We lost another good one this year with the passing of Gallagher (76). Who could forget his trademark Sledge-O-Matic on a watermelon. I never attended a live performance of his, but caught several of his HBO specials. There's some leftover condiment packets lying around, I think I'll take a hammer to them..(LOL).
I saw Gallagher a few years ago at the Tropicana in Vegas while I was there at a work function. He was very nice in the fact that after the show he said hello to everyone and offered a piece of birthday cake as it was his birthday. Mo big star vibes at all from him.
RIP Gallagher. If you told me a guy could make a career out of smashing watermelons with a sledgehammer, I wouldn’t have believed you. He was an original, and he was famous - and oddly very funny.
last commentHBO specials and popular at the video stores with VHS tapes
Sort of last track of him the past 20 years.
R.I.P. Gallagher an American original