Body Count

avatar for georgmicrodong
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
A local girl and I were talking after our session and the subject got on to body count, and she asked me if I knew mine. On a whim, I started counting. I was counting on my fingers and whispering and had gotten back to about 2005 or so when I noticed her wide eyes.

"You can't be serious!"

"Yeah. I might have missed a couple here and there, but I think so far it's pretty accurate."

"You're up to a hundred and some!"


"Jesus, you're a whore."

I'm kinda glad I didn't go back any further. :D

A couple of weeks later, we met up again. I asked her, in person, so she could see I was teasing, if she was sure she wanted to meet up with a whore like me.

She shrugged and said, "You're a whore with money, so..."

I guffawed, and even she had to chuckle a bit.


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avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
That’s funny! She seems to have a good sense of humor.

It’s dangerous to be honest sometimes.
avatar for whodey
4 years ago
Your body count is over 100 meaning you've killed over 100 people???? You must be responsible for most of the 2AMers reported on here. LOL

I say your number of sexual partners is just a number the same way age is just a number. The higher your number gets it just means you've lived a full and rewarding life. Of course, it also means you are more likely to suffer from declining health but no one wants to be alive forever if it means you can't live your life enjoyably.
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
For a couple years I kept track of names, dates of those I was with. It was scary. I still have the list somewhere I think but it's been a while since I kept track like that.
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
My body count is very high I lost count Long ago. I’m not gonna even bother to try to add it up. And the quality is incredibly high the last few years. But you know what your average joe with a gf probably has way more sex than I do. That’s the one thing I don’t really get sex on the regular like daily. Nope. More Weekly for me. Hell its never frequent enough.
avatar for goldmongerATL
4 years ago
I had a similar discussion with a girl at Follies. She asked how many different girls at Follies i had helped out financially over the last 5 years. I guessed about 20 different girls. She was surprised the number was that low. She shared she kept count for a month once. She said 66 different guys, but it might be less because she really does not remember a guy until after the 2nd or 3rd time. She said she often has guys tell her they have VIP'd with her before but does not remember them.
avatar for goldmongerATL
4 years ago
It may be that she tries to block out the personal side. Being high could also factor in. It could be many things. Who knows. I have girls who remember me from one VIP a year ago and others that I have taken back 3-4 times who act like they don't know me.

I had a different dancer tell me that she viewed it as a purely transactional business. She added that if a guy liked her and wanted a repeat, he would find her.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
When counting for bragging rights, P4P should not be included. Any chump can buy pussy. Winning or seducing a girl, using charm and intelligence, is the only metric.

There's always a place for emergency desploogination services, but not when bragging about conquests.
avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
Sorry you are so butt hurt georgemicrodong, I I now it is hard to take when my dick is one hundred and some times bigger than yours, but that doesn't mean you been with a hundred and some partners. We can still play though 😉
avatar for NinaBambina
4 years ago
I'm at a solid 5, soon to be 6.
avatar for georgmicrodong
4 years ago
@gammanu95: I do not disagree with you, but she asked.

FWIW, *hers* was in the couple dozen range.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
There is a major difference when Georgemicrodong uses a term body count - compared to SJG talking about a body count.
avatar for doctorevil
4 years ago
“ She said she often has guys tell her they have VIP'd with her before but does not remember them.”

Never had that happen to me. Usually, one VIP and then next time I’m in the club they are on me like stink on shit looking for a repeat. Maybe I’m overpaying.
avatar for Jascoi
4 years ago
shit. my count probably a grand in nine years. lap dance count probably well north of 3k. wish i been keeping a journal.
avatar for jackslash
4 years ago
I was as pure as the driven snow before I started hanging out in strip clubs.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
What @gammanu said, P4P doesn't count. Just because you bought Dwight Gooden's championship ring on eBay doesn't mean you were on the 86 Mets.

That said, damn, I'm a piker next to some of you mongers. My P4P count is maybe 30 different women not counting LDKs.
avatar for goldmongerATL
4 years ago
About not remembering, it may be that the guy had not been in the club in 6 months. Maybe he comes to town once a year for a convention, etc. It was the only stripper score he had ever had, etc. and remembers her. I could see not remembering that guy. But I agree, a girl should remember a guy she notices is in the club every few weeks or even more frequently.

As for a guy going to VIP with many different girls, many of the girls I would consider a go-to girl for banging in VIP simple disappear. I might have got 2 VIP's, decided she would be a go-to girl but never see her again. Happens a lot.
avatar for herbtcat
4 years ago
Are we talking ONLY in the US? Or do we include "counts" from other countries as well?

