With this election in the books it looks some states are moving in different directions politically. How has your state changed over time?
In my state, NY it was actually not that long ago you had a republican governor and mayor of New York City even though it was a blue state then too. But things have changed quite a bit now it and the thought of having that again sounds downright impossible. The state is pretty red outside the city minus Staten Island but it just can’t seem outvote the rest of New York City for statewide stuff.
California was famously a red state, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, the Texas of its day. Now it’s the exact opposite.
A lot of people in my area still can’t believe what happened to New Jersey, used to be pretty red. Maybe PA is going blue too.
Florida looks like it turned blood red in the last few years, all those fed up northerners coming down maybe? No more purple state.
Colorado I guess is a blue state now. Maybe North Carolina and Georgia going that way to now which sounds kinda crazy tbh.
AZ, it may not be Barry Goldwater’s Arizona anymore but still got votes coming in.
Mass has always been a blue state. Sometimes we'll elect a very liberal Republican at the state level (like outgoing Governor Charlie Baker), or even a more mainstream Republican (like Senator Scott Brown) when the Democrats nominate a true idiot, but it always tilts back to the left.
This is the same state that kept putting Kennedy's into office though.
Texas has stayed Red, but barely. Many Cali transplants, plus Texas has huge Metro areas with many urban areas. Tennessee is as Red as ever. Gov Lee won reelection easily . Florida is no longer a swing state. It has swung way over to the Red/Right side. But I think that is mostly due to the popularity of Ron DeSantis. Our next President.
California turned to a top two primary system a little while back so now we have some races where the only choice is Democrat. I left those choices blank on my, in person, ballot.
I've been traveling to other states and happened to run across a lot of political adds in other states. I've seen complaints on this board about the never ending adds as well. The only thing I can say about these adds is be careful about wishing then to go away. My area of California is so blue now that you don't see adds or even yard signs. The Dems have everything locked up and there is no need to campaign for votes. That's why Greasy Gavin spent his time in other states getting his name out there for a presidential run.
@Muddy, there are largely two types of Democrats here:
1. The academic or blue blood progressive types. Thomas Sowell said the fundamental truth of leftist ideas is that they don't work, therefore you'll find the left concentrated in institutions where ideas don't have to work to survive (like academia, or trust fund babies talking at the country club).
They're also _major_ NIMBY shitlords. They like minorities, in theory, as long as they commute an hour and a half to serve them and don't depress property values. They like green energy, as long as wind farms don't obstruct their ocean views. They like BLM, as long as the marchers don't invade their 'burb. Ironically, the surest way to turn one Republican is to mug them outside the Harvard faculty lounge.
2. The working classes who thought of the Kennedy's as royalty. The Dems were "their people," particularly if they had an Irish-sounding last name. Fair amount of them are unionized, though this is a dying breed. Funny thing is, a lot of them are pretty racist. Legacy of the days when Irish immigrants and free blacks competed for the same jobs.
For a good-standing conservative, I've lived in sapphire-blue states, or in blue areas of purple states. I'm not from around here.
Barry Goldwater might have been better described as a contrarian libertarian than a conservative. The whole state was pretty much like that in the1980s. A steady inflow of Californians has changed that.
Interestingly, in the 60s, 70s, and into the 80s, there was a group called the Phoenix 40. They included the top business people like the CEO of the local bank, newspaper publisher, etc. They would meet regularly and make major decisions for the State. These decisions would be passed on to the politicians whose campaigns were funded by the 40. That system actually worked pretty well. It’s one of the reasons Phoenix population grew so fast..
===> "Florida looks like it turned blood red in the last few years, all those fed up northerners coming down maybe? No more purple state."
Yes the transplants are part of it, but the big story here in Florida has been the massive shift in Latino support from the Dems to the Republican Party. Sure inflation has been part of it, but more important IMHO was DeSantis' performance during COVID and his school choice bills. Latinos care deeply about educational opportunities for their children. Between keeping schools open during COVID, giving low income kids school choice and the variety of state scholarships available to high performing Florida state universities, every kid with scholastic aptitude has a path for advancement.
Also don't discount other social issues, like crime, CRT in schools and boys in girls locker rooms and the other crazy shit happening in other places. Latinos tend to be fiscally liberal, but socially conservative. Between family in those places and reporting by Univision and Telemundo, which are both NYC and LA centric, they are probably better informed about what's happening in blue state cities than most average Floridians and are grateful that DeSantis hasn't let that shit happen here.
DeSantis even won Miami-Dade county - by double f-ing digits. A Republican hasn't won a statewide election in that county in 20 years and until now, many people assumed that no Republican ever would. That was almost completely attributable to Latino voters switching allegiances.
DeSantis could be very dangerous in a general election. In Florida he has developed a roadmap for tapping into Latino voters, something which the Republican Party has historically done a horrible job of.
For the first time in about 40 years, Michigan has a Democratic Governor and Democratic legislature. Abortion rights were a key factor in the vote, but a non-partisan redraw of districts have the Dems more competitive.
The good news is that deep red states like AZ and GA are now moving reliably blue. I can also see red states like TX and even FL moving in that direction once you factor in the heavy influx of left-leaning people from CA and NY into those states in large numbers.
I can comfortably say by 2035 that a far-right Republican will have a snowball's chance in hell of ever winning the White House once AZ, GA, and TX are reliably blue. The traditional "blue wall" of MI, PA, and WI will always lean left like it did for Biden in 2020. Don't let any Trumper fool you into thinking those upper Great Lakes states are trending red because the mid-terms of 2018 and 2022 are powerful evidence they are NOT and probably never will.
Now, if the GOP decides to abandon the fool's gold of Trumpism and re-align to moderates like John Kasich and Paul Hogan, then they will be very potent candidates in a general election. My Republican friends were blind-sided by a charlatan crook like China Donnie, and now they are finally waking up to how they been SCAMMED.
"I’m always fascinated by Massachusetts because most guys I know from there are EXACTLY like skibum"
Not surprising to find racist, misogynist xenophobes like SkiBum in Boston if you look around. I've rolled a few of those pricks into ditches in my time.
Skibum is an anomaly. He's a great liar. He lies so much on here but never gets called out coz his lies are in the bigots favor. And the only reason people believe he's an attorney is because he says he is. But he's shown ignorance of the law on here countless times.
And I doubt he's from Boston. More like the conservative backwoods farm country in New England.
Nevada isn't that surprising. When you look at the electorate breakdown. Angry white male syndrome is showing up in full effect with white men turning out to elect some of the worst Republicans in the country. A trigger happy sheriff for governor. An election Denier forsenator. Both Trump approved. It's a tight race but I'm praying sisolak and cortez win
Angry white male syndrome? Can you describe the angry black, asian, and latino male syndromes? Or are you going to claim those races don’t get angry, they just blow things up in protests and steal money?
More “educated” populations vote blue because most universities train people to be pro socialistic.
The election is mostly over Trumpism lost, lets get back to enjoying beautiful women, and get on with doing the things we need to do so we can enjoy this great hobby.
BTW Kudos to Oz for being a classy guy and doing what used to be common before Trump. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, Dr. Oz called Fetterman to concede, that used to be common place, now it deserves to be acknowledged.
People in their 20s have been educated/indoctrinated by socialist teachers in grade school, high school, and college. Their teachers were indoctrinated in their school years by socialists. None of them ever owned a business or accomplished much of anything real or adult. Everything they’ve been taught about life came from someone who never held a real job, met a payroll, raised a family, paid a mortgage. It’s a generation of unmarried baristas who live at home and find what little satisfaction they have on social media, lying about their great lives.
^ Bullshit, plenty of hard working young people in this country, you sound just like my grandfather, did, sixty years ago, he was wrong then and you're wrong now.
People assume that it's the California transplants that are turning texas bluer when they have actually dug down it seems like the blue shift is the new younger voters and many of the transplants are actually republican leaning
"In case you don't know what I'm talking about, Dr. Oz called Fetterman to concede"
J.D. Vance also didn't mention China Don even once in his victory speech.
It appears the GOP is finally moving back towards the middle and normalcy, much to the relief of the American people. Now we just gotta find a way to deport Little Adolf DeSantis and Wheelchair Wizard Abbott into a nice little cave in Russia and we'll be truly great again.
"People assume that it's the California transplants that are turning Texas bluer when they have actually dug down it seems like the blue shift is the new younger voters"
That's likely true. Millenial voters in TX will turn that state reliably blue within 10-15 years. Simple demographic trends at work.
"Or are you going to claim those races don’t get angry, they just blow things up in protests and steal money?"
So what if there was a video of a big black cop kneeling on the neck of a small white woman wearing a MAGA shirt until he pulls her limp dead body off the pavement and flashes a smirk at somebody's smartphone? Do you think MAGA-Tards would be saying "law and order" and "fund the cops" and not showing up at the police station with AR-15s?
It's sickening to me how white Trumpers think they are the only ones who have the right to be angrily protesting in the streets or at the Capitol.
When most people say "Massachusetts", they think "Boston" and that's a bit misleading.
