Does color matter?

Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
I am genuinely curious because I'm sure, at least on a subconscious level, it does.
And I am talking about actual colors of dancer attire, not some political bs.
From my experiences, my clientele tends to like red. You also can't go wrong with black. I wear pink sometimes as well. Those are my top 3 colors.
I don't think the crazy neon colors are very sexy.
last commentI think color matters. Even if a customer doesn’t seek out dancers based on their enjoyment of certain colors, I think there is a subconscious attraction to specific colors.
In terms of dancing, I think there can also be a need to stand out, since there may be other dancers sharing the stage (in certain clubs). I think that’s why some wear those neon colors. An average looking dancer with big tits in a pink neon bikini might catch the eye of a monger easier - than a beauty in classic black lingerie.
I think color matters as a starting point - to catch a customers eye. After that, it’s not doing much, as then it’s whether you vibe/connect with the customer and how you sell dances.
Maybe there’s more to it?
Well red makes this bull charge 😁
I think it depends on the dancer. Some dancers look better in certain colors (and types of outfits), and that will help grab my attention.
There's also the customer's taste. I don't think I have a favorite color, but some guys have a color fetish that will help them make decisions.
It helps if the color choices complement the presence a dancer is looking to achieve. My own preference are colors that don't distract.
Whatever color Nina is wearing or not wearing is what attracts me to her
You can't go wrong with red and black. I'm a big fan of light blue and turquoise as well, but they probably don't pop as much in the club.
1 Dancer physical appearance 2 Dancer personality 3 Dancer outfit . . . 456 Outfit color
PS - if the approach includes a stripper handshake and she’s passably attractive, that vaults to 1. It’s reliably simple to grab my attention.
I get turned on when I get to see pink. I don't care about the color of the outfit.
I’m guessing Nina could wear any color and look great. That said, I actually like the neon stuff. I might be in the minority on that, I realize.
It’s specific to the dancer, both their physical appearance and their personality. Some dancers will change outfits mid shift if they aren’t getting the reaction they want. That’s not a bad strategy.
When I think back on my favorite dancers over the past 2 decades or so, I'm hard pressed to recall the color of the outfit they were wearing. OK, I recall a buxom French Canadian blonde wearing a buttoned navy blue blouse with silver/gray pinstripes. The thing I most recall was she wasn't wearing any panties underneath the blouse, and her buxom cleavage was very visible. Hth...
I think color matters. I don't have much fashion sense, but I know some dancers really stand out.
I like white. I makes them appear pure and innocent. :)
Interesting that no one has mentioned white outfits. In a dark club, that makes the dancer stand out. It also accents all the dancers features so, the better the body, the more effective it is.
To me, no. Consciously, it matters very, very little. Unconsciously, probably slightly more but still not a whole lot. Now, if you "feel" prettier in pink and it affects your mood & demeanor it might make a substantial difference.
From an outfit perspective, for me, less is more. If the little bit that's there calls attention to your best parts it might help. If it looks like you're not gonna want to take any of it off in the back, it'll hurt. If it looks like you're trying to cover something up, it'll hurt. I've never thought to myself "ohh her outfit is so sexy, I want a dance" but I have thought "humm, that thing looks complicated I bet she keeps it on for dances" and moved on.
For me, black works with any coloring.
Blonde: Blue or orange Brown: Green or orange and some yellows Black: Red or White Red: Green or white
Also, a West Indian (Trinidad) dancer that I have recently gotten dances from looks absolutely smashing in slightly off-white lingerie!
Like Jimmy said it’s waaay down the list. But for fun let me try to dive into it though.
Pink. I think when I see a busty girl in pink, there’s something subconscious going on with me, I just want have sex, procreate, mate all that instinctual shit.
Red I always felt was overrated. It’s supposed to be this color of seduction. To me it of reminds me of blood, it’s a violent color. Wait is she bleeding? Oh that’s just lipstick. Trying to figure out whether to apply tourniquet or not mentally does help me get excited.
