
Comments by harrydave (page 34)

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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lap dance or play?
    Ok shadowcat, so WTF do you look like anyway, and what is your normal experience in the club? I'm getting this Jabba the Hutt (sp?) image. Do you have the girls on leashes, or are they free to serve other customers?
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    17 years ago
    How explicit are your reviews?
    I like what Chitownlawyer and ClevelandTom had to say about this. I tend to hint at extra mileage rather than get explicit or name names. I don't want to get anybody in trouble, and I don't want management cracking down. I also like what shadowcat has to say about trust. I feel I can trust some of the reviewers on TUSCL because they have a long track record and their reviews seem balanced. njscfan, remember the reception you got with your first post? ;-o
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    17 years ago
    Planning a Detroit trip
    Ok, here's what you can expect at the clubs out by the airport. Flight Club is a bit pricey, but girl quality and dance quality are very good. If you go on a busy night, you may find yourself competing, and the girls will not be giving their best dances. Landing Strip seems to have gone downhill. Many reviewers complain of lower mileage dances and some attitude problems. PLayhouse was my upscale favorite a little while back. Again, a bit pricey, but the atmosphere is relaxed, the food is actually good, the girls will sit and converse, and the dance mileage was excellent. Bogarts and Henry the VIII are similar. They are basically dumps with ok girls and high mileage dances. Your dollar will go farther there. Girl qulaity is a notch or two lower than the upscale places, naturally, so you have to be patient and selective. Finally, for all around nastiness and mileage, you could venture down to Henry the VIII South in Southgate. I have been there recently. Girl quality is uneven (one of the regular girls is scary). Pay $10, go into dark dance room, negotiate. Well, have fun!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer "Most strippers are BI"
    I read a summary of some research about a year ago. Guys and girls were asked their sexual preference: hetero, bi, or homosexual. Then they were attached to probes that measured their degree of sexual arousal (blood flow to sex organs, etc.) The they were shown porno. Some of the porno was hetero, some was lesbian, some was male homosexual. Guess what? Of the women who describes themselves as bi-sexual, most were. Of the men who described themselves as bisexual, only 1% showed arousal to heterosexual porn. All the so-called bi guys were gay. So, are most strippers gay? I guess if they say so, they probably are. But you must wear a lab coat when you ask them.
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    17 years ago
    why dont strippers work the floor
    I find huge variation across the country. It seems to be a regional thing, like a common style. In Phoenix, the girls circulate and ask for dances. In Columbus OH, the girls seem to hang back and wait for the guys to make the move. In Tampa, they are downright aggressive. I think the girls learn from each other, and since many girls jump from club to club, the dominant approach gets passed around. I would agree with David9999, regardless of region, the girls who circulate and ask are the ones making the money. I don't understand the ones who just sit around. I guess they didn't have to do chores as kids.
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    17 years ago
    Liquor, Girls and OTC
    Oh wondergrl, you have stolen my heart!
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    17 years ago
    Liquor, Girls and OTC
    I had to laugh at the comment about gin. I do enjoy a gin martini...Bombay Sapphire, straight up, with blue cheese stuffed olives. I have never met a stripper that would go anywhere near that drink. Ah, but it's "mother's milk" to me. :-)
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    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Look at the bottom of the page. There's a menu there with some interesting articles.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Tatoos: Art or Grafetti?
    I don't think there are any tests a tatoo artist takes to prove they are a good artist. So we see the results of a lot of amateur artistry. As others have pointed out, a bad tatoo artist combined with a confused or infatuated girl can lead to some awful results. However, maybe one percent of the tattoos I see are nicely done, and somehow evoke an interesting thought. There is a little spinner at my regular club who has a colorful frog climbing up her shoulder blade. It's a good conversation starter!
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    17 years ago
    Song about Strippers
    She's dancin for the Losers She's dancin for the Pervs She's dancing for the groping hands that fondle all her curves In sequins and a skimpy thong She's wishin'for the end of song If this guy had a few more bucks She'd offer him some backroom sucks What's the price he'll have to pay?