Though Boston and the surrounding areas are the most densely populated and pretty liberal, if you start traveling west, Massachusetts get pretty purple by the time you his Worcester, and you get more solid shades in Western MA (including Springfield).
The situation you describe has already happened with that woman who was shot on the January 6 riots. And as usual blm and many leftists were hypocritically cheering the situation, they even put out snippets of black police officers at the capitol and talked about how they were being oppressed by the white trump extremists.
Your formula is all the same, it’s based around hating some or all races besides one or two.
And 5 incher the irony is the january 6 events were relatively peaceful compared to blm riots which had all kinds of explosions, looting and more. Blm actually went after random businesses to loot and destroy which is laughable and insane if your problem is with cops or government.
Imagine if some random guy attacks your family member then you in response go around looting random stores and attacking random people? I couldn’t envision doing that but its a way of life for some people, theres even some people on here who proudly looted things in the blm riots so they had money to blow at strip clubs
"Though Boston and the surrounding areas are the most densely populated and pretty liberal, if you start traveling west, Massachusetts get pretty purple by the time you his Worcester, and you get more solid shades in Western MA (including Springfield)"
Repubs haven't won a single county in MA since 1988. They couldn't even win one in 2012 even though Romney was running and he was their well-liked ex-governor.
Purple states are one like PA, MI, and WI. MA has always been solid blue.
"And 5 incher the irony is the january 6 events were relatively peaceful compared to blm riots which had all kinds of explosions, looting and more. Blm actually went after random businesses to loot and destroy which is laughable and insane if your problem is with cops or government."
The serious flaw with you right-wingers is your persistent false equivalencies. Comparing BLM riots to January 6th is apples-to-oranges. BLM riots resulted in a few Targets being looted and burned down. January 6th was about American democracy coming dangerously close to falling to the Nazi Brownshirts. I think the history books would look at Hitler a lot differently if him and his goons only went around Germany burning and looting Jewish businesses and left it at that.
The bottom line is that right-wing white guys HATE it when brown and black people express their opinions openly. Kaepernick got blasted by China Don for taking a knee during the anthem, but if white NFL players took a knee to protest COVID restrictions, they'd be called "patriots" on Fox Fake News.
Now do you see the sickening hypocrisy on the right and why you're losing so many elections?
I mostly post on this board using ‘they’ when I talk about republicans even though I am one. It’s mostly because when I post on this board I’m pushing back against some of the decisions republicans and the current MAGA direction of the party, which I abhor. For this post I’ll switch my pronoun to ‘we.’ (Ha, look at me choosing my pronouns.)
The republicans are and keep making the same mistake by dismissing Jan 6 or whataboutting it to the BLM riots. It’s a huge mistake and undermines our credibility. We need to acknowledge what it was - a ham handed buffoonery attempt to prevent the election from being certified. But still, we downplay and deflect it. You want the democrats to compromise and move to center? Well then we better stop pretending that Jan 6 didn’t happen. Voting against a bipartisan 911-like commission to investigate Jan 6 was fucking idiocy. Then not participating in the Jan 6 hearings compounded the idiocy. Almost all of the witnesses were republicans and they testified how all of his advisors told Colonel Slanders that Mike Pence couldn’t reject electoral votes. Even John Eastman the lawyer promoting the theory didn’t believe it. Eastman told Pence he couldn’t reject the votes but Fuck L’Orange still went ahead with it. Pence says this in his upcoming book and put it in an opinion piece yesterday in the WSJ. We republicans need to be better and have a long term vision for the country, not just how to win the next election.
My state swings both ways, and with the election deniers trying to ride coattails of the former President, I’m ok with that as a registered Republican who split the ticket.
@jimmy, are you saying that downplaying Jan 6 was the cause of a relatively disappointing Republican showing? If so, I'm not buying that. Among my own left-leaning friends, I was amazed at how few noted Jan 6 2022, and how even fewer referenced it in the days leading up to the election.
Fact is, everyone sees what they want in it. I can see how some saw "insurrection"--if that's the word for a slight slowdown in the electoral process. Or, I could have if they didn't leave any implements of war at home. But as a motivator of turnout? There's little polling evidence behind that.
If you wanted to talk issues, abortion would be a better explanation. At least one could rationalize that by saying the polls underestimated how many young, single women would turn out, along with the relative success of pro-abortion referenda. But a lot of pro-life non-Trump Republicans performed well. Look no further than Georgia, and the relative margins of non-Trumpling Kemp and Trumpling Walker--not to mention Dems' inexplicable love affair with the money pit known as Kemp's opponent Stacey Abrams.
Biden is still disapproved of by 12.5 points, and the country on a wrong track by 43.9 points.
The best explanation of the available data was poor candidate quality, namely Trump candidates, and especially those more obsessed with relitigating 2022 than moving forward.
"BLM burned many business down (along with ANTIFA) BLM shook down small, medium and large business for donations to local chapters and the national organization BLM was responsible for looting of those same businesses BLM was responsible for police being battered and shot in their cars in 2020 BLM sent many neighborhoods into absolute fear (including my own) and lockdown in 2020"
Wrong, wrong, and WRONG
BLM didn't "shake down" anyone for monetary kickbacks. That's just pure Fox Fake News propaganda as usual. And as far as BLM sending neighborhoods into "fear", then what do you call THOUSANDS of racist white cops patrolling colored neighborhoods every day and just ITCHING to put a knee on an innocent person and snuff them out?
Here's a simple request from all you racist right-wingers --- show me a single video of a left wing cop committing an atrocity against a right wing person in the past 15 years and I'll post videos of right wing cops MURDERING Democrat citizens in cold blood. Let's have a little comparison contest, eh!
The bottom line is this --- BLM was a modern day version of a 1960's civil rights protest, except that a FEW businesses got looted and burned. However, the January 6th riot is most comparable to the War of 1812 when the British set the Capitol on fire or Nazis torching the Reichstag in 1933. It is a DIRECT ACT OF WAR and an ATTACK ON DEMOCRACY itself and is a MILLION times worse than any paltry BLM protest in the streets where 99% of people just carried signs and told the cops to FUCK OFF, which is their Constitutional and patriotic duty!
"The Republicans are and keep making the same mistake by dismissing Jan 6 or whataboutting it to the BLM riots. It’s a huge mistake and undermines our credibility. We need to acknowledge what it was - a ham handed buffoonery attempt to prevent the election from being certified. But still, we downplay and deflect it. You want the democrats to compromise and move to center? Well then we better stop pretending that Jan 6 didn’t happen. Voting against a bipartisan 911-like commission to investigate Jan 6 was fucking idiocy. Then not participating in the Jan 6 hearings compounded the idiocy."
Well said, Jimmy, and just proves my point about the conservatives being deluded with false equivalencies.
99% of America agrees that January 6th needed to be investigated by a bipartisan panel of Congress to get the bottom of who is responsible for it happening. You can't equate a vicious attack on American democracy and subversion of a free election with BLM protests that OCCASIONALLY went violent but mostly involved property damage and looting. Anyone who isn't a brainwashed Trumper knows that Target and Cheesecake Factories are fully insured for their losses, but murdering lawmakers at the Capitol to install a far-right fascist regime is something that can't be brushed off as a "minor scuffle", as Laura Cunti-Granny and Fucker Carlson called it.
God, when are you MAGA-Cucks gonna grow some brains and spines and realize how much damage you've down to this country?
"The best explanation of the available data was poor candidate quality, namely Trump candidates, and especially those more obsessed with relitigating 2022 than moving forward."
You blame poor Republican candidate quality for the lousy showing, but then say a sentence earlier that pro-life candidates did well. You can't have it both ways.
Most of the China Donnie hand-picked stooges like Mastriano are radical pro-lifers who proudly threatened that women would be charged with felonies for attempting an abortion under any circumstance, or even trying to leave their state to get one, if they won their elections.
The data about the 2022 midterms will be scrutinized for many months, but I'm sure that turnout for women age 18-40 were likely the deciding factor in most competitive races, and for them abortion was of the highest priority. You can tell you're a clueless conservative male if you honestly believe a woman of reproductive age is more concerned about $3.35 gasoline than having a local politician telling her what she can do or not do with her body.
"You blame poor Republican candidate quality for the lousy showing, but then say a sentence earlier that pro-life candidates did well. You can't have it both ways."
Re-read what I said. Pro-life non-Trump candidates excelled. Mike DeWine in Ohio. Matt Kemp in Georgia. And of course Ron DeSantis. All pro-life Republican winners. Mastriano was another Trumpling who took a spot from a much more electable candidate.
If you have data on what turned voters out, please present it. Otherwise you're just flaming and insulting like you've done up and down this thread.
BTW liking your own posts automatically marks you as a freak here. Everyone can see it.
