
Comments by harrydave (page 35)

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    17 years ago
    Best Vegas clubs
    Went to Vegas in November. Cheetahs had girls of lower quality and unusually shitty attitude. Spearmint Rhino was super expensive, very nice looking girls. But I guess you already knew that. I think the reviews on TUSCL reflect the general situation in Vegas, which is declining value for $$ in SC's.
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    17 years ago
    Lots of new people here
    Oh no, are we going to have another one of those discussions about evolution, the biological differences between men and women, and how men are the "seed spreaders"? It's not that I disgaree with that, but I'm pretty sure I decide to go to clubs. Anyway, as my marital sex life declined, and my "seed spreading" desires remained high, I went to strip clubs, but it took many, many years before I spilled my seed outside of marriage. And it was good.
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    17 years ago
    North New Jersey Extras and Take Out?
    I see njscfan has been hard at work. Bravo! And thanks from me personally, as I will be travelling through NJ later this month, and I'm no expert on that state. I can't quite figure out the northern NJ bikini club scene, which seems to vary widely.
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    17 years ago
    Glossary question
    Well, I knew I was right about the radio call sign thing. In amateur radio, the designation TI is for Costa Rica. As for airport codes, the 4 letter designations are promulgated by the ICAO, and the first 2 letters generally indicate the country. For Costa Rica, the designation is MR. (See http://www8.landings.com/cgi-bin/get_file?APT/icao_prefix.html) Now, aircraft registrations (the numbers assigned to civilian aircraft) also have prefixes, and for Costa Rica it is TI. (There is a very close correspondence country-by-country between radio call signs and airplane prefixes) So, I think that is where the club name comes from. As I recall, that club has an airplane fuselage in the middle that doubles as a VIP area. No doubt, it is a Costa Rican airplane with a TIxxxx designation. Just found a reference at a club review site..."Located in the center of our club is a Convair 240 model propeller aircraft true to size." Glad we cleared that up. ;-) BTW, anybody ever been to Costa Rica and sampled the club scene?
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    17 years ago
    Glossary question
    I think TI is the radio call sign prefix for Costa Rica (like the U.S. has the prefixes W and K).
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    17 years ago
    North New Jersey Extras and Take Out?
    The problem is, you joined TUSCL and have not yet posted a single review, and came right out and asked where the law-breaking is going on. Agree completely about the general quality of reviews. But there it's not the incompetence here when it comes to shyness about describing the extras, the reliable back rooms, who the whores are, etc. In part, it's uncertainty about whether LE is monitoring the board. We had a thread on that a while ago, and the opinion was mixed. I think some of us are erring on the side of caution. You can always use the private messaging feature to ask a few of the regulars who review NJ clubs. Hey, we're not unhelpful, just tinged with some healthy skepticism.
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    17 years ago
    North New Jersey Extras and Take Out?
    I'm with arbeeguy on this one. Just read the reviews. Some are explicit, and some hint around. Or, do what some of us do, and get your ass on the road, visit a bunch of clubs, and become the expert on your region. ;-)
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    17 years ago
    How old is too old /
    I have not seen an absolute upper limit. Have certainly had great times with 40-something "girls". Conversely, I tend to be disappointed by the younger girls. Lately, I've experienced a bunch of them that are not experienced in clubs, and don't have clue about what makes a guy aroused and keeps him that way. I have to resist the impulse to offer advice, although I did just that with a sweet but inept girl this week, and she seemed to appreciate it. Now, if I had to pick just based on looks and age, I would go with the best looking girl over the age of 28.