Highlight colors. Hey I’m always feeling like going crazy. Blue lipstick, highlight green lingerie fuck it I’m down, I can get with that groove. I’m into the “I’m from the future or planet Xenon or I do alot of acid” type look
Beige. I think this is just always a sort of boring color no matter who it’s on.
Black. I’m not sure I’m into full on Goth, Emo 🖤 girl. (I probably still would be) but I think black just always can work. I also think that for myself.
White. The way strippers spill drinks I don’t know if it’s a great idea. But white lingerie could be really sexy. And it’s convenient to have when PLs propose if you wanted to get right to it. Luxurious type vibe.
Yellow. Sort of makes me think like Daisy, girls next door sort of thing.
My favorite color is nekked :oD .
Long-time dancers generally seem to come to the club with a big duffle bag stuffed with different outfits. They can change into a variety of outfits for customers who makes it worth their while.
If I had to pick one color, I'd go with dark red, looks good with any skin tone. Red is outgoing. Customers generally want an outgoing dancer, someone who can be friendly and relaxed with people she doesn't know well.
I like strippers who express who they are with outfits, tats, song choices, dancing, hair, makeup. Most of the more interesting people I've met have been strippers. I like strippers who let me know them as much as possible, in the short amount of time I can afford to spend with them.
Strippers who are crazy neon on the inside are fun as fuck, and they should definitely wear crazy neon on the outside.
All that being said a hot girl can do no wrong color wise IMO.
I'm partial towards a tiny pink top edged with blue.
That unhooks easily 😉
Basic white has always been my favorite. But any solid color works.
Different people look good in different colors. Its the same for men, but people pay more attention to it with women.
The standard for many decades:
There is some practicality to consider if mileage and extras are involved. This includes clubs where it is tolerated or even expected. It makes more of a difference if the club or area of the club is dark. With bright neon and light costumes it is easier for others to tell what you might be doing. I have had a couple of dancers tell me they wore dark colors so it was harder for people to tell what my hands might be doing. One also advised I wear brown, gray or black shorts so it was hard to see that she had my dick out.
^Never thought of that. Lol.
In our local bikini bars, white tee-shirt are always much loved, because of the low light.
I really don't care what color a dancer wears. Although I think white or black is sexy.
But a color can definitely get a dancer noticed. Wear something that makes you stand out from other dancers.
It's never been a deal breaker to me. A hot stripper is a hot stripper. Same goes for not-so-hot.
That said, I'm partial to white. And a neon string bikini always looks great in dark light.
When selecting a VIP dancer, I always go with someone with an easy access costume. If there are lots of buttons and straps, it’s a clear signal where the line will be drawn.
There were a couple clubs where dancers wore men’s dress shirts, open in front. Lots of privacy for roaming hands.
Those are good observations mark. Not sure if that was the kind of stuff Nina was asking about.
For me:
... generally speaking. Bright neon is turn off, which only a fine ass can negate.
^^^^^^^ Shows that it is much more complicated than that:
And mostly a picture book. See it, then you will understand and see it in the women.
This should be enough to convince:
^^^^ It really comes down to the skin tones, the under tones. But died hair and makeup should follow that, not try to alter it.
Most women do have a good sense of what colors they look good in. So in total civvie situations you can usually open them with a complement on the color they are wearing. Far better than talking about how tight their pants are or how much cleavage they are showing.
The color complement will usually open her right up, certainly enough to get a telephone number, but maybe more.
But don't do stuff like that if it is a totally civvie work place and she is on the job. Have to be very careful there.
I like black. That is my fave color
Action Uniforms, don't need to be taken off
If I remember correctly, I think Nina said she was mixed race. That makes for a gorgeous skin tone and there probably isn’t a color that wouldn’t look good.
I think it also depends a lot on a club’s lighting. For instance, black would look sexier in a club where one can see a bit. But there are caves one can see in better than some clubs and I like the brighter colors on a gal so I can see where the fuck she is.
I'm less reactive to color than I am to the outfit.
