
Comments by mike710 (page 11)

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    2 years ago
    Good Luck with those green semi trucks California
    I'm all for cars that can run on water and extract hydrogen to power themselves and fart flowers out of the emission pipe. However, it's just not practical at this point. Yes, trucks will run with Hydrogen Fuel cells but right now those trucks are 3 times as expensive as a diesel truck. When you look at the numbers that make it seems that one day these electric trucks will break even with diesel trucks, they have a "with incentives" attached to them. Somebody has to pay for these "incentives" for this to work. Whether that's trough higher product costs or a flat out tax on others. Also, no numbers talk of more than a 250 mile range for electric trucks. So, if the trucks only run 100 miles and back that's fine. All these people making a living as long haul truckers will lose out. Also, the capital outlay for an independent trucker will be too much and only corporate trucking companies will exist in this new diesel free utopia. Is there consideration of the size of charging stations that would be required to park 100's of trucks to recharge after 250 miles? I'm sure these things don't run on a single battery. How much extra weight would be added to what the truck is pulling just for the batteries. A truck is going to burn through batteries faster than the average Prius. What do we do with the tons of waste batteries will cause. Is this waste good for the environment? We didn't build interstates and then say let's build cars to drive on them. This stuff has to come along when it's ready not because it's mandated. Sri Lanka learned that hard way about going completely green. California has already had one government backed green folly in the High Speed rail that has tripled in cost, doesn't go anywhere and is way behind schedule. I'm all for cheap clean energy but you can't put the cart before the horse.
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    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I'm not for any type of dog being banned. Animals of any type can get triggered into a temporary rage. Look at what happened to Roy Horn and the tiger that had worked with him for years. This is an unfortunate incident that will add fuel to the fire. https://www.yahoo.com/news/family-dogs-kill-2-tennessee-155341839.html
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    2 years ago
    Two that I had sex with Ciera Sage and Holli Miles
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    2 years ago
    Non-Chain Breastaurants (Nation-wide)
    Show-Mes is a regional bar with a few locations in Missouri that copied Hooters. Bone Daddy's in the Dallas area is another regional chain with a few locations in Texas.
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    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Nasty Girls
    I have only done anal a handful of times but one time I learned a cardinal rule about anal. Don't do it after taking a girl to dinner! The advice for lube for anal is right on. I've turned it down from ladies who wanted anal but no lube was handy. On cum in mouth, I can't even count the times a woman has asked for it or simply allowed it.
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    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Changing NFL Teams
    I never dropped the teams I rooted for growing up, but did start to root for local teams where I live as long as they weren't playing my team. One of those teams moved so I now root against that team. The teams I grew up with were terrible when I first started rooting for them. Eventually, both won multiple championships. It feels good when the team you stuck with through thick and thin, finally comes through with a championship season.
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    2 years ago
    New York
    Spanish language mongering resources
    Quiero chocha, donde esta el bano and quiero un cerveza are good beginning phrases. Mama meis good too.
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    2 years ago
    Congratulations to the people of Donbas and Novorossiya on their vote to rejoin
    @docsavage. When I was in high school taking a civics class from an instructor I liked, but now know he was on t he opposite political spectrum from me, he talked about "guns or butter". That was building the war machine or taking care of the masses. You sound like you worked inside the war machine so you know about it. The talk about what Russia is entitled to do by history is sketchy. If they have an old claim on these territories based on history and population then we should be open to Mexico coming into Texas and California because it was Mexican territory before and there are as many, or more , Mexicans in these states.
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    2 years ago
    Stage tip that's noticed
    Probably just me, but I think the make it rain thing is just silly. It's all about drawing attention to the tipper and not the girl. I'll tip a $20 if I want a girl's attention. When you plan to drop a few hundred anyway, it's not that big of a deal. If it doesn't get her, I figure I saved a few hundred.
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    2 years ago
    Congratulations to the people of Donbas and Novorossiya on their vote to rejoin
    @docsavage. There is a difference between people fighting for their home and people fighting because some politician says they have to go kill some people because he says so. I have no horse in this race but have seen how passionate the Ukrainians are in their quest to remain free. There is a lot of history between these two countries and Ukraine has just as much, if not more, reason to be free.
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    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation.
    I'm not an economist and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I can't see how Europe is not going to be in big trouble with energy prices over the winter. Now that we have a global economy, it will probably have some effect on the economy here.
