Once a year, I select a city that has the best reputation for high milage clubs, Studio's and massage and visit for a few days. Over the past few years Houston and Dallas have been those cities. However, Houston has been going thru some difficult times with the LE activity. Can any of you please suggest any other Cities that have good SC's and Stuido's that have a reputation of high mileage. Appreciate the advise.
Well, I am a lover of TJ, but I have to be frank enough to admit that TJ only meets 2 of harry's 3 criteria: it definitely has a reputation of high mileage, but does not have good strip clubs or studios.
I would suggest my backyard for all three criteria--East St. Louis. I prefer TJ only because full service is, of course, illegal in East St. Louis, and I love the freedom of having no LE concerns in TJ. There is always the possibility, regardless of how small statistically, of getting arrested for sex-related acts in East St. Louis, and that would be a very un-good development in my own personal life.
I would suggest my backyard for all three criteria--East St. Louis. I prefer TJ only because full service is, of course, illegal in East St. Louis, and I love the freedom of having no LE concerns in TJ. There is always the possibility, regardless of how small statistically, of getting arrested for sex-related acts in East St. Louis, and that would be a very un-good development in my own personal life.