OPEC flips off demented Joe and sides with Putin

avatar for gammanu95
Great job, Biden voters! Bravo, "blue no matter who"! How many times have I told you I am tired of being right? How many times did I warn you that this demented, corrupt, narcissistic jackass was on the wrong side of every foreign (and most domestic) policy issues of his career? You stupid motherfuckers just could not tolerate a few mean tweets in exchange for American supremacy and prosperity. Now, Joe killed the American energy independence we had under Pres. Trump, alienated the world's leading oil exporters, let inflation take over the economy, and now this:

What exactly did he think was going to happen? Was he too stupid to realize that Russia and China would carry more influence in Saudi Arabia than the US would? Did he think he had Bill Clinton-levels of charisma and could charm and smooth things over for the Saudi-let OPEC nations? Or is was he simply too demented to remember his campaign promises to make Saudi Arabia a pariah nation? the answer is D: All of the above.


last comment
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Biden is just following Obama's example. Bend over for the muslims, spread cheeks.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
2 years ago
What arrogance to think that rest of the world is obligated to provide the US with cheap oil. This is why people in other countries hate us.

OPEC has its own economic interests. It is not obligated to "help out" the US and Europe when their leaders make stupid policy choices.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
^Learn something moron. They owe us cheap oil because we protect their muslim scumbag asses. Thats the obligation dumb ass. When the Iranians wipe out their oil facilities with a missile they can get the Russians to help, well maybe if the oil fields are wiped out by Haiti, the Russians might be able to help. Shouldn't you be sucking Trump's cock right now>
avatar for Dave_Anderson
2 years ago
^ Don't call me moron, poop breath.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
2 years ago
Israel isn't even joining the US "sanctions" against Russia. While I applaud Israel for this, the double standards in the US media are interesting. Our best ally supposedly and its literally playing both sides, and the administration and US media don't even mention it.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
^Stupid fucking traitor to America.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
This administration has been a fucking disaster on energy. The minute Biden killed the keystone pipeline he set the tone with how stupid this was gonna get.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
2 years ago
If this be "treason," make the most of it.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Remember to repeat that on the gallows traitor.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
2 years ago
"Traitor" to some place that doesn't even have a border? The only "traitors" are the criminals in DC who have already destroyed the America of our ancestors and handed it over to anyone who can get here.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
^Was Adolph your grandfather?
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
The Biden administration has been alienating other countries and now they are coming together to form an anti-American coalition. They are even alienating our staunch European ally Germany. Many Germans think the U.S. or one of its proxies sabotaged the Nord Stream pipeline to force the Germans into buying their energy supplies from the U.S. and preventing them from buying them from Russia. Many German businesses are facing energy costs three or four times normal this winter and the added costs will drive many of them out of business.

The Biden administration is rapidly depleting the Strategic Petroleum Reserve by taking oil out of it and putting it on the market to temporarily lower gas costs in an attempt to sway votes in the upcoming election. The OPEC action interferes with that. The SPR will be completely empty next year and Americans will have an unpleasant surprise with where gas prices will go after that.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Sweden blames Russia for the pipeline explosions. They are more trustworthy than the Germans.
avatar for yahtzee74
2 years ago
"This administration has been a fucking disaster on energy."

Excuse me, they're saving the planet!! How ungrateful of you to complain.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
There is no basis to believe OPEC would have acted any different if we had a Republican president, what a stupid assumption.

Most Americans support addressing climate change and moving more to green energy. That's part of why Biden won the election. Did you notice gas prices came down recently, thanks in part to Biden. But he can't control all the factors influencing the price of energy. Or inflation.

Biden still has a superior direction for the country. I don't see anything better from Republicans. In fact all I see from them is obstruction, hot air and insults.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
^ So if gas prices go up, it's out of our control, but if they go down, it's thanks to Biden? Lol. Draining the SPR for political reasons should be condemned.

According to this IBD/TIPP poll, independents, moderates, _Democrats_ and even LIBERALS (!) say we should prioritize domestic fossil fuels over climate change.


If Democrats hadn't bragged for decades about shutting down the fossil fuel industry (leading to underinvestment) and Biden had not taken so many actions against energy independence, we wouldn't care what OPEC did. Now we're going on our hands and knees to Venezuela.