The main reason for the poor Republican showing was easily attributed to Trump and abortion, Trump killed a lot of the turn out with his personal attacks, and anyone that thinks that politicians and judges belong in the decision making process that is taking place when a woman decides to have an abortion, is a out of touch with reality loony tune. Five states where abortion was on the ballot voted for it to be easily accessible, as it stands this shows that your average politician doesn't know when to mind their own fucking business. One more thought the three states where the voting is not completely tabulated yet are a joke, if Cali, Texas, and NY could complete the process by the end of the evening, with their much larger populations, there is no excuse for Arizona, Nevada, and Alaska, not to be done over 48 hours later.
@jimmy, are you saying that downplaying Jan 6 was the cause of a relatively disappointing Republican showing? If so, I'm not buying that
I’m saying that republicans ignoring Jan 6 or minimizing it turns off not only democrats but independents and some republicans. It makes republicans look not credible. We have to acknowledge it. Not call it a few dozen tourists without weapons who slowed down the certification.
The riot is also a distraction. The focus is about the rioters in the capitol. The important thing is that le grande orange was coordinating ways to not certify 5 states’ votes so that they could reject Biden. Read Pence’s article that I linked. But republicans still humor and bow down to president comb over. I can’t speak for anyone else but my republican option was an election denier. NFW I would even consider voting for him.
5 incher, damage is estimated via amount of monetary losses whether via theft or property damage, and amount of lives lost or injured.
Of course, January 6 was only one event. Just about the only other right wing protest event we had was that 2017 unite the right rally where I think one person died.
So you have right wing rallies which barely occur and when they do occur they’re exaggerated and constantly talked about. In comparison look at blm and antifa, they caused billions in damage and have killed hundreds of people. All because of racism or greed or other nonsense.
Most cops arent going out of their way to patrol minority neighborhoods, and actually these arent minority neighborhoods, these are just often neighborhoods in poor parts of the city with poorer black and white people.
Its laughable you believe cops should be hanging out in millionaire neighborhoods where crimes barely occur, not poorer neighborhoods where crimes are constantly occurring all becsuse of some twisted idea of equality.
And don’t try bringing “minorities” into it, minorities have nothing to do with the discussion. Asians and Indians and Jews and probably other middle easterners are living in nice neighborhoods. How often do you see cops abusing or even arresting those four minority groups? Basically never. So obviously it has nothing to do with minorities. Those minorities are the richest in the country, even higher average incomes than white people.
"Pro-life non-Trump candidates excelled. Mike DeWine in Ohio. Matt Kemp in Georgia. And of course Ron DeSantis. All pro-life Republican winners. Mastriano was another Trumpling who took a spot from a much more electable candidate."
Well I'm a lifelong Mighty Dem and I happen to like DeWine and Kemp. DeWine was very aggressive about Ohioans getting their COVID vaccine, even had a lottery system set up to give out cash rewards as an incentive. And Kemp is somebody who didn't kowtow to China Donnie's stolen election bullshit. He'll most likely be a key witness in the upcoming GA criminal trial that could put Dradt Dodger Don away for 10 years. DeSantis is just fools' good to the GOP at this point. He's too radical to win a general elections, the Dems will easily paint him as a younger Trump 2.0 and he'll get creamed in 2024. But hey, I guess Republicans love wasting money on these extremist freaks.
for the record - it is HUNTER BIDEN that has received millions of dollars from Chinda - not china donnie"
You MAGA-Tard pieces of shit can't produce a single receipt showing Hunter received a penny from China. I dare you to provide proof. Citing a Fucker Carlson propaganda piece doesn't count LOL.
Meanwhile, my side can produce all the evidence in the world to label the draft-dodger "China Donnie" --- here's some tasty samples:
"He's too radical to win a general elections, the Dems will easily paint him as a younger Trump 2.0 and he'll get creamed in 2024." That's your opinion. Good luck painting him as Trump when Trump already gave him a derogatory nickname. He has a track record of competence in running America's 3rd-largest state. BTW I'd be not-so-secretly happy if you put Trump away--he can't be a walking distraction, muddy the 2024 primary waters, he becomes a martyr, and forced to throw his support behind someone.
"But hey, I guess Republicans love wasting money on these extremist freaks." HAHAHA! How much did you toss at Beto O'Rourke and Stacey Abrams again???
"Most cops arent going out of their way to patrol minority neighborhoods, and actually these arent minority neighborhoods, these are just often neighborhoods in poor parts of the city with poorer black and white people."
So how come you never see a video of a black cop kneeling on the neck of a poor white guy and snuffing him out? I can post hundreds of links of racist white cops murdering maiming innocent black folks.
You righties try to pretend to be racially-neutral but you're ALWAYS playing the race card. I didn't hear China Donnie screech "send them back" to Nancy and Hillary at his Nazi rallies, it was only for highly-respected female Democrats of color. He called Mexicans murderers and rapists, not Norwegians and Swedes. He busted on Kaepernick because he's half-black, but when a crybaby cheater like Brady flaunts the rules and makes a mockery of pro football, China Don calls him "a great friend".
Now do you the racial hypocrisy on the right and why it needs to be called out as a major liability for Republicans in the elections, year after year?
"That's your opinion. Good luck painting him as Trump when Trump already gave him a derogatory nickname. He has a track record of competence in running America's 3rd-largest state."
Democrats would love for you righties to nominate Little Fascist Ronnie. It'd be another cakewalk landslide for Mighty Joe. Good luck trying to paint Adolf DeSantis as some kind of moderate who can win in purple states, I really wanna see how well that turns out LOL. The problem with a DeSantis run in 2024 is that we've already got too much incriminating stuff on him already that will make him totally un-electable in the major swing states of AZ, GA, MI, PA and WI, and those five states are needed by ANYONE who wants to win the White House.
If Republicans actually wanted to take the Presidency in 2024, they'd nominate somebody like Kasich or Kinzinger who could easily win the Big Five Swing States, but the problem is that the MAGA Faction is a lingering cancer and they'd rather stay home on Election Day than cast a vote for a softie "cucks" like those two classy moderates.
"I can post hundreds of links of racist white cops murdering maiming innocent black folks." No you can't, because cops only kill 20 unarmed black people (vs. 40 unarmed white people) every year, and the great majority of them are fighting back.
BTW I could care less about Kaepernick kneeling on the field--it's his affinity for Castro and communist dictators, hatred for police, and hypocritically calling the NFL slavery (LOL guess he really wants to become a slave) that makes me loathe him.
"Democrats would love for you righties to nominate Little Fascist Ronnie. It'd be another cakewalk landslide for Mighty Joe."
HAHAHA Mighty Joe? Whom you barely talked yourself into in 2020? Don't underestimate his ability to fuck things up Joe? 12.4 points underwater Joe? Barely knows what day of the week it is Joe? Only reason he won was he went against a pathological own-goaler in Trump.
I'm calling your bluff. Go ahead and drop whatever "incriminating stuff" you've got. Just imagine him shredding Biden in a debate.
BTW Godwin's Law. You lose.
Are you Trucidos come back? The obnoxious liberal politics and liking your own posts, it all makes sense. At least you admit your penis is smaller than the average American male's.
"The main reason for the poor Republican showing was easily attributed to Trump and abortion, Trump killed a lot of the turn out with his personal attacks, and anyone that thinks that politicians and judges belong in the decision making process that is taking place when a woman decides to have an abortion, is a out of touch with reality loony tune. Five states where abortion was on the ballot voted for it to be easily accessible, as it stands this shows that your average politician doesn't know when to mind their own fucking business"
Very well said, 25 --- couldn't agree more.
Just look at the vitriol being spewed at China Don from the GOP establishment right now. Trump was on the ballot for all these races and he dragged them all down into the abyss. Even if McCarthy gets the Speaker position, he will only have a razor's edge of majority in the House and that means trivial bullshit agendas like impeaching Biden over the border or investigating Hunter's laptop are going to be NO-GO from the incoming moderate Repubs who are sick of the petty revenge stuff. The country took the Beijing Donnie Trump Train as far it can go and it flew over the cliff like a raging dumpster fire on rails. It's time to return to moderate politics ruling our nation, which is how the Founding Fathers always wanted it.
"I'm calling your bluff. Go ahead and drop whatever "incriminating stuff" you've got. Just imagine him shredding Biden in a debate."
LOL, as if debates have any effect on the general electorate. Hillary skinned Coke-Sniffles Donnie alive in all three debates and she still lost. Fetterman was stroking out during his TV debate but he still managed to whip the Turkish Fraudster Oz back to Jersey like a dirty rat. TV debates are nothing more than a dog-and-pony show.
Debates don't win elections, ideological positions do. Little Fascist Ronnie is just a Harvard version of Draft-Dodger Don. His views on abortion, immigration, corporate taxes, Ukraine/China/Russia, student loan debt, police brutality, and climate change are 99% the same as Trump and the other far-right kooks who got cooked in the mid-terms. Somebody once said insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, so let the GOP continue their insanity by nominating Little Adolf and watch him get roasted alive in a Presidential election. Screeching your racist drivel about open borders didn't convince the people of AZ, GA, MI, PA and WI in 2020 and it certainly won't sway them in 2024.
