The End of Day Shift?
I was recently in San Francisco. No day shift. Especially one club’s day shit I liked Gold Club nope 6pm. As I read more and more reviews in the LA area it seems like more and more clubs are doing away with their dayshifts post CoVid. To me I honestly can’t see why it didn’t happen sooner, most dayshifts I’ve been to have been so dead that I don’t even understand how the economics work. Have you been seeing less dayshifts out there?
I hope Gold Club Centerfolds in Rancho Cordova doesn't follow suit when they reopen in a week. Their day shift was way better than night shift IMO.
I think the real winners might be the dayshifts that stick out and then they become the only option in town if this trend seems true.
synn coi seems kinda normal. open every day with day shift ( if i’m reading the roll call correctly…)
srcoi is weird. open four days at 8 pm?
i don’t get it.
In some clubs the day shift is where there are no rules, and LE remains real tough, and it is just about impossible to open new clubs. So I think owners want to take no risks. The location is worth more than its daily take.
How to replace strip clubs with cooler venues:…
sjg, are you talking about SF? There is no LE presence in SF clubs to enforce prostitution laws, at least as of a couple of years ago. Never has been. It's not an LE priority, and a string of DAs have consistently said they're not interested in prosecuting. To the extent there's risks, I'd guess it's dancer lawsuits, though not sure that's ever been made an issue in any dance lawsuit. The alcohol clubs don't allow extras because they're worried about their liquor license, not law enforcement
Terence Hallinan was the SF DA in the 90's who took a totally hands off attitude towards Strip Clubs and AMPS. He took a harm reduction approach, seeing that the indoor venues were safer.…
But there have been other DA's since, and then Mayor Gavin Newsome led an AMP raid, entering ahead of the police, of an unprecedented scale. People on Red Book would for years later refer to it as Black Friday. ( no, back then he wasn't using a COVID mask as a prop. )
If there is no LE there, then every no alcohol club could be just like the 90's Market St. Cinema, what some have referred to as "off the hook" or "orgy club".
As I have seen, the day shift is where the rules start to vanish. Management just does not have much of a whip to crack, as it is no big privilege to work there. So they have to let the women do it there way, otherwise they won't show up.
So why wouldn't all of the no alcohol clubs become just like Tijuana? It will be the most extreme girls who rule. Like in our one underground club which went to FR FS.
Are the rules and limits in the SF clubs, especially the front room rules, just ways of extracting more money for the house?
If the women run it, then the most aggressive will be in charge, and they won't follow any rules.
On Xotispot for Portland, most of the dives had a day shift with one dancer per shift. That is not a strip club. But if there is no LE, then go for it.
And we read about this Cabaret Club in Scottsdale. Sounds like if you walk in there on the day shift, what you are most likely to see is a blond girl in a front room makeout session, until she takes that guy into the back room to finish up. Now maybe this is all the doings of just one girl, being seen by lots of people, and doing this all day long. But in the most "off the hook" metros it seems to be like that on the day shift.
Is the SF operator just imposing arbitrary restrictions and controls and just writing of a day shift which could still help pay the rent?
Rolling Stones…
Is it like this now in San Francisco?
What is restricting it?
But at most places it only gets real loose, the women taking over, on the day shift.
Yes, they are collecting money, quit a lot of it. But otherwise it is like an orgy, and the floor does get sticky.
How much different really is this from a Creepy Republican Marrieds Swingers Club?
All the boss has to do is turn his back.
People have posted about real aggressive make it happen girls in Atlanta, toilet stall, whatever.
So is San Francisco like this now? What is stopping it?
Went on for a long time in the South Bay underground. Finally it was the guys who were bringing their own condoms, the Sherriff's Deputies, for the investigation.
Also, why do you need to know anything about the club or the city? A guy who couldn't get internet access for an entire year when the public library closed isn't going to figure out how to get to the east coast without it turning into a hostage crisis.
I think there's two things here. 1. You're mis-remembering what MSC was like, 2. every remaining non-alcohol club is an extras club, to some extent or other.
Start off with #1, MSC. The reason no one wants to go down MSC's route is that the place went out of business, badly. Back around 2000, most PLs were divided between being MBOT guys, CH guys, and MSC guys. MSC was known for the cheapest extras and less pretty girls, $60-$80 FS. But a girl who was a 6 or 7 could go to CH and get $150 for a handjob; the 8s and up could go to MBOT and get $300+ for FS. By a few years later, MSC was filled with the least attractive girls, often crack whores -- and VERY often, there was a small group of pimps sitting in the corner watching their girls. PLs stopped going, the place went into a downward spiral, and that was that. In short -- no one who owns a strip club wants to end up like MSC in a race to the bottom. Yes, the place was amazing for a while, but once you stop being able to get attractive dancers, there's only one place it's going.
On to #2, I am somewhat out of touch with the scene these days but at least as of a couple of years ago, every non-alcohol club was an extras club, to some extent or other. Keep in mind all but two of those clubs are DJV owned... even with absolutely not police pressure, DJV has to worry about constant dancer lawsuits, and they also have corporate assets at stake. As a result, the DJV clubs, extras are available, just a bit more on the downlow. Or sometimes not on the downlow -- Centerfold's availability of extras basically changed every time there was a management change. MBOT was always openly extras, just at a super high price -- completely totally in the open, just as your theory holds. CH has always been "limited extras", for reasons known only to the owner, although I have some guesses. With MBOT out of business, that leaves the rest of the clubs, plenty of extras available.