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Comments by 2335vent

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14 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Sugar daddys piss me off...
I agree with SC . More that it elevates the expectations. If you're not doing a VIP you're "cheap". The tales of spending ( $ 500 cash as a birthday present) and $1000 in VIP for someone she saw one weekend 6 months ago is difficult to compete with. Good for the girls bS for the customer.
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14 years ago
avatar for dodgeman
Wondering how to treat guy moving in on dancer that I'm working on.
Interesting thread. Happened to me a few months ago. Latest ATF is with me on the dance floor going to the "reserved section" and a guy comes up and she tells him she'll get to him when she's done with me.We go up and We're just talking in prep for some laps when he comes up grabs her arm and says he'll bring her right back. Takes her to the VIP for 1 1/2 hrs. Waited 45 min and left pissed. She emailed me the following day very sorry and promised she'd make it up to me the next time I came in and she did! Bottom line:Very rude behavior and you may be "their favorite" but they're there to make money. Get over it. Not worth fighting over it. Let her make it up to you next time . You'll end up ahead
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15 years ago
avatar for steve229
How long do you wait?
I agree with gk. Having been on both sides of the regular fence I will ask for a dance and if its someone I know I'll wait 30-45 min(there are other things to do). If its someone I don't know but asked and they go sit with a regular: 10 min. I never understood that if you have people waiting to dance with you why you won't "move your regular along"i.e. "Lets dance now I've got someone waiting." It can be done nicely and the new guy may be someone with money/potential new regular.
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15 years ago
avatar for 2335vent
Thanks for the help just curious how of ten it happened top others. Clubber I agree and have always been supportive of her making money. It was just strange since I had told her we'd dance again just before the other guy showed up. Steve Never was in a funk. Just tipped some of the girls on stage talked to a couple of waitresses then left. All others. I would never get in a fight or verbal confrontation. Too old. Lifes too short. I've had multiple ATFs over the last 10 years(is it still an ATF?) I get to know someone over a few months (usually pick the most attractive girl and has to have a personality/brains) and visit several clubs at home and at my second home so may be two ATFs at a time at different clubs. Usually get preferential treatment but understand its a business. Maybe I need to lower my standards? Ah no. Interesting she emailed me an apology today saying she thought the guy only wanted 1 dance but ended up with her for 1 1/2hrs in the VIP and was sorry she couldn't get back to me. She apparently had talked to him early but then was busy with another custie then me and he'd waited about 1 1/2 hrs for her!! Anyway thanks again always enjoy the banter but usually not an active party.
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16 years ago
avatar for curiousgeorgefun
"jack point" in Tampa?
Tanga closed for about 5 years. Mons has beautiful women but small place all in open. Don't expect any conversation. Ybor Strip still my favorite but fewer 8s and 9s. More like old time clubs. Private booths $10 and they'll sit and talk. Good luck.
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16 years ago
avatar for ElOtroGordo
Florida trip
If you like a cramped space with exceptionally beautiful women but no privacy and little conversation go to the Mons. If you want more of a GFE with conversation and privacy but girls range 6-9, go to Ybor Strip. They have people watching the lots and if your concerned about the neighborhood use the tollway $1.75 and get off/on on 39th street and your two blocks away as opposed to 275 in which the neigborhoods are worst. Could do both. Let us know how it went.
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16 years ago
avatar for turtle77
I asked how often a guy gets off...
I'll relate a story told to me by a ATF. She's in the back talking to one of the younger naive strippers and this topic comes up. Stripper 1 "I've never had a man orgasm when I've danced for them." S2 Are you sure?? Stripper 1 "Positive" S2 Have you ever had a man stop you in mid dance, tip you $20, pull his shirt out and leave in a hurry??" S1 OMG !!
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17 years ago
avatar for emmy7
no longer customer, beyond
Interesting post but kind of hard its actually from a woman but here goes. He's not paying for it so I don't you should equate with OTC paid experiences. It sounds like he has feelings for you and you for him although you won't admit it. I would just enjoy and at some point you may be able to express your feelings for him. To quote a text to my ATF " I have purposely not tried to anticipate or plan what's going to happen or not but instead just enjoy it and revel in the beauty and charms of the woman I'm with wherever it leads. DON'T OVERANALYZE" Good luck
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17 years ago
avatar for pecker
Clearwater/Tampa Florida Clubs
Don't bother with Clearwater. I don't know the New Port Richey area that well but have frequented the clubs in Tampa. I would agree with the others assessment. 1) Mons Venus usually the best looking women in town(I was a little disappointed the last time I was there though.) $20 cover. Small wide open place i.e. no private rooms. Not much chatting. Just do you wanna dance?? Go after 10pm. No booze no parking(Go around the corner North or park in the car wash.Everyone should go here once 2) 2001 Across the street from the Mons. Private rooms and VIP. Girls not as stunning. Usually a coupon in Nightmoves magazine for admit free with drink.(NM Mag found in adult video stores or inside the Mons.) Some will talk to you 3) Ybor Strip. My favorite. People very nice. Rare 10 mostly 6-9s. Girls will come up and talk to you. Admission coupon on line for $5 off. Major issue is $10 room fee and come on to buy drink $5 for her.Also bad part of town but security in parking lot. I just like the people.Waittress, bartender etc all friendly. Thurs, Fri, Sat night the best selection of women esp Fri Katherine and Hailey both worthwhile but they do have some untested new talent. Good luck. Email me for other ??