If not for Dobbs, Democrats would be in for a generational spanking. Even with it, they're going to get bruised.

Question is what it will take to undo the damage Biden has inflicted on American energy.
avatar for yahtzee74
2 years ago
"Most Americans support addressing climate change and moving more to green energy."

Nope, climate change ranks 24th out of 29 issues concerning American voters.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Let's see

Biden - Just signed the biggest investment in renewable energy in US history
Republicans - Drill baby drill

Biden has the right direction. As decisions like OPEC demonstrate, the less we are dependent on oil the better. The Keystone pipeline is largely a Republican talking point, it would not have significantly impacted the supply and price of oil, which is a global commodity.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
BTW, 2023 is on track to be a record year for US oil production. So much for Biden being "anti-oil".

The U.S. oil industry is gushing, with record production expected in 2023 as companies try to cash in on high prices
avatar for rattdog
2 years ago
^ok, this has also been reported by worldoil.com, financialpost.com etc.

and where is this oil going to go to? does anyone really honestly think it will stay mostly here in the mainland?
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
When Biden killed the Keystone pipeline and stopped drilling - he let the world know the USA is not planning to be energy independent.

That means we are heavily reliant on other oil producing nations (and groups). OPEC and Russia became much more powerful due to the foolishness of the Biden administration. Since OPEC and Russia aren’t exactly USA friendly, they are happy to fuck us over. They know Biden is a weak leader, so they aren’t worried about repercussions.

Remember months ago when we were told to buy electric cars if gas prices were too high for us? The ports were backed up, because our secretary of commerce was on gay paternity leave, and he let things slide. This administration is incredibly out of touch with the American people!

Biden is not in control. The far left loons, that he bent over for, are controlling every policy. Biden can’t even put his own blazer on without help! This will only get worse, as you can’t flip a switch and move a country to renewable energy only. The administration doesn’t get it.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
"Biden - Just signed the biggest investment in renewable energy in US history
Republicans - Drill baby drill"

This isn't a win for you. More money down the renewable energy drain hasn't done us much good. Drilling would actually provide energy security. But it's hard to invest when a major political party talks about putting you out of business.

Germany tried to make their "Energiewende" before they had a viable alternative, and botched it so bad they'll have to use not just Russian gas, but coal and even _wood_ to heat their homes.

You replace an old technology by building something better. Not by fear mongering, especially when you've been wrong for 60 years.

Presidents don't get points for "doing their best." Biden owns this mess.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Biden wanted to have the title and motorcade, so he gets the blame for what his administration does; regardless of who is making the decisions. Like picking Kommiela "North Korea is our important ally" Hairy for his VP. Race to the bottom does not even begin to describe those two.

I am looking forward to the Republican Party winning control of both houses in November. I heard a pie-in-the-sky theory last night that Biden will resign (quietly forced using Hunter's crimes as leverage) for "health reasons", Kommiela will be impeached and removed by the Republican Congress, and Kevin McCarthy will be sworn in pursuant to the Speaker being third in line for continuity. I don't know all that much about McCarthy, but I think we would all welcome the change at this point.

Democrats are already working their tails off trying to use Hurricane Ian as an excuse for mail-in ballots so they can steal Florida, but DeSantis seems to have it well in-hand.
avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
"Nobody fucks with a Biden". :)
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
>This isn't a win for you. More money down the renewable energy drain hasn't done us much good. Drilling would actually provide energy security. But it's hard to invest when a major political party talks about putting you out of business.

Far from money down the drain. Government policies, investments and subsidies have played a key role in the expansion of renewable energy usage in the last decade - almost quadrupling. As I also posted, we are still drilling - at near record levels.

You sound like a disgruntled oil & gas worker who lost their job, and now bitterly blames Joe Biden instead of corporate CEOs. Not saying you are, you just sound like one.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
>When Biden killed the Keystone pipeline and stopped drilling - he let the world know the USA is not planning to be energy independent.

Not quite. Biden let the world know the US was moving to energy independence with more reliance on renewables and less reliance on oil. The US has not stopped drilling though - we are now drilling near record levels.

avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
"Government policies, investments and subsidies have played a key role in the expansion of renewable energy usage in the last decade - almost quadrupling."

