TUSCL’rs and Mongers - How do you keep things on the down low?

My SO and family won’t approve of my activities. How do you guys counteract the “find my iPhone“ and location services on phones. I started switching it off when I would go to the club but then people have raised questions about it.
Way way to spoof that stuff? I need my phone for work and can’t leave it somewhere.
Way way to spoof that stuff? I need my phone for work and can’t leave it somewhere.
last commentIf SO questions explain it must be malfunctioning and you're unable to correct it
What's the difference with 99% of what people have to say if it waits a few hours? That's how shit worked for all of human history until companies convinced people that they needed to be net-connected 24/7.
Buying a second phone on the same cellular provider as your main phone. When you go clubbing, forward your main phone to the second and leave your main phone in a secure, but “innocent”, place.
I tried this once but it didn’t work because my burner phone isn’t on the same network as my main phone.
Of course you might be screwed if your SO shows up at your phone’s location and you’re not there.
Thank the gods, like skibum, I don't have to hide this shit.
Looks interesting, but I’m surprised Apple and Android even permits anything like this. But I suppose it might not work with features as tightly embedded with the OS as Find My Phone.
If you try it, let us know how it work.
Like many other posters on this thread, I’m glad I don’t have to worry about this stuff.
If you really feel the need to keep deceiving her just join a gym and and leave your phone in a locker there. Just make sure to get a good cardio workout that leaves you nice and sweaty while at the club to make it convincing.
We can't fight the government conventionally. But we can all smash our phones and computer hard drives and say, "Okay, what's next?" Easiest revolution ever, without firing a shot.
Say the following to your SO: “hey sweetie, Imma going out to rick around. I may be bringin’ a stripper back here at the end of the evening. We’ll probably want to do it turtlestyle in every room of the house. Ahh...yup.”
The “aah...yup” really helps. Try it some time. Aah...yup!
Seriously though your wife monitors the “find your iPhone” and knows where you are every moment of the day?
What if you traded in your iPhone for an Android phone?
Use the same functions to track HER, every fucking hour or more. Send her a text every time she leaves the house or goes somewhere she didn't tell you about 1st. Just tell her you love her and want to make sure she's safe, so you are SO DAMN GLAD you have these amazing tools to help you protect her from all the crazy, douche bags out there. Do that for a week and see how her opinion changes...
Probably better not show her your profile here though.
You don't have to turn off the Find My iPhone function. This will do it:
-Location Services
-Share My Location - Turn that fucker off!
As others have said, if you've already enabled sharing your location with SO and family, you've got bigger problems than just changing that privacy setting. Disabling sharing your location will be evident to others you've allowed sharing with, and it may even show up automatically in the text string of each person you've previously authorized sharing with.
I'm not familiar with the spoofing thing Gotta Be Damned pointed out, but as he said please let us know if it works.