
Comments by mike710 (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Strip Club Standards/Looks
    My preference is usually the young "spinner" type with a cute face. That being said, at times, I will vary to some that don't fit my exact preference if I like a dancer's approach and attitude. About the only type I won't go for is an excessively heavy woman but I've broken that rule in a weak moment once or twice. I have left a club when nothing looked interesting to me and gone on to the next club. When I was younger we had a description of some women as a "2am" girl. That is a girl that you pick up because time is running out and you're drunk and horny. These days, I don't mind not sitting with any dancers if there is someone that doesn't interest me. As you said, we all have different ideal girls. I know mine would not be the same as Papi describes as his ideal. There's enough for everyone and women come in all shapes and sizes. I'll occasionally go for someone not my ideal and find a diamond in the rough and have a good time.
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    2 years ago
    Good times in bad strip club towns
    Muddy. If San Diego isn't the worst strip club city per capita, I'd hate to see the worst. Before SDPD Vice started cracking down on clubs, there were a ton of clubs. Dirty Dans had like 5 or 6 clubs in the area even. After Covid and the crackdown, only one topless club has survived so far, Pacers. If you want nude juice and soda clubs, there are still a few and Cheetahs is probably the go to since you can go next door for drinks. I used to have a great time at clubs in SD but, since I'm not into juice clubs, I don't even bother going to clubs in the city I live in anymore. As was said above, one girl can make a visit fun. I just don't bother to look anymore here. I've had fun at clubs in Birmingham and Mobile Alabama but that may be because I was out with coworkers having as much fun as possible. Milwaukee has some fond memories too. One time I was in a training class in Milwaukee and our instructor had a voluntary long lunch field trip to Heartbreakers.
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    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Barron Trump
    Future NBA bench warming Center.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Here or OZ?
    Both are good but different. DD is a small club with a small lineup that has been a majority Cuban girls in the past year or so. At least that's my experience during the day. The timed rooms work out better and you tip extra to the girl for extras. It is my first stop when I get to Tampa Oz is a bigger club that has a lot more variety in dancers. One day, around 1pm, I saw at least 25 dancers circulating around the club. I've only done the 2 for 1 dances but worked out a deal for more dances when the 2 songs were up. I didn't ask for more than the dances. I don't go to OZ often but have liked it when I went. Both clubs have cheap drinks. A domestic beer at DD is $3 and at OZ it was $2.50 last time I went.
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    2 years ago
    Strip Clubs with Social Media
    The Tampa area still has a printed magazine that I pick up when I stop at Bare Assetts in Pasco County. It's available by the door. Haven't been to a club in the Portland Oregon area forever but they used to have a magazine that actually had a map to the clubs in the entire state. It was a great resource before social media was a big thing.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OT: Elon and Twitter
    I just look at the women that can show more of their body than other platforms and some sports topics. Those haven't been affected so don't notice the difference. He pissed off the left so naturally most press about him will be negative. I think he'll survive whatever may happen.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Every strip club is turning into a night club and you'll pay with Bitcoin
    To me the use of Bitcoin sets up the possibility of a private transaction between the customer and the dancer to be traced. I wonder if it's less of a cool thing to do and more like a way to track how much a dancer gets to get their cut.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    RIP Gallagher, A True "Smash" Hit
    I saw Gallagher a few years ago at the Tropicana in Vegas while I was there at a work function. He was very nice in the fact that after the show he said hello to everyone and offered a piece of birthday cake as it was his birthday. Mo big star vibes at all from him.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    “Classic & “Semi-Classic” Movies I’ve Never Watched
    I'd make gnocchi with that version of Sophia Coppola any day.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    If we had to make it rain, how would we make it rain
    What Tetradon said. If I want to be noticed by the girl, I'll tip at least a $20 on stage after waiting for her to notice me and come over for the tip.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    State Swings
    California turned to a top two primary system a little while back so now we have some races where the only choice is Democrat. I left those choices blank on my, in person, ballot. I've been traveling to other states and happened to run across a lot of political adds in other states. I've seen complaints on this board about the never ending adds as well. The only thing I can say about these adds is be careful about wishing then to go away. My area of California is so blue now that you don't see adds or even yard signs. The Dems have everything locked up and there is no need to campaign for votes. That's why Greasy Gavin spent his time in other states getting his name out there for a presidential run.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Still looking for an ATF
    Lottery expected to top $1.9 billion
    1 person in CA has the winning ticket. I guess I have to keep working.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Trump Question
    Saving 3% on drugs for seniors would be great if seniors weren't paying way more than 3% more for everything else they need to survive. 55
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Did Alito Take a Shot at Elizabeth Warren in Court?
