
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have You Ever Considered............ Marrying A Dancer ?
    MisterGuy - We did do the "nasty" back in the VIP room, that's why I used the term, "drips" with sexual aroma, i.e., she get awfully wet below. I'm wondering what it would be like 'having' her in a bedroom environment, vs. a SC divided & partitioned off cubicle. No rushing anything, just hoping Santa brings me a date with her. casualguy - You crazy dude you! Her, being 42 years old, doesn't bother me since I'm 61, but a young 61. No engagement, no wedding, not even thoughts of a permanent relationship at this point. Brother Cat - Simmer down Bro simmer down. Everything I mentioned so far is "in the mind", making Mr Happy "on the run"! LOL This (temporary ATF) has a pregnant daughter who waitresses at the club, who has groped me once or twice. She also 'harbers?' other younger dancers, i.e., transports them back and forth to the club, as they all live in a city 30 miles from the club. She's like a mother hen to them. They hang out together and eat out (NOT THAT WAY!) together. My mind wanders wildly at this concept! Get in good with "the Mom".... and maybe get some "daughters like" action in addition. This situation is at a "FANTASY" level at the moment. clubber - I had never seen this topic posted before, and figured there had to be quite a bit of interaction between TUSCL brothers and dancers, in additon to fantasies about this type of situation. I hope we get more responses generated. Forgive my babbling on about my 'temp ATF', I get carried away at times. I more interested in the responses from fellow brothers that may have been or thought to have been in this situation.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Anybody make special effort to see features?
    My regular dancers ARE my features!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Text Club
    Just send $100 to me and I'll be your friend for awhile! GET REAL!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customers With Sexual Problems?
    I, personally DO NOT have any sexual problems whatsoever!!!! Now, just ask Mr Happy!!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Want to celebrate something?
    Nor would Elliott Ness had been so famous!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A long unanswered sex problem...
    Never been in that situation brother. However, there was one time a girl ALMOST passed out on me after foreplay, but I took the upper hand and started slapping her face with a very hard Mr Happy!!! LOL - Nah, noone passes out on me only because they aren't sure if "IT'S" in!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    All I want for Christmas is a "STRIPPER"????
    If our spinner friend can make it to my brother's house for Christmas, then I, myself, got what I wanted for Christmas, and that was to see him extremely happy! Other than that, if all fails, I'll keep him company if he so desires. (not like our spinner friend though, hehehe)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More consistent ratings.
    ALL of you have to check "chile's" rating of Erotic City in Boise, Idaho. Three sentences!! And the rating was a "10"!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Effect of No Smoking Laws
    Only problem with your analogy ShotDisc is that more DRINKERS kill people on highways than SMOKERS!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More consistent ratings.
    I think we ALL should rate our dancers that we get LAPS from in this format: UBRS - Uncle Bones Rating Scheme 0-3 = air dances only 4-6 = mild grinding & stevies 7 = CBJ 8 = BBBJ 9 = FS 10 = FS with CIM Well, at least it would help me damn it!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Marital Status and Mileage
    I have come across dancers that were either married or had live-in boyfriends. What amazes me about some of these dancers is that they won't think twice about sucking your cock, but then say, "Oh, I won't fuck around on my boyfriend". Is cocksucking not sex anymore? Or is that a question for past presidents? Maybe they think it's just foreplay!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers rating on their fellow dancers....
    Take Platinum Plus in Memphis (before they got busted).... management knew of all the wild sex antics of their dancers in the VIP lounge and turned their heads. But, drugs and money laundering got them BUSTED! All the dancers there knew which dancers put out and which ones didn't, but it was that "sacred stripper code" among about 100 + dancers that kept things running smoothly as far as the 'extras' went. Of course when they got busted, the charge of prostitution & solicitation were added on for kicks. It's like getting stopped for speeding and having the charge of 'improper lane changing' added on to your ticket!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Good lies to tell strippers
    "I can see a future for you and I". (you strip & I be da boyfriend) "My real name is T__, but my stage name is Bones. I used to be a male stripper." - - - (you cannot believe the questions I get after that line) "If you can make me 'cum', I'll give you a $50 bonus." - - - (ooops, inflation just hit, here's $10) My favorite 'lie' or 'line' is when a dancer tells me in the middle of a BBBJ or FS, "I've never done this sort of thing in a club before." - - - My response is, "Me neither, so it's a first for both of us."
