
U.S. Rep. gets DEATH THREATS for opposing social security benefits for ILLEGALS

Saturday, February 14, 2004 10:44 PM
CONGRESSMAN WORKS TO KEEP SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS FROM ILLEGAL ALIENS "The angry phone calls and death threats that Rep. Dana Rohrabacher received Jan. 28 didn't deter him from taking another public stand against benefits for illegal immigrants on Wednesday," the LA Times reports. "This week, the subject was Social Security. Rohrabacher attended a Washington event at which the Seniors Coalition, a senior advocacy group, presented members of Congress with about 150,000 signed petitions asking President Bush not to give Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants." For more information go to: [view link]


  • TJ3
    20 years ago
    ILLEGAL ALIEN HIRED AS SECURITY GUARD FOR IMMIGRATION OFFICE "A security firm that reportedly hired an illegal immigrant to patrol the Houston immigration office as an armed guard even though he faced a deportation order is under investigation by the federal government," the AP reports. "'That's what you call irony,'" said Tom Berg, a federal public defender representing Salomon Juarez."
  • TJ3
    20 years ago
    "OUR PEOPLE FEAR FOR THEIR LIVES" For the Tohono O'odham Indians of Southern Arizona, the Wild West is not what they read about in history books, but something they live every day. More than 1,500 illegal aliens tramp across their reservation every day, bringing with them narcotics, home break-ins, and violent crime. The U.S. federal government has promised that help is on the way to the 11,000 residents of the reservation, but in the meantime says the tribal chairwoman, "Our people fear for their lives."
  • TJ3
    20 years ago
    MEXICO SUBVERTING OUR POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS Fox News commentator and immigration attorney Matt Hayes: "There is growing evidence that the MEXICAN GOVERNMENT is working with a group called the Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior (“INSTITUTE OF MEXICANS ABROAD”) to use its matricula consular database to deploy ILLEGALS to state legislatures and city councils across America. There, the ILLEGAL aliens - Mexican nationals who have been provided a matricula consular card - pack the gallery and seek to apply pressure against legislators who sponsor or intend to vote for bills that enhance immigration law enforcement." As reported in the Washington Times, "local and statewide illegal immigrant advocacy groups and Hispanic groups coordinate with the Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior to agitate for access to public services for ILLEGAL aliens in the United States."
  • TJ3
    20 years ago
    SENATOR HATCH PROPOSES MORE SPENDING ON ILLEGALS "Allowing some ILLEGAL immigrants to attend college at in-state tuition prices, then giving them AMNESTY would cost federal taxpayers $90 million over the next decade and benefit 46,000 ILLEGAL immigrants, congressional budget analysts say," the Salt Lake Tribune reports. "Federal spending would increase from higher participation in FOOD STAMP and MEDICAID programs, according to the Congressional Budget Office."
  • TJ3
    20 years ago
    BUSH PUTTING AMERICA AT RISK "The Bush administration is 'rolling out the welcome mat for terrorists and illegal aliens' in seeking to legalize millions of foreign nationals illegally in the United States and in proposing budget cuts 'thinning the ranks' of America's border force, says the head of the Border Patrol's 10,000-member union," a report in today's Washington Times says. "Budget and personnel cuts, coupled with the proposed amnesty for illegal aliens, make it clear that this administration is not at all serious about securing our homeland or enforcing our immigration laws," T.J. Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), told a House subcommittee.
  • TJ3
    20 years ago
    ILLINOIS CANDIDATE ARGUES FOR IMMIGRATION REFORM "[Senate candidate] Jim Oberweis brought in a Colorado congressman known for his opposition to illegal immigration to issue an endorsement in Chicago and then Springfield. Oberweis planned to take his message on the road during a three-day tour of 16 small east-central Illinois towns in an area known for its support of GOP candidates," the AP reports. "Oberweis, an Aurora dairy owner and owner of an asset management firm, and U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., said the president's immigration plan would jeopardize the country's security and allow aliens to continue to steal jobs and money from American workers and taxpayers."
  • TJ3
    20 years ago
    LOU DOBBS: KERRY AND BUSH ON ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Which "millionaire Yale graduate who's a member of Skull and Bones" will look out for the interests of American workers and American taxpayers who are being hit hard by mass illegal immigration, wonders CNN TV host and columnist Lou Dobbs? The impact of illegal immigration is costing lower income Americans, and the President’s plan will result in still more labor subsidies for those who employ cheap foreign workers. "Unfortunately, Kerry’s proposals so far on illegal immigration aren’t any better," laments Dobbs, who notes that Kerry has sponsored legislation to grant millions of illegal aliens outright amnesty.
  • TopGunGlen
    20 years ago
    Well, I guess that answers my question....
  • TJ3
    20 years ago
    FIX THE BORDER DATABASE TO SAVE LIVES "In 2002 Victor Batres illegally crossed the border twice; both times he was caught, and both times he was returned. When he crossed a third time, however, he made it to Oregon -- where he raped two nuns and killed one of them. Once again, the inspector general places much of the blame on the lack of integration between the two fingerprint databases. Border Patrol agents didn't know that Mr. Batres had a long criminal record in this country; otherwise he would never have been released,"
  • TopGunGlen
    20 years ago
    Is TJ3 a Border Patrol officer, that never visits strip clubs? How about a post that relates to this board? We all do off topic posts occasionally, but you have never posted anything about the clubs to my knowledge... Do you ever go to a strip club?