Texas keeps being talked about like they're moving purple or blue, but that's not happening where my people are. You just saw that in action with the beating Beto got
About DeSantis, I don’t see how he could possibly flip Michigan red after Rs just lost the state legislature and Whitmer the Queen of Lockdowns got re-elected with 54%.
The California transplants I run into here in Indiana don't seem liberal. They seem to be mostly middle-class whites who left because of the high taxes and high cost of living in California. Indiana has a much lower cost of living. I have a millionaire uncle living in California. I always imagined him living in a giant mansion. My sister recently showed me a photo of his house and it was much smaller than I imagined. Even a normal sized house there is very expensive.
In Arizona, Kari Lake has said she will call a special legislative session on day one to bring integrity back to voting. ID required to vote. As a result, Arizona will stay Republican. So will all the other red states that pass similar laws.
In states with a Dem Governor and legislature, they will continue to hand out mail in ballots to anyone who asks and many who didn’t. They will stay Democrat for many years.
We are fast approaching a point where there are 27 states that are certain to vote Republican and 23 states that are Democrat. The 27 states will balance their budgets, limit welfare benefits, and grow through people fleeing blue states. There will be 23 states that essentially provide guaranteed welfare to the lazy, have deficits, and hope for a Democrat Congress and President to subsidize their spending.
By the way, there was a time that Red was associated with Democrats and Blue was associated with Republicans. That’s in part because red was associated with Communism. The Democrats managed to reverse this through their friends in the media to help with their branding.
"We are fast approaching a point where there are 27 states that are certain to vote Republican and 23 states that are Democrat."
Outside of FL and TX, all the other red states are jobless shitholes where cattle and sheep outnumber human beings LOL.
There is a photo floating around of China Donnie looking at a map of the U.S. and he sees this big areas of red and it's Montana and the Dakotas and he says to the reporter "do you see how 90% of the country voted for me?" LOL, you can't make this stuff up. This trust fund crook is the dumbest piece of shit on Earth.
"About DeSantis, I don’t see how he could possibly flip Michigan red after Rs just lost the state legislature and Whitmer got re-elected with 54%"
That's why Adolf DeSantis is a wet dream for the Democrats. He's a less charismatic version of China Donnie and everyone knows Mighty Joe will mop the floor with the squinty-eyed little Harvard pussy in 2024. Plus, we don't know all the dirt that Fraudster Don will unleash about Ronnie. No way in hell that a flagrant white nationalist can win in Dem-leaning states like MI, PA, and WI. It's already been litigated in 2018, 2020, and 2022 so how moronic do the Repukes have to be to keep trying to trot out these extremist Mussolini wannabes and keep getting cunt-punched into submission like smelly hoes?
Nevada is an anomaly. A republican sheriff with no legislative experience. Just a Trump stamp of approval won the governorship. While the state has a predominantly female Democrat controlled legislature...
5 incher what has DeSantis said or done that indicates him being a white nationalist? Trump has said and donr much more that could be related to white nationalism.
You cant really compare desantis to hitler or others considering he bragged about wanting to be the most pro israel governor ever.
And to center this around racial stuff or potential racism is laughable considering you have dems who support black nationalist groups or straight up say racist things in public. So you have dems who often say racist things compared to repubs who often say anti immigrant things, at least the anti immigrant stuff on the right is more logical than the racist stuff on the left. I mean the anti immigrant stuff is usually based around reducing crime or leech immigrants whereas the racist stuff on the left is often just blind hatred of whites
“. His views on abortion, immigration, corporate taxes, Ukraine/China/Russia, student loan debt, police brutality, and climate change are 99% the same as Trump and the other far-right kooks ”
Lol, student loan debt, “police brutality”, and climate change are literally non issues that shouldn’t even be discussed in the political arena. Those categories dont even compare to the importance of the other topics you mention. Police brutality effects like 5 white people, 2 latino people and 2 black people per year. Student loan shouldnt be funded or forgiven at all, it shouldn’t even be up on the table. The only reason these subjects like loan debt and police get brought up is because of BLM looters who dont want cops arresting them for theft and who dont want to pay for college and think someone else should.
“So how come you never see a video of a black cop kneeling on the neck of a poor white guy and snuffing him out? I can post hundreds of links of racist white cops murdering maiming innocent black folks.
You righties try to pretend to be racially-neutral but you're ALWAYS playing the race card. I didn't hear China Donnie screech "send them back" to Nancy and Hillary at his Nazi rallies, it was only for highly-respected female Democrats of color. He called Mexicans murderers and rapists, not Norwegians and Swedes. He busted on Kaepernick because he's half-black, but when a crybaby cheater like Brady flaunts the rules and makes a mockery of pro football, China Don calls him "a great friend".
Now do you the racial hypocrisy on the right and why it needs to be called out as a major liability for Republicans in the elections, year after year?”
First of all the tactic used on floyd doesnt kill people, you tubers have reemacted that move and it has been used before. And there are videos of black cops abusing their power, or behavinng the same as white cops who get critciized. Cops are mostly representative of normal population metrics, so most are white.
But it is telling how liberals state all lives matter and white lives matter are racist. Additionally, just look at daniel shavor. White guy died in mucj worse conditions than floyd, his gofundme only made 50k vs floyd making millions in a pandemic. He had a few hundred protesters instead of millions. Its liberal/blm hypocrisy at play, since its clearcut evidence you guys basically promote the agenda of “im not helping the homeless unless they’re black”.
You guys have gone on record to say equality is racist, and that yoi want equity, which when you describe equity it’s an insane communistic concept And also racist. He said Mexico isnt sending their best, and they are probably the largest immigrant group as well as illegal immigrant group coming. And unfortunately they are bringing a lot of crime over the border. He has said much worse stuff than “send them back” to Hillary so you’re wrong there. Ultimately while some of trumps statements sound generalizing, his statements are still not as bad as going around saying you refuse to help victims of homelessness, cancer victims and police brutality victims unless they belong to a specific race. And with trump some of it is down to the way he speaks.
Everyone stop and take a breath. Breathe in the reality that 90+% of both Jan 6 and BLM protesters were law abiding. But thick-5 is right that the BLM 10% is less dangerous than the Jan 6 10%. The looters were mostly apolitcal opportunists. Those who threw rocks, cans, and bottles at the police are comparable to the Jan 6 10%, but the reality is they caused far, far less injuries to cops.
Insurance claims for the BLM riots totaled between 1-2 BILLION dollars. And that’s not counting all the uninsured small businesses. Adjusted for inflation that’s more damage than cause by the Rodney King LA riots
"Everyone stop and take a breath. Breathe in the reality that 90+% of both Jan 6 and BLM protesters were law abiding. But thick-5 is right that the BLM 10% is less dangerous than the Jan 6 10%. The looters were mostly apolitcal opportunists. Those who threw rocks, cans, and bottles at the police are comparable to the Jan 6 10%"
That's the point I keep trying to make about false equivalencies being foisted by right wing propagandists like Fucker Carlson and Lying Hannity.
BLM was fought in the streets for racial justice but it did cause some property damage and a few people did get hurt as collateral damage, but you can't equate that to a fascist lying crook like China Donnie encouraging his racist minions to openly assault our nation's Capitol and try to hurt and kill lawmakers and obstruct an official act of democracy like certifying the Electoral College vote count. That is a SERIOUS march towards fascism and it can NOT be tolerate in a society that places all it's hopes and dreams on free elections and allowing the people to govern themselves. My beloved Grandpaps didn't die in Europe fighting the Nazis so that we can ass-kiss a lying piece of shit like Beijing Donnie to commandeer this great nation and turn it into a right-wing Crony Clown Show that fattens up his bank account and pisses all our moral values right down the toilet. We always have to aspire to something greater, and the whole world is watching us closely to see if we can walk it like we talk it.
I'll tell you what, NJ hasn't changed much "politically" if you mean the party that's in charge. This fuckin prick Murphy was re-elected last year by the brain-dead scumbags who vote like programmed robots. But one thing that's very funny is his hysterical reaction to the Bruen (gun-carry) decision. I love seeing the pain in his fucking face when he discusses it. I love watching him beat a dead horse with his plans to do an end run around the law.
His plan is to restrict the carrying of firearms in as many as 25 kinds of locations *including* any establishment that does not *expressly* allow firearms to be carried. In other words, that means any store, auto repair shop, theater, restaurant, parking garage, bank, church... you get it... ANY fucking place, would basically have to post a sign at the entrance saying "guns are welcome here". In addition, they will not allow a firearm to be secured in an automobile once the owner/licensed carrier of that firearm steps away from the vehicle.
So you put those two things together and what do you have? Pretty much, you can't carry at all, unless you plan to go drive around and come back home without stopping anywhere.
This stupid bitch obviously KNOWS that even if passed, it will most definitely be struck down, because it 100% violates the spirit of the Supreme Court ruling. New York already tried nearly the exact same thing and failed, but Phil Phuckhead Murphy is undeterred. If he can spend a few million dollars of taxpayer money to fight an unwinnable battle in court, just to suspend the Constitutional rights of NJ citizens for a couple of weeks, then by God he will do it. He figures if NJ gun rights groups have to spend a few million of their own dollars, then pissing away government resources is money well spent.
