How do you manage multiple favorites in a club all showing up in the same shift
I know many here have multiple favs (even ATFs) spread across different clubs or different shifts in the same club.
And the fave list changes too.
Sometimes all your faves are there. Same club, Same shift.
Ideally, I'd just like to line them up - and enjoy each's company, attention - one at a time. That would be a dream.
There its a hit or miss. Several beautiful dancers drop a notch or more in the quality of personalized company they provide - once she finds out that this dude doesn't have eyes only for me. I know they are professional dancers and all - but the best attention and love gets reserved for a dude who exclusively only visits her and no one else.
One super exotic provided such a great experience - and the next time I was enjoying another beauty - and when I made eye contact with the super exotic - she yelled "traitor" in somewhat kidding and "I mean it" way as she walked by. I gave a dumb grin.
YES - I wanna have the cake and eat it too. I'm paying money. I'm being upfront with the dancers - and my compliments to each are real. Yet the difference between attention from a dancer who thinks I'm her exclusive versus I'm another monger - is perceptible.
How do you deal with it ? I'll share my thoughts in the replies.
Thanks for taking the time to read and share your wisdom (snide remarks and one-liners are welcome :-)
And the fave list changes too.
Sometimes all your faves are there. Same club, Same shift.
Ideally, I'd just like to line them up - and enjoy each's company, attention - one at a time. That would be a dream.
There its a hit or miss. Several beautiful dancers drop a notch or more in the quality of personalized company they provide - once she finds out that this dude doesn't have eyes only for me. I know they are professional dancers and all - but the best attention and love gets reserved for a dude who exclusively only visits her and no one else.
One super exotic provided such a great experience - and the next time I was enjoying another beauty - and when I made eye contact with the super exotic - she yelled "traitor" in somewhat kidding and "I mean it" way as she walked by. I gave a dumb grin.
YES - I wanna have the cake and eat it too. I'm paying money. I'm being upfront with the dancers - and my compliments to each are real. Yet the difference between attention from a dancer who thinks I'm her exclusive versus I'm another monger - is perceptible.
How do you deal with it ? I'll share my thoughts in the replies.
Thanks for taking the time to read and share your wisdom (snide remarks and one-liners are welcome :-)
This is good. You actually want this to happen.
To address the topic above -- for me (and again, not doubting you guys have different experiences), with a single exception, I've found that I always get waaaay better service as an exclusive or near-exclusive regular. Competition has never done anything good, and I've never felt my ATFs get complacent or entitled (or rather, no more entitled than I act). I've had exactly one ATF who I needed to play these kinds of silly games with to keep her sharp.
My advice is have fun with you're regulars and don't forget that they don't care as much about you as you think they do, as long as they get their turn.
If they don't step up their game - it's their loss. I don't walk into a club without money - and expect the girls to beat each other up over me -
". . . don't forget that they don't care as much about you as you think they do, as long as they get their turn." True!
As Subraman often posts; the best way to be is to be clear and direct as if when one is doing important business – b/c it is business when dealing with dnacers even if our dicks lie to us and tells us is more than that – believe me – they will not give you the time of day if you are/go broke.
There can only be one boss – YOU – or the dancer – you are the one with the $$$ so you’re better off acting the part of the boss – but this does not mean you have to be a bad boss – but do be the boss b/c you are the one handing out the dough.
Dancers know custies want to get w/ other girls – dozens of naked women walking around and the PL is expected to be “faithfull” – wtf – they (dancers) know the deal but they do what women often do when they want something from men which is try to manipulate them and if one let’s themselves be manipulated and controlled by dancers one is losing IMO.
In the end – it’s simple – they are there to please *you* - not the other way around (the way I see it) – and IME often times the more one yields to the dancers’ ways; the less they get and the more they pay – not good.
GMD always comes up with gems !
"If my *wife* can handle me fucking other women, so can *you*."
Dominic77 "OP: can you just get a few dances from each dancer? Would that work for you?"
Absolutely. I want 'em all.
Papi - "As the saying goes – “nice guys finish last” – and in SCs this means they also finish broke (a double whammy)."
nice guys finish last ... in bed.
sharkhunter - hoping the new hottie wasn't a one-night wonder.
ilbbaicnl - good advice bro - nobody's gonna mess with my mind.
rh48hr - man, you are livin large ! Two dancers for appetizers and one for the main course.
Estafador, larryfisherman - Strip clubs in texas are affordable.
MrDeuce, Rockstar - thanks for reminding me of reality. in a fantasy land every dude is kind.
dandydan - double dances are hit or miss for me. i prefer one girl at a time.
Lone_Wolf, vincemichaels, Dominic77, chessmaster, flagooner, cashman1234 - thanks for sharing your experience. The best of the best in the lineup has dozen customers waiting for her company. Some come in just to see her - and leave. Such dancers seem to drop me from their rotation when they see I'm not exclusive. But heck - there's always a hotter dancer around the corner !
Subraman, Wetwilly - I've read you comments and discussions in the past. While you have multiple faves - in a single shift you prefer prolonged company of a single dancer. Provides much better experience (including the OTC benefits). I've felt this way too - but clearly am greedy for the same high level of experience with multiple dancers. Yep - I just don't need to care.
ATACdawg: "I deal with the situation with great maturity, not to mention fear and trembling!"
I gotta try that too !