
Comments by herbtcat (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    P4P in small towns… tips and techniques?
    If you live in a really small town... make sure she's not your cousin. :p Or not. No judging here. I agree with Ish; Seeking. You'll get a better chance to connect and have a better time if you look a few days before your tips. Seeking is not a hooker or a right-now hookup site (with exceptions). So developing 3 to 4 possible dates in advance will likely get you a better experience.
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    3 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    What’s the most you ever dropped on a vip/private experience itc
    One VIP? Maybe $700. But one SC visit - $1100. Worth it then (1990's), no way now. I don't know if it's bragging or complaining that I used to bring $1,000+ in cash to a club and had to hit an ATM to buy gas when I went home after. Yesterday, I went into a well-known extras club with $600 and left with $300 still in my pocket and about 2 ounces lighter in body weight.
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    3 years ago
    Onlyfans and other online platforms
    I have a theory that for the guys who like a dancer's OF page, they see some value in what I call "porn of the known." It's one thing to see a hot model doing hot sex in a porn video, even knowing that she is "just acting" and you are never likely to meet her in real life (IRL) - aka "porn of the unknown." But to see a hot dancer that you've met, spoken with and even danced with, there could be some interest in seeing her do things in pics and vids that you haven't, couldn't, or wouldn't do with her in the club. Perhaps for these fans the fantasy of porn of the known seems to put them one level closer to making that fantasy into reality?
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    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Why extras not escorts?
    @Player11 That club still exists - in Germany. Google "FKK in Germany" then book a flight and a hotel.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Why extras not escorts?
    The OP's premise is flawed. There is no rule or reason that says it has to be EITHER extras OR hookers. For me, it's both, PLUS Sugar Babies. Each path to pleasure has it's pros and cons. Each has a risk of being scammed, infected, or arrested. And each has the potential to be the best sex you've had this day/week/month/decade. If you're into her, talk to her and see where it goes. Just think with the BIG head first and make sure you are reasonably certain to get what you pay for. No one that works in a club, works as an escort, or looks for a sugar daddy will freak out when you ask them for sex.
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    3 years ago
    Is it possible to get extras at a Deja Vu
    Based on the VIP booth splooge stains I made on the carpet in 2007 at my local Deja Vu (which are sadly/happily still there today), I'd say yes it's possible. But there are many, many, many variables that need to align for it to happen. Local rules vary by city, along with local management team's willingness to allow extras. Of course each dancer has her own levels of what she will and wont do. This is true for every club, of course. Add to that the shift (day=more likely, night=less likely), the crowd size, the time of month/year (is rent due, does she need $$ for xmas) and your level of game, and anything CAN happen. I have been to Deja Vu's all across the US and my "conversion rate" has run from 0% to 65%. But in my local club, I've been able to get at least OTP HJ/LDK almost 80% of the times I want it. And I've had VIP's where the dancer just unzipped my pants and started riding me without even discussing it. I like those! So yes, it's possible - for me. The real question you need to ask is: "Is it possible FOR YOU?"
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sex doll not doing it for you anymore? try an ash tray.
    This! This is why no steroids! I'm talking about the ash tray, of course.
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    3 years ago
    Dedicating my life to finding out Eliza-icees stripperweb handle
    Big Dicks
    It's all relative... Were you fucking "Bridgette the Midget?" ...asking for a friend.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Dedicating my life to finding out Eliza-icees stripperweb handle
    Dirty Talk
    Just ask. Consent covers more than physical acts. I always ask her if she likes to "role play" and then if she likes dirty talk or something else. If she says yes - many do - I go for it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What Would You Tell Yourself About the Hobby?
    If I could only tell myself one thing: Do not let a stripper - no matter how sad her sob story is - stay at your place. Do not let a stripper - no matter how sad her sob story is - stay at your place. Do not let a stripper - no matter how sad her sob story is - stay at your place. Do not let a stripper - no matter how sad her sob story is - stay at your place. Do not let a stripper - no matter how sad her sob story is - stay at your place. Do not let a stripper - no matter how sad her sob story is - stay at your place. Do not let a stripper - no matter how sad her sob story is - stay at your place. Do not let a stripper - no matter how sad her sob story is - stay at your place.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Ron Jeremy
    Nope! Nope!! NOPE!! He's a troll. I've met him - sadly more than once - on a porn set in the San Fernando Valley. No, I was not in the movies being shot. Yes, I said movies, not videos, this was a while ago. The last time I saw him "on set," he had a very young looking girl with him and she looked high as fuck. He smelled like he's never seen a shower in his life. He leered at every woman on the set - BTW he was not cast for the movie - he was just there - and the director had to kick him out because he kept feeling up the women when they were off camera. At some point, around 2000-2004, most of the A- and B-level porn stars in the Valley had him at the top of their "Won't Shoot With" list. By that time he had worked a UTR deal with many of the agency scum bags (i.e.: World Modeling on Van Nuys Blvd.) to push new models to shoot their 1st scene with him. They pitched it as "Ron is FAMOUS! If you can get him to shoot with you, you've got it made with all the casting directors. This was bullshit, of course. But the agent usually had the new girls so fucked up on cocaine and 'ludes they had no idea what a bad idea that was. The last time I saw him was at the 2017 AVN show in Vegas. I think that was the year he was EXPELLED from the show and the Hard Rock Hotel for life for inappropriate touching of females. How fucking over-the-line do you have to go to get banned for non-consensual touching at a PORN SHOW? Well, now we know. Back in the earlier days of porn in the Valley - around the mid 80's, he was one of the primary guys caught fucking Traci Lords - who with the help of her mother - had entered the biz at 16 years old. It was a poorly kept secret in the local industry - until she got busted and the whole Valley porn business took a black eye. All her published porn videos (over 100 titles by then) instantly became illegal child porn. Ron Jeremy's comment to the Industry press at the time: "She was an amazing fuck. Who knew?" So, no. I do not want to be him. I hope he gets an unambiguously fair trail that results in the max sentence for every assault and rape (he's indicted on 34 counts) he's committed. You know what happens to pedo's in jail? The almost never get finish their sentence - an not in a good way.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Has anyone seriously considered owning and operating a strip club?
