
Strip Club Violence

Avatar for harrydave
harrydaveNew Jersey

Late last night there was a shooting in the parking lot of a Phoenix strip club. The news article is at www.azcentral.com A girl died.

What's the worst thing you have seen? I think strip clubs are better controlled than most other places that have an overabundance of alcohol and testosterone. But the religious right wing folks, who are behind many of the legal initiatives to restrict strip clubs, promote the idea that strip clubs attract violence, sex crimes, and drugs. I figure it is just the shitty neighborhoods many clubs are in. Although I bet the drug use by strippers is above average. What do you think?


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Avatar for jester214

I don't beleive that your average SC is any worse for violence than some bars... The most SC violence I ever saw was a shove between customers. In bars I've seen a lot worse...

Avatar for casualguy

It's sad to hear someone died. Overall I believe violence at strip clubs is lower than at regular night clubs. Of course if the night clubs have as much security as some strip clubs do, there probably isn't too much violence there either. I've heard stories about some bars or regular clubs where there is a fight or brawl about every night but I don't visit any places like that. Any violence at a strip club seems unusual to me and news worthy just like a school shooting, even though schools seem to be more violent than strip clubs.

Avatar for MisterGuy

I'm definitely pro-strip club, but I think they do attract drug activity (not necessarily dealing though), drunks (even at juice bars...guys just drink in the parking lot), and real perverts (and I'm not talking about all strip club patrons either). I dunno about violence though. I've only heard of some vehicles being driven into some clubs in Quebec, and some shootouts (sometimes with machine guns) in a few clubs up there. The worst I've seen with my own eyes are drunks getting shown the door or having a cab called for them.

Avatar for DandyDan

The worst incident I ever seen was at a club with a pool table and apparently someone must not have been playing fair. That probably could have occurred at any bar, though. One thing I did witness once was at my favorite club, a guy and his girlfriend were there, the girl was showing off, and suddenly, another guy comes in and just starts wailing on the guy. I don't know what provoked it, but something obviously happened before they showed up at the club. However, if anything happens, typically, it's because of some rule violation where a bouncer gets involved.

Avatar for shadowcat

My experience is a little different. The only fighting that I have seen or heard of was between dancers. Usually involving a new dancer.

Avatar for harrydave

Yeah Shadowcat, I actually think that may be the most common thing. My GF tells of seeing a new girl at her club getting into a fight on the first day with some other girl, and pounding her head into the counter top. There is a little gang mentality thing going on with the "ladies".

Avatar for chitownlawyer

At Brad's Brass Flamingo, in 2003, I saw an off-duty cop cold-cock a guy in a wheelchair in a fight over a pool table. Story here:


That was one of my first visits to BBF, and I was extremely impressed with how security and management handled the whole thing. Although the incident happened essentially at the back of the club, the participants were quickly hustled trhough the club, out the front door, and into the parking lot, and the operation of the club did not miss a beat. If I hadn't been within 20 feet of the incident, I may not have even known it happened.

That was the only occurrence of violence I have ever seen or experienced in a strip club, assuming that "getting beaten (off)" or "getting wacked (off)" is not considered a violent act.

Avatar for Slothrop

Crazy Horse Too, 1991. A guy was hassling a bartender about change. He wouldn't let it go. Massive bouncer picks him up and takes him to the back door and throws his ass out into the parking lot. This guy wasn't hurt, I don't think, but that kind of activity eventually led to the club's demise, as we know.

If I'm in a club in Las Vegas, I never hassle anyone in the club. Ever. Especially those who are working at the club. If my change is wrong, no problem. If they've charged me for 3 drinks instead of 2, no problem. If the girl says it was $100 and I forgot the $20 tip, no problem. Here's your tip.

It's Las Vegas rules. Some things don't change.

Avatar for snowtime

Only incident I can remember was in Mons Venus about 15 years ago. At that time club allowed BYOB(quit that policy soon after)and a fight broke out among customers and bottles and cans started flying. Since the club has only one front entrance/exit we were all esentially trapped inside during the fracus. It was over fairly quickly but not before a stripper had managed to swipe my windbreaker jacket during the melee. I was probably ducking under a table when she took it , but was able to retrieve it later when she stupidly wore it around the club. Other than that I can't remember any problems at the many clubs I have frequented. From what I have read about the incidents at CrazyHorse in Las Vegas I think Slothrop's advice about Vegas clubs is good advice.

