3 yrs ago•Bangbang10000reviewedTaboo Gentlemen's Club3025 E La Mesa St Anaheim, CA 92806Don't be stingy and you'll have a great time!
4 yrs ago•Bangbang10000reviewedImperial Showgirls2640 W Woodland Dr Anaheim, CA 92801Wednesday night with a happy ending
4 yrs ago •Bangbang10000commented onTuesday Night and too many optionsIt can be nude depending on the girl. Got a VIP from an Asian girl there for the first time and she let it all show lol. I…
4 yrs ago •Bangbang10000commented onGirls asking more money for a VIP than the club would chargeTaboo in anaheim
4 yrs ago •Bangbang10000commented onGirls asking more money for a VIP than the club would charge@dolfan this club is in SoCal. From what I know most clubs here don't charge for the room. You just pay whatever their set charge is for a…
4 yrs ago •Bangbang10000posted inFront RoomGirls asking more money for a VIP than the club would charge