    I'll adapt this from another type of "dream job" perspective: How do you make $2 million dollars in the strip club business? Start with $20 million dollars... Seriously, I think there are way too many problems now to even think about it. Imaging trying to get a business license today for a strip club? Imagine trying to hire strippers from the 18-38 age group of "woke" and "me too" and OnlyFans population? Imaging trying to advertise your new strip club on billboards, TV, YouTube, IG, Snap, Facebook? Imagine convincing local men who just spent 18 months not working and not going to clubs to fork over $25 to get in, $20-$30 for a dance, $200-$500 for a VIP and do it 3 to 5 times a month? That could mean spending over $800-$2,500 a month in "disposable" cash they probably don't have. Imagine finding a way to get local LE to NOT plant UC's in your club, or to not just raid your place looking for drugs, prostitution, and underage staff? How much will that cost you? Imaging the dirty tactics your competition - some of which are "connected" - will do to sink your business? So sure, it's a fantasy we all may have had along the way - literally auditioning dozens of naked women for a job in your club, and willing to do a LOT to make sure you hire them. But it's a business. And most start up businesses fail in their 1st 2 years.
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    3 years ago
    Ughh - spinner had terrible B.O.
    I've encountered BO too many times. And I've jumped right into VIP too many times as well. The worst I ever saw was a MILF-ish spinner in Treasure's in Houston around 2012. She was tight, tanned and told me she wanted me to spend 30 minutes looking at the top of her head. I should have invited her to sit down for a chat 1st, but off we went to a booth. The BJ was amazing actually, but when I asked her I could "see" her ass for a while, she dropped her panties and I was overwhelmed by the smell. It was a mixture of Pike Place in Seattle meets NY subway pissed-on wall. I nearly puked. Paid for the dance, tipped her two Jackson's for the BBBJ, and bailed. Went back to my hotel and took a one-hour shower before polishing off all the scotch in the room fridge and going to sleep.
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    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Dancer Files Lawsuit Against Strip Clubs for Being Denied Work Because of Race
    The club owners are going to lose big for this. You can't claim that sex work should be normalized but then claim that the same rules that apply to every other business don't apply to yours. There are very few exceptions in the discrimination laws that allow hiring decisions to be based on race. Strip club dancers are not one of those exceptions. But the bigger reason they will lose is NOT because they apparently discriminated against black employees. The "too many black dancers" policy was really a "too many black customers" policy. And that will cost them even more. BTW: As many comments above demonstrate - the "too many black customers" policy is based on a false assumption that only black customers prefer, or even get dances from black dancers. So they implemented an insidious policy (presumably) based on their own prejudices against black people and it probably hurt their business more that it helped. So they are not only racist fucks, they are poor business fucks as well.
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    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    Is Couples Counseling a Trap?
    Why would I allow someone to charge me money so they can tell me I'm the asshole in the relationship. She will do that - continuously - for free! :p
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Free Legal Advice - Serious Question
    There are two absolute rules: 1. NO underage partners, and no underage play with people over 18 - ever. I don't care who she is, what country you are in, who will or won't know, whether she gave consent any any fashion, or any other qualifier. DON'T!!! 2. Always get explicit consent. In a VIP setting, even if she moves my hands somewhere, I will specifically ask before I do anything other than touch what's under my hand. The guiding principle we all must use: Never say or do anything that you wouldn't say or do in front of your mother or in court.
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    3 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Does color matter?
    I'm less reactive to color than I am to the outfit. Things that turn me on: - Sheer tops, fishnet, pink bits barely covered, clingy satin on a slim and toned body. And oddly enough, seeing her in her street clothes when she walks in or leaves the club. Things that don't work as well for me: - Patent leather anything, spikes, elaborate dresses that need time to take off, animal/cosplay/uniform outfits, and sadly seen too often - dirty clothes (what's with that?). Colors of outfits can vary as much as colors of strippers. All colors are good in my book. And if she takes the time to find a color palate that compliments her skin tone - it's a winner for me. If she feels sexy, I'll find her sexy.
