
What’s the most you ever dropped on a vip/private experience itc

avatar for WavvyCain
Degenerate gambler and virgin

I know a lot of you guys are ballers. The most I’ve ever spent was 700 itc, I feel that’s a lot on one dancer, but I know many here have topped it. Was the price you paid worth it? Was the experience paying more any different than when you pay less? Honestly I’ve had better times with a 150 dollar Cuban.


last comment
avatar for Jascoi
3 yrs ago

for one girl? maybe 1400 for one hour. that was like 9 years ago. part of the learning curve. but she was HOT.

avatar for WavvyCain
3 yrs ago

@jascoi lmao holy shit! If she’s HOT then I can see why you would.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

And are these experiences built upon preliminary makeout sessions, before the commitment and negotiations are done for the full deal?


avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

$1,000. It was years ago when I was particularly flush with cash and I was simultaneously drunk and determined to find out if a hot strip club bartender had a breaking-point price.

Turns out ... it was $1,000.

I can't say it's the smartest money I ever spent, but I had a lot of fun.

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

One girl, one VIP session, maybe $400.

I'm a short-timer in the VIP. No matter how hot she is, I'll know what she's got after 15 minutes. I'd rather get a second 15-minute VIP with a new girl.

avatar for doctorevil
3 yrs ago

For one VIP? $580. But that was two girls. Room fee $70, $10 "go way" tip to waitress, $250 each to the girls. It was well worth it.

For one girl? About $400. Also well worth it.

avatar for motorhead
3 yrs ago

I won’t say - people wouldn’t believe me - so let’s just say a lot more than what’s been mentioned here. One of perks of being single. I can spend what I want without a wife hassling me

avatar for TheEckster
3 yrs ago


avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
3 yrs ago

Hahahahahahaha, a LOT. Highest that's been mentioned yet....by far. It was December 2005 or 2006, so I was 24 or 25, in Vegas. Had been drinking really hard non-stop since the Phoenix airport at 6am. Gambled, went to a club, and we ended up at a strip club (Scores?) around 3am. Still slamming beers and shots. Girl got me to go upstairs, tried to give me some extra attention but the booze made there there'd be none of that...

Next thing I know I'm getting woken up by a bouncer telling me to leave. I asked why, what'd I do? "Dude, it's 930am, bro."

Cabbed it to the hotel where my friends had been sleeping for hours. Took a nap, work up, started drinking and gambling again, and that night I got bumped in a club and spilled a drink down a Playboy playmate's shirt.

Got my ass kicked playing blackjack, the weekend ran me several thousand...the majority of which paid for me to sleep for four or five hours in a private upstairs room...

The most I ever spent for vip was like $200.

The most I ever spent in a night at a club is $5000 the night my favorite club reopened. I tipped everyone. Spent a lot on drinks. Made it rain on some girls I know.

Most I ever spent on 1 girl was $3000. It was a bday surprise for my girl/ex/whatever she is.

avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
3 yrs ago

I get the feeling your ∆ 5k was probably more fun than my 5k...

But I woke up refreshed..... eventually

It was fun. I don't do p4p i like the party aspect of yhe clubs. I wouldn't do it regularly. How did you spend 5k?

avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
3 yrs ago

@icee - passed out in a VIP room in Vegas for like five hours...about 15 years ago

avatar for Warrior15
3 yrs ago

More than I care to admit. This subject is why TUSCL has been so valuable to me.

avatar for shadowcat
3 yrs ago

Decline to state. I don't want to give desertscrub any fodder.

@elduderino yeah that sounds bad. Lol but it's a priceless memory. How many guys can claim that

avatar for CJKent_band
3 yrs ago

ITC FS rate at some of the clubs I visited in the 1990’s was $400 in a private room with a door you could lock 🔒 from the inside, although some of the rooms had security cameras for the “girls safety” I was told....

avatar for herbtcat
3 yrs ago

One VIP? Maybe $700. But one SC visit - $1100. Worth it then (1990's), no way now.

I don't know if it's bragging or complaining that I used to bring $1,000+ in cash to a club and had to hit an ATM to buy gas when I went home after.

Yesterday, I went into a well-known extras club with $600 and left with $300 still in my pocket and about 2 ounces lighter in body weight.

avatar for bang69
3 yrs ago

$800 well worth it.

avatar for rickdugan
3 yrs ago

$1,500 but that was a VERY long time ago. And no, it wasn't worth it, even with a very good blowjob provided by a stunningly hot girl. Back then that was a month's income for some people and I was kicking myself almost as soon as she swallowed the last drop. It was of course much earlier in my career and I was making a lot less back then, which didn't help.

Looking back, I consider this to be tuition. Compared to some I suppose that I should count myself lucky as at least I got something for the educational payment, but no single encounter is worth that much money. It was also the first of a few lessons of the dangers of bringing a credit card into the club. Lessons learned.

avatar for Rod84
3 yrs ago

$300 tops - the going rate at Tattletales. I've noticed VIP quality seldom correlates with fun/satisfaction. Best was Allure Pasco Cty $125, and Rhino COI $180. Both 15mins all-in with the hottest women I've ever known. Worst was $200+ at Follies with stripper who kept disappearing for cigarettes, bathroom break, condoms, you name it. Barely 10mins of uninspired dancing. Tuition paid, and never again.