...asking for a friend.
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
I think you do count P4P, because that is how many you have had sex with. Now "bragging" about it is a different story. If someone asked me that question, I might give them two different answers.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
Total count includes P4P. It’s the total number you’ve fucked. It’s not the number of women you’ve had a relationship with or the women you’ve made love to - it’s the number you’ve bumped uglies with...
avatar for rl27
4 years ago
If I heard a dancer ask me about my body count, I would asking her, "What do you think I am some sort of assassin or serial killer?" Not women I fucked.
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
Shit, I had 15 last year alone during the pandemic. My count prolly pushing 100. I was in a locked down relationship for 6 years and never cheated so my number stalled til 2019.
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
I'm not easy but I can be had on the first date.
avatar for mjx01
4 years ago
The comments about not remembering made me laugh. (Before covid...) I would constantly have dancers telling me they were happy to see me again even though I was certain that I've never seen them (in any capacity) before.
avatar for georgmicrodong
4 years ago
Even a decade ago, I would have been momentarily confused about the use of "body count" myself. But I've seen too many references to it in the context of sexual partners on FB and such in the past few years. I never noticed when it first started being used that way.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
I remember when I was a horny-teen and couldn’t get laid in a morgue, that I’d hear guys talk about their count and I’d be in awe and think along the lines of “man I wish that was me”.

I’ve been a bachelor my whole life (by choice); so starting in my late-teens (mostly out of high-school) thru my 30s, I was in various relationships and thus was able to increase my “non P4P #s” – I’ve never been too-good at getting women to sleep w/ me just to sleep w/ me, thus I had to be in relationships to consistently get some; but since for the most-part I was in relationships so I could get laid regularly, these often didn’t last too-long b/c once I got what I wanted I’d want someone else; thus I had a good # of short relationships vs a few longterm relationships and that is how I was able to get my non-P4P-#s (which I’m not sure what they are b/c it’s been a long-time and I’d have to start recalling).

If I include P4P then good chance it’s over 100 – I do extras but don’t really consider myself an “extras guy” in the sense that most (but not all) of my extras-encounters have been on the spur-of-the-moment in a SC-visit when things have aligned (I was very horny; was in the right club; and happened to meet the right dancer) – if I was the type of SCer that goes to clubs primarily for extras, then with all the clubbing I’ve done in my PL-career I’d probably would be in the 4-digits.
avatar for Cristobal
4 years ago
@jascoi (aka @mrwonderful) that is why you have my vote for the TUSCL Mount Rushmore.

I was officially mongering from August 2018 until October 2019 and in that time my body count was over 50 which includes p4p and civvies, it was a very memorable and fun time.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
I'd never heard of the term "body count" but I guess it's a suitable acronym (haven't really heard any other acronym).

I guess technically body-count means every type of encounter including P4P - as some have mentioned, growing up the body-count was kinda used as a way for guys to brag about how many women they've "conquered" and that is how I kinda would associate it and why at first-glance I would not include P4P - I kinda see civi-encounters different than P4P-enconuters although at some level they fall in the same category but at some level not IMO.
avatar for prevert
4 years ago
Until I surveyed the ex-cunt my “body count” was 1 she was my high school girlfriend and we got married after I left basic.

Then I wasted a year thinking the clubs in Louisville were lame until my stripper friend showed me different. So it’s up to about a dozen now.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
I kept an accurate count of women I had sex with (defined as unprotected intercourse and coming inside with other forms never counted) up to 1989 and quit at 117. I was 31. Added none since then and never counted protected sex, unprotected sex without coming inside, bj's, titty fucks hand jobs or anal. When I met wife I stopped, but if I counted her and women we've swung with, add maybe 50. Would never count paid sex, because its paid and that means nothing.
avatar for boomer79
4 years ago
As far as P4P I tend to stick with the same girls. In 2019 I probably met inside or out of the club about once a week but ultimately it was 2 girls. I guess I like familiarity and comfort even with strippers. Plus I really hate the negotiations and stuff on the front end. Honestly I’m 40 and all time I’m probably at about 25 both paid and not.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
I really never have this discussion with any girl, for a number of reasons. First because it certainly wouldn't help me with girls who I have to work to get OTC as they are not working in our local extras clubs for a reason. Second because even if one of my favorites was higher volume than I believed, she probably wouldn't tell me the truth about it anyway. Third, because it's not a particular fun topic. And fourth, bragging about how many chicks a guy has paid to screw comes across as a bit douchey/creepy.

I didn't even have this type of discussion when I was dating, especially in my early 30s, when I was sport fucking countless civvie women. Some things are just better left undiscussed.
avatar for Nidan111
4 years ago
Pre covid. P4P was approximately 56 per year FS. If we are counting BJs or HJs, then I don’t have a fucking clue. Non P4P is at 16. I prefer P4P.
avatar for ATACdawg
4 years ago
Personally, I kept track by putting notches in my "rifle" after each encounter.

Unfortunately, all that carving has reduced my "rifle" to a mere "derringer".

avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
No P4P.
I can still remember each.
Two I probably should have said no. Couple I wish I could redo with older me knowledge.
Got lucky with # seven.
avatar for JamesSD
4 years ago
I feel so prudish with my over 20 year total being below 100 but over 50.

In my slutty 20s I never brought up body count but I had fwbs who would broach the subject and I would be honest. Many were slightly shocked (these were girls who had taken 4 or 5 dicks inside them) but got a few "oh no wonder you're so good at it" comments.
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