When I first started hitting strip clubs in earnest, 6 years ago, I was a loner. Preferring to just spend my time with a hot stripper and keep it to myself. Then I met Shekitout and since then I have met a dozen other TUSCL'ers. My hobby has greatly increased. I will share my favorite dancers with members of my favorite customers list. And they appreciate that. Dancers and customers. My email cup runeth over and I love it. When I am in a club with one of my buddies, it can be the louiest club ever but I always have fun. Most of them have followed my advice and now frequent my favorite club, even though it is a long drive for them. There will be another convention there. This spring. Watch for dates.
I'm gonna make one of those SC in SC "conventions" somehow. I do like socializing in clubs with like minded guys. Unfortunately, I don't know too many. Most of the guys I go to clubs with are casual business acquaintences. They have a set of uncertainties and inhibitions (and wives) I abandoned a while back. It's a damper on my enjoyment.
Recently, I spent an evening with Bones in a club in OH. Despite the generally low mileage of the place, we managed to have a great time. Maybe it is the party atmosphere the right group of guys can generate, which some girls are happy to join and even elevate. Hard to do that alone!
I'm in the same position as HD, but I don't know anyone in my area who frequents clubs and am now retired so there are no more trips out of town. I would go to a convention that was close to Philly, no more than about 3-4 hour max drive.
To answer the original question, I started life as a loner and am still comfortable that way. But I've been surrounded by extroverts for so long that it has worn off on me, and anyone meeting me for the first time today would think I was one too.
I still prefer to go to clubs alone. But I'm sure I would enjoy clubbing with some of the people here.
I'm generally a low key type but become an extrovert when in the club, especially if I'm with a buddy. Then it's a party atmosphere vs. the pure game of the hunt.
I'm an only child, so I grew up being somewhat of a loner... well, loner is not the best word, however definitely SHY. There was a time when I had a hard time talking to a beautiful girl.
Clubbing, I believe, has changed me in that respect. Although I am still shy in some scenarios (public speaking for instance), a lot of people would be surprised to learn that I am shy.
Being with a pretty girl - especially on an OTC "date", now has the OPPOSITE effect on me. Suddenly, I am Mr. Gregarious; joking with waiters / flirting with waitresses, walking into the room with a feeling that I'm "The Man"... (which is usually underscored by the envious looks that I get from other guys)
My strip clubbing allows me to be Mr. Gregarious, as reported by others. But my attendance there is always as a loner -- I have never gone to a club with any friend from "civilian" life, male or female, and I can't really see EVER doing that, though I do intend to attend one of the TUSCL conventions some time when the logistics allow. But the people I "monger with" in that setting would not be civilian friends; they would be people I met through mongering, and through the internet and would have little relation to my normal day to day life. I can't imagine mixing day-to-day with strip-club. It just seems like there'd obviously be complications.
I normally am alone with clubbing. Long ago, I'd received advice that if you want to hookup with a dancer, your chances of success improve with being alone.
On the other hand, I HAVE clubbed with friends, and since all but a very few are not mongering in the manner in which I club, it's usually a downer. There's nothing more annoying than hitting it off with a dancer and having your friend getting restless and saying he's ready to leave. Also, I tend to be less "mongersome" (I made that word up!) when others are around that might not understand the degree of my depravity.
I have clubbed with fellow mongers (mostly fellow TUSCLers) and that always has proved to fun, even adding to the experience in that it's great to share stories and see how the others "operate". I'm always ready to learn! The downside to that is, I'm usually not one that wants to share my favorites (I know...I'm bad and stingy.. and I'm probably breaking the code of conduct to TUSCLites).
At some point in the not-so-distant-future, I AM very much hoping to attend a TUSCL convention... maybe even the SC Sexpedition in SC. Of course given my statements about me lacking the social skills of sharing my favorites, I can't expect Shadowcat, Bones, Sheikitout, etc. to share... and if they did, I might be feeling so guilty as being unable to enjoy... uhh.. no, I'm pretty sure I could still enjoy! From descriptions, I think I even have a "favorite" that I want to meet...
I'm still wanting to host a convention for the Northern chapter...
Im all for a northern chapter convention, preferably somewhere in the Philly area. Although I do get to Myrtle Beach several times a year and usually spend all my nights at the clubs.
Im all for a northern chapter convention, preferably somewhere in the Philly area. Although I do get to Myrtle Beach several times a year and usually spend all my nights at the clubs.
Lou_Lou: Sorry... MY idea of a northern chapter meeting should be renamed Midwest Chapter... I was thinking more along the lines of an Indian/Michigan meetup... such as Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indy, or Flight Club in the Detroit area...