  • TJ3
    20 years ago
    MEXICAN GOVERNMENT LOBBYING HEAVILY FOR AMNESTY "The Mexican government is lobbying U.S. lawmakers and civic leaders for amnesty or guest-worker status for millions of illegal aliens now in the United States, working through a coalition of U.S.-based immigration rights associations, Mexican-American organizations and grass-roots Hispanic groups," according to the Washington Times. This growing political alliance also seeks "expanded education and health care benefits for Mexican nationals in this country," in addition to various labor and community development programs. Mexican President Vicente Fox will meet with President Bush tomorrow and Saturday in Crawford, Texas, where immigration is expected to be a top issue of discussion.
  • TJ3
    20 years ago
    In a particularly tragic example of government inattention to illegal aliens who have run amock, one of the snipers who terrorized the Washington DC area for three weeks in October 2002 was a foreign national who had been apprehended the previous year. As a stowaway, he was required by law to be immediately deported back to his home country. Instead, the INS overroad the Border Patrol's designation and released John Lee Malvo upon the unsuspecting American public. Had immigration law been followed by the INS, there would have been no two-man hit team and it is likely that there would have been no devastating series of murders.
  • TJ3
    20 years ago
    ABOLISH THE H-1B VISA PROGRAM Every year, over 1,000,000 Americans are terminated from employment in the current economy. At the same time, the Government of the United States dispenses over 600,000 H-1B and L-1 Visas annually expressly to fill American jobs with foreign labor. If you believe the Government should not be relegating the American people into such wholesale unemployment, this site provides you with the means to help put this dynamic to an end. [view link]
  • TJ3
    20 years ago
    TEENAGERS SAVAGED BY CONGRESS AND BUSH "If you scrutinize the U.S. labor market numbers from the last two years of economic recovery, the numbers suggest that native-born workers -- particularly teenagers and young adults without college degrees -- are being displaced by new immigrants. Indeed, last year the employment rate for teens reached a record low, down 9 percentage points since 2000. These are the very people who might benefit from the unskilled jobs now going to foreign workers."
  • TJ3
    20 years ago
    According to Federal law, if a state offers discounted, "in-state" postsecondary tuition aid to illegal aliens, it must also offer the same aid to all Americans regardless of residency. However, four states currently give tuition breaks to illegal aliens, but charge American citizens from other states higher tuition fees. If you are a student attending any public postsecondary school in Washington state, California, New York, Illinois, Oklahoma, Texas and Utah, or some schools in Georgia, and are paying "out-of-state" tuition, you may be entitled to a refund. For details, go to: [view link]
  • TJ3
    20 years ago
    +== TAKE POSITIVE ACTION ==+ Every year, giant foundations like the Ford Foundation, multinational corporations like Shell Oil and GM, and even the U.S. Government lavish millions of dollars in grants on groups like La Raza, MALDEF, the ACLU and the AILF. These well-funded organizations, united in a titanic effort to undermine U.S. immigration law and subvert the will of the American people, often employ the effective tactic of finding obscure, but significant, court cases and use them to set precedents -- while no one is paying attention -- that slowly nibble away at our ability to enforce our own laws. FILE(Friends of Immigration Law Enforcement) is alone in fighting behind-the-scenes battles with these well-funded groups, and we are doing it with no foundation, corporate, or government grants. Unlike the AILF and La Raza, we are under-funded and understaffed, and it is truly heart-breaking for us to watch so many great opportunities slip by simply because we don't have the manpower or the resources to step into the breach. Nevertheless, we have two advantages: Our arguments are correct, and Americans agree with us. That is why, on a shoestring budget, we are able to meet, and defeat, the armies of high-paid lawyers on the other side, and why, eventually, we will win, thanks to your continued support of our crucial work. Here is a chance to tell one of the corporations that contributes money to AILF just what you think of their support for illegal immigration. Please contact Abercrombie & Fitch, the large Ohio clothing retailer (calls are much, much better than email), and, after pressing "0" and getting a live operator, say: "I want to leave a comment about your corporate policy. I see that Abercrombie & Fitch is a corporate sponsor of the American Immigration Law Foundation, which supports illegal immigration. Since I am one of the 85% of Americans opposed to illegal immigration, I find your support of the AILF to be very disturbing and socially irresponsible. I will do my best never to buy any products from your company again." Abercrombie & Fitch Call: 866-681-3115 (press 0) Email: [view link] (Some other socially irresponsible corporations contributing to AILF are: The Athlete's Foot, ChevronTexaco, Christian Dior Perfumes, Inc., Kenneth Cole Productions, Miller Brewing Company, and the Shell Oil Company.)
  • TJ3
    20 years ago
    BUSH AMNESTY “The number of illegal aliens caught crossing into the United States increased dramatically just days after President Bush proposed a guest-worker program that would give legal status to millions of illegal immigrants now in this country,” according to the national Border Patrol Union. The front page, Washington Times story reveals that since the President’s announcement, apprehensions of illegal aliens in the San Diego sector, one of the busiest crossing points for illegal aliens, have tripled. Most of those arrested “had no history of immigration violations,” underscoring the speculation by law enforcement authorities that the Bush Amnesty proposal would “lead to increased illegal immigration.”
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