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    17 years ago
    Liquor, Girls and OTC
    Sorry if all my previous suggestions were mixed bar drinks. If you're looking to drink in, then I would second that Champagne suggestion, and maybe bring along Creme de Cassis (black currant liquer). Make a "Kir Royale" with 1/2 shot of Creme de Cassis and fill the rest of the flute with Champagne. Let us know how your next drinking experience goes. I could use the help too!
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    17 years ago
    Liquor, Girls and OTC
    OK, I have had this same experience many times. My GF is like that. I drink straight Bourbon, and she drinks sweet stuff. Here are some suggestions: 1) Appletini (apple flavored vodka martini) 2) Lemon Drop (lemon flavored martini) 3) German Chocolate Cake (made with Frangelico, I think, actually tastes like its name) 4) Cosmo or Mandarin Cosmo (maybe, ask for a weak one to start) 5) Long Island Iced Tea or Long Beach (will get her hammered if she likes em) Here's mud in your eye :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I PM'd shadowcat and he told me Bones is taking a break. He changed is screen name too, but he is still the #1 reviewer, and the rest of us will have to work like demons to catch up to him while he is offline. Anyway, I suspect he has not sworn off strip clubs. Is that possible?
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    17 years ago
    Tales from the dark side - part 2 (the sad conclusion)
    Well njscfan, don't be too hard on yourself. Heroin users can sustain their habits for a long time, and maintain a seemingly normal appearance. You don't have much choice except to distance yourself from her. With the boyfriend still in the picture, you have no chance of influencing her, and she probably isn't at the point of wanting to quit anyway. My GF and I are letting a recovering addict stay at our place right now. She is on methadone maintenance, which effectively suppresses her cravings for heroin and other opiates. And she can function pretty well, working part time. We're trying to get her into a halfway house so she can have a more structured environment. Unfortunately, she has too much free time, and she still sees the same people as before (a bunch of losers). We have evidence she is getting high on meth and abusing pills. She'll be out of here within 2 weeks and that's that. The success rate on "saving" addicts is pitifully low. However, my GF is one of the "escapees" from a life of drugs. She did it all by first breaking from her old "friends", going on methadone, and then latching on to me. Then there was about a year of hell while she slipped in and out of drug use, smokingcrack mostly. I literally tracked her down and pulled her off the streets a few times. Biggest challenge of my life was to hang in there. I kept telling myself, as I lost 10 pounds and got demoted at work, that it was about her, not me. Now she has been clean for 2 years, she's an A student in college, and she has a purpose in life rescuing animals. She also has a great heart. AND, she is one sexy lady. There is hope after all! :-)
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    17 years ago
    Any drug experts here know the signs of heroin use?
    I've been around a few recovering heroin users, and my GF has told me lots of real life stories. She was in the life for 5 years. A lot of users will go through phases. In the good times, they are clean, and the rest of their lives are apparently normal. In the bad times, they will disappear, be broke, get thin, tell lies, etc. A person high on heroin has pinpoint (very small) pupils even in dim lighting. Hard core heroin users always shoot up (snorting does not give them the more intense high), so the needle marks are somewhere, maybe between the toes if they want to hide it. I think the suggestion to keep tabs on her for 36 hours is right on. Heroin users hate getting sick when they are withdrawing. They will go to great lengths to get another fix. On the other hand, they are super sneaky, and need only 5 minutes in a bathroom to set things right. If, as her whacko BF says, she is using several times a day, then she would show evidence at times during the day, and her eating habits would be crappy. Addicts tend to go exclusively for sweet shit, like soda and candy. Good luck!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Tales from the dark side
    On the flip side, my GF works in a club in Phoenix, and she had customer come in one day, spend about $200 on her, talk a lot, etc. She thinks nothing of it. She tells him a little about her schedule. Her next work day he is back in the club. He has a shopping bag with about $100 worth of gifts, all appropriate for her interests based on the previous conversation. He gets more dances, spends another $200. She brings home the gifts and tells me about it. In the meantime, it turns out she gave him her email address. He starts sending messages. She starts telling him she can't accept so many gifts. His emails escalate into name calling. He opens multiple email accounts and sends emails from them. I author an email that basically tells him to go away. He sends an email that includes some replies from a friend who is asking how he has been. I email the friend and say I am concerned this guy may be obsessive, or a stalker, etc. The friend replies that the guy is bipolar and tends to have these manic phases. I reply, maybe it is time to reign him in, 'cause he's gonna go broke in no time and he is scaring my GF. We figure out his address and drop the bag of gifts on his doorstep. He goes quiet. One year later he shows up at the club again, but he doesn't recognize my GF. She steers clear of the lttle bipolar maniac.
