
Comments by harrydave (page 33)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More proof women love cheaters
    This...is Howard Cosell, reporting to you from high above ringside at TUSCL'S Palace. And I must tell you, this contest has taken a very unusual turn. It appears that one of our pugilistic progenitors, David the Seed Spreader, the Neanderthalic Phallic, is now content to just dance around the ring, waving his books by obscure authors, taunting his opponent, and ranting without end at the crowd gathered before us. Not since the days of the great Ali, the champ himself, have I witnessed so much oratorical bombast. Ladies and gentleman, the referee is talking now to the three judges ringside, and, yes, it's official...it's a technical knockout...the Spreader has literally buried the New Jersey Fan Man in a mountain of big, impressive, and highly controversial concepts. We'll be right back after this message from Pepto Bismol.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Strip Club Violence
    Yeah Shadowcat, I actually think that may be the most common thing. My GF tells of seeing a new girl at her club getting into a fight on the first day with some other girl, and pounding her head into the counter top. There is a little gang mentality thing going on with the "ladies".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Spring forward
    I heard an interesting report yesterday about DST. Some researchers with a lot of time on their hands ;-) did a study of energy records in Indiana, comapring usage with and without DST. It seems energy use is actually higher by 1 to 4 percent during DST, not lower as most expected. Ben Franklin invented DST when the major concern was having enough whale oil and candle wax for lighting. It seems in the modern age, our heating and air conditioning systems are the bigger users of energy, and during DST we make them work a little harder. Anyway, as the report pointed out, there is the social benefit of longer daylight in the evening and the playtime or neighborly socializing that comes with that (assuming you like your neighbors). Well, get ready to fire up the grill!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More proof women love cheaters
    NJ, I knew from previous posts that the great majority of participants here are getting on in life and would remember Howard and his unique announcing style. But damn! The fight seems to be over already, and all I did was go to the fridge for another beer!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More proof women love cheaters
    No way to tell. He has yet to seed spread a review.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More proof women love cheaters
    This... is Howard Cosell. Tonight we have for you a fight of epic proportions, coming straight to you from TUSCL's palace. From the right coast, there's the New Jersey Fandango, the Garden State Brawler; a scrappy middleweight from a little state. On the left, fighting out of the genetically predisposed corner, fighting for the Alpha Male stables, no other than David the Seed Spreader. Who will win? It remains to be seen. Now let's go down ringside to Michael Buffer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New ratings by club type
    wondergrl, I'm sure you can grasp it. You need to asses the situation at your club, really get a grip on it. That shouldn't be too hard. And don't be afraid if it gets harder as you go along. Just keep working at it, and eventually you may be surprised. After that, it won't be that hard at all.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Getting ID'd or patted down. Does it bother you?
    Two of the clubs I have frequented alot in Phoenix have at various times done the pat down or wand. One of them, Bandaids, should do it all the time; especially on Friday and Saturday nights, the place fills up with "players" and the club wisely wants to keep the bad stuff out in the parking lot. The other club, Hiliter, has a more upscale clientele, but off and on they will wand you or do a casual pat-down. Yet, I have never seen any violence at either place and I almost lived at Bandaids for a while. The guys who caused trouble were the 35 year old white male drunks with an attitude problem and a tendency to grope the girls. Every once in a while, one of those guys would get dragged out of the club, and accidently trip on the sidewalk. The girls loved it. They would run in and out of the club checking out what was happening to the guy outside, and report back to the girls clustered near the door. What fun! I think for some of them it was indirect revenge for the bad treatment they received from someone else. And through it all, I would sit there with my glasses, button down shirt, and Dockers. Of course, no one messed with me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you recently cut back on strip club spending?
    I'm not spending less, but I am getting more selective. I think it started when Bones was on a tear and reviewed a ton of clubs in a short period of time. I enjoyed his reviews, and it was obvious he netered a new club, sized it up, and if the magic wasn't there he bugged out and went someplace else. That was not my modus operandi before, but I'm getting into that now. No more sitting around at 9 PM wondering if some lazy but beautiful babe is going to decide she needs to work after all. Recently, I've had some short visits at some marginal clubs, and I do feel better walking out the door having spent only $20 or $30. On the other hand, I was in Tampa a couple weeks ago and it almost killed me. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New ratings by club type
    And it is up to you, wondergrl, to keep it on the list. Better yet, why don't you see if you can raise it a few places?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Female patrons in stripclubs
    Well, lopaw, you may want to avoid Mons Venus (#4 on theTop 40?) which sort of resembles the worlds longest running orgy. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Best Club NOT on Top 40
    Hey, Fantasyland West in OH is top rated, and while the dance mileage is good, and extras are sometimes on the menu, the place is in the middle of nowhere, hard to find, usuallu only has a few girls, and is a dump. The "regional effect" explains it - this club is "great" because the local alternatives suck or don't even exist.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    buying dancers drinks
    The clubs in Columbus OH specialized in the drink hustle. Typically, a modest (weak) drink for the girl is $20, and she gets 50 or 60% of that. Now the lap dance prices are high, so it seems some of the girls are stuck hustling for drinks just to make money. One bikini club I recently visited actually has stage dancing, but no table/lap dances. The girls there are forced to grub for dollars on stage, and grub for drinks off stage. It's no wonder most of the clubs in Columbus are poorly attended, expecially week nights.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New ratings by club type
    Works for me. I like seeing the extra clubs that didn't quite make the cut before. I know from experience some of these are very good clubs. As for Adelita, I agree with keeping it in its own category. How are you treating the clubs in Nogales? They are similar. Management actively solicits you for full sex with the girls.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Don't you hate it when you realize the dancer sitting next to you is sick?