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What do you do to stay awake on long drives at night?
    During 2006, while conducting my numerous strip club road trips, I would travel at nights inbetween targetted cities, and check into a motel and get about 5-6 hours sleep before check-out time. I would start hitting the clubs in the afternoon on into the early evenings. During those times, I would drink coffee, smoke, snack, and listen to TALK radio to keep my mind active, as music usually put me to sleep. Prior to our last TUSCL Convention in Columbia, SC, I couldn't sleep the night prior to leaving for SC. So, I loaded the car and travelled between midnight and noon the next day. Besides the aforementioned remedies, I ended up taking two 45 minute power naps at rest stops on the way, which helped considerably.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customers With Sexual Problems?
    Prior to becoming a widower, my wife and I had an exciting and wholesome sex life. We knew each other (inside/out) and could please each other very well, sometimes beyond belief. However, there were those few times in 20 years of marriage that I would get "hit on", and fall under the spell of a mysterious woman. Now that I have no serious SO, I have become addicted to strip clubs for my sexual prowless and excitement. Not that I am proud of it, but I believe I have become an SCJ (strip club junkie), requiring a fix here and there! Besides the sexual intrique of strange beautiful women, I am still fearful of falling in love again, and having to go through the grief I experienced losing my first wife. I probably need to see a psychologist for this reason....... but I'd have to use my strip club funds, and I don't think I can find a psychologist wthat will "put out"!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Effect of No Smoking Laws
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strippers With Sexual Problems?
    ATTENTION!!! ATTENTION!!! Doctor Bones is now open for business! Free consultation to the first 100 dancers!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers rating on their fellow dancers....
    "I have yet to witness any extras. If I did, I'm not entirely sure where my loyalty would lie"..... hmmmmm I would say that your loyalty is with the club "AS A SNITCH" or with your fellow dancers "AS A CO-WORKER". You might just have to CHOOSE one of these days.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Effect of No Smoking Laws
    ROFLMFAO@FONDL - WOW, what an analogy! I love it!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Anybody make special effort to see features?
    Not into features at a club. Don't like features at a club, as I believe it cuts in on the dancers' income. Feature dancers or old porn stars are usually too damned expensive to be with or get laps with, plus raises the cover charges. Uncle Bones says: Let the features and/or old porn stars develop their own business. It's tough enough for our local dancers to make a living as it is!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers rating on their fellow dancers....
    It is a shame that dancers will do these things. You would think there was a "code of honor" or "code of ethics" among dancers in a club that they would abide by. I know most dancers will not horn in on another dancer's customer, especially while making money. I've been in situations where I've wanted the company of one particular dancer, and she wouldn't come over to me, only because another dancer had sat her butt down beside mine, without invitation. One common trait I see among some dancers is that when they have to leave their customer to go on stage, another dancer will zoom right in on her catch. This, of course, draws 'drama'. As the economic situation worsens, I think you're going to see more and more 'unethical' tactics used by dancers without regard to their fellow co-workers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Younger Dancers vs. Older Dancers
    All I can add to this, at this time is: A 42 year old dancer sure fucked the hell out of me last night ITC!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Effect of No Smoking Laws
    casualguy - Not disgregarding non-smoker rights, my suggestion for non-smokers is this: Start smoking and you won't be bother by second-hand smoke!
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    17 years ago
    Marital Status and Mileage
    david120 - I believe there is a LOT of truth to that statement about less complications with married guys. Married men don't tend to fall in love (lust) as easily and usually won't stalk dancers. I can't really blame them for preferring married over single guys.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    strip clubs book adina howard freak like me to come to your club.
    LOL@ozymandias - I didn't want to be the first one to bring up those three things ozy, but that was the first thing I noticed when reading his initial thread! LOL Suppose nite61 is a bouncer or DJ?? LOL Any wagers nite61 won't make another thread on this topic??