Good Luck with those green semi trucks California
Video showing a conventional Ford Truck hauling a trailer with a vehicle. It was considered a "total disaster" by the person filming the video.……
I’d rather trust the invisible hand of a free market of decentralized individuals, far far more than the dictates of a ruling class whose first & foremost focus is power over others.
We could cut carbon emissions to near-zero if we were willing to go back to the 18th century. But we obviously have other priorities.
Guess what? Actual science says electric trucks aren't yet up to the job. And that we'll need lots of fossil fuels to pull all the metals and minerals out of the ground for "green" vehicles.
Build something better, and we'll use it. That's how new technologies replace old ones. Not by declaring ICE vehicles illegal then telling people to refrain from powering EVs during peak hours.
Yes, trucks will run with Hydrogen Fuel cells but right now those trucks are 3 times as expensive as a diesel truck. When you look at the numbers that make it seems that one day these electric trucks will break even with diesel trucks, they have a "with incentives" attached to them. Somebody has to pay for these "incentives" for this to work. Whether that's trough higher product costs or a flat out tax on others.
Also, no numbers talk of more than a 250 mile range for electric trucks. So, if the trucks only run 100 miles and back that's fine. All these people making a living as long haul truckers will lose out. Also, the capital outlay for an independent trucker will be too much and only corporate trucking companies will exist in this new diesel free utopia.
Is there consideration of the size of charging stations that would be required to park 100's of trucks to recharge after 250 miles? I'm sure these things don't run on a single battery. How much extra weight would be added to what the truck is pulling just for the batteries. A truck is going to burn through batteries faster than the average Prius. What do we do with the tons of waste batteries will cause. Is this waste good for the environment?
We didn't build interstates and then say let's build cars to drive on them. This stuff has to come along when it's ready not because it's mandated. Sri Lanka learned that hard way about going completely green. California has already had one government backed green folly in the High Speed rail that has tripled in cost, doesn't go anywhere and is way behind schedule.
I'm all for cheap clean energy but you can't put the cart before the horse.
Capitalism brought billions out of extreme poverty, freeing them to care about the impact they have. We see it on a lesser scale right now--even Democrats and self-identified liberals care more about reliable domestic energy than climate change.
Want people to care about the environment? Give them a modern lifestyle and develop something better.
The greens are more anti-progress than pro-environment.…
Meanwhile, "house negro" is an insult, not a fact. It's loser language for a minority who succeeds. You speak Loser so naturally.
That's who progressive racial politics attract, losers who need excuses for their failures in life. Take away any of their bluster, and you find a loser or a vulture who preys on losers.…
In fact, in a different poll I posted elsewhere on the site, even self-described Democrats and liberals believe energy independence should be prioritized over climate change.
Does that sound like people who believe "society is fucked" if we don't stop emitting carbon? Get out of your coastal liberal bubble, or at least read articles from people who have. It's called the Environmental Kuznets Curve, how industrialization leads to the growth but then the drop of emissions.
Capitalism and the profit motive have brought billions out of extreme poverty. Deng's reforms after Mao speak for themselves.
This "profit-less societal structure" wasn't great under Lenin or Mao. Those weren't too hot for the environment either.
I’m not a climate change denier, I just deny the efficacy of the solutions currently being urged by the true believers in this new religion of green wokeness whose unshakable belief in how things “should be” doesn’t pan out due to actual human nature & behavior (the things free markets take into account). Utopia is a journey, not a reward for purity in thought & deed.