Whatever. He's gonna go kicking and screaming, but the bottom line is it's over Phil. You lost you fucking cocksucker.
"But one thing that's very funny is his hysterical reaction to the Bruen (gun-carry) decision"
I could care less what happens in Jersey since I don't live there and my only experience is driving through that shitty state on my way to NYC or Boston. Judging by the Jersey politicians I've seen in recent years like Christie and Oz, there seems to be no shortage of assholes in that state LOL. I'll readily admit that sitting in my car and staying warm and toasty on a winter day while some poor prick pumps my gas is the one nice perk about New Jersey!
As far as open carry of guns, I think it's a bad idea. I grew up around guns since me and my Dad were hunters but we weren't "gun nuts". We always agreed that it's a bad idea for every dumb hick to be carrying a loaded pistol into a Walmart or restaurant or school just because you think you "might" get robbed that day. As soon as you allow people to carry guns everywhere is when you have lost all control in society and you'll have a Wild West mentality where every little verbal altercation turns into a shootout where bullets are flying and bodies are piling up over the most trivial stuff. And let's not pretend that far-right pricks like George Zimmerman and Kyle Rittenhouse were "keeping the peace" --- they were just typical Trumper Racists who were upset that black people were voicing their opinions in the streets and they decided to vent some of that small white dick energy and kill black people because of their racist hate and insecurities. If you see people in public who might be acting shady or dangerous, just call the cops and let them deal with it. Why did that system work for hundreds of years but suddenly you white MAGA Cucks suddenly think the only way to keep law and order is to lock-and-load and shoot unarmed colored people? You're a bunch of sick murderous fucks.
"Hey fuckface, have you turned on the news lately?"
Yeah I do watch the news --- and I see incidents like the Waco Twin Peaks biker war that erupted in 2015 when bullets started flying over a scuffed Harley!
Ilba we dont have data on jan 6 because it was just one protest vs hundreds or thousands of blm protests. Each major city had their own protests, and there were probably 10 or so cases in 2020, most of which were actually justified on the cops end to begin with and didn’t involve racism.
So you cant really equalize 10% of the trumpers to 10% of blm.
As far as overall damage and deaths blm caused much more but they also had more protests.
And who said we compare jan 6 to BLM, a racial group? Blm should be compared to something like kkk, the black panthers, or white lives matter. If were looking at trump voters they should be compared to biden voters which would include blm and antifa and more.
And 5 incher nobody knows what happened with zimmerman for certain but the evidence showed martin started the fight over zimmerman following him or staring at him. The sad thing is, as proven time and time again, if it was a black or latino guy going after someone, you wouldn’t even protest or post condolences online. But when its zimmerman and martin you’re salivating at the mouth immediately wanting to destroy zimmerman for his race.
Kyle rittenhouse we thankfully had lots of video of everything. You know that involved BLM protesters who were literally there to try to blow up a random gas station and car dealership over jacob blake i believe? Which was one of the most justified blm cases in 2020.
"But when its zimmerman and martin you’re salivating at the mouth immediately wanting to destroy zimmerman for his race."
So if Zimmerman is such a tough guy then why not put up fisticuffs and go mano-a-mano with Trayvon like real men do? Only pussies need guns when the other person is unarmed. Zimmerman is a weak, white beta cuck, and I would've been all too happy to help Trayvon beat his racist ass to a pulp and roll him into a ditch.
^He was Hispanic little girl, get your facts straight bitch. What kind of fucking little pussy posts youtube as a source. A five year old girl wannabe.
Internet tough guy Trucidos said: "Only pussies need guns when the other person is unarmed."
Only dumbasses throw leather at someone unprovoked when they might be concealed carrying. Martin attacked the wrong guy and met natural selection. Funny, Zimmerman was a Hispanic until that night.
I don’t know much about state swings, but I had to laugh at the NYPost bottom banner when it said Florida man announces a new presidential run. LULZ Then Jen Bush sent out a tweet calling Trumps announcement last night low energy LULZ
No worries if the thug named Trayvon had been white, then Zimmerman would have been Hispanic. He was only white because Trayvon was black and the media is fraudulent.
5 incher nobody is obligated to fight fair in public especially when attacked. You really think people are going to bow down and willingly let the best fighters or most muscular men just steamroll the population and steal and do whatever they want? It seems to be the recurring trend, expecting cops and random civilians to fight fair when they got ambushed
@BTE, the "if I were there, I would have..." is the dumbest form of tough guy trash talk.
If small-penis would have assaulted Zimmerman, he'd have watched his life spill out onto that lawn with a last thought of "gee, maybe trying to punch out a random guy wasn't such a hot idea."
last commentThis is the same state that kept putting Kennedy's into office though.
Texas has stayed Red, but barely. Many Cali transplants, plus Texas has huge Metro areas with many urban areas.
Tennessee is as Red as ever. Gov Lee won reelection easily .
Florida is no longer a swing state. It has swung way over to the Red/Right side. But I think that is mostly due to the popularity of Ron DeSantis. Our next President.
I've been traveling to other states and happened to run across a lot of political adds in other states. I've seen complaints on this board about the never ending adds as well. The only thing I can say about these adds is be careful about wishing then to go away. My area of California is so blue now that you don't see adds or even yard signs. The Dems have everything locked up and there is no need to campaign for votes. That's why Greasy Gavin spent his time in other states getting his name out there for a presidential run.
1. The academic or blue blood progressive types. Thomas Sowell said the fundamental truth of leftist ideas is that they don't work, therefore you'll find the left concentrated in institutions where ideas don't have to work to survive (like academia, or trust fund babies talking at the country club).
They're also _major_ NIMBY shitlords. They like minorities, in theory, as long as they commute an hour and a half to serve them and don't depress property values. They like green energy, as long as wind farms don't obstruct their ocean views. They like BLM, as long as the marchers don't invade their 'burb. Ironically, the surest way to turn one Republican is to mug them outside the Harvard faculty lounge.
2. The working classes who thought of the Kennedy's as royalty. The Dems were "their people," particularly if they had an Irish-sounding last name. Fair amount of them are unionized, though this is a dying breed. Funny thing is, a lot of them are pretty racist. Legacy of the days when Irish immigrants and free blacks competed for the same jobs.
For a good-standing conservative, I've lived in sapphire-blue states, or in blue areas of purple states. I'm not from around here.
Interestingly, in the 60s, 70s, and into the 80s, there was a group called the Phoenix 40. They included the top business people like the CEO of the local bank, newspaper publisher, etc. They would meet regularly and make major decisions for the State. These decisions would be passed on to the politicians whose campaigns were funded by the 40. That system actually worked pretty well. It’s one of the reasons Phoenix population grew so fast..
Yes the transplants are part of it, but the big story here in Florida has been the massive shift in Latino support from the Dems to the Republican Party. Sure inflation has been part of it, but more important IMHO was DeSantis' performance during COVID and his school choice bills. Latinos care deeply about educational opportunities for their children. Between keeping schools open during COVID, giving low income kids school choice and the variety of state scholarships available to high performing Florida state universities, every kid with scholastic aptitude has a path for advancement.
Also don't discount other social issues, like crime, CRT in schools and boys in girls locker rooms and the other crazy shit happening in other places. Latinos tend to be fiscally liberal, but socially conservative. Between family in those places and reporting by Univision and Telemundo, which are both NYC and LA centric, they are probably better informed about what's happening in blue state cities than most average Floridians and are grateful that DeSantis hasn't let that shit happen here.
DeSantis even won Miami-Dade county - by double f-ing digits. A Republican hasn't won a statewide election in that county in 20 years and until now, many people assumed that no Republican ever would.
That was almost completely attributable to Latino voters switching allegiances.
DeSantis could be very dangerous in a general election. In Florida he has developed a roadmap for tapping into Latino voters, something which the Republican Party has historically done a horrible job of.
The national media built up the race calling Ohio a swing state and made it seem closer than it really was
Republican Vance won rather handily 53.3% to 46.7%
I can comfortably say by 2035 that a far-right Republican will have a snowball's chance in hell of ever winning the White House once AZ, GA, and TX are reliably blue. The traditional "blue wall" of MI, PA, and WI will always lean left like it did for Biden in 2020. Don't let any Trumper fool you into thinking those upper Great Lakes states are trending red because the mid-terms of 2018 and 2022 are powerful evidence they are NOT and probably never will.
Now, if the GOP decides to abandon the fool's gold of Trumpism and re-align to moderates like John Kasich and Paul Hogan, then they will be very potent candidates in a general election. My Republican friends were blind-sided by a charlatan crook like China Donnie, and now they are finally waking up to how they been SCAMMED.
Not surprising to find racist, misogynist xenophobes like SkiBum in Boston if you look around. I've rolled a few of those pricks into ditches in my time.
And I doubt he's from Boston. More like the conservative backwoods farm country in New England.