Also agree Tetradon. 15mins is all ya need.

avatar for MackTruck
3 yrs ago

I dumped a huge load in da vip at da Bandaid club in Phoenix because it was way too fach for me and dey kicked me out for pissing in a huge toilet. I am a huge baller cuz dat load was full of nice big shit balls! I da baller fo sho

avatar for goldmongerATL
3 yrs ago

Eight Dollar, soldier boy!

Probably about $550 and got ROB. The most where I actually got what I wanted probably $450 total. I have been a guest where the host payed way more than that for me. Several grand for a big room situation where multiple guys were passing around multiple girls. Not really my thing but I was not paying.

Never look a gift whore in the mouth.

avatar for georgmicrodong
3 yrs ago

One VIP? About $300.

One night? Probably near $1,000. Multiple girls.

avatar for Uprightcitizen
3 yrs ago

Probably ~$1500 including the VIP room. One thing I have learned over the years is the experience does not improve in proportion to the amount spent above say $500-600

avatar for mike710
3 yrs ago

If you count spending a long time drinking with a single dancer it would be about $700. Just dances about $400, maybe $500

avatar for Jascoi
3 yrs ago

capitalize IF…I could move on from where we were …That fucking awesome girl at belax…. two years ago…. an easy top ten…I will in a name her… she’s been gone two years since the last time I encountered her….

avatar for Jascoi
3 yrs ago

first letter A….

avatar for Jascoi
3 yrs ago


avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

I’m not an “extras/VIP” PL per se; meaning I rarely go in the clubs w/ that specific-mission in mind although a minority times I do; thus I don’t feel as big an urge to spend more than what I’m comfortable spending b/c “I gotta have VIP/extras” from her - most of my VIP/extras encounters are spur-of-the-moment w/ a particular dancer that really revved me up w/ her dances and I was particularly feeling-her and thus wanted more vs b/c I was looking for extras to begin with.

I don’t think I’ve paid more than $300 for a VIP experience – this is b/c:

a) I like variety and getting w/ as many dancers as I find attractive in the club; doing VIP/extras means all/almost-all my $$$ is spent on just one girl which is not my default M.O.

b) I have a niche taste in dancers – I don’t go for the “typical hot girl” the avg guy/SCer wants – these “hotter” more-in-the-demand girls can often attract premium prices and can often hold out for those premium prices; but since these girls are usually not my type I don’t get in those situations of dealing w/ a “premium dancer” per se

c) I usually find my niche of dancers in the dive-clubs which are usually “price competitive”

d) to me – frankly - covered-sex (condom) does not feel like real-sex to me thus I don’t get into those “I’ll pay what I have-to to fuck that girl” situations since covered-sex for me mainly falls under better-than-nothing vs “wow I can’t get enough of that”

Thus I’ve rarely gotten into situations of paying a lot for a VIP/extras session – but given my proclivity for variety; I’ve def had some binge SC visits w/ the most I’ve spent in a visit was $900 mostly getting $25 good-mileage LDs in a SoFlo SC – this was maybe circa 2015 at the peak of my SCing – I had been SCing in ATL for a couple of days and had a great time – came back home and was on a high and didn’t want the party to stop so the same day I got back I hit a club that night and kept bingeing.

avatar for Jascoi
3 yrs ago


avatar for dirtyburt
3 yrs ago

Most VIP’s are about $300. Goes up,to $500 with ATF ( all ITC ). With current ATF, OTC is $1000 per night and $800 for second night in a row. 6-8 hours average OTC.

avatar for alldaylong
3 yrs ago
  1. It was a celebration. Already knew I was gonna spend it w the ATF and wouldn't call it a waste but wouldn't do it again either. 1k unplanned, which was 400 more than I came in with, and 400 more than it was worth.
avatar for Jascoi
3 yrs ago


avatar for Jascoi
3 yrs ago

R... belax three years ago. almost $700. awesome girl!

avatar for Hannathedog79
3 yrs ago

In Phoenix, went upstairs with a dancer. $250 for 20 minutes. She got naked, got into my pants a little and let me touch the kitty a couple of times. Same club the next year, I saw her as I was leaving. Told her I'd be back next day if she was working. She said she'd be there. 5 o'clock, we met at front door. She made the arrangements, $450 for 30 minutes of pure porn star experience in a small vip room. Yep, it was pricy, but she was hot and very enthusiastic. Realized that Chris Rock was wrong about the Champagne Room. Best strip club experience ever! Grand total $700 for 2 separate meetings with the same dancer. It was around 2015-16 or 2016-17, can't remember the exact year. Never come close to anything like that since.

avatar for Player11
3 yrs ago

Vip CFS experience w 20 yo blonde dancer in yellow bik - $300 plus $100 tip - bbbj foreplay then covered fuk on couch in vip. Got me off real good. I shot and shot she even examined condom smiling saying “wow u got off a load - just throw the used rubber behind couch for cleaning people.” Saw her every week for awhile $300 in vip CFS. She would not do otc but was all in itc cfs. Fuked her a lot of times one of best.

avatar for drewcareypnw
3 yrs ago

Probably $200 on one LDA session, but maybe $500 in a night.

avatar for Estafador
3 yrs ago

Does non sex count or at least a BJ (covered)? If so, then $150 max. That included the dances of course.

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