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    2 years ago
    Revisiting your hometown
    I inherited the house I lived in when I turned 7 years old and lived in all through my pre-college years. I go there less than I did before but still go at least once a year. I have a friend that never left and it's funny to see how he practically knows everyone in town. When we were growing up it had a population of about 50K. Now, it has a population of around 100K. I still see people I knew but I left right after I turned 18 and haven't lived there since. I learned early on that you can't go back home. It's mostly because you change when you live in different places among different people. After college, I moved back to the area in a town that was a 3 hour drive away. I left after a handful of years to avoid being trapped in my old self.
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    2 years ago
    Russian Nord Stream gas pipelines damaged or sabotaged
    Well, Putin could have blown them up to use Biden's words against him and he can declare to the world that the US has committed an act of war to justify his next step.
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    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Miami Dolphins Fans Set Up Make-Shift Strip Club in parking lot
    That hurt my eyes.
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    2 years ago
    What's the deal with scanning driver's licenses?
    One bar that I frequent in a beach area said that they do it as part of a group of bars to spot people who have caused problems in other bars before they even come in. They also think they are protecting themselves in the event of illegal activities the someone may commit while in the bar. They could then use the pictures to identify who the person who caused the problem was. The bar I frequented had a scanner that could only scan ID cards so I used to bring my passport so they couldn't scan me. Of all the bouncers that worked at that bar, only one asked for it and he was just being a rule following dick even though he knew me. I've seen a couple of strip clubs do the scans, Shotgun Willies in Denver comes to mind. They had a patron murder a door guy in the past so I guess I can see them doing that. I don't like it but I don't consider it a show-stopper because I don't plan to do anything stupid in the club. I also don't care if anyone knew I was at the club at some point in the future.
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    2 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    OT: 0.999... = 1
    I say this in a good way but what a bunch of F'ng nerds. I studied that stuff but don't need to use it to work on networks. That stuff just provided a background that was needed to do real life application of electronics.
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    2 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    It was me. (An open letter to Founder)
    It seems to me that Founder is never going to be part of the "cancel culture". If I were him, I'd cancel the person asking for someone to be canceled. I guess he did that in a way. There are posters I really enjoy here and one I r two that I don't like. I police this myself by not reading what they write. I don't think it's a good look to act like a male "Karen", and ask for someone to be canceled.
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    2 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Rich sanctuary state sends "asylum seekers" to military concentration camp
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    2 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Rich sanctuary state sends "asylum seekers" to military concentration camp
    What city in the US is prepared to house migrants that just show up on your doorstep? The border cities have to deal with thousands. When I was in AZ this spring, the US Government dropped off a bunch of immigrants in Gila Bend in the middle of the night. If you've ever driven through that city, it's basically a one street city with a couple of stop lights. They had no way of dealing with a bus load of immigrants dropped at their door by the US Government in the middle of the night. Hell, they barely have one or two motels in that city.
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    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    emoji use on TUSCL.
    Doctored her wound and she kissed him. I hate typing on my tablet sometimes. Premature post
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    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    emoji use on TUSCL.
    ^Blah cut off a PL's dick using 3 knives and enjoyed her worth until she noticed that she slightly cut her finger. While she was crying over her cut, another PL doctore
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    2 years ago
    Doggie Discount
    ^Similar to Warrior, I knew a woman that had a huge Doberman that was trained in German. This was one of the full sized ones that weighed at least 100lbs. I saw her for sex and found out she lived about a quarter mile from me. For a few years we spent a lot of time at each other's house. Even after many times seeing me, the dog would act like it wanted to chew out my heart until I was allowed inside. Once inside, the dog loved me. Fir some reason, this dog thought it was a lap dog and he would always try to sit in my lap. Even though he was trained, he still acted like a dumb dog. I can still hear my redhead friend yelling "platz!"
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    2 years ago
    You ever fly out a girl to you or considered it?
    I have always been the one to make the flight so I don't have to entertain them for more than a few hours. Also, to fly a girl out these days, you have to know real names and birthdays to arrange the flight. There are girls that I have known that information but I still kept it to me flying to them.
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    2 years ago
    Songs to listen to under the influence
    In college, my roommate and hooked up an oscilloscope to the audio output on our stereo. I smoked weed back then and enjoyed a lot of classic rock on the waveforms that were produced. Zeppelin, Trower and Montrose were a few.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Having trouble posting comments?
    I was. It just sat there saying please wait on 3 different devices. It this comes up, it's now fixed.