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17 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
They are just tits!
I like them. They are mostly just fatty tissue with milk ducts but somehow they have stimulated our interest for years. I think mostly this is due to fact that they can be a major source of sexual arousal in a number of women. We won't even get into the Oedipal(sp?)) thing from a Freudian standpoint. I'm not a fan of implants and a small set can be as beautiful as a large. Just keep them coming!!
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17 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Tatoos: Art or Grafetti?
I think less is better. I just don't think they're attractive and to see beautiful women getting them leaves me in wonder. Having said that they are becoming more popular and older women/more middle class women are getting tats than 20 years ago.
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18 years ago
avatar for DougS
How Much Does A Stripper Make?
I think no one has mentioned the payouts that strippers have to clubs. My new ATF and I discussed this the other night that it costs $50 to the dancer to work in the club each night with other fees $30 for some other surcharge and tipping waitresses, DJs etc. I think it comes out to over $100 in fees before they start making money. Having said all this I think the average girl is making $200-$300 a night take home. Look at stripperweb.com and $1000 a night is considered a benchmark. There are so many variables though city, nude/bikini etc., VIP, looks and most important cost of dances.
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18 years ago
avatar for chitownlawyer
Loosening the shackles
I understand the situation very well. Over the last 5 yrs I've frequented a particular club in Tampa and began having ATF after ATF(natural attrition due to the job). After the third in a line left 1 1/2 years ago I've taken a different approach.I usually have 1 I spend more time with but spread the wealth. Some of the other dancers have reported to N that I had a dance with G while N was off one night. N told me about it but didn't really care. I figure if I'm the only person they danced with that night she'd have a leg to stand on. They have other customers I have other dancer. Another option is to work both the day shift and the night shift. It's worse than high school, its about money. Good luck
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19 years ago
avatar for FONDL
The end of an era?
Back to original subject. Have had several ATF's over the last 6 years at different clubs. Met my lastest in Feb. and spent time with her 3-4 times a month for the next 4 months. Had her cell number and exchanged calls but never ended up meeting OTC. She recently graduated college and has taken a job in the real world. Received a call last month that she was now "in a relationship" and her life has changed dramatically. That was a month ago and I just can't shake it. I have been back to her club(she's gone) and others but its just not the same. She was a true GFE experience and anything less seems just not worth it. I even had a new woman at another club give me her cellnumber but the spark is gone. I agree that maybe I need to just give it up for a while vs. forever. I didn't have much trouble getting over the others but this was different.
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19 years ago
avatar for tropicalH2O
How many of you have degrees?
I can tell TH20 that you have a great deal of time on your hands with your frequent postings. Always fun to look forward to what you are going to say. Back to the question. Let's just say I'm in the same line of work as you but a "little higher up on the food chain."
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19 years ago
avatar for Jpac73
How would you handle this situation
I think you pay for the one dance and move on. To tip her less may make you a marked man if this is a club you are planning on going back to again. I usually like o spend the time up front to see if this might be something worthwhile with a drink and conversation. If I'm not having a good time I'll stop her, pay her and move on. Once or twice I've even stopped them in mid dance. Consider it an investment in finding someone worth the bigger bucks. Oh by the way if the first dance sucks its unlikely the 2nd-6th ones will be any better.
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19 years ago
avatar for tropicalH2O
Big dicks or big pussies?
Interesting question from TH20. A little more base than her usual posts. Anyway there are surgeries available now to decrease the size of the extenal labia as well as so called vaginal enhancements to tighten the vault if a woman is to" loose." So there are options for women similar to men to change whatever you started with. See Webmd.com "labia" for a layman's desription and an interesting sidenote on the history of genital piercings. To me size doesn't matter(isn't that what most men say). Keep posting TH20.
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19 years ago
avatar for tropicalH2O
How many of you have degrees?
To TH20. Have to admit never heard of merkin before. How do they stay on and is it best to have "the carpet match the drapes." Maybe your other post about size of p and d should have been merkins and gherkins? I think you can guess my speciality by my nickname. If not email me and/or if you need any suggestions/help on your papers in the future glad to be of assistance.
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19 years ago
avatar for tropicalH2O
Truely strange experiences in a club.
