
Clients bringing food.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004 12:20 PM
OK boys and girls. Last place I worked, there was one guy in particular who brought pastries (not pasties) for some of the girls. I won't touch them and he was insulted. What would you have done?


  • casualguy
    20 years ago
    It is nice when a club has a side club or kitchen where you can walk back and forth (at no charge) and pay regular prices for food and drink. The only place I remember going to (several years ago) like this was Mickey's in Fayetteville. I could eat a burger and fries at normal prices and then go walk back into the strip club without being charged any re-admission fee. The food was good too and you could watch them cook it. The clubs I see now either have no food or only extremely high priced bottled water and snack food. $4 for a tiny bottle of bottled water, I think that is a rip-off. $2 seems like a high price too but I would pay it if I'm really thirsty and didn't want to leave a club immediately. What I don't understand is why some clubs charge about as much or sometimes more for water than for beer. ?? A kitchen or sports bar selling regular food, soda, water, and six packs of beer at regular prices adjoining a strip club could sell a ton of food and beer I believe. It would also keep me at the club much longer. I'm not sure why clubs don't do it unless they think they make more money selling very high priced beer and water. Haha, want we need is an indoor plaza with restaurants such as Wendy's right next door to a strip club and you can walk freely back and forth with no readmission fees. I doubt I'll ever see that.
  • SemiCrazy
    20 years ago
    I like the way a lot of the Canadian clubs do it. They have a regular kitchen with reasonably priced food just like you would get at a corner diner not in a strip club. While none of them are 5-star establishments, most have very good basic menus. There are exceptions. (Never eat at the "Million Dollar Saloon" in Mississauga, but eat at "Famous Flash Gordons" in London every chance you get..)
  • casualguy
    20 years ago
    I think there may be a trust issue as far as cooked food being brought into a club. I do remember going to a club for free - an outside vendor (want to be supplier for our small business) was paying the entertainment bill. Anyway they ordered pizza and we ate it in the club. I don't remember ever seeing anyone else ever order pizza and get it delivered to a strip club and eat it in the middle of the club. I always wondered if my boss knew the manager of that club. I believe that was my first FREE visit to a strip club. I would be happy if strip clubs allowed outside food to be delivered and eaten at the club at no extra charge. It would make me stay longer and be happier - ie, maybe spend more money.
  • SemiCrazy
    20 years ago
    Again it just all depends on what type of club you are at, what part of the country you are in, how well the dancer knows you, etc...
  • verfolgung
    20 years ago
    Actually I just impressed the clubs around you folks are allowing people to bring outside food in.
  • DandyDan
    20 years ago
    There are people who take the time to cook food and bring it in to the strip club for their favorite stripper? I've seen dancers order pizza in and I've been to a couple places which served food, but that's crazy. I would never take anything.
    20 years ago
    I used to hang out regularly in a juice bar without kitchen. The girls would often ask a customer they knew including me to make a run to a nearby sandwich shop. Seemed OK to me. They had to go to the dressing room to eat though, they weren't allowed to eat at a table, which seemed kind of dumb. But this place had lots of dumb petty rules like that. Guess the owner/manager was a control freak.
  • Shekitout
    20 years ago
    I was the one IDleStripper is referring to who brought pastries to some of the dancers. The ones who accepted them seemed to enjoy them. Sometimes the treats were store bought, sometimes they were homemade.I was all too happy to share them with IDS but most of the time she declined I asumed because of weight concerns so I stopped offering any to her as a result. Then she began making comments to the dancers who ate the treats that "he most probably had jacked off on them first" just for spite. You ask her why. I suspect the reason was that if she couldn't enjoy them she wanted to spoil it for the other dancers. She'd loved to create turmoil among the other dancers at the club and excelled at it from what I understand. Just ask anyone who continues to work at that club. I ate the treats just usually not in the club but they had not been doctored in any manner. IDS is just a bitter out of work stripper who porked up and can't work in the club anymore. She regrets not eating any of the treats and now is reduced to eating worms & let's hope she dies!
  • IDleStripper
    20 years ago
    Very good point, he was rather obese, and I never did see him eat anything he brought. Just a little creepy if you know what I mean.
  • SuperDude
    20 years ago
    Watch out if he won't eat the food with you.
  • verfolgung
    20 years ago
    IDLESTRIPPER: If you know the guy, and would like a treat, than enjoy. If you're hesitant, better to be safe than sorry. I certainly would not think your reaction was wrong if you politely declined the offer. On occasion, I've brought in a favorite candy of one of my favorite dancers; however, I think she's known me long enough to not have to worry. I know of one place where a very popular dancer works. She's always seems to have several regulars around. The place has no kitchen and no liquor license - it's esentially a juice bar. Every Sat. night around 10PM one her regulars brings in a bag of fast food, and they sit and eat together in the back of the club. I thought it was strange the first time I saw it, but now its just normal. I bet there are several other guys who wish they had thought of the idea.
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