
Are dancer concepts of a good lap dance different from the customers view?

Atlanta suburb
I have to say yes. I want, expect and get high mileage dances at my favorite club. When I don't I am disappointed. I am rarely disappointed there. But it happens. New dancers float into the club all of the time. They promise great dances but wind up being lame by the clubs standards. I have had some tell me that "If you don't like it you do not have to pay". But I always pay. I am not that cheap! I just avoid them in the future. My last encounter was a couple of months ago. She promised the world and when it was over she asked "How was It"? I was honest and replied "Less than average for this club". 6 months ago, I was doing a 2fer and it was so bad that at the end of the first song, I just tossed the $20 on the couch said "This isn't going to work" and walked out.I find that it is girls new to the club that disappoint. They do not understand what the competition is doing or had previously worked in clubs where the mileage was relatively low. When interviewing dancers new to me I always ask how long they have been working at the club, how long they have been dancing and where they worked before. This isn't perfect but it does help. I understand that every dancer has her limits and accept that. I just don't want to be promised and then not have those promises met. I have one favorite dancer that I consider to be low mileage and boy does she ever tell you that up front. Chandler, you know of whom I speak. She has worked at the club for several years and she remains on my favorites list because of her personality and looks and she can do an exotic dance without getting nasty. Has time increased my mileage with her? Yes but not enough to raise her in my ratings. She is near the bottom of my list of 20 or so but will remain on the list. I some times get surprised. Mileage on the first time that I would never have expected and they go to the top of my list. It's still a crap shoot!


    17 years ago
    I'm not sure I agree with you, Shadowcat. Seems to me a good LD from the dancer's point of view is one that gets the guy to buy another one. That's my idea of a good LD too.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    FONDL: I know that you are perfectly happy with a low mileage dance and I know that Chandlers favorite would make you happy but there are newbies out there who don't know what to expect. Chandlers favorite would have some guys crying for more. While Bones would say "fuck that". Do dancers just go to their limit and hope that they please the customer to buy another dance or do they know that other dancers are doing more but that exceeds their limits? Or do they just go far enough to keep you interested and spending money? I know 5 or 6 dancers that will not be out done. Nothing is off limits. I know another 5 or 6 that do the minimum. Do they really think that they are giving me a great lap dance?
  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    Got the worst 2 dances of my life just last week. She was young and oblivious.

    But the experienced girls know what the guys want. I don't think the basic concepts differ.

    I classify dancers into 2 categories: 1) Dick Centric, and 2)Dick Avoiding.

    Some girls just resist the idea of embracing fully the Category 1 style, and we must encourage them to do better. :-)
  • "This isn't going to work", I'll remember that line because sometimes I have to end a bad dance.
  • mr.munchie
    17 years ago
    Since we don't all agree what the 'grade' of any particular lap dance is, how can we expect the dancers to understand. Also, as you said before, even you have a fav, although low on the list, that does very little mileage-wise compared to the other dancers.
  • rootman
    17 years ago
    I always look for high mileage but am willing to test drive new dancers. I agree that it's the newbs and younger ones that disappoint the most. I had one remove my hands from her ass in the vip (unheard of in my club if not any). I didn't tip and walked out after about 1 minute saying I wasn't having any fun. She was gorgeous but within two weeks stopped dancing to become a waitress there. Good move for all.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    I think it depends on the club, at least in part. At my favorite club, most of the girls give high mileage, so when one comes around that doesn't, it's just weird. But some of the ones who do that there could probably do better at a different club. Maybe its just expectations.
    17 years ago
    I don't think you can really describe what constitutes a good LD because it's not just one thing, it's a combination of many things. I enjoy high mileage but that alone isn't enough for me - I've had some really good ones that weren't particularly high in mileage and some bad ones that were. I was being facetious with my previous post but the more I think about it the more it actually makes sense. Some of the best LDs I've ever had were very different from each other. About the only thing they had in common was that I wanted another one.
  • BobbyI
    17 years ago
    Historically I found it took about 3 months for girls to figure out what the job was really about. But there were a few naturals who got it right out of the gate. Now more and more are starting to get it in less and less time.
  • BobbyI
    17 years ago
    I think the basic problem is that alot of girls used to start the job thinking that men were looking for things like seduction, anticipation, salutariness, charm, alluring costume, good dancing, elaborate fantasy and being teased. After all if they wanted whores they would just hire escorts right? And some customers do think that way, and like all those things. However, I would guess that most customers would prefer to skip all that shit and just have the girls to pull our dick out and suck it until we cum in their mouths.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    Bobby1 is exactly right. To use HarryDave's taxonomy, most dancers are dick avoiding. They justify that orientation by telling themselves lies along the lines of Bobby1's analysis: that guys like having pretty young girl's sitting on their laps, being teased, etc. The reality, or at least "my" reality, is that I like high contact dances--or, to follow HarryDave's outline, "dick-centric" dances.

    When you think about it, all our social training is in the direction of the "dick avoiding" category, and it makes sense that most women, even strippers, would be inclined in that way. Unfortunately, that gets them little of my money. As I have told several of you privately, and perhaps said on this board, if the first dance does not involve some substantial contact with my dick (albeit still in my pants), there will be no subsequent dances. At clubs where there is some discount for multiple dances, I am frequently asked, at the beginning of the session, how many dances I am getting. I always respond by saying, "I'll have to see have the first one." That seems to work to get me the kind of dances I like.