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    17 years ago
    Lots of new people here
    Oh, Harrydave here. Not new to TUSCL, but relatively new to the discussion board. I'm 53 years young, gainfully employed by the same employer for 28 years, and like FONDL double-degreed in engineering, but turned to the dark side of management and IT consulting. I've been going to SC's for 15 years, starting with occasional visits during business tips, and escalating into a regular activity. My marriage is in the tank and 2008 will produce a final divorce decree. Fortunately, my kids are in college and carving out hteir own lives. Three years ago, on a whim, I struck up an OTC relationship with a 23 year-old stripper, who turned out to have a shocking history of family problems, drug abuse, homelessness, you name it. She became my obsession, and then my lover. We have been living together for 2 years and she is blossoming into a mature young women. Now I'm paying for 3 college students. Well, you can't take it with you. I still go to clubs; sometimes she goes with me, although she is not bisexual. She just likes how soft women are. Me too!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Sex in the club
    This need of yours doesn't fit the strip club model very well. Assuming 15 songs per hour at $10 to $20 each, you will need $150 to $300 and a very willing, patient young lady. Besides, an hour working on this project probably represents a heightened risk in many clubs, so some extra pay might be required. Anyway, you're flirting with escort hourly prices, so you could always go that route.
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    17 years ago
    Another study of strip club patrons
    When I was in college as an engineering major, I took a smattering of courses is psychology and sociology. I was often amazed at what passed for research in sociology. A lot of it was trying to prove what was already obvious. Who would have guessed that guys who visit strip clubs are more sexually oriented? At the end of many research papers is the hackneyed phrase "further research is required". I can just imagine the authors of this study trying to say that with a straight face. What's next, "Lap Dance Modalities Among Ethnically Diverse Erotic Entertainers"? Here at the Strip Club Research Institute, we will not sleep until the mysteries of strip clubs are revealed for the betterment of human understanding and prosperity.
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    17 years ago
    Rating Dancers in addition to Clubs
    Now, Bambi and Thumper rated both as 9's, but Plenty O'Toole was a 10. I kinda think it is too much trouble, and perhaps a stretch for many of the reviewers, who seem to be straining to get out a few coherent thoughts. I think there could be an initiative to solicit higher quality reviews, perhaps with more guidance right above the text box for the review entry. Then there is the whole personal preference thing. My best friend and I have been to clubs together many times. He and I probably only agree on about 20 percent of the girls. I'm always trying to judge behavior, body language, and all the other telltales that might indicate a high mileage girl. He, on the other hand, is pretty enamored of the Barbie Doll look. So is the number rating for a girl just for physical looks, or does it also include personality, mileage, degree of socializing, etc.? I have used numbers only to indicate the range of quality (physical appearance) in the club, not for specific girls.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer confiding in you she's about to get evicted, what would you do?
    I'm in a professional services business. For me, time=money. But when I sell work, if I even imply to a client the reason they should hire us is that our business is bad, it's a deal breaker (besides, it's a poor way to convince them we are really good at what we do). When I'm in a club, the sob stories don't work for me. My girlfriend, prefers the direct approach from panhandlers rather than the sob stories. I like the creativity, but I never believe them. Why not just say, "Hey man, can you spare a buck? I wanna buy some beer." I might not fork over the dough, but at least I will leave thinking, now there's an honest drunk. However, I'm sure the contrary point of view among some dancers is that a bunch of men can be manipulated by sob stories and other sorts of lies, and that approach improves the cash flow. I just can't see it as a long term recipe for fulfilling life's aspirations and enjoying life after 40.
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    17 years ago
    Possible scenario, dancer needs a place to stay, would you let her stay with you
    What happens when you take in a stray cat and feed it?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    You will not look out of place. But time of day matters. IMHO you will find the greatest proportion of middle aged and older guys in strip clubs on weekday afternoons (and the mileage may be better , while the women will also be a bit older). Weekday evenings are next (MON, TUE, WED not very crowded). And FRI and SAT evenings tend to bring in the young crowd. Oh, as soon as you get tired of SD clubs, check out the reviews for the LA area, save up your money, and take a field trip. You will get higher mileage at some clubs to the north. And then there's Tijuana.... ;-)
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    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    How fast can genetic progress move?
    I'm struggling to follow the logic here. Human Evolution--->Dogs--->Dumb Strippers Sure, genetic change can happen in 15,000 years (about 750 generations). But differences among populations only emerge if there is sufficient isolation. This probably explains variation in humans we see today. But in the modern world the isolation has been greatly reduced, so the variations are probably being wiped out at a relatively rapid pace right now. Dog have huge phenotypic variation (different physical traits), but that is not to be confused with genotypic variation. Dogs are essentially wolves, identical in all important respects. There is no female subspecies lurking in dimly lit strip clubs. That's all just ASS (Anti Stripper Shit).
