
Comments by SemiCrazy

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sorry Papi. The reign of big butts may be ending.
    In other words we're damned if we like big butts and damned if we don't like big butts. Either way we are racists and misogynists, at least according to the interviewee in that article. Having come of age in the "Twiggy" and Kate Moss era, I guess I've been "brainwashed" to like thin waists with curvy hips that aren't unbelievably huge. As I see it, when it comes to female butt cheeks, more than a handful is a waste.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer says she was raped at strip club in Midtown[NYC]
    Or she got caught giving extras and cried rape to cover her own ass.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How do you manage multiple favorites in a club all showing up in the same shift
    @Papi Any trip to an SC that ends in a finish is a good trip to an SC.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Preference ... dances on the open floor or in a separate LD room ?
    It all depends on the specific club in question. My favorite club ever had $10 lap dances on the main floor and a separate but still open section above the main floor for $20 VIP dances. You had to pay a one time per day $20 entrance to the VIP section but it was totally open with couches along the back wall and two rows of tables between the couches and the railing the overlooked the main floor. But the place was the darkest club I have ever been in. The couches along the back wall upstairs were totally private right out in the open and anything could happen there without anyone else knowing. I must admit I like being in a dark corner of a room with a dancer when other customers may or may not be able to tell for sure exactly what we're doing.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sour grapes or?
    This was posted to the club I frequent the most. There are some inconsistencies. He opens the review saying he goes to the club every Friday and was going to play all day like he regularly does this. Yet after the fact he is positive who exposed him to three different diseases. There are different incubation periods for each. If exposed at the same time the clap would have shown up first followed shortly by the herpes. At that point if he went to a clinic for testing/treatment the HIV would likely not yet be detectable for several weeks. And the antibiotics for treating the clap would have made detection of the HIV even more difficult. I also doubt the club employee in question would have done this. By the end of her shift she has usually been bitching for a while about how tired she is and wanting to go home, etc... and although she has stayed in shape fairly well she is at least twice the age of a lot of the dancers. She's been working there for quite a while. I would think anyone with all three of these conditions would not last very long, especially if the "rare form of clymidia(sic)" is resistant to antibiotics. It would accelerate the process of HIV becoming full blown AIDS. There has been a LOT of dancer turnover at this club lately. The owners do not treat the dancers as well as they could. I have also seen similar rumors about a couple of other clubs in the same area. You can do the math. Disgruntled former dancer or jealous competitor?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    someone with no reviews= no information
    Tojo Yamamoto!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New Adult Club in SOMD?
    Back in the early 90's "Scandals" was one of my favorite clubs. Then they had to build a highway through it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Ocean City Maryland
    Rick Dugan - The mileages you list are from Ocean City, NJ. The OP is asking about Ocean City, MD.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Ocean City Maryland
    Depending on what type of club you are looking for if you've already made the drive to NJ you might as well hit the Playhouse in Burlington. The reviews are pretty much spot on. It is about 3 hours each way, though.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Dual Reviews
    It may also be someone from the club trying to read the review posted for their club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How To Bring Up Extras
    Rick is spot on here. It all depends on the context of the club you are in.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Despite the constant negative press covfefe.
    The term "petite"
    The classic meaning of "petite" is a shorter lady who is proportioned such that a picture of her with no obvious size comparison would make her appear normal sized. She is both shorter and thinner in the same proportions than an average adult female. There is no similarly accepted word for the taller and thin figure. I've always referred to that type as "willowy". wil·low·y (wl-) adj. wil·low·i·er, wil·low·i·est 1. Planted with or abounding in willows. 2. Resembling a willow tree, especially: a. Flexible; pliant. b. Tall, slender, and graceful.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Does being young and good looking help with mileage?