    At least he didn't reference Pocahontas.
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    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    How many states have you clubbed in? And who is the winner?
    I'll make a pass at this but I keep remembering more as others list their states. California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Hawaii, Wyoming, Louisiana, Alabama Florida, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Minnesota and North Carolina. Might remember more later as I see other lists. My current favorites are AZ and FL right now. Just spent the weekend in the Tampa area and hit a club where a full menu is available and another where the dances are a bit tame but some of the girls are model quality. Spent about 3 hours with a beautiful model last night, and didn't feel the least bit robbed by somewhat tame dances as she let me freely roam my hands as long as it wasn't prolonged contact on certain areas.
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    2 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Most boring State in the U.S. ?
    Boring is a matter perspective. Utah is boring if you looking for bars and strip clubs. If you like to ski or snowboard, it's one of the best places in the US. One person's boring is another's paradise. I was just in Utah working so I looked at it like Shadowcat's quote. When I've been there to ski and stayed in Park City, I enjoyed myself.
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    2 years ago
    New York
    Anyone bring toys into the club?
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    2 years ago
    New York
    Anyone bring toys into the club?
    I've seen a dancer with a small clit stimulator on a chain around her neck. It's made to look like a pendant on a chain so nobody really notices.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Strip club manager offer
    I've had shots with a manager at Penthouse in Tampa. However. I was introduced to him through a male bartender I befriended in my visits to Tampa. This bartender would send girls that he thought I might like over to talk to me. He'd probably tell them I would spend money if I liked them. Didn't always work out but I wasn't offended by his efforts. He eventually left and moved to Scores when it opened. I followed him there until he left the business. Still go to Penthouse and had another male bartender give me a VIP card that was good for a year at any Penthouse Club. Male bartenders aren't as fun to make friends with as female bartenders but it does have some benefit.
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    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation.
    I don't know how I ended up in the wrong thread. The comment above was meant for Muddy's thread on Racial tension. Not even drunk!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation.
    I'm approaching retirement age and have never run across racial tension in a strip club. I travel a ton and go into all kinds of bars solo a lot in strange towns. People in small towns tend to be a bit tribal. That is, if you are a stranger walking into a bar full of regulars, the bar will get quiet while you are checked out. This can happen in big cities too where bars have a bunch of regulars. La Crosse Wisconsin is one place that sticks in my mind where all were wary until I talked a bit too the bartender at a small bar and told him some of my reason for being in town. Once accepted all were friendly. I went into a bar just outside of Detroit to grab dinner and have a couple of drinks. I was the only non-black person in the bar. After a bit all were friendly here as well. I'm hispanic and was a bit worried the first time I went to Alabama. The people were the nicest people I've run across in all my travels. White or Black. I think it's more about how you carry yourself that will lead to how you are treated. That being said, there has been racial tensions in the US for a long time. Think Jets and Sharks. This is usually perpetuated by young gang members, not individuals.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OPEC flips off demented Joe and sides with Putin
    Funny Southpark Episode. Can't see the full episode for free anymore. https://youtu.be/AnFAAdOBB1c
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Hotels; sight unseen, regrets, downright fuck ups
    ^@Shadow. I've had the same thing happen to me with renting a room a second time. It has happened more than once. Most of the time, I'm the second person so I am the intruder. One time, I walked into the empty room and saw all of the other people's belongings in the room and they were out. I've also walked in on someone in the room. Maids trying to get in are always a problem if you are with a woman. I always remember to use the physical lock in those instances, but the maids still try to force their way in at inopportune times.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Good Luck with those green semi trucks California
    If communism is the cure for capitalism, this is what you get. Another country with great unemployment though. https://www.heritage.org/index/country/cuba
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Hotels; sight unseen, regrets, downright fuck ups
    Not too many horror stories. If I've never stayed at a hotel, I will look at google maps and see what is around the property to get a rough idea of the area. I've had bedbugs at the Tropicana in Vegas, a Hilton Doubletree. The most overrated and expensive hotels I stayed in were in Manhattan. The Waldorf-Astoria and Helmsley may have been nice back in the day, but they are old and antiquated now. You get a room the size of a broom closet with no amenities for top dollar. Bedbugs can show up at even the nicest hotels so you always have to take precautions.