    I am hoping that going to strip clubs keeps me exposed to a wide variety of common germs; my immune system is tuned to the highest levels; and I am resistant to colds and the flu. There must be some scientific support for this. Or, this may be wishful thinking. But we now know that an ultra-clean home is not a good thing for our kids. Their immune systems don't develop properly. So strip clubs must be good for adults. Right?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I piss off another dancer
    We can engage in all kinds of self delusion, or at least compartmentalized thinking: Women: I dance naked and rub guys dicks, but I'n not a whore becasue I don't do HJs Men: I pay women to rub my dick, but I'm not cheating on my wife because I'm not getting a HJ Women: I don't like the way I look, but I'm going to strip in front of strangers Men: I look like a stud, although this beer gut makes it hard to tie my shoes
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    VIP/Champagne Results
    Good advice from the legal eagle.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Best Club NOT on Top 40
    Here's my nomination. The 40th club on the current list is rated 7.772. I would nominate Play House, near the Detroit airport. It is a small club, with a comfortable atmosphere for us business travelers. Good food, attractive girls who will sit and talk a bit, and excellent mileage in the dance area. When I was going to Detroit regularly, this place was a consistently good alternative to Flight Club, and as I got to know a few girls, the mileage got higher. The club currently rates 7.65, with very good recent reviews (except for one crank).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Best Club NOT on Top 40
    Well, thanks for the advertisement for PP, shadowcat! ;-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    VIP/Champagne Results
    Well it sure depends on the club. But more often then not, I have found the VIP room to be not much of an improvement over the standard lap dance. I have done VIP in FL, GA, TX. Not one of those experiences was worth it. On the other hand, I have had extras in some pretty open areas in other clubs, and there was certainly no room fee for that. So my basic formula now is: Forget about privacy, go to the "right" clubs, don't pay VIP fee, spend less on booze, spend more on girls, make more friends, get more mileage.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Female patrons in stripclubs
    I go to clubs with my girlfriend. When she tips the girls on stage, it usually turns into a little show. I look around, and a lot of the guys are paying close attention. Then, when the girl comes off stage, she comes over to us, and...asks if she can dance for my girlfriend...WTF??? Sometimes, it not just one dance! And I'm paying for them. What an outrage! Actually, it works out fine for me. My GF gets heated up, and we have to address that situation later in the evening.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Big spender
    I think I'm an average spender compard to the guys responding to this post. I either spen less than $50, which means I did not like the club and I was just sampling, or I spend $100 to $200, which means it was good. About 1 out of 10 trips to a club, I spend more. Why? You will have to ask the little brain, and he does not know how to operate this computer. When I spend more than $200, and all I got was LD's, I usually have "buyer's remorse". My all time max for a night is $1,800. I plead insanity.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Top 40
    I've been to 11 of the clubs on the revised Top 40, and they were "rockin' good". However, we all know Adelita is a different kind of place, more like the cocktail lounge for a whorehouse. Also, I think there are regional differences in what consititutes a great club. A couple of clubs in Massachusetts are very highly rated, but I think that is because most clubs in MA are low mileage, so a decent club looks great in comparison. The same cannot be said of clubs in FL or TX, where generally high mileage means a Top 40 club is very good indeed. Only Founder knows for sure, but if the new formula eliminates some of the bias from the "one hit wonders" or "shills", that is great!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is it the sex or the social thing?
    It's both for me. If I go to a club and there is no socializing, I would not rate it above a 7. If I go to a club and the socializing is great but the sexual stimulation is lame, it can't rate more than a 5. Most of my WTF am I doing here converstaions with myself take place in hotel rooms. By the time I'm in the club parking lot, I'm going in. Otherwise, a good shower and shave will go to waste!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lap dance or play?
    Ok, after seeing parody-of-himself-man pop up with his usual crap (which, half you guys are probably ignoring anyway) I had to dispel any misconceptions. My dry "New England" sense of humor gets me in trouble. Actually, half the girls in clubs don't understand it at all. So, I recant. Shadowcat is not Jabba. He is Yoda, a big Yoda. Or maybe Obie-Wan (sp?). Or maybe Hans Solo. Whoever he is, the girls must love it when he whips out his light saber.