Avatar for Clubber

Can't think of anything I've been involved with, and have seen only one incident, as I recall. This was in the old Pirates Den in Key West. Some drunk started complaining to my friend and me about dance costs. I told him, "Just don't go." Well, a few more drinks, and there he goes to visit the LD area. Ther must have been fewer than two bars of the song played, and out comes the dancer and in goes the bouncers. They carried him out kicking and screaming and just tossed him out the door. The rest of us, inside, got a pretty good kick out of it. It seems the guy had been making a real PITA of himself!

Avatar for quimby

Pennsylvania seems to have its share of problems in clubs. Last year in Club Erotica (near Pittsburgh) a bouncer was choking a customer and he died (somewhat suprisingly -no charges have been filed by the Allegheny County detectives). Last month, there was a throat slashing in Partners Tavern outside of Erie (ag assault charges WERE filed)

I think that many clubs are becoming hangouts for twentysomething punks who view themselves as "gangstas"... (They're really just little small town punks)

Avatar for ralphyboy

The Philly area's had a spate of violent and homicidal incidents involving strippers and clubs. Few years ago, a white collar drained his fortune and killed his wife over a stripper (Summer), another guy pulled a girl for an OTC to an adjacent motel, ended up killing her, throwing her in back of his pick-up and driving across the bridge to Jersey (whole thing visible on EZPass video)for disposal; recently a lonely postal employee did a VIP in Cheerleaders-one of the city's most popular joints, shot her in the face (survived) and then blew his brains out...most recently there was a homicide in Wizards in University City (U of Penn)...no surprise that almost all joints in Philly area now feature goons with wands and metal detectors at front door. These joints ain't churches, folks, full of good souls on the straight and narrow. We may not consider ourselves sick misfits, but such troubled and mis-begotten searchers are def attracted to our dens of iniquity-on both sides of the stage.

Avatar for ralphyboy

As an addendum, I now recall two other celebrated incidents in the Southern NJ area (going back 2-7 years now) when custies were 'inadvertently' killed in altercations with our thick-necked bouncer personnel. Both were shoving matches which started ITC and moved outside where blows and skulls hitting the concrete resulted in deaths of somewhat inebriated but otherwise harmless custies....the security goons in these joints are not the most highly evolved braineacs and are prob more dangerous in most places than the drunken horndogs otherwise known as patrons. Our hobby is fraught with dangers much riskier than that dogleg curling around the pond adjacent to the green on that 165 yard par 3.

Avatar for MisterGuy

Big cities are pretty dangerous...no big news there I think. I missed the golf reference there...get out the 6-iron & go for the green...

Avatar for harrydave

I just watched a scene from an episode of "Walker, Texas Ranger" (Chuck Norris, yeah!) in which an undercover cop punches out a bad guy in a strip club, then throws a bag of cocaine down on the table and tells the bad guy's boss there is plenty more available. The boss man has two blondes hanging on him. There are no bouncers anywhere.

I can't wait to see Chuck Norris give the bad guys some round house kicks.

Avatar for Dudester

About ten years ago, someone was burning down strip joints on the north side of Houston. I noticed that it stopped just as soon as it started-without the media mentioning an arrest. So, either it was street justice, or the arsonst figured "message delivered" (???)

Over the past decade, there's been a couple of shootings at Houston strip clubs and some clubs have installed metal dtectors. Interesting thing, just regular dance clubs-usually latin places, have shootings just about every weekend.

Avatar for Mikeybush

There's a couple of strip clubs in the Boston area (King Authur's in Chelsea and The Squier in Revere) that have had murders in the club, but in reality, these incidents probably would have happened whether these creeps where in a strip joint or another bar. I can't speak to these clubs because frankly I haven't been to them in years.

I saw a bouncer kick the shit out of a dude for reaching over the railing at the Cabaret in a Boston suburb...but I took that more of indication of one guy (the bouncer) not being able to handle the fact that his girlfriend was a stripper.

Back in 1992, I saw my girlfriend's mother's boyfriend kick the holy crap out of dufus who owed him money....my gf was a stripper...so was her mother uncomfortably enough.

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