I've seen the light. I agree with Shadowcat, there's way too much unrelated BS on this board lately. I therefore hearby resolve not to post on any thread or respond to any other post that doesn't have some direct connection to strippers (past or present) and/or strip clubs. No more politics, no more economics unless it's directly related, no more other annoying BS that recently seems to be flooding this site. Who will join me in taking the pledge?
Here lately, partly due to the recent influx of non-Clubbing banter, I've become MUCH more selective on what topics I even look at. I've cut my "discussion browsing" time WAY down.
I'm still struggling with (and have been for MONTHS) on determining which thread I've read the latest entries on, and which I haven't. That damned date/time stamp issue. Aarrggh. I even asked Founder to add the current date/time stamp at the top of the page, which helps a little. (am I just slow, or what?!)
DougS: I totally agree with you. I would like it to go back to the way it was. Last post brings the topic to the top. Unless I am really bored, I do not check the next 50. Founder has said that the date/time issue is hard to program. I hope that he is still working on it.
DougS, I think what would make a big improvement is reversing the order of the posts with the most recent one at the top. Then you wouldn't have to page all the way to the bottom every time to see if there are any new posts.
I don't mind off topic discussion, although I think this is an odd place for some subjects. I simply don't read stuff that doesn't interest me, is boring, is a bunch of self-indulgant windbagism, etc.
I'll try to keep mostly (99.44%) strip club related, but I if I stray and start discussing Byzantine history once in a while I hope I will be forgiven.
When last I "talked" to Founder, I think a lightbulb went off, and he realized some of the problem with the date/time stamp was the fact that the web server and database server are on two different servers, in two different time zones.
Being a long-time, programmer, I understand some of what he is up against on this. It isn't a simple solution.
ShadowCat: I may be misunderstanding your post, but it sounds like you are not seeing the last post at the top. If that is the case, click on the "Last Reply" column heading (also a link). That will sort your discussion topics with the most topic containing the most recent posts at the top.
FONDL: It WOULD probably make reading the discussion posts slightly easier, if the most recent posts were at the top of a topic, however, it also causes additional programming on Founder's part, and it would also slow the display time WAY down.
BobbyL: I'm sure we can overlook a mention of Byzantine history once in a while... as long as it's sexual in nature! [wink]
I don't mind off-topic threads that are clearly labeled as such, as long as the people posting have something interesting to say and know what they're talking about. And as long as they keep their irrelevant opinions off of the relevant threads. Which often isn't the case. And which is why I got tired of them and am making this pledge. Who else wants to join with us and swear off the unrelated BS?
The pledge is an easy one to take, FONDL. I am here because of a particular obsession with getting as physically close as I can to many beautiful, naked women. Does that make me FONDL2?
The pledge I take is related: when a discussion which relates to stripping is going on, I'll do my best NOT to derail it onto subjects unrelated to stripping. (I know, I'm guilty. I admit it.) But when the discussion is ALREADY derailed to the point of being focused on non-related matters, or is INTENDED to be focused on non-related matters, then I'm not going to refuse to join in just because of a pledge or something. I think it's appropriate that we talk politics, abortion, gun control, global warming, genetics, airplane discounts, superbowl football, courtroom trials, baseball statistics here, all with zero reference to strippers. Just so the stripper conversation doesn't get totally drowned out.
JayADay, I agree but it does have a direct connection to making TUSCL a better place - improvements to TUSCL should have been added to my safe-topics list.
last commentHere lately, partly due to the recent influx of non-Clubbing banter, I've become MUCH more selective on what topics I even look at. I've cut my "discussion browsing" time WAY down.
I'm still struggling with (and have been for MONTHS) on determining which thread I've read the latest entries on, and which I haven't. That damned date/time stamp issue. Aarrggh. I even asked Founder to add the current date/time stamp at the top of the page, which helps a little. (am I just slow, or what?!)
I'll try to keep mostly (99.44%) strip club related, but I if I stray and start discussing Byzantine history once in a while I hope I will be forgiven.
Being a long-time, programmer, I understand some of what he is up against on this. It isn't a simple solution.
ShadowCat: I may be misunderstanding your post, but it sounds like you are not seeing the last post at the top. If that is the case, click on the "Last Reply" column heading (also a link). That will sort your discussion topics with the most topic containing the most recent posts at the top.
FONDL: It WOULD probably make reading the discussion posts slightly easier, if the most recent posts were at the top of a topic, however, it also causes additional programming on Founder's part, and it would also slow the display time WAY down.
BobbyL: I'm sure we can overlook a mention of Byzantine history once in a while... as long as it's sexual in nature! [wink]
But ok, I'm in.
Of course, anything I say will be dancer related because his life is just one huge lapdance.