Things that turn me on:
Things that don't work as well for me:
Colors of outfits can vary as much as colors of strippers. All colors are good in my book. And if she takes the time to find a color palate that compliments her skin tone - it's a winner for me. If she feels sexy, I'll find her sexy.
Beyond the dancer's physical appearance the STYLE of the outfit is more important. Does it accent the dancer's attractiveness? Or detract from it?
Colors are secondary but should favorably highlight their skin tone. The total effect should make them stand out from the rest.
I like black or white, red on some dancers. Brown or green usually don't work well BUT I've known a few dancers who made those work for them.
Pretty face; slim body. The rest is meaningless.
Study appears to show that men show increased sexual interest in women wearing red:
I wouldn't take anything from Psycholgy Today too seriously.
Slender/pretty/smart, only things I care about.
In general I’m a fan of color season analysis. Here is a good explanation:
The main times I’ve been complimented on an outfit was when I was wearing something properly in “season” with my skin tone, and combined with a couple of other stuff it was really flattering, so I believe color does matter. I’m a deep winter so I try to select for stuff that fit that.
With the club lighting, I’m not too sure if it “shifts” one’s color palette in any way, though part of me is curious. 🤔 Some clubs go more heavy on the red colors and or blue colors than others with its lighting. But for me personally I’d only worry about that if said club is something like Sapphire Vegas or anywhere else you’re against a ridiculous number of other aggressive dancers.
TLDR, but in case nobody mentioned it, the color green matters the most to all parties involved; dancers and PLs. If you got the green then it doesn’t matter what color the dancers are wearing, because if she looks hot when the outfit comes off she will be getting that green.
"Study appears to show that men show increased sexual interest in women wearing red:"
I've heard that, and that is what prompted me to start the thread (and I was high). I think I do well in red.
Once saw a dancer post a pic and she had her white bottoms on the counter and you could see a shit stain so I’m definitely into black.
Color doesn't matter to me. Scantily clad in any color is great. I'm looking at the face and the bod accentuated by the flattering outfit (color irrelevant to me).
But apparently there is subconscious proof of color having an impact even if I think it doesn't matter to me. Few years ago, my CF at the time had 2 new identical outfits, 1 black and 1 light purple. She looked fantastic in both and I preferred the purple, which popped in the club lights. One night she wore the black and I said oh you look great in that and even better in the purple. She responded that she never wears the purple anymore because she never sold anything while wearing it.
I don't care about color as long as she is wearing some sexy brown leather chaps with a tied up flannel shirt
Brown like good brown gravy.
As long as I can sop her up with a biscuit and lick her off of my fingers 👅
You wrote and I quote:
"Study appears to show that men show increased sexual interest in women wearing red:"
If she wears red like this, of course...
Colors don't matter much to me. The woman makes them sexy
Dancers don't really wear this bit on girls in general I go crazy for beige lingerie on tan or olive skin.
Red and black are two colors that usually look good w.r.t. stripper outfits.
I assume there may be a science to it which includes the person’s skin-tone; the lighting in the room; the fabric-type; etc – if color has any effect it’s likely mostly subconscious as it’s not something that is often mentioned on reviews.
If I had to choose I guess red and black would be up there in preference, and pink is always a nice feminine/sexy color - for w/e reason white outfits or white 2-piece-bikinis don’t do much for me – I do like the neon 2-piece-biknis especially on a dark-tanned or ebony-dancer – I recall once seeing a dark-skinned slim-fit AA-dancer with a tiny neon-yellow 2-piece bikini and I thought it looked sexy AF – I rarely pay much attention to the outfit but that dark-skinned ebony in that tiny yellow-neon 2-piece made an impression on me w.r.t. the sexy contrast of her dark-skin and that bright neon-yellow outfit – I think bright-yellow on ebony-women looks sexy and I like the contrast of the dark-skin and the bright-yellow even on sexy civilian ebonies.
I love all the choices that are available. certainly some look better than others but it depends on so many different factors…
Outfits? We don’t need no stinking outfits!
that IS the best outfit.