DougS: I know that you have met Bones personally and know that he is a riot to be with in a strip club. I am a little more reserved on here. In person, I am much looser. I don't think that there will ever be a successful northern convention. I won't be there. Not because I don't like you Yankeys(sp) but because, in my own mind, there is not a better club to have a convention at, than my favorite club. This spring will be the 3rd. I am getting 2 or 3 emails every week asking me when. Most of these guys will be driving hundreds of miles to get there. The dancers are up for it. I get special attention for bringing them business. Bones will drive all the way from Columbus OH. I am just waiting on him to set the dates. He and I will renew our friendship over breakfast the day before the offical start of the convention and survey the goods. Last time we got 8 TUSCL'ers. I think that most of them will be back and I hope for 12 to 15 this time and No, You cannot fuck my favorite. Some things are off limits. LOL...
I'm pretty extroverted with strippers, but I'm a loner with regard to other customers. I'll gladly meet up with a member of this board at a club, but I don't plan my visits around that. I go for the strippers.
ShadowCat: Unfortunately, I have yet to meet Bones. We've emailed quite a bit in the past (not recently, though... he must be too busy with his girls) and PMed, but never met up.
Wait... YOU are reserved on this board?! [grin]... nah...
One of these days... maybe I'll have to attend the next TUSCLSCSCSCSC! (The Ultimate Strip Club List, Southern Chapter Strip Club Super Convention, South Carolina)
Maybe t-shirts need to be printed up with that on it!
DougS: I must have you confused with ClevelandTom and I know that his name isn't Tom. Now I have been given the extra responsibility. I am now relaying messages between Bones and his favorite dancer. There are plenty of places on line that will make up a T-shirt for you with anything on it. My last one cost me $20 including S&H. "My father only wanted a blow job". They can also be found at "Spencers".The girls love em. One of them even gave me one for my birthday 2 years ago. I will be bringing 80 minutes of the funniest shit you can download and burn onto a CD. 5 years in the making. Wanna hear Archie going down on Edith? Or Donald Duck getting a BBBJ? Compared to my brother, I am reserved. I think?
The vast majority of my club visits were as a loner, usually on business, or since I've retired. When i was working, most were with a couple of guys from work, unless I was out of town.
I go to clubs alone, because my strip club life is something that I could not share with the overwhelming majority of people that I know in "real life." A couple of times, when I have seen men I would describe as "cordial collagues" (friendly in professional life, but no outside socializing with them) at clubs, we have, by agreement, ignored each other, and not said anything to each other when meeting again in professional settings.
However, on those occasions when I have met up with fellow TUSCL'ers at clubs, I have had a great time. In fact, Chandler introduced me to some of the clubs from which I live about twenty miles, and also acquainted me with his zen-like appreciation of stage dancing as an art form...an aesthetic that I envy in him.
Last month, in TJ, I met up with several guys that I know from another board. We had a great time, and they introduced me to some places that I would never have had the stones to go to one my own.
When I first started going to clubs, it was always because someone else took me. But once I acquired the habit I found that I much preferred going alone. To me they're two separate activities - if I want to hang out with guys friends I'll go to a bar; if I want ro havng out with young naked girls I'll go clubbing and I'll go by myself. I'm not a multi-tasker, I prefer to do one thing at a time and do it well.
I'm a loner, in this as well as all other things. No one I know wants to spend the money to clubbing like I do. But on top of that, there is a taboo factor that prevents me from calling my other friends and say we should make it an SC night. The ridicule, the shame, the questions I have to face if most of the people that know me know that I do this -- I wouldn't be able to handle it.
I also prefer being a lone wolf. There are ... things I want to do at a stripclub that I don't think my, um, tamer friends who I have gone to an SC with would understand, let alone approve. And if anything bad happens, I think it's best if I face the consequences alone and not drag my friends into something they had nothing to do with.
But you know what? I've got to get out more. Therefore I am intrigued to see if I may partake in this convention as well. Give me the dates and location, and I'll see if I can afford to go. And unlike my friends, if things start to get out of control, I'll be with people who have my back. Keep me posted, please.
I am usually a loner in the club. I find it easier to run my own agenda. Whenever I take another guy with me he cramps my "game" in the club.
He is either cheap and trying to ride on my coattails, or he cannot contain himself and spends what money he has brought within the first half hour and then wants to leave.
Most of the time I watch for a while and then pick a dancer for the evening. I zero in on her. I have found it easier to spend "quality" time with her when I am alone.
Chitown, I just hope and pray that I don't prove to have been the dark angel to lead you down a path of dissolution and utter ruin. (Although, actually, I only led you to the precipice, not over.) I remember the old by all indications reserved and proper Chitown, and look at you now. Not very zen, I'd say.