Can you describe the angry black, asian, and latino male syndromes? Or are you going to claim those races don’t get angry, they just blow things up in protests and steal money?
More “educated” populations vote blue because most universities train people to be pro socialistic.
In case you don't know what I'm talking about, Dr. Oz called Fetterman to concede, that used to be common place, now it deserves to be acknowledged.
Sadly, that’s the future of America.
J.D. Vance also didn't mention China Don even once in his victory speech.
It appears the GOP is finally moving back towards the middle and normalcy, much to the relief of the American people. Now we just gotta find a way to deport Little Adolf DeSantis and Wheelchair Wizard Abbott into a nice little cave in Russia and we'll be truly great again.
That's likely true. Millenial voters in TX will turn that state reliably blue within 10-15 years. Simple demographic trends at work.
So what if there was a video of a big black cop kneeling on the neck of a small white woman wearing a MAGA shirt until he pulls her limp dead body off the pavement and flashes a smirk at somebody's smartphone? Do you think MAGA-Tards would be saying "law and order" and "fund the cops" and not showing up at the police station with AR-15s?
It's sickening to me how white Trumpers think they are the only ones who have the right to be angrily protesting in the streets or at the Capitol.
Oh, and your demographic transition arguments have been recanted by none other than Judis and Teixeira themselves.
Someone who assumes all trends carry forever in a straight line is the worst and laziest type of forecaster.
Though Boston and the surrounding areas are the most densely populated and pretty liberal, if you start traveling west, Massachusetts get pretty purple by the time you his Worcester, and you get more solid shades in Western MA (including Springfield).
The situation you describe has already happened with that woman who was shot on the January 6 riots. And as usual blm and many leftists were hypocritically cheering the situation, they even put out snippets of black police officers at the capitol and talked about how they were being oppressed by the white trump extremists.
Your formula is all the same, it’s based around hating some or all races besides one or two.
And 5 incher the irony is the january 6 events were relatively peaceful compared to blm riots which had all kinds of explosions, looting and more. Blm actually went after random businesses to loot and destroy which is laughable and insane if your problem is with cops or government.
Imagine if some random guy attacks your family member then you in response go around looting random stores and attacking random people? I couldn’t envision doing that but its a way of life for some people, theres even some people on here who proudly looted things in the blm riots so they had money to blow at strip clubs
Repubs haven't won a single county in MA since 1988. They couldn't even win one in 2012 even though Romney was running and he was their well-liked ex-governor.
Purple states are one like PA, MI, and WI. MA has always been solid blue.
He's more like Dave_Anderson's schizophrenic liberal half.
The serious flaw with you right-wingers is your persistent false equivalencies. Comparing BLM riots to January 6th is apples-to-oranges. BLM riots resulted in a few Targets being looted and burned down. January 6th was about American democracy coming dangerously close to falling to the Nazi Brownshirts. I think the history books would look at Hitler a lot differently if him and his goons only went around Germany burning and looting Jewish businesses and left it at that.
The bottom line is that right-wing white guys HATE it when brown and black people express their opinions openly. Kaepernick got blasted by China Don for taking a knee during the anthem, but if white NFL players took a knee to protest COVID restrictions, they'd be called "patriots" on Fox Fake News.
Now do you see the sickening hypocrisy on the right and why you're losing so many elections?
I mostly post on this board using ‘they’ when I talk about republicans even though I am one. It’s mostly because when I post on this board I’m pushing back against some of the decisions republicans and the current MAGA direction of the party, which I abhor. For this post I’ll switch my pronoun to ‘we.’ (Ha, look at me choosing my pronouns.)
The republicans are and keep making the same mistake by dismissing Jan 6 or whataboutting it to the BLM riots. It’s a huge mistake and undermines our credibility. We need to acknowledge what it was - a ham handed buffoonery attempt to prevent the election from being certified. But still, we downplay and deflect it. You want the democrats to compromise and move to center? Well then we better stop pretending that Jan 6 didn’t happen. Voting against a bipartisan 911-like commission to investigate Jan 6 was fucking idiocy. Then not participating in the Jan 6 hearings compounded the idiocy. Almost all of the witnesses were republicans and they testified how all of his advisors told Colonel Slanders that Mike Pence couldn’t reject electoral votes. Even John Eastman the lawyer promoting the theory didn’t believe it. Eastman told Pence he couldn’t reject the votes but Fuck L’Orange still went ahead with it. Pence says this in his upcoming book and put it in an opinion piece yesterday in the WSJ. We republicans need to be better and have a long term vision for the country, not just how to win the next election.
Fact is, everyone sees what they want in it. I can see how some saw "insurrection"--if that's the word for a slight slowdown in the electoral process. Or, I could have if they didn't leave any implements of war at home. But as a motivator of turnout? There's little polling evidence behind that.
If you wanted to talk issues, abortion would be a better explanation. At least one could rationalize that by saying the polls underestimated how many young, single women would turn out, along with the relative success of pro-abortion referenda. But a lot of pro-life non-Trump Republicans performed well. Look no further than Georgia, and the relative margins of non-Trumpling Kemp and Trumpling Walker--not to mention Dems' inexplicable love affair with the money pit known as Kemp's opponent Stacey Abrams.
Biden is still disapproved of by 12.5 points, and the country on a wrong track by 43.9 points.
The best explanation of the available data was poor candidate quality, namely Trump candidates, and especially those more obsessed with relitigating 2022 than moving forward.
BLM shook down small, medium and large business for donations to local chapters and the national organization
BLM was responsible for looting of those same businesses
BLM was responsible for police being battered and shot in their cars in 2020
BLM sent many neighborhoods into absolute fear (including my own) and lockdown in 2020"
Wrong, wrong, and WRONG
BLM didn't "shake down" anyone for monetary kickbacks. That's just pure Fox Fake News propaganda as usual. And as far as BLM sending neighborhoods into "fear", then what do you call THOUSANDS of racist white cops patrolling colored neighborhoods every day and just ITCHING to put a knee on an innocent person and snuff them out?
Here's a simple request from all you racist right-wingers --- show me a single video of a left wing cop committing an atrocity against a right wing person in the past 15 years and I'll post videos of right wing cops MURDERING Democrat citizens in cold blood. Let's have a little comparison contest, eh!
The bottom line is this --- BLM was a modern day version of a 1960's civil rights protest, except that a FEW businesses got looted and burned. However, the January 6th riot is most comparable to the War of 1812 when the British set the Capitol on fire or Nazis torching the Reichstag in 1933. It is a DIRECT ACT OF WAR and an ATTACK ON DEMOCRACY itself and is a MILLION times worse than any paltry BLM protest in the streets where 99% of people just carried signs and told the cops to FUCK OFF, which is their Constitutional and patriotic duty!
Well said, Jimmy, and just proves my point about the conservatives being deluded with false equivalencies.
99% of America agrees that January 6th needed to be investigated by a bipartisan panel of Congress to get the bottom of who is responsible for it happening. You can't equate a vicious attack on American democracy and subversion of a free election with BLM protests that OCCASIONALLY went violent but mostly involved property damage and looting. Anyone who isn't a brainwashed Trumper knows that Target and Cheesecake Factories are fully insured for their losses, but murdering lawmakers at the Capitol to install a far-right fascist regime is something that can't be brushed off as a "minor scuffle", as Laura Cunti-Granny and Fucker Carlson called it.
God, when are you MAGA-Cucks gonna grow some brains and spines and realize how much damage you've down to this country?
You blame poor Republican candidate quality for the lousy showing, but then say a sentence earlier that pro-life candidates did well. You can't have it both ways.
Most of the China Donnie hand-picked stooges like Mastriano are radical pro-lifers who proudly threatened that women would be charged with felonies for attempting an abortion under any circumstance, or even trying to leave their state to get one, if they won their elections.
The data about the 2022 midterms will be scrutinized for many months, but I'm sure that turnout for women age 18-40 were likely the deciding factor in most competitive races, and for them abortion was of the highest priority. You can tell you're a clueless conservative male if you honestly believe a woman of reproductive age is more concerned about $3.35 gasoline than having a local politician telling her what she can do or not do with her body.
Re-read what I said. Pro-life non-Trump candidates excelled. Mike DeWine in Ohio. Matt Kemp in Georgia. And of course Ron DeSantis. All pro-life Republican winners. Mastriano was another Trumpling who took a spot from a much more electable candidate.
If you have data on what turned voters out, please present it. Otherwise you're just flaming and insulting like you've done up and down this thread.
BTW liking your own posts automatically marks you as a freak here. Everyone can see it.
Five states where abortion was on the ballot voted for it to be easily accessible, as it stands this shows that your average politician doesn't know when to mind their own fucking business.
One more thought the three states where the voting is not completely tabulated yet are a joke, if Cali, Texas, and NY could complete the process by the end of the evening, with their much larger populations, there is no excuse for Arizona, Nevada, and Alaska, not to be done over 48 hours later.