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    17 years ago
    Stripper and Porn Star?
    So, just to make something out of this thread, I would say I got bored of porn about the same time I upped my SC visits. Every once in a while I go to a club that is showing porn. I think the last time was in Quebec. What is the point?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Loner or extrovert?
    I'm gonna make one of those SC in SC "conventions" somehow. I do like socializing in clubs with like minded guys. Unfortunately, I don't know too many. Most of the guys I go to clubs with are casual business acquaintences. They have a set of uncertainties and inhibitions (and wives) I abandoned a while back. It's a damper on my enjoyment. Recently, I spent an evening with Bones in a club in OH. Despite the generally low mileage of the place, we managed to have a great time. Maybe it is the party atmosphere the right group of guys can generate, which some girls are happy to join and even elevate. Hard to do that alone!
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    17 years ago
    Take the pledge
    The pledge is an easy one to take, FONDL. I am here because of a particular obsession with getting as physically close as I can to many beautiful, naked women. Does that make me FONDL2?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    If a tree falls in the woods... If we can "pretend" that she is our girlfriend, and we are about to get laid, I'm sure we can pretend her boobs are AOK. And we avoid that lactating problem brought up in a previous thread.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are dancer concepts of a good lap dance different from the customers view?
    Got the worst 2 dances of my life just last week. She was young and oblivious. But the experienced girls know what the guys want. I don't think the basic concepts differ. I classify dancers into 2 categories: 1) Dick Centric, and 2)Dick Avoiding. Some girls just resist the idea of embracing fully the Category 1 style, and we must encourage them to do better. :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    dancer: "You smell Gooood."
    I have talked with ATF's and other familiar dancers about this. I get this line every once in a while. Most of them tell me it's a true compliment. Then they tell me about the bad smelling guys. I can believe it. They prefer a well dressed, clean guy. But for you guys with small dicks, it may be the only complimnt they could think of. I think I'm watching Family Guy too much.
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    17 years ago
    WHAT is going on with the "Top Ten"?
    Chitown, I defer to your experience with Adelita. I went there once, and made the same calculation as you. Half way through my first beer, I decided I needed to go upstairs to get my money's worth. The rest of the beer was for deciding who with. But back to Northern NJ bikini clubs, where the girls only flash their boobs, but the mileage can be astronomical. What are these? And what about some clubs in rural Quebec, where there is some naked dancing on stage, some socializing with guys who are melanin challenged, but the dance booths are primarily for extras? A mixture, a melange, a fine kettle of fish. I must read more reviews and learn.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you want some breast milk with your lap dance?
    Well isn't that some freaky shit. Not too long ago, I got some LD's from a girl who was 7 months pregnant. She had been a dancer unti recently, and was now waitressing. Anyway, she was sexy, fun, and made good use of that belly. We kinda laughed our way through it. I'm imagining she's trapped in the trailer right now, wondering where the hell her boyfriend is. ;-0
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    WHAT is going on with the "Top Ten"?
    Hey everyone, I'm going to the NY area at the end of the month, and would be happy to check out HLD for you! Just send your check or money order to the HarryDave HLD Fund, Phoenix AZ. As for Adelita, I have been there. Most of the guys there do not partake of the upstairs activities. But the format is different from many US clubs, with very little stage dancing, and mostly girls circulating, socializing, "cuddling" and trying to find ways to extract $$ (or pesos). Come to think of it, this seems to be the pattern at Northern NJ bikini joints, too. Also going to Tampa this month, and likely will partake of the ever reliable Mons Venus. This club will always be in my top ten no matter what the TUSCL ranking.