    Unfortunately, a lot of dancers think being young and hot is enough. However, to quote the dancer I most frequently patronize: "These young girls think they will make a lot of money because they are cute. Cute don't mean shit. The main thing the guy wants to know is, what are you going to do for his dick."

    I could not have said it better myself.
    17 years ago
    I think there is an awful lot of middle ground between an air dance and a blow job. I prefer to play in that middle ground. I like the flirting and playfulness but also want some contact, just not the extreme variety that many of you prefer. I don't think that fits either of HarryDave's categories. But it's what you often find in a strip club that isn't a whorehouse.
  • MIDancer
    17 years ago
    >>Do dancers just go to their limit and hope that they please the customer to buy another dance or do they know that other dancers are doing more but that exceeds their limits? Or do they just go far enough to keep you interested and spending money?<<

    If I know a guy is going to spend money regardless of little effort on my part, I go far enough to keep him spending. Otherwise, I go my limit (that is, of course, unless club rules or local ordinances forbid me from doing so). I almost always ignore what other girls are doing, and regard most customer complaints about "how all the OTHER girls..." as hearsay. It all comes down to how much money I leave with at the end of the night: if I make satisfactory money, I stay. If I don't make satisfactory money, I find another club.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    MIDancer: I thank you for your input but one thing that disturbs me is your comment about club rules or local ordinances. Since when did this ever stop a dancer. Strip clubs wouldn't even be in business, if the rules were not broken. I know what the club rules are in my favorite club. They are not published because they break local ordianances. HJ's and messaging pussies is accepted if your are discreet. BBBJ's, DATY, and FS are frowned upon but if you are really discreet, they happen all of the time. As for OTC. management doesn't give a shit. Just don't be seen leaving with your favorite dancer.
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat, I'm guesing that your club is highly unusual in that regard, that most clubs aren't like that. Which is why you drive so far to get there when there must be dozens of closer clubs. Out of the more than 120 clubs I've been to, I can only think of 3 or 4 that were like that.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Fuck FONDL; do you realize how many strip clubs there are in Atlanta? And none of
    them worth a shit unless you are willing to spend $300-500/hour for private service. I have been accused of promoting my favorite club and I accept that. My TUSCL buddies know that I am not bullshitting them. I helped to get it into the top 10 and I know that it deserves to be there.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    I think some girls either don't want to be fired or they don't want to go to jail cat.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    "if the first dance does not involve some substantial contact with my dick (albeit still in my pants), there will be no subsequent dances."

    Would using their knee against your groin qualify as substantial?

    In high contact jurisdictions, odds are quite high, at least when you're paying for a nude level dancer or any 15 minute session, that her naked clit will be rubbing up against your (still covered) dick - however some girls simply do it better than others, this is what happened to me in a club when my low 30 something foreign born ATF for that club was absent, which is very rare for her - so I end up with this (not typical for me) 100% american girl, very pretty and very shapely blonde and when she told me her age "I'm just 19" - right in the middle of the dance, I came close to losing it, which normally I would never do in such a situation. Some kind of evolutionary thing working I would guess.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I really like FONDL's first reply. The best dances are when it feels like you and the dancer are co-conspirators in being bad, not adversaries.

    High mileage meant a lot to me when I was a pimply teenager trying to get around the bases on dates. It doesn't mean that much to me anymore. I've done it all too many times to still be defining my fun by which bits I touched, sucked or poked. I get my fun from the overall experience and the intimacy I reach with a stripper. If that goes well, then the mileage usually comes with it anyway - as much mileage as anyone who makes a big deal out of it.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    "if the first dance does not involve some substantial contact with my dick (albeit still in my pants), there will be no subsequent dances."

    Would using their knee against your groin qualify as substantial? "

    Yes, even the dreaded knee against the peter counts. My experience is tha girls who will, early on, make some contact with the dick will escalate that contact on subsequent dances. However, I have also found that girls who will not touch the dick with any part of their body on the first dance will not breach that gap on subsequent dances.

    For some reason, I have always found rubbing their head against your crotch--the infamous "skull blow job"--to be particularly offensive, and that _does not_ count as "substantal contact". I think I find that maneuver particularly offensive because it is two removes from anything real...the first remove being contact between the dancer's mouth and your covered package, to mimic a blow job...and the second remove being contact between her head and your package, to mimic contact between her mouth and your clothed package. It is a bad imitation of something that, in itself, is a bad imitation of something good (a real blow job), and that really pisses me off.

  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    I think you should say "Objection!" whenever that happens from now on chitown... :)
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    Actually, I think the appropriate procedural step is a Motion to Dismiss--the dancer--wtih Prejudice.
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat, your comments about Atlanta clubs is exactly the point I was trying to make. IME the vast majority of clubs do not feature high contact. But you can still get a good LD with the right girl. I've had some wonderful LDs that were not high contact. Sounds like Chandler has too. My ATF's private dances were great and she wasn't high contact, nor were any of the other girls in her club - they couldn't, there wasn't any privacy.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    She wouldn't understand that though...
  • mmdv26
    17 years ago
    I agree with Chitown about how to "weed 'em out" on the first dance. My club allows touching, and that's all I intend to pay for. 2nd dance needs to have an express opportunity to "pet the kitty", or I'm probably getting bored.

    I usually ask "new" girls about what other clubs they have danced at. If they say this is their first experience, then I change to my "I can tolerate anything for one dance" mode, because usually her technique has not been perfected. There are occassional exceptions, and it's always a "golden moment" to find a newby who gets you confused with her boyfriend on the couch.
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