I’m saying that republicans ignoring Jan 6 or minimizing it turns off not only democrats but independents and some republicans. It makes republicans look not credible. We have to acknowledge it. Not call it a few dozen tourists without weapons who slowed down the certification.
The riot is also a distraction. The focus is about the rioters in the capitol. The important thing is that le grande orange was coordinating ways to not certify 5 states’ votes so that they could reject Biden. Read Pence’s article that I linked. But republicans still humor and bow down to president comb over. I can’t speak for anyone else but my republican option was an election denier. NFW I would even consider voting for him.
Of course, January 6 was only one event. Just about the only other right wing protest event we had was that 2017 unite the right rally where I think one person died.
So you have right wing rallies which barely occur and when they do occur they’re exaggerated and constantly talked about.
In comparison look at blm and antifa, they caused billions in damage and have killed hundreds of people. All because of racism or greed or other nonsense.
Most cops arent going out of their way to patrol minority neighborhoods, and actually these arent minority neighborhoods, these are just often neighborhoods in poor parts of the city with poorer black and white people.
Its laughable you believe cops should be hanging out in millionaire neighborhoods where crimes barely occur, not poorer neighborhoods where crimes are constantly occurring all becsuse of some twisted idea of equality.
And don’t try bringing “minorities” into it, minorities have nothing to do with the discussion. Asians and Indians and Jews and probably other middle easterners are living in nice neighborhoods. How often do you see cops abusing or even arresting those four minority groups? Basically never. So obviously it has nothing to do with minorities. Those minorities are the richest in the country, even higher average incomes than white people.
Didn't you say in another thread that you voted for Biden? he is also an election denier.
Well I'm a lifelong Mighty Dem and I happen to like DeWine and Kemp. DeWine was very aggressive about Ohioans getting their COVID vaccine, even had a lottery system set up to give out cash rewards as an incentive. And Kemp is somebody who didn't kowtow to China Donnie's stolen election bullshit. He'll most likely be a key witness in the upcoming GA criminal trial that could put Dradt Dodger Don away for 10 years. DeSantis is just fools' good to the GOP at this point. He's too radical to win a general elections, the Dems will easily paint him as a younger Trump 2.0 and he'll get creamed in 2024. But hey, I guess Republicans love wasting money on these extremist freaks.
for the record - it is HUNTER BIDEN that has received millions of dollars from Chinda - not china donnie"
You MAGA-Tard pieces of shit can't produce a single receipt showing Hunter received a penny from China. I dare you to provide proof. Citing a Fucker Carlson propaganda piece doesn't count LOL.
Meanwhile, my side can produce all the evidence in the world to label the draft-dodger "China Donnie" --- here's some tasty samples:
That's your opinion. Good luck painting him as Trump when Trump already gave him a derogatory nickname. He has a track record of competence in running America's 3rd-largest state.
BTW I'd be not-so-secretly happy if you put Trump away--he can't be a walking distraction, muddy the 2024 primary waters, he becomes a martyr, and forced to throw his support behind someone.
"But hey, I guess Republicans love wasting money on these extremist freaks."
HAHAHA! How much did you toss at Beto O'Rourke and Stacey Abrams again???
So how come you never see a video of a black cop kneeling on the neck of a poor white guy and snuffing him out? I can post hundreds of links of racist white cops murdering maiming innocent black folks.
You righties try to pretend to be racially-neutral but you're ALWAYS playing the race card. I didn't hear China Donnie screech "send them back" to Nancy and Hillary at his Nazi rallies, it was only for highly-respected female Democrats of color. He called Mexicans murderers and rapists, not Norwegians and Swedes. He busted on Kaepernick because he's half-black, but when a crybaby cheater like Brady flaunts the rules and makes a mockery of pro football, China Don calls him "a great friend".
Now do you the racial hypocrisy on the right and why it needs to be called out as a major liability for Republicans in the elections, year after year?
Democrats would love for you righties to nominate Little Fascist Ronnie. It'd be another cakewalk landslide for Mighty Joe. Good luck trying to paint Adolf DeSantis as some kind of moderate who can win in purple states, I really wanna see how well that turns out LOL. The problem with a DeSantis run in 2024 is that we've already got too much incriminating stuff on him already that will make him totally un-electable in the major swing states of AZ, GA, MI, PA and WI, and those five states are needed by ANYONE who wants to win the White House.
If Republicans actually wanted to take the Presidency in 2024, they'd nominate somebody like Kasich or Kinzinger who could easily win the Big Five Swing States, but the problem is that the MAGA Faction is a lingering cancer and they'd rather stay home on Election Day than cast a vote for a softie "cucks" like those two classy moderates.
No you can't, because cops only kill 20 unarmed black people (vs. 40 unarmed white people) every year, and the great majority of them are fighting back.
BTW I could care less about Kaepernick kneeling on the field--it's his affinity for Castro and communist dictators, hatred for police, and hypocritically calling the NFL slavery (LOL guess he really wants to become a slave) that makes me loathe him.
HAHAHA Mighty Joe? Whom you barely talked yourself into in 2020? Don't underestimate his ability to fuck things up Joe? 12.4 points underwater Joe? Barely knows what day of the week it is Joe?
Only reason he won was he went against a pathological own-goaler in Trump.
I'm calling your bluff. Go ahead and drop whatever "incriminating stuff" you've got. Just imagine him shredding Biden in a debate.
BTW Godwin's Law. You lose.
Are you Trucidos come back? The obnoxious liberal politics and liking your own posts, it all makes sense.
At least you admit your penis is smaller than the average American male's.
Very well said, 25 --- couldn't agree more.
Just look at the vitriol being spewed at China Don from the GOP establishment right now. Trump was on the ballot for all these races and he dragged them all down into the abyss. Even if McCarthy gets the Speaker position, he will only have a razor's edge of majority in the House and that means trivial bullshit agendas like impeaching Biden over the border or investigating Hunter's laptop are going to be NO-GO from the incoming moderate Repubs who are sick of the petty revenge stuff. The country took the Beijing Donnie Trump Train as far it can go and it flew over the cliff like a raging dumpster fire on rails. It's time to return to moderate politics ruling our nation, which is how the Founding Fathers always wanted it.
LOL, as if debates have any effect on the general electorate. Hillary skinned Coke-Sniffles Donnie alive in all three debates and she still lost. Fetterman was stroking out during his TV debate but he still managed to whip the Turkish Fraudster Oz back to Jersey like a dirty rat. TV debates are nothing more than a dog-and-pony show.
Debates don't win elections, ideological positions do. Little Fascist Ronnie is just a Harvard version of Draft-Dodger Don. His views on abortion, immigration, corporate taxes, Ukraine/China/Russia, student loan debt, police brutality, and climate change are 99% the same as Trump and the other far-right kooks who got cooked in the mid-terms. Somebody once said insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, so let the GOP continue their insanity by nominating Little Adolf and watch him get roasted alive in a Presidential election. Screeching your racist drivel about open borders didn't convince the people of AZ, GA, MI, PA and WI in 2020 and it certainly won't sway them in 2024.
Still waiting for that incriminating info. He won his first election by a point and this one by 19.
You haven't gotten any smarter in your absence, Trucidos. Please bless us with your further absence.
I think he’s needed more in FL to be honest.
In states with a Dem Governor and legislature, they will continue to hand out mail in ballots to anyone who asks and many who didn’t. They will stay Democrat for many years.
We are fast approaching a point where there are 27 states that are certain to vote Republican and 23 states that are Democrat. The 27 states will balance their budgets, limit welfare benefits, and grow through people fleeing blue states. There will be 23 states that essentially provide guaranteed welfare to the lazy, have deficits, and hope for a Democrat Congress and President to subsidize their spending.
China Donnie got 1.5 million more votes in FL than Little Adolf in 2020 and STILL got his shit pushed in by Mighty Joe!
That alone should tell you how badly Little Fascist Ronnie will get destroyed in 2024. Keep living those right wing dreams, DUMBO.
Outside of FL and TX, all the other red states are jobless shitholes where cattle and sheep outnumber human beings LOL.
There is a photo floating around of China Donnie looking at a map of the U.S. and he sees this big areas of red and it's Montana and the Dakotas and he says to the reporter "do you see how 90% of the country voted for me?" LOL, you can't make this stuff up. This trust fund crook is the dumbest piece of shit on Earth.
Obviously you can't tell the difference between off-year and presidential-year turnout.
Which says you are too fucking stupid to be in this conversation.
That's why Adolf DeSantis is a wet dream for the Democrats. He's a less charismatic version of China Donnie and everyone knows Mighty Joe will mop the floor with the squinty-eyed little Harvard pussy in 2024. Plus, we don't know all the dirt that Fraudster Don will unleash about Ronnie. No way in hell that a flagrant white nationalist can win in Dem-leaning states like MI, PA, and WI. It's already been litigated in 2018, 2020, and 2022 so how moronic do the Repukes have to be to keep trying to trot out these extremist Mussolini wannabes and keep getting cunt-punched into submission like smelly hoes?