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    3 years ago
    Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
    @goldmongerATL, "What's the code word for "In VIP while she was barebacking me cowgirl she leaned over and blew my father while he played with the dildo in her ass"?" In Los Angeles, that's called a Number 7. A Number 8 requires the addition of a midget, a donkey, and a gallon of mayonnaise. :p
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    3 years ago
    Lead Pilot, Co-Pilot, or the Wingman?
    I'm comfortable in each of those roles. Context may dictate which I take for any given visit to a club. And I'll add on more... Chief Pilot: Trains the new pilots and copilots how to fly without a crash & burn. And ALWAYS takes out the new models for a check ride before they are certified to join the fleet. Comes with a spiffy pair of PL pants (Black, thin moisture-wicking fabric best worn commando).
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    3 years ago
    So who has actually provided “mentorship?”
    I have successfully mentored several of my past and current SB's. Topics covered many areas like career development, bill paying & budgeting, time management, conflict resolution and sexual harassment at work, all the way to help selecting a school and classes. And like some above have mentioned, I have helped some with family, especially parent (and current boyfriend) relationships. I have also seen many SBs who have absolutely no interest in mentoring, even though they put it in their profiles. I'm totally cool with that, but those SB's tend to drift off sooner... I've never been asked to author a recommendation letter, but I might for those I deem worthy and if I was comfortable it wouldn't compromise my professional standing. Finally, I have introduced SOME SB's to a few network connections - again - as long as I felt the intro was legit and she could conduct herself professionally. As to financing specific costs? Yes, as part of her allowance. Every arrangement is different. Part of the magic of the Sugar Bowl is helping people who genuinely need/want it and who will appreciate Daddy's help in a very psychical manner, over and over again. :) And over and over again.... Finally, the worst outcomes for me happened when an SB mistook my kindness for weakness. Those ended quickly.
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    3 years ago
    VIP Money Shots?
    @8tm, Some of the clubs in my area best known for extras have stopped putting paper towel dispensers in the Men's room. They are replaced by air-dry devices, which supposedly cut down on trash/pollution. I can't help but wonder if management was also thinking it would make it that much more awkward for guys making the walk of shame to clean up. So either bring your own napkins/wipes, or use the TP or seat covers (if any) instead. OR pay the additional tip for CIMWS if available.
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    3 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Nevada Ranches
    Advice on Nevada Brothels (based on a visit around 2005): TLDR - Don't bother. Longer version- 1. The menu is for out of state noobs or suckers, or PL's who have no negotiation game. They price at outrageous levels because some married, church-going schmuck from Ohio won't question a $1,000 price for a 15-minute HJ. 2. The Line Up, room tour, and cheap bar are all about moving you QUICKLY to a room with a provider. The faster they can get to agree to a "party" the less time you have to work out you are paying orders-of-magnitude too much for way too little. 3. The "rules" are at best, a boner killer. Everything covered, service limited to what was "ordered", timer is set and enforced. The room is under video surveillance - for her safety. If you break a rule, or even try, you are out the door no refund. 4. The providers average about a 6-7 in looks made to prove that gravity works, and between 18 (rare!) and 55 (not as rare as you'd like) in age. In the line up, they dress in what was once probably sexy outfits, but now look like they almost survived 75 wash cycler after being purchased at Target in 1997. 5. The experience is, well, clinical. It starts with a mandatory "health check" by your provider, where she looks at your junk and checks for something bad (??). 6. She then starts the service with all the enthusiasm of a tree... a dead tree. The last time I tried this I was LUCKY to find a hot 19 yr old spinner. We agreed to BJ plus Cowgirl. Well her BJ was while still clothed and she sat by my side with her back to me while she went down. It was like trying to get hard looking at the back of your wart-nosed cousin's head. The cousin that always teased you for being a "lamewad." (Disclaimer: I have no such cousin. Example used for illustration purposes.) 7. After your session, you will be glad to cross this off your bucket list, because you sure as fuck will NEVER do that again! I mean you can have a more intense and satisfying experience by jacking off to the hot MILFish actress in the latest Hallmark Channel movie. and, 8. As implied by the OP, being drunk will only make it worse.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Question for Detroit Regulars re Paying for a Booth
    @EastCoaster... "Nestled." That's my second favorite word when I'm in a strip club. May favorite word is "moist."
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Any extras to be had in Omaha?
    Omaha is a pussy desert. Omaha clubs are almost useless. Your best option is to go across the river to Council Bluffs and try the Playhouse (https://tuscl.net/listing.php?id=3659). Very little chance of extras ITC here as well, beyond a bit of OTP stick shifting. BUT if you filter the dancers for drunk, hot, and cash-hungry, you can often order some take out to your hotel. No idea on prices post-COVID, last time I was there (around 2017) I negotiated two deliveries (to the Ameristar Hotel-Casino) for around $350-400 each. The club is BYOB, with a liquor store next door. So buy some decent hooch to attract the higher-end drinkers...
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    3 years ago
    The End of Day Shift?
    Not sure about Nor Cal clubs post-covid. But most LA Clubs have reopened in the last 4-8 weeks, starting with night shifts 4-5 days a week. Then they went back to full hours Day + Night 7 days/week soon after that.