
Comments by TopGunGlen (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    respect for others goes a long way
    Songs that should never be played in strip clubs...
    I agree with Clubber, no rap or hip hop! I also have a personal dislike for country music (in a club), but that does not happen often in South Cal. Give me that good ole rock and roll, along with some of the new music!
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    20 years ago
    Stevi Secret’s Presents Alicia Rio!
    It would be nice if she made a trip to Orange County, California...heheheh....
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    20 years ago
    Do strippers LOOK DOWN on customers who PAY FOR CONVERSATION?
    Uh, we don't have any factual basis (other than his crazy attitude) to report RL to the cops. Not that I like his attitude, and indeed he is a bit bizarre, but to make a legit complaint to the police, you need an actual confession of wrong doing, either past or future. RL has not confessed to anything except wanting to pay 5 or 10 dollars for a private dance. He is guilty of being a rude cheapskate, but I don't think that's on the books...
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    20 years ago
    lots of female customers in a gentlemen's club?
    I say, the more women the better...heheheh Yes,over the last 2 years I have noticed more girls coming in, sometimes in an all girl group, or with their fellow. In the "olden" days, you never saw groups of women watching other women at the clubs... I like it...
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    20 years ago
    U.S. Rep. gets DEATH THREATS for opposing social security benefits for ILLEGALS
    Well, I guess that answers my question....
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    20 years ago
    Most Dancers are insecure and nasty acting people!
    Dusty, she may have just been making it up about making so much money on a slow night. I have found that those who talk about their wealth, don't usually have it. The "quiet" people are the ones with the dough...They have no need to crow... Don't let the jerks get you down.
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    20 years ago
    setup a strip club,,,,how??????
    Damn, Super Dude, are you a strip club owner? If not, I suggest you seriously think about it. With that sharp business sense you would do well...and then invite all your buddies from this board for a free "Grand Opening Party"...Hooray!!!
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    20 years ago
    What does the average dancer make?
    The location of the club also has a lot to do with it, as well as the timing of patrons paychecks. A really beautiful sweet girl in a lower income state, a week before payday, will make less. A gal with good genes and personality in a club near a major airport will usually make more, especially in New York, California, Chicago or Miami. There are too many variables to "average" out.
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    20 years ago
    A quote that discusses STRIPPER LYING!
    I am getting a Twillight Zone feeling of Deja Vu here...didn't RL already post this exact same thing before? RL, it would amaze us all if you ever said a nice thing about a dancer or stripper. Amaze us...I dare you...:-)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    For customers who PAY STRIPPERS FOR CONVERSATION - How much do you pay?
    I am visualizing RL (skinny white wimp with straggly hair and bad teeth). He's arguing (haggle) with a totally gorgeous babe about spending 5 bucks (or less) to give up her expensive work earning time, to engage in listening to his never ending bullshit... My God, we could film it and put it on that Fear Factor TV show!!!
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    20 years ago
    How would you feel about your SISTER being a STRIPPER?
    Better than if my sister was dating you, CS...heheheh...
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    20 years ago
    Why do Pathetic Trolls like Romantic Lover have to hide behind a handle?
    Sometimes I do ignore RL, but other times I just can't help myself. I think RL is a young person (mentally at least), that lives under financial constraint, he is angry he doesn't have the money to spend, and angrier that dancers won't cowtow to him for peanuts. Obviously a frustrated, angry "child", so to speak, who hates dancers because they won't usually give him his way. His attitude probably extends to the rest of his life as well, so eventually making a good living is not likely for this person... Just old Glen's thoughts, don't take it personal RL...
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    20 years ago
    Would you pay a stripper for CONVERSATION if she had EVER been FUCKED FOR MONEY?
    Way to go Yoda! Of course, she would have to be a "nice girl"...but plenty naughty too...heheheh...
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    20 years ago
    What more (or less) do you want from a strip club ?
    I don't like bathroom attendants, I can piss by myself, thank you..although I have seen a bowl of condoms in one club toilet, and the attendant was charging a buck a rubber... I told him I prefer my own brand...heheh... I just want to feel welcome, cozy and comfortable. I hate over hustle and being asked if I want another drink after two sips of my new one. Just a relaxed, friendly atmosphere, enough light to see the ladies, and no rap or hip hop music...
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    20 years ago
    Recomendations for the Big Island of Hawaii?
    Haha, old Glen has done that CS and I am still here. Actually I've heard they have a place where Manta Rays come out at night, of course, and they film you swimming with them. If I see a minnow, CS, I will think of you :-)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Here is a quote apparently written by a stripper
    RL, everyone wants money, some of us more than others. The simple fact of life is that without some money, it is virtually impossible to get by in our modern world. Very few people live off the fat of the land nowadays. As for the stripper's quote, she sounds like she hates herself as much as the customers that she dances for. Perhaps she should find a new occupation...
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    20 years ago
    Women and Pornography
    Mouse, in your intial post you state that the women look like whores and sluts "The worst kind of human beings"... I think that rapists, murderers and terrorists are the worst kind. Also the men that hurt and abuse children in child pornography. I do agree that some of the "kinky" porn does degrade the women, however there is probably gay porn that shows the same kind of stuff with men doing it too... If it offends you, stop looking at it. I detected a certain excitement in your posts about this porn, that overrides your disgust to a degree, by the way...:-)
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    20 years ago
    Single mothers
    I tip based on the dance, but I might be a little more generous if she was raising a child, not feeding a drug habit. You may as well throw the money out the window, instead of paying for a drug addicts next fix...
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    20 years ago
    Staff at clubs,
    Back to the issue of LE getting favors, USA channel had a movie about Heidi Fleiss. Apparently the LA vice squad was getting "freebies" for 20 years, in exchange for "protection" against busting the ladies. Talk about hypocrites...when Madam Fleiss refused to give the badge boys a good time on the house, that was one of the reasons (amongst others) that she went down the tubes...
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    20 years ago
    Where are the customers who PAY TAXES FOR ADMISSION?
    I say we tax the politicians just for being themselves. A "politicians tax", they would have to pay extra, just for being in office. I know "we the people" would go for it, but would the politicians? I say, let's petition to put it on the ballot...:-)
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    20 years ago
    Spreading American Feminism is destroying industrialized countries
    Maybe the women want an American man? Besides, why marry a jobless jerk that stays in his room all day???
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    20 years ago
    What do we learn on these boards?
    I've found it amazing that some of the men who go to clubs actually have bad feelings towards the girls. If they don't like the dancers, why pay to show up? I guess I just assumed that everyone there enjoyed themselves in a light hearted manner. On the other hand, those of us who do love to see the show, and have a lapdance, find a group who feel the same way we do. Rememeber, out the "real world", going to a SC is often considered immoral, believe it or not...;-)
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    20 years ago
    What is the strangest/most unusual stage act you ever saw?
    Mmmm, that champagne sounds tasty... Also the snake might prove interesting...:-)
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    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    And no doubt loving every minute of it, Wise Guy! Way to go...:-)
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    20 years ago
    How much $ to bring.
    I usually take up to $300 in cash. I don't always spend all of it, but if I do, then it's time to go home. I can't overspend what I don't have with me. I never take my credit cards in, to avoid the temptation...:-)