No, Chandler, you didn't corrupt me, merely showed me that I didn't have to travel 220 miles to be corrupted. If anything, my life is much more forthright now that I have dropped the hypocrisy of living one life at home, and another on the road. Although my life is certainly different than it was before you led me to Dollie's, you didn't take me anywhere I didn't already want to go.
And you can't be held accountable for what I have done on the other side of the beads since, as we know, you don't even partake of that pleasure. That was Cara's fault.
I fly solo most of the time. I met a connoisseur on another forum and we bumped into each other at a club. We quickly hit off and were each other's "wingman". He's out of the scene for now. Sometimes I miss him, sometimes I don't.
Speaking of the Midwest/Great Lakes region, I wonder if anyone would be interested in a Detroit gathering. Flight Club one night and maybe Subi's or Coliseum the next. Maybe the end of July...
last commentRecently, I spent an evening with Bones in a club in OH. Despite the generally low mileage of the place, we managed to have a great time. Maybe it is the party atmosphere the right group of guys can generate, which some girls are happy to join and even elevate. Hard to do that alone!
I still prefer to go to clubs alone. But I'm sure I would enjoy clubbing with some of the people here.
Clubbing, I believe, has changed me in that respect. Although I am still shy in some scenarios (public speaking for instance), a lot of people would be surprised to learn that I am shy.
Being with a pretty girl - especially on an OTC "date", now has the OPPOSITE effect on me. Suddenly, I am Mr. Gregarious; joking with waiters / flirting with waitresses, walking into the room with a feeling that I'm "The Man"... (which is usually underscored by the envious looks that I get from other guys)
On the other hand, I HAVE clubbed with friends, and since all but a very few are not mongering in the manner in which I club, it's usually a downer. There's nothing more annoying than hitting it off with a dancer and having your friend getting restless and saying he's ready to leave. Also, I tend to be less "mongersome" (I made that word up!) when others are around that might not understand the degree of my depravity.
I have clubbed with fellow mongers (mostly fellow TUSCLers) and that always has proved to fun, even adding to the experience in that it's great to share stories and see how the others "operate". I'm always ready to learn! The downside to that is, I'm usually not one that wants to share my favorites (I know...I'm bad and stingy.. and I'm probably breaking the code of conduct to TUSCLites).
At some point in the not-so-distant-future, I AM very much hoping to attend a TUSCL convention... maybe even the SC Sexpedition in SC. Of course given my statements about me lacking the social skills of sharing my favorites, I can't expect Shadowcat, Bones, Sheikitout, etc. to share... and if they did, I might be feeling so guilty as being unable to enjoy... uhh.. no, I'm pretty sure I could still enjoy! From descriptions, I think I even have a "favorite" that I want to meet...
I'm still wanting to host a convention for the Northern chapter...
Although I do get to Myrtle Beach several times a year and usually spend all my nights at the clubs.
Although I do get to Myrtle Beach several times a year and usually spend all my nights at the clubs.
Unfortunately, I have yet to meet Bones. We've emailed quite a bit in the past (not recently, though... he must be too busy with his girls) and PMed, but never met up.
Wait... YOU are reserved on this board?! [grin]... nah...
One of these days... maybe I'll have to attend the next TUSCLSCSCSCSC! (The Ultimate Strip Club List, Southern Chapter Strip Club Super Convention, South Carolina)
Maybe t-shirts need to be printed up with that on it!
However, on those occasions when I have met up with fellow TUSCL'ers at clubs, I have had a great time. In fact, Chandler introduced me to some of the clubs from which I live about twenty miles, and also acquainted me with his zen-like appreciation of stage dancing as an art form...an aesthetic that I envy in him.
Last month, in TJ, I met up with several guys that I know from another board. We had a great time, and they introduced me to some places that I would never have had the stones to go to one my own.
I also prefer being a lone wolf. There are ... things I want to do at a stripclub that I don't think my, um, tamer friends who I have gone to an SC with would understand, let alone approve. And if anything bad happens, I think it's best if I face the consequences alone and not drag my friends into something they had nothing to do with.
But you know what? I've got to get out more. Therefore I am intrigued to see if I may partake in this convention as well. Give me the dates and location, and I'll see if I can afford to go. And unlike my friends, if things start to get out of control, I'll be with people who have my back. Keep me posted, please.
He is either cheap and trying to ride on my coattails, or he cannot contain himself and spends what money he has brought within the first half hour and then wants to leave.
Most of the time I watch for a while and then pick a dancer for the evening. I zero in on her. I have found it easier to spend "quality" time with her when I am alone.
And you can't be held accountable for what I have done on the other side of the beads since, as we know, you don't even partake of that pleasure. That was Cara's fault.