    Even if you are getting special treatment inside the club, like kissing or more mileage, what makes you think she is really that into you? She may just think you're younger and thus more gullible and playing you for the payoff in the long game OTC.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Stripper Judgment
    My experience in over twenty years of going to strip clubs all over the U.S. but mostly from Texas east: What is allowed,legal or not, in one club may be prohibited in another and vice-versa. Even in extras clubs what is and isn't supposed to be on the menu can be highly variable. I've been in clubs that allow BJs but FS is strictly off limits. I've been other places where FS is allowed as long as it is very discreet but the dancers face isn't allowed below the customer's waist. There are clubs where management takes a "stricter" official stance while at the same time the club is laid out in a manner that makes enforcement impossible. Most clubs want to create the illusion of plausible deniability if LE ever cracks down. If the dancer is cooperating with or initiating the prohibited behavior and you get caught the worst that will happen is a bouncer will tell you to stop doing whatever you're supposed to be doing. I did have one imply if I wanted to keep my arms attached to my body I needed to stop touching the dancer, but this was in an air dance factory many years ago. Most of the time if they do anything at all they'll just make enough noise to let you know they're checking on you and then step up the patrol until your dance is over. In places with cameras you will probably never know if anyone saw or cares what went on. The dancer will be disciplined (anything from yelled at to fined to suspended to fired) out of view of the customer, and usually not until the end of the shift or at least until the customer has left. On the other hand, if you are attempting activities the dancer does not want to participate in you may be warned the first time. For any further offenses you will be asked to leave, probably assisted to the door by several security goons and quite possibly bounced on the pavement a few times upon arrival to the parking lot. Of course there is always a slim chance that there are undercover LEOs (dancers or customers)in the club that management is unaware of, and if they observe you doing something you shouldn't you could suffer some consequences. In practice, most strip club raids I'm aware of involved mostly drug charges and sometimes indecency charges against dancers or other club employees without any arrests of club patrons unless they were involved in the drugs. The physical evidence of the drug charges is a lot easier to prove in court and gets the publicity the politicians or LE agency wants so they can posture in the public eye and claim they're fighting/shutting down the strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Best time of the month to visit
    I've noticed the end of month in my area usually means all the girls are working trying to make enough for the bills while at the same time there are fewer customers because their bills are due too. High supply/low demand always gives the buyer the advantage. As to the monthly cycle question: at one time when my job required constant travel I actually wrote down notes to try and keep it straight. I've also read scientific articles that have shown women who spend a lot of time together tend to synchronize their monthly cycles. Most of the studies were based on college aged women. In some cases entire floors of dorms were together by the end of the year. None of the women studied were on the pill as this artificially regulates the cycle and reduces the hormonal effects. The studies that found strippers make more money while they are ovulating found those on the pill did not exhibit the same variance.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Buck Naked....ok, not what you thought
    Yes, officer, I had several drinks before I went to bed. Then I heard a burglar and started chasing him but he was already down the block so I hopped in my '98 Firebird and started chasing him...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is it BBBJ or BBBJCIM?
    If she blows you uncovered it is BBBJ, even if you finish in some other way. If she blows you uncovered until you cum in her mouth it is a BBBJCIM.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What is a Review?
    I've also noticed reviews that were about 50% verbatum quotes from the review posted immediately prior. Most seem to be from just a few reviewers.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Dancers' Drinks - A Rip-Off??!!
    As with so many other topics, it really depends on how each club is set up. I totally avoid places with the $20-30 "dancers drink". I'm just not going to pay that kind of money for a dancer to sit at my table and drink a small champagne glass with Kool-Aid in it. There are too many clubs (perhaps in a different geographical area, but i travel a lot) where that is the price of a high mileage lap dance. In my favorite clubs many of the dancers recognize me and know I'll buy dances before the night is out. If it is a slow night, they might even come over and sit without expecting anything at all if they know one of my favorites is working (but they likely will get a dance or two before i move on to my favorite). They know that one of these nights I'll be there when none of the others are dancing and I'll make it worth their while. I understand the dancers (notice the job description: dancer, not sitter)need to make money, but if they are in a state where no lap dances are allowed, they better be good enough on stage to pull the tips in that way. Yes, I am willing to tip several dollars a song for a GOOD stage show. Yes I am willing to pay $20-30 per song for a GOOD couch dance. Yes, if prices and drinks are the same for dancers and customers, I don't mind spending $5-6 for the dancer a beer or diet coke or whatever. BUT NO, I am not willing to pay several dollars a minute for someone to sit at my table where they are not even dancing. I don't consider "dancer drinks" a "rip-off", however. If you are asked, "Would you like to buy the lady a drink?" and you pay your money and "the lady" gets a drink, how have you been ripped-off? You knew what you were buying: a preposterously overpriced drink used to separate your money from you. That's all you payed for and that's all you got.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How much is negotiable?