You lack the innate intelligence to debate a well-educated Dem like me. I can piss down your throat and roll ya into a ditch like a bitch.
I've been destroying Trump Cucks for over 6 years now. I'm damn good at my job.
"Mighty Joe", "cunt-punched."
Go away, Trucidos.
This was not the sick burn you think it was.
Trump has said and donr much more that could be related to white nationalism.
You cant really compare desantis to hitler or others considering he bragged about wanting to be the most pro israel governor ever.
And to center this around racial stuff or potential racism is laughable considering you have dems who support black nationalist groups or straight up say racist things in public.
So you have dems who often say racist things compared to repubs who often say anti immigrant things, at least the anti immigrant stuff on the right is more logical than the racist stuff on the left.
I mean the anti immigrant stuff is usually based around reducing crime or leech immigrants whereas the racist stuff on the left is often just blind hatred of whites
Lol, student loan debt, “police brutality”, and climate change are literally non issues that shouldn’t even be discussed in the political arena. Those categories dont even compare to the importance of the other topics you mention.
Police brutality effects like 5 white people, 2 latino people and 2 black people per year. Student loan shouldnt be funded or forgiven at all, it shouldn’t even be up on the table. The only reason these subjects like loan debt and police get brought up is because of BLM looters who dont want cops arresting them for theft and who dont want to pay for college and think someone else should.
“So how come you never see a video of a black cop kneeling on the neck of a poor white guy and snuffing him out? I can post hundreds of links of racist white cops murdering maiming innocent black folks.
You righties try to pretend to be racially-neutral but you're ALWAYS playing the race card. I didn't hear China Donnie screech "send them back" to Nancy and Hillary at his Nazi rallies, it was only for highly-respected female Democrats of color. He called Mexicans murderers and rapists, not Norwegians and Swedes. He busted on Kaepernick because he's half-black, but when a crybaby cheater like Brady flaunts the rules and makes a mockery of pro football, China Don calls him "a great friend".
Now do you the racial hypocrisy on the right and why it needs to be called out as a major liability for Republicans in the elections, year after year?”
First of all the tactic used on floyd doesnt kill people, you tubers have reemacted that move and it has been used before.
And there are videos of black cops abusing their power, or behavinng the same as white cops who get critciized. Cops are mostly representative of normal population metrics, so most are white.
But it is telling how liberals state all lives matter and white lives matter are racist. Additionally, just look at daniel shavor. White guy died in mucj worse conditions than floyd, his gofundme only made 50k vs floyd making millions in a pandemic. He had a few hundred protesters instead of millions. Its liberal/blm hypocrisy at play, since its clearcut evidence you guys basically promote the agenda of “im not helping the homeless unless they’re black”.
You guys have gone on record to say equality is racist, and that yoi want equity, which when you describe equity it’s an insane communistic concept And also racist.
He said Mexico isnt sending their best, and they are probably the largest immigrant group as well as illegal immigrant group coming. And unfortunately they are bringing a lot of crime over the border.
He has said much worse stuff than “send them back” to Hillary so you’re wrong there.
Ultimately while some of trumps statements sound generalizing, his statements are still not as bad as going around saying you refuse to help victims of homelessness, cancer victims and police brutality victims unless they belong to a specific race. And with trump some of it is down to the way he speaks.
Insurance claims for the BLM riots totaled between 1-2 BILLION dollars. And that’s not counting all the uninsured small businesses. Adjusted for inflation that’s more damage than cause by the Rodney King LA riots
January 6 damage was less the $2 million
That's the point I keep trying to make about false equivalencies being foisted by right wing propagandists like Fucker Carlson and Lying Hannity.
BLM was fought in the streets for racial justice but it did cause some property damage and a few people did get hurt as collateral damage, but you can't equate that to a fascist lying crook like China Donnie encouraging his racist minions to openly assault our nation's Capitol and try to hurt and kill lawmakers and obstruct an official act of democracy like certifying the Electoral College vote count. That is a SERIOUS march towards fascism and it can NOT be tolerate in a society that places all it's hopes and dreams on free elections and allowing the people to govern themselves. My beloved Grandpaps didn't die in Europe fighting the Nazis so that we can ass-kiss a lying piece of shit like Beijing Donnie to commandeer this great nation and turn it into a right-wing Crony Clown Show that fattens up his bank account and pisses all our moral values right down the toilet. We always have to aspire to something greater, and the whole world is watching us closely to see if we can walk it like we talk it.
His plan is to restrict the carrying of firearms in as many as 25 kinds of locations *including* any establishment that does not *expressly* allow firearms to be carried. In other words, that means any store, auto repair shop, theater, restaurant, parking garage, bank, church... you get it... ANY fucking place, would basically have to post a sign at the entrance saying "guns are welcome here". In addition, they will not allow a firearm to be secured in an automobile once the owner/licensed carrier of that firearm steps away from the vehicle.
So you put those two things together and what do you have? Pretty much, you can't carry at all, unless you plan to go drive around and come back home without stopping anywhere.
This stupid bitch obviously KNOWS that even if passed, it will most definitely be struck down, because it 100% violates the spirit of the Supreme Court ruling. New York already tried nearly the exact same thing and failed, but Phil Phuckhead Murphy is undeterred. If he can spend a few million dollars of taxpayer money to fight an unwinnable battle in court, just to suspend the Constitutional rights of NJ citizens for a couple of weeks, then by God he will do it. He figures if NJ gun rights groups have to spend a few million of their own dollars, then pissing away government resources is money well spent.
Whatever. He's gonna go kicking and screaming, but the bottom line is it's over Phil. You lost you fucking cocksucker.
I could care less what happens in Jersey since I don't live there and my only experience is driving through that shitty state on my way to NYC or Boston. Judging by the Jersey politicians I've seen in recent years like Christie and Oz, there seems to be no shortage of assholes in that state LOL. I'll readily admit that sitting in my car and staying warm and toasty on a winter day while some poor prick pumps my gas is the one nice perk about New Jersey!
As far as open carry of guns, I think it's a bad idea. I grew up around guns since me and my Dad were hunters but we weren't "gun nuts". We always agreed that it's a bad idea for every dumb hick to be carrying a loaded pistol into a Walmart or restaurant or school just because you think you "might" get robbed that day. As soon as you allow people to carry guns everywhere is when you have lost all control in society and you'll have a Wild West mentality where every little verbal altercation turns into a shootout where bullets are flying and bodies are piling up over the most trivial stuff. And let's not pretend that far-right pricks like George Zimmerman and Kyle Rittenhouse were "keeping the peace" --- they were just typical Trumper Racists who were upset that black people were voicing their opinions in the streets and they decided to vent some of that small white dick energy and kill black people because of their racist hate and insecurities. If you see people in public who might be acting shady or dangerous, just call the cops and let them deal with it. Why did that system work for hundreds of years but suddenly you white MAGA Cucks suddenly think the only way to keep law and order is to lock-and-load and shoot unarmed colored people? You're a bunch of sick murderous fucks.
"you'll have a Wild West mentality where every little verbal altercation turns into a shootout"
Hey fuckface, have you turned on the news lately?
Yeah I do watch the news --- and I see incidents like the Waco Twin Peaks biker war that erupted in 2015 when bullets started flying over a scuffed Harley!
But it's Trucidos the Troll, what would you expect?
So you cant really equalize 10% of the trumpers to 10% of blm.
As far as overall damage and deaths blm caused much more but they also had more protests.
And who said we compare jan 6 to BLM, a racial group? Blm should be compared to something like kkk, the black panthers, or white lives matter. If were looking at trump voters they should be compared to biden voters which would include blm and antifa and more.
And 5 incher nobody knows what happened with zimmerman for certain but the evidence showed martin started the fight over zimmerman following him or staring at him. The sad thing is, as proven time and time again, if it was a black or latino guy going after someone, you wouldn’t even protest or post condolences online. But when its zimmerman and martin you’re salivating at the mouth immediately wanting to destroy zimmerman for his race.
Kyle rittenhouse we thankfully had lots of video of everything. You know that involved BLM protesters who were literally there to try to blow up a random gas station and car dealership over jacob blake i believe? Which was one of the most justified blm cases in 2020.
So if Zimmerman is such a tough guy then why not put up fisticuffs and go mano-a-mano with Trayvon like real men do? Only pussies need guns when the other person is unarmed. Zimmerman is a weak, white beta cuck, and I would've been all too happy to help Trayvon beat his racist ass to a pulp and roll him into a ditch.
"Only pussies need guns when the other person is unarmed."
Only dumbasses throw leather at someone unprovoked when they might be concealed carrying.
Martin attacked the wrong guy and met natural selection.
Funny, Zimmerman was a Hispanic until that night.
Then Jen Bush sent out a tweet calling Trumps announcement last night low energy
It seems to be the recurring trend, expecting cops and random civilians to fight fair when they got ambushed
If small-penis would have assaulted Zimmerman, he'd have watched his life spill out onto that lawn with a last thought of "gee, maybe trying to punch out a random guy wasn't such a hot idea."