Stripper Judgment
After reading all of these threads all this time about ITC activities and covered or non covered, etc., it just occurred to me: what about the judgment of these girls? After all the preliminaries and the walk back to the VIP or CR or whatever they call it, do you ever wonder about their judgment? Is that mainly what you are trying to gauge as you scout them, not only whether it will be a good return on your investment, but whether they are reliable or not?
I suppose we assume that they have more to lose than we do if they get caught and therefore they aren't going to do anything at a certain time or in a certain area that would cause them to get caught, so we just follow their lead. But what if they aren't that slick, or are pushing the envelope too much, or are so desperate that they take chances they shouldn't, or are under the influence of something that affects their ability to make good decisions? I have been with some dancers that were not thinking straight and nearly got us both caught--it turned out that I was the one that noticed the management starting to sniff around.
There is all this talk about knowing whether the club is an extras club or not--I worry about whether it is not exactly one or the other. If you pick the wrong girl, she may take too many chances. What really happens if management catches you? Do the girls get canned and the customer thrown out? Worse? I have had girls tell me they know where all the cameras are and which staff are "safe", but I guess I'm taking their word for it.
I suppose we assume that they have more to lose than we do if they get caught and therefore they aren't going to do anything at a certain time or in a certain area that would cause them to get caught, so we just follow their lead. But what if they aren't that slick, or are pushing the envelope too much, or are so desperate that they take chances they shouldn't, or are under the influence of something that affects their ability to make good decisions? I have been with some dancers that were not thinking straight and nearly got us both caught--it turned out that I was the one that noticed the management starting to sniff around.
There is all this talk about knowing whether the club is an extras club or not--I worry about whether it is not exactly one or the other. If you pick the wrong girl, she may take too many chances. What really happens if management catches you? Do the girls get canned and the customer thrown out? Worse? I have had girls tell me they know where all the cameras are and which staff are "safe", but I guess I'm taking their word for it.
It is not that difficult to prevent a dancer from pushing the envelope if you so choose.
I also know that a lot of girls tend to get lost in their stripper persona. As "Galaxy" they are willing to do things that as "Laura" they would not.
Most of a criminal bent, are not all that "slick."
As for the girls, I have no idea what happened to them. It wouldn't surprise me if at least one of them was kicked out, but these weren't regular haunts of mine so I really don't know.
Ive not had too many experiences with girls getting caught inside the club unless they danced for a cop, but outside the club, I've known more than a few fellow dancers get their hotel doors busted down by police. Two of the girls found out that it was the front desk person who called the police. These were deja vu clubs so management found out and fired them
As for stripper judgment, I don't think they have much. Would a hot young girl with good judgment have sex with me?
Gosh. Let me think about that for a second...
If we had any judgement, we would have never entered this underworld of sex, drugs, alcohol, broken hearts, lost love, and wasted money.
Damn I love my ATF.
Many dancers I know, or should that be most dancers?, were pregnant at 15, dropped out of school at 16, liberally use illegal drugs, drink and drive, then at the end of the day goes back home to their unemployed BF who beats them and takes their money, and a thread is written about their judgment? Huh, next topic: NFL players and their judgement.
Who knows, you may be a porn star already if the club sold the film to a porn company.
If she says she routinely drives 95 mph all the way from another state to work at the club every week and the cops threatened to arrest her, then no. It sounds like her judgement is good. Why in the world would you want to question the judgement of a fearless stripper? Now if she's in her 20's and doesn't have at least one kid and an unemployed boyfriend, that would be strange. I might question her judgement then. She sounds like an unusual dancer. She might even be working on some job skills to get a better job.
What is allowed,legal or not, in one club may be prohibited in another and vice-versa. Even in extras clubs what is and isn't supposed to be on the menu can be highly variable. I've been in clubs that allow BJs but FS is strictly off limits. I've been other places where FS is allowed as long as it is very discreet but the dancers face isn't allowed below the customer's waist. There are clubs where management takes a "stricter" official stance while at the same time the club is laid out in a manner that makes enforcement impossible. Most clubs want to create the illusion of plausible deniability if LE ever cracks down.
If the dancer is cooperating with or initiating the prohibited behavior and you get caught the worst that will happen is a bouncer will tell you to stop doing whatever you're supposed to be doing. I did have one imply if I wanted to keep my arms attached to my body I needed to stop touching the dancer, but this was in an air dance factory many years ago. Most of the time if they do anything at all they'll just make enough noise to let you know they're checking on you and then step up the patrol until your dance is over. In places with cameras you will probably never know if anyone saw or cares what went on. The dancer will be disciplined (anything from yelled at to fined to suspended to fired) out of view of the customer, and usually not until the end of the shift or at least until the customer has left.
On the other hand, if you are attempting activities the dancer does not want to participate in you may be warned the first time. For any further offenses you will be asked to leave, probably assisted to the door by several security goons and quite possibly bounced on the pavement a few times upon arrival to the parking lot.
Of course there is always a slim chance that there are undercover LEOs (dancers or customers)in the club that management is unaware of, and if they observe you doing something you shouldn't you could suffer some consequences. In practice, most strip club raids I'm aware of involved mostly drug charges and sometimes indecency charges against dancers or other club employees without any arrests of club patrons unless they were involved in the drugs. The physical evidence of the drug charges is a lot easier to prove in court and gets the publicity the politicians or LE agency wants so they can posture in the public eye and claim they're fighting/shutting down the strip clubs.
Not likely to happen.