    If a club has "set" prices that all the dancers are supposed to charge, I will not attempt to haggle the price down nor will I agree to pay more. If I got an exceptional dance, I am always free to tip after the dance. I ALWAYS confirm the price of a dance before it begins. There are just too many clubs and dancers that will try to charge several times the going rate if you don't. In clubs where the price of a dance is determined by the dancer, I generally accept the quoted price or decline, unless there is a prevailing rate that most of the dancers charge. Then I might counter with an offer at the prevailing rate. Since I generally frequent the same group of clubs most of the time, this rarely becomes an issue. Most of the dancers know I've been there before enough to know the deal. When I occaisionally venture into foreign territory, I try to work the conversation around to some of the other clubs I like and try to get a feel for the reaction from the dancer when discussing them (somtimes she may have danced at a similar club). This can be a good indicator of what to expect.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Clients bringing food.
    Again it just all depends on what type of club you are at, what part of the country you are in, how well the dancer knows you, etc...
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How much do you drop?
    Depends on several factors. How much I've got to blow. How much I'm willing to pay for what level of service. What club I'm at. Who is (or isn't) working that shift. My one fast rule is to set a maximum BEFORE I enter the club and hold to it. If who or what I'm looking for isn't there that night, then I'll leave without spending that much. But no matter what happens, I won't spend more. Some nights and clubs this may mean $100. Other nights and clubs it may be $500. Average is probably around $200. Also depends on how long since my last visit (both in general and that particular club).
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Clients bringing food.
    I like the way a lot of the Canadian clubs do it. They have a regular kitchen with reasonably priced food just like you would get at a corner diner not in a strip club. While none of them are 5-star establishments, most have very good basic menus. There are exceptions. (Never eat at the "Million Dollar Saloon" in Mississauga, but eat at "Famous Flash Gordons" in London every chance you get..)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Dancers' Drinks - A Rip-Off??!!
    There is a simple and elegant solution to getting caught in the trap you are describing, FunSeeker: The word's "No thanks". If you are in a club with VIP dances, and you are interested in a dance from her, you may add, "I'd rather spend it on a dance later". If you are in a club without decent VIP dances or are not prepared to spend the money VIP dances require, perhaps you should be content to watch the stage and tip what you appreciate seeing there. Sure, it would be nice to be able to go to a club and not spend anything and get everything (drinks, stage show, conversation, lap dances, all-night orgies (KIDDING!! kind of..)) free, but that isn't how the real world works. Decide if what you are getting is worth what you are paying. If not, stop paying and spend your money on something else.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why some Reviews are So Short?
    While a big part of the problem with short or incomplete reviews stems from the free month-per-review situation, there are other factors in play as well. If a member goes to a more liberal club where a lot of extras go on and writes a review that names dancers and deeds, it is almost a sure bet that it won't be long until one of several events occurs. A club representative reads the review and either fires, fines, or blackmails the dancer involved. This usually means that what is discussed in the review is now no longer available from that dancer. Another dancer sees the review and decides she should be making the money the reviewed dancer is now pulling in (without providing the extras) and reports her to management (see above) or even LE. If LE or, even worse, the local politicians become aware of the review then the crap may really hit the fan. Even if the politicians don't personally oppose adult businesses, I've never seen one publicly support more liberal laws for them (except of course club owners who run for office on an Adult Entertainment platform). They all put on their "Outraged At What These Greedy Low Lifes Are doing To Our Wholesome Community" posture and the local media, always on the outlook for a sordid story they can "Tsk tsk" at while pretending to be concerned about the moral fiber of the community (knowing sleazy stories will help the Nielsens), begins the feeding frenzy. At best, things at the club are subdued for a few weeks or months. At worst all clubs in not only the local jurisdiction but in whatever area the courts that decide if the new laws are constitutional are somewhat affected or even forced to close or radically modify how they do business. While the argument can be made that in most places LE is already aware of what goes on, there is a world of difference between LE who have bigger problems to deal with knowing and "outraged" politicians, media and citizens raising a stink and demanding "something be done".