
Do strippers LOOK DOWN on customers who PAY FOR CONVERSATION?

Friday, March 5, 2004 9:16 PM
Do strippers LOOK DOWN on customers who PAY FOR CONVERSATION? Do strippers think that customers who PAY FOR CONVERSATION are PATHETIC? It has been said, heard, written and posted by both strippers and customers that customers who PAY FOR CONVERSATION are not the most desirable bunch. It has also been said, heard, written, and posted that some of these customers are UNABLE to find a pretty girl who will talk to them for FREE


  • out_there
    18 years ago
    RL's a troll. [sign] Please don't feed the trolls.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    FunSeeker raises an interesting question. I wonder who strippers have more contempt for: conversation buyers or lap dance buyers. Good arguments can be made either way. What do you guys think? Any strippers reading this board care to comment?
  • golfman
    18 years ago
    Strippers look down on virtually all the guys in the club except for a scant few they may be friends with. Remember, they generally see you as being there to ogle and grope them. After a period of time, that may not be the case with those who get to know the guy, but generally speaking, they take a pretty dim view (at least initially)of all the guys
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    My question to you is: Do strippers LOOK DOWN on customers who PAY for LAP DANCES?
  • RomanticLover
    18 years ago
    Why not ask some "experts on buying affection"?
  • georgec
    20 years ago
    OK, I've seen these topics posted over the years, and I just gotta ask y'all. When you say "pay for conversation"...I don't know...it does not compute. how does that negotiation go? Sounds like 'hey, will you sit and talk to me for a half hour, I'll give you $50'. Is that it? I've logged WAY too many hours in titty bars, but this concept is something I can't figure on... -G
  • RomanticLover
    20 years ago
    what if they are trying/hoping to BUY AFFECTION?
  • ginjon
    20 years ago
    When I was a dancer, I prefered a gentleman who appreciated that my time in the club was "working time" or "wage earning" time. I looked down on the idiots who expected me to "donate" this time. You have to make hay while the sun shines, If I would have a guy who was willing to pay for my time, and one that wasn`t, well, come on, it would defeat my purpose to go to "work", If I didnt do just that. No, when in a strip club, a man is not looked down on for paying for conversation.
  • ReportRL2Cops
    20 years ago
    RL's 5 YEARS of obcessive daily even sometime hourly posting on the subjects of degrading strippers aka $5 dances with extras included and demanding to know a strippers personal info is very suspect of a serial murderer/rapist in the making or maybe even already active. Notifing police of him serves as a safety measure for the future and also may provide the correct suspect in open unsloved cases. Bringing him to the police's attention hurts no one but could help to save future victims.
  • TopGunGlen
    20 years ago
    Uh, we don't have any factual basis (other than his crazy attitude) to report RL to the cops. Not that I like his attitude, and indeed he is a bit bizarre, but to make a legit complaint to the police, you need an actual confession of wrong doing, either past or future. RL has not confessed to anything except wanting to pay 5 or 10 dollars for a private dance. He is guilty of being a rude cheapskate, but I don't think that's on the books...
  • ReportRL2Cops
    20 years ago
    RL needs to be brought to the attention of law enforcement. He exibits all the traits of a serial murderer/rapist. I urge everyone who reads this to send a complaint or report to the Houston police. RL needs to be removed from general society, he is criminaly insane. PLEASE EVERYONE REPORT RL TO POLICE- IT WILL SAVE LIVES. You report him annonomously by US mail if you want. Or you can send an email or make a phone call. If enough of us take action it will make a difference. In closing I will repeat PLEASE EVERYONE REPORT RL TO POLICE- IT WILL SAVE LIVES. You can reort him by mail at the following address: Houston Police Department 1200 Travis Street Houston TX 77002 or you can call it in: Sex Crimes Division (Adults) (713) 308-1180 Please report him asap and help save lives!
  • weekendfun
    20 years ago
    The real question here is not probably what RL already knows but do customers look down on those that pay for conversation. Obviously RL does and is wondering if anybody else does too. I believe most people don't really care what the "customers" want to blow their money on. Unless of course it raises prices for everyone else. If someone wants to give a dancer money for nothing or for "conversation" then don't worry about it, it's not your money. I think even the religious type could relate a story to this. Doesn't matter if RL or myself or almost everyone else thinks you're wasting your money. It's not our money. Does that answer this question?
  • TopGunGlen
    20 years ago
    Hey, RL, when was the last time a pretty girl talked to you for free? Unless you were asking directions to the psycho facilty of course...heheheh...
  • HotStrippersOnly
    20 years ago
    Yes, if your going to spend money, spend it on T&A, not talk.
  • mufdvr
    20 years ago
    no, they only look down on assholes like you!!
  • casualguy
    20 years ago
    Is this subject stating that RL actually cares about strippers? He must since he's wants to know their opinions. RL just my two cents but if you want to save some money, it's actually really easy to get girls to talk outside of strip clubs. You just have to be friendly and don't threaten anyone and don't talk about how you saved 5 bucks at strip clubs. Ask people about their life and hobbies not yours. You can get so much free conversation you'll go to strip clubs to get some peace and quiet, lol :)
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