TH20. I would have called the person nuclear blast or nuclear explosion. There is no doubt a number of us led very sheltered lives. One odd story relates to an experience many years ago in Dallas. We stopped one time after a basketball game for a beer in the neighborhood where we played. The "bar" was really a strip club and one of my friends who was a church deacon was with us and started talking to the "waitress" who then had to go up on stage. He left very embarrassed. Next week he's working in the ER when the EMT's bring in this girl for passing out.(You could always tell the dancers in that it was 100 out and they'd have a blanket on.) Anyway she jumps off the cart with only a bikini bottom, gives him a big hug and goes" Dr. H its so good to see you again". The whole ER crew cracked up. The other experience involved the manager at my favorite club asking me to look at a boil on a dancer's ass to see what she should do about it. The words you never want to hear in a strip club. "Does this look infected to you?" Its not the way to begin the night.
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19 years ago
avatar for tropicalH2O
How many of you have degrees?
TH20 Close to correct. Pulmonologist is the term. It sounds like it was epi if you're talking about an injection with a rapid response. I am more "mainstream" but do have an interest in complementary med. My sister-in -law with a nursing PHD was on the editorial board of a compl med publication for several years.
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19 years ago
avatar for tropicalH2O
World events, business, etc.
Interesting topic. A few thoughts. 1) Unfortunately smoking is still our number 1 risk factor for health in the US. It has such a wide range of effects emphysema, coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease and cancer(lung,laryngeal,gastric,bladder etc.) and continues to have these effects for such a long time that it will not soon be replaced. 2) Obesity is a national issue especially in our children. With the advent of the computer age(internet to gameboy) the average child is spending infinitely more time on line etc than the children of 20 years ago. We have to adjust society's attitudes back to a more reasonable compromise.Regular exercise and dietary adjustments(stop supersizing) are the keys. With exercise you decrease your risk for arteriosclerotic disease, improve your conditioning and generate endorphins to get you out of that depression. 3) We are the US and you will not see rationing of health care. The health care costs are astronomical because we as Americans accept and demand the best!! If the physician denies you this he is more prone to be sued. There are already some financial disincentives in some insurance plans for smokers, morbidly obese patients stc. but I don't think it will ever get to the point of denying care. 4)On average 25% of your lifetime health care costs will be spent during your last 3 months of life. We're also living longer but if your mother wants everything done at age 89 so she can live to see 90 are you going to deny her that? There are no good answers since people's expectations are so high that medical health care should cure anything, whether its self induced or not and that they are entitled to that. 5) Finally to TH20. Good luck on your dissertation but you need to set a timetable for yourself to finish it. I know if you've gotten to this point you know how to organize your thoughts. Don't be daunted by the size of the project just take one day or two a week where you'll work on it. I know how it is for me when I know the material but have to put it together to give a talk but procrastination is never the answer.
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19 years ago
avatar for tropicalH2O
World events, business, etc.
To TH20 I presume you're more the perfectionist(I'm an optimist) than some other deep seated fear. I agree that obesity is a HUGE problem. Sorry couldn't resist. The biggest issue is with children where parents tire of working full time then having to bus the child to an organized sport. After a period of time if they aren't in varsity sports(middle school on up) it becomes harder and harder to generate interest in their friends to play. In adults they are now recognizing the metabolic syndrome causing obesity. Ant idea would be a step up from the inactivity that our general population suffers from. To Fondl: I basically agree that we should not pay for the "sins" of others. I have a hard time generating enthusiasm over smokers getting lung transplants or drinkers transplanted livers. IT happens but doesn't make a great deal of sense. I do disagree a bit about the rationing. I was speaking more of general care. If you walk into a hospital in the US with a serious medical problem, they can't refuse you reasonable care. In the case of transplants I think of it more that the criteria have shown little benefit and poorer results above a certain age. There are always monetary considerations but is it rationing that I don't drive a Porsche. No its economical considerations in what I can afford. I often see situations deemed hopeless where care is continued because of a vocal family member in spite of several opposing medical opinions. If we were to really be rationing this is where it would start. Just a thought.
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19 years ago
avatar for tropicalH2O
World events, business, etc.
To TH20. I am very familar with the principles of both the Oregon and Kaiser programs, but have never personally involved with either. The Kaiser was one of the the most successful true HMO models in the US. Primary care gatekeepers with restricted med lists, limited access to specialists with little patient input into the decision making. Good care for a good price. Its my understanding that the Oregon model is the closest we have to rationing in the US with very careful monetary considerations limiting health care. I have been involved in similar asthma programs but the hardest point to get across is prevention with avoidance of triggers and regular use of maintenance meds instead of just rescue inhalers usage. I do agree with all that weight loss programs, smoking cessation etc should be covered and some companies do(too few). I know some excellent surgeons who are doing the newset bariatric procedures for patients who fail dietary control. One of them still wears his old belt wrapped twice around his waist(350 lbs now 175.) Lastly congrats TH20 to starting to wade through your research. You've inspired me to finish the talks I have. Bye.
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19 years ago
avatar for 2335vent
Changes in Tampa???
I'm sorry I didn't clarify. Although the piece was in the St. Petersburg Times they were talking about the Hillsboruogh county comissioners. They sais they were trying to put pressure on the Tampa City Council to change the nudity statutes. I know its not Pinellas or Pasco Co.