
Preference ... dances on the open floor or in a separate LD room ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Saturday, April 26, 2014 6:25 PM
Off the bat – I would say I'd prefer dances in a separate LD room b/c one has more privacy. But to the other side of the coin – thinking about it I've had some great times in clubs where the dances are out on the main floor – if it's a club with a good vibe and decent mileage; it's kind of a turn-on to see a plethora of naked women grinding away all in full view – these kinds of clubs also have the advantage that one often sees the dancers walking around naked either from just having finished a dance for a custie or not bothering to put on their clothes as they walk around the club looking to sell dances. The more I think of it – the more I think I like the latter – i.e. club with dances out on the floor (as long as it's a good mileage club that it's not too tightly regulated). Thoughts/opinions?


  • goonster
    10 years ago
    I prefer out on the floor. The separate rooms should be for vip type services.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    Floor dances are usually $10 or cheaper. I prefer out on the floor. Money will last a lot longer.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I agree with goonster
  • fastscrs
    10 years ago
    It is a turn on to see the other girls grinding away. Also gives you a good chance to check them out and pick out the best ones for your next dance.
  • grand1511
    10 years ago
    When I'm in a hurry, I like the drive-thru window.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Papi- I think that you were just remembering you visit to Follies. LOL. It certainly works there but at other clubs like Platinum Plus clubs, you rarely see a dance being done out on the floor. There, it's all about the privacy of the semi private room or if you are a fool, the Champagne Room.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    Most of the clubs I've been to that had dances on the open floor also had a VIP room, so they essentially served as an appetizer for the VIP room. The ones that didn't have a VIP room were all Air Dance Central. OTOH, most of the ones where they did have a VIP room either are no-extras places, or they aren't as private as I hope they could be, but also, those places, for the most part, serve alcohol, and as such, not too many people are watching. I can see the appeal of having everything out in the open, but in the end, you need a VIP room.
  • scatterbrain
    10 years ago
    Only in the privacy of VIP or champagne rooms for me. I rarely go on the open floor. Not my cup of tea.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Open floor, on the floor. No table, no sofa, no chair. Oh baby I like it raw!
  • SemiCrazy
    10 years ago
    It all depends on the specific club in question. My favorite club ever had $10 lap dances on the main floor and a separate but still open section above the main floor for $20 VIP dances. You had to pay a one time per day $20 entrance to the VIP section but it was totally open with couches along the back wall and two rows of tables between the couches and the railing the overlooked the main floor. But the place was the darkest club I have ever been in. The couches along the back wall upstairs were totally private right out in the open and anything could happen there without anyone else knowing. I must admit I like being in a dark corner of a room with a dancer when other customers may or may not be able to tell for sure exactly what we're doing.
  • goonster
    10 years ago
    ranukam - yep, money goes further, and you get to scope out the talent when they're out on the floor. Makes getting a good one a lot faster and easier.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    I happily pay more for guaranteed privacy. I no longer buy dances at clubs that don't offer VIP or other types of private rooms away from prying eyes.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    I have seen floor dances in Arizona and I really enjoyed it so much. However, not all dancers do floor dances like they would say "I'm not that desperate." Some dancers will do it and that's where I come in, really like them. So, yeah, bring it on, drop $30 and dance, babe.
  • ReadyPayerOne
    10 years ago
    Most places I go, the lap dances are done somewhere on the main floor and separate rooms are VIP where you buy 30 min blocks of time. I like the privacy of VIP, but it can be prohibitively expensive in some markets. Many places in NYC are $1000/hr and that's without any booze. I don't like getting LDs at my chair in the center of the main room. I prefer when they're done off to the side somewhere. Ideally on some couch/bench rather than in a chair. I like the girl having enough room to straddle me, drape herself on me, move around, etc. I like being able to relax and sink into the couch while the dancer does her thing. Those little strip club chairs with wheels that you typically find on the floor don't allow for that.
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