on when I'm by myself again.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Still encountering firsts in strip clubs after visiting clubs for 10 years?
    No, I don't publish non-fiction here. It's all truth, I just happen to luck out on a lot of situations, after working them. Sometimes, it cost more than I want to invest, other times not. Like my journey here to Memphis (read the reviews), lousy luck at the clubs. Shadowcat and CT has fortunately seen me in some of these circumstances. I'm just a likeable old gent who likes to see what kind of fun (sometimes trouble) I can get into. LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's influence on you
    FONDL - Oh yeah, she knows I frequent strip clubs! She knew of the convention I went on to Columbia and wanted to hear all about it. Did she ever get an ear full! During last week's visit, I mentioned about bringing in a bottle of my favorite Reisling wine, a couple of glasses, and having a late evening two hour session. She lite up like a Christmas tree and was all for it. Currently in Memphis, due to return last week of the month. Got the wine and glasses ready! Oh, BTW, I forgot to mention to you that she was a stripper for awhile, but not long. Shoot me an email and I'll send you her pic! I keep mentioning to her that I never want to offend her in any way, by my sexual prowness of her. She said, I could never offend her and that I was her MOST favorite customer, so maybe that's an open window to venture into. As far as the abs thing, I have always had a very high metabolism rate, thus have remained slender all my life. I get plenty of cardio using my Dad's stationary bike and through my 'resistance' workouts. Women really go for tight abs, even if the "packs" don't show. Recommendation from Uncle Bones: Keep working at it, you'll not only feel the difference, people will see and tell you the difference.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More erotic adventures of shadowcat
    Brother...... I forgot to tell you, after being with the "spinner" I started noticing SCABS on my cock!!! Holy shit, get to a doctor!!!! Just 'kiddin', life is short and nothing like living 'skin to skin'!!! Sounds like you had a SUCKcessful trip this month! Ya' know I woulda' been there with ya' had I not had other plans. I shot down to Memphis, via Louisville, Cornersville, Pulaski (read the reviews). Thinking about hitting the ATM and couple of the clubs here tonight. I'll be in touch via email. Oh, BTW, blood workup came out all negative!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Still encountering firsts in strip clubs after visiting clubs for 10 years?
    Yet another FIRST in my SC Junkie Career - Last night, while at The Exotic Pearl (no review), my FAV wanted me to take her and her bi-girlfriend (a previous dancer whom I never met) to the VIP room on an 'unannounced' 2fer. Well, knowing how wild my FAV is, I opted for the two girls, which is usually not my bag. The only reason I did was because the VIP room bouncer (my friend but no names mentioned) knew these two dancers very very well, and said he would make sure noone else would enter the VIP area while the three of us were back there for the two songs. The three of us went back, picked out a cubicle and my FAV & her g/f dancer started working on each other! I looked outside the cubilce and laughed. The bouncer had scooted a club chair in front of the VIP entrance and sat in it, thus blocking any entry to the VIP. Well, no details of the 3-some, but as we exited the VIP area, the bouncer winked at me and said, "Well, bet you gotta go home now, right?" I laughed and said, "Yep, kinda' worn out!"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A Big DITTOS with ShotDisc & David9999! Just last night, while at The Exotic Pearl (no review), one of the younger dancers (21), Poison (7.5), mentioned about getting a certain type of tattoo that went from her ankle up to her thigh! I told her not to mar that beautiful body of hers, that she would regret it later on in years. She won't listen and just kept drinking till she passed out in the dressing room. What a shame!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's influence on you
    FONDL - LOL. Still persuing the (lower) abdominal region with her. She's touched, squeezed, pulled, just about every muscle on my body, except the MOST desired ONE! Not rushing it, but feel confident the intimacy will appear. And, good for you FONDL. Your ATF has really brought you around and in a good way. Yes, not all of us are fortunate than others, however, I've come to respect just about everybody. Good job ATF!!! Professor906090 - Keep working at it, it'll pay off in the long run. As far as 6 packs, LOL, I'm kind of slender in nature, so I'm only working to retain my 4 pack. Although my workout schedule is 4 on & 2 off, I do the abs 7 days a week. Only takes 5 to 10 minutes out of my schedule. Speaking of... this seemed funny to me, I was at The Exotic Pearl last night (no review). One of my FAVs, Octavia (7.5) (great milage) came to the bar and grabbed my hand and took me over to meet her (bi) girlfriend, also a dancer. My FAV lifts my shirt up and starts stroking my abs and says... "look at these Zin!". Unfortunately, she wouldn't stroke any lower.....'in the club area'! :-) David9999 - Uh, um, yeah, I totally agree..... I think.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's influence on you
    Ever since I've been clubbing on a regular basis (2006 to present), I've been constantly on an exercise/workout program to stay fit. Even started artificial tanning this spring. Regular deep-tissue/muscle massages has had an impact on my conditioning. Although I do get the normal amount of SS from dancers, I am convinced that my overall appearance now has some effect on some dancers. Besides, I feel much more alive and energetic nowadays. So, yes, I suppose you could say that dancers, in general, do influence me to keep healthy and in shape.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Still encountering firsts in strip clubs after visiting clubs for 10 years?
    LOL@CT - Ahhhhh, come on CT. Just let me have ONE night with her, please??? I'll return her in near new condition!!! LOL ANOTHER FIRST!! - Not sexual related, but last night while at The Exotic Pearl, the VIP bouncer had a fresh longneck ready for me upon my exit, free of charge! WHAT A CUNTRY!!! ooops..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Top 10 Things That You Overheard Bones Saying In a Strip Club:
    Many thanks shadowcat. How much $$$$ should I send for that endosement?? I think just about all my TUSCL buddies I've met and even the ones I haven't met, can pretty much tell by my reviews and discussions that I am harmless, outgoing, and love to have a good time! ClevelandTom - Thanks for the Discussion Topic "tribute". Drinks are on me on our next meet!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is dancer quality declining?
    LOL@Professor906090 ! No harm! It seems more difficult in getting BBBJs in the clubs nowadays! Oh shit, WRONG topic!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Still encountering firsts in strip clubs after visiting clubs for 10 years?
    Just last week, I encountered a first! I was at a Cleveland club and got stroked and sucked on, just outside the club entrance! No cover charge, no stroke charge, no suck chare! What a country!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    He Didn't Like Strippers . . .
    Personally........ I don't see where this topic has the slightest thing to do with strip clubs........... therefore *somebody* is being added to my "MUTE" list. Goodnight!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Who is Founder?
    My guess is: Jeffrey Tinsley, Founder of Reunion.com 33 year old male, Los Angeles, CA Birthday: 11/28 Married Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Hazel Heighth: 6'0" After all, he could own this website also.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    MIDaner - Just think of what their wives (if married) are going through with their kind of attitude. Don't take those JERKS personal MI please. There are fewer of them than us nice guys, thank God. Professor - Mega Dittos
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How Do You Politely Tell A Dancer To Go Away?
    Yoda - Thank you very very much for your post. I have been wondering where all these stupid topics have come from. David9999 - BRAVO! Great idea! I do have an extra wallet and am going to do exactly as you suggested, on my next SC visit! I'll report the results in my next review. It will have to be a new SC, as my FAV dancers KNOW exactly where I keep my money! LOL Advice from Uncle Bones: Just explain to the dancer that you have the HIV virus! Then, exit the club, because NOONE is coming within 10 feet of you!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Top 10 Things That You Overheard Bones Saying In a Strip Club:
    No.3: What the "HELL" do you mean girl, that I can't get 'Candyman's' special rate?????????????????????????????