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "Do you wanna dance ?": The ultimate answer...
    I like the idea of a snappy comeback, since I am offended by the laziness of the "Do you wanna dance?" line. However, I think the comeback would play differently in different clubs. In Cheaters, it would probably go like: "Do you wanna dance?" "No thanks. DO you wanna funck" "Ok, but it's $200 for a half hour and I usually get tipped." In my regular club in AZ, Hiliter, it would go like: "Do you wanna dance?" "No thanks. Do you wanna fuck?" "Ewwww, gross!" I might try it anyway.
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    17 years ago
    Figured out where you're going to spend an extra 800 cash yet?
    I will give 1/3 to my kids, 1/3 to my soon-to-be-ex, and the rest should be good for a single SC visit. That should boost the economy, in AZ at least, and help put us back on the road to recovery! Does the $800 just come out of my already questionable future Social Security benefits, or some other magical source in the Federal government?
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    17 years ago
    off topic How low will she go?
    Not sure what the tally was at the closing bell, but casualguy was on target. Not seeing any safe havens right now, as the sickness is going global, real estate sucks, interest rates are low. Best to spend it while you have it, maybe at strip clubs. Now, that's a stimulus package.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Feb. 14th, Valentines Day. A good day for strip clubbing or not?
    VD has a special place in my heart. My soon-to-be-ex "educated" me on that day. We were married in November. The first VD comes around and I buy her a dozen roses, arrive home and present them with a big hug and kiss. This gesture was way above the norm for the family I grew up in, which was not big on celebration or effusive gift giving. So, one hour later (from the ex) I get feedback..."Did you get me a card?", "Well, no, I don't think I've given VD cards since the grade school class thing.", "Well, that's just not right; a card shows that you care about someone." And on, and on, and on. Intimacy reduced down to quantitative score keeping. It was that way on Mother's day, birthday and Christmas, too. Ok, enough bile from my marriage. I would avoid strip clubs on VD. Can't imagine what is going on in the girls' minds, but it can't be friendly. I would rather walk through an old mine field. Less chance of being injured.
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    17 years ago
    Have you experienced this too?
    Well, now I feel young! I'm only 53, a spring chicken compare to some of you guys, and in a committed relationship, but still going to clubs because I like sexual thrills (and hope to never lose that feeling) I forget, what category does that put me in? Oh, I'm fit and I have all my hair, too. Does that matter? I can identify with the Category 2 guy though; I think that was me for 10 years. I think the more we break it down, the more categories we get. Now Bones, he has got to be in his own category (OCD for sure, but not the usual hand washing obsession). And we nead a thread just for Dudester (see his post above) so we can offer all kinds of theories for what the hell is going on there! No disrespect, I'm just having a little fun tonight.
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    17 years ago
    Drinking Dancers
    I think drink affects girls differently, just like guys. SOme get mean, some get happy. I had an ATF who was always kind to me and rarely drank. She was going through a divorce, but she seemed to be handling it with patience and perserverence. One night, seh he started drinking at the club, then we went to the bar acrosss the street and she had a couple of more. She got bitter, and all the resentment boiled to the surface. At that point, I became the enemy. It was not pretty. On the other hand, last night I spent 3 hours in a club in Dallas with 2 girls at the same time (they were friends), and I bought each of them a few drinks. They got mucho frisky, and both of them invited me for OTC fun (ok, I did not partake) Alcohol as lubrication for fun and merriment! I like that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you experienced this too?
    I can relate to FONDL's prescription; it worked for me too. What is the song reference?
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    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    High Maintenance Strippers
    Another reference that may not bridge the generations... Just listen to "Whipping Post" by the Allman Brothers if you're struggling with the definition of high maintenance. I will think of that song when the maintenance factor gets too high. Ok, just to remind you http://www.lyricsfreak.com/a/allman+brothers+band/whipping+post_20006519.html