
If we had to make it rain, how would we make it rain

This community usually doesn't, it's not that kind of crowd. Not everyone though. I recently hung out with a fellow tuscler who said it was "a show of power" as he threw a huge wad of money at this girl on stage. It ended up working out for him for what he wanted. My question is, if we had to make it rain do we have some basic do and don't's to make a sort of tuscl standard operating procedure on making it rain? Maybe you see one chick that just needs a torrential downpouring on, you may need it, who knows, what y'all got out there?

Btw for my part I suck at it, early on I made tried to make it rain like $6 bucks and the girl turned around as I was doing it and didn't see even see me. So maybe my input, try to make the dancer actually witness the event.



  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    Maybe we would make it mist or drizzle?

    I doubt anyone here would make it rain a stack of singles.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    "Making it rain" is to impress your buddies, not the girl.
  • mike710
    2 years ago
    What Tetradon said. If I want to be noticed by the girl, I'll tip at least a $20 on stage after waiting for her to notice me and come over for the tip.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Ideally, avoid loose change. Even if you have a lot of it. Perhaps especially if you have a lot of it.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    I think in Canada you have two choices: painful or expensive
  • whodey
    2 years ago
    I just assumed the high rollers here on TUSCL who want to make it rain just strut up to the stage and dump a briefcase full of $100 bills on the stage.
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    Order a bottle of champagne, jam a liquor pour spout in the bottle, shake it up and stand it on the bar. That will make it rain for a good 15 seconds or so, but it seems much longer with all the running and yelling. I like to use Andre Brut, $7 retail, but it'll cost ya twice that much at the club. You could do it with a beer bottle, but you don't want to look like a cheapskate. Plus the fun doesn't last as long.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Hold a lighter under the nearest sprinkler head.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    2 years ago
    “My question is, if we had to make it rain do we have some basic do and don't's to make a sort of tuscl standard operating procedure on making it rain?”

    Yes—making it rain instructions: DO.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    You take some bolt cutters. Open up the gate to the sprinkler system. And turn on the sprinklers. That's how Kevin Costner did it in Bull Durham.
  • jackslash
    2 years ago
    I open a roll of quarters and throw them at a stripper. That's how I make it hail.
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    Piss on it!
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    "Yes—making it rain instructions: DO."

    That seems easy enough. Duly noted.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    for extra credit give us instructions on how to make it snow
  • whodey
    2 years ago
    "for extra credit give us instructions on how to make it snow" - Easy, buy a brick of cocaine from a stripper's boyfriend, walk up to the stage, rip open the brick and toss it high into the air.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    There's no onenaize fits all approach. Some do it for social media. To impress other guys. A group of like 5 guys get together. Everyone gets 200 in ones. They take turns posing with the stack and throwing some. They're stingy but since there's so many of them it looks like they're spending a lot.

    If you do it for the girl. It's a lot of fun for them to play in a pile of money....she'll get more enjoyment out of you throwing 500 ones than 5 hundreds. It also gets her attention from other girls.

  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    I figured the how part of making it rain was pretty self explanatory. But a couple days ago I saw a guy try to make it rain but he didn't take the strap off and just threw pack of 50 ones in the air only to have it flop unceremoniously on the stage. Now I guess I understand that some people need instructions.
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