Anyone bring toys into the club?
New York
Years ago I was surprised when a fav said she’d bring a vibrator into the club for one of our visits. We’d meet weekly and she said she wanted to do it to “spice things up”. While the experience wasn’t anything to write home about im seeing a girl OTC who has such strong orgasms I’m thinking of investing in one just for her lol. I don’t club enough anymore but wonder if anyone had stories of bringing toys, a dancer having toys or OTC stories involving them.
I doubt the dancers would be very open to using a toy that a customer brought in unless it was still new and sealed up because they wouldn't know who else had used it and if it was clean.
I have seen dancers offer to use one in VIP with me, and the few times I agreed it was a great experience - for her. I found it a bit boring.
On the flip side, I have upgraded my official "PL Club Kit" to include a mini-spray bottle of lube (search Amzn). It fits into a short (maybe 3.5 inches) metal case with a cap so a casual looker might think it's a lighter or breath spray. I added it after a dancer offered a HJ to me in VIP and it didn't go well. She had no lube, could not seem to understand the concept of using spit and I was starting to chafe (ouch!). I even offered a decent additional tip to upgrade to oral, but that was past her personal limit. So; plus points for enthusiasm but minus points for (lack of) technique.
OTC is a totally different story. I have accumulated a small collection of toys at home and offer them when it seems appropriate. I always make a point of showing her my collection right next to some professional cleaning fluid. This small investment has paid for itself several times over.
Not having faves I guess limits my chances of this (toys) being a thing – also, most of my visits (when I was SCing) were to dives which had a patdown at the door and IDK what would happen during a patdown if the doorman noticed I was bringing in toys (IDK if I’d be allowed to bring them in or not – IME some of these doormen can lack common-sense).
@2icee, Ive heard some girls think its kinky to go on dates wearing a butt plug on one of those vibrators where you can control during the night. Hopefully I meet one of those sooon.