From an infinitesimal fraction to a small fraction. It's still not reliable. Shit, California's forcing people to electric cars then telling them not to charge them! I won't count "reliance on renewables" as an achievement until it noticeably betters the lives of average Americans.

Not to mention electric cars aren't made out of bamboo and hemp either. They require a shit ton of metal mining and transport, which is far from electrified. We don't have the energy to _get_ to a transition, let alone complete it.

Biden took dozens of anti-energy executive actions--if you're going to hide behind "it didn't disrupt current energy production," you're being disingenuous. CEOs won't drill for more oil when a major political party brags about putting them out of business. Would you? You need to be in the game for a long ass time. Gas prices jumped long before any American could point out Ukraine on a map. Oh, and draining the SPR for political reasons should be an impeachable offense. We need that oil if the shit hits the fan for the nation, not the Democrats face a tough election and want to evade the consequences of anti-energy policies.

I could give two shits about the greens; they're more anti-modernity than pro-environment. See the overwhelming data that @yahtzee and I posted earlier--no one cares about climate if they can't eat.

PS - I'm in pharmaceuticals, not oil and gas. And very happy with what I do.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
"Not quite. Biden let the world know the US was moving to energy independence with more reliance on renewables and less reliance on oil."

Yeah. That isn't happening.

Cars didn't replace horses because they banned horses. They provided a better alternative, and people switched. That is the _only_ way we will move to renewables.

Right now, electric cars are a coastal status symbol. Electricity can send a glider over the English Channel...not a 747 from New York to London. Electricity can't mine the minerals we need for electric cars. Or ship and truck them to assembly plants. Shit, see the above, it can't even power homes in our most populous state. Does any of that say we're ready to cut out hydrocarbons? Fuck no!

You might say "well, at least R&D." Great, let's make sure we have the domestic energy to make the transition, which is decades away. Or we might end up like Germany, reactivating coal plants and spreading our ass cheeks for Putin, and watching winter energy costs go up 5x.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Before anyone goes ad hominem, address the data or shut your pie hole.

avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
The Committee to Unleash Prosperity !! LMAO Good one. Without even looking it up, one can tell it's a right wing group. They always have these feel-good, patriotic slogans for simple minds, like "Make America Great Again", etc. Though we can expect it will be biased, let's have a look anyways. The gist seems to be that "... if the Trump supply conditions had remained in place..." we'd be drilling a lot more oil today, and oil prices would be lower and we'd be energy independent.

That assumption about supply conditions remaining intact is a doozy. We've had major world events like Covid, and the subsequent impact on labor markets and consumer spending. Now the Ukraine war. In the midst of all of this upheaval, we are supposed to believe that Biden's rhetoric and policies have played a significant role in US oil production. The authors don't even once mention the impact of labor shortages. Good grief, try to find a more credible analysis, not this right wing crap.

Labor shortages capped central US oil, gas production in Q1, execs say
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Lol I said "no ad hominems" and you go right for that. It's not like Trump didn't have COVID to deal with, right? And oil wasn't spiking before Ukraine, right? Or halting permits on federal land, prohibiting drilling in ANWR, and telling the fossil fuel industry he's going to put them out of business doesn't move the price of oil, right?

You're just throwing spaghetti at the wall.

The least you could do is own the consequences of your actions. You are either promoting energy development or impeding it. You can't have it both ways.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
Wild4 you should read the facts about Biden allowing drilling on public land. It defeats the purpose of helping the American public to have access to reasonably priced domestic oil.

Your interpretation of facts is convoluted.

The American public will gravitate towards a better solution, to gas burning vehicles when a better solution becomes available and the solution is affordable. Currently, there is no better solution (that is cost effective). Read Tetradon’s comment about this idea.

The use of renewable sources of energy must be coupled with tried and true energy sources - as renewable sources are not entirely reliable at this time. We must not cut over to renewable until we have gotten the balance to a sustainable level. California is cutting off its nose to spite its face - with its rash moves to green energy.

As bad as it might sound to green lovers, fossil fuels can’t simply go away in 2022. There must be a balance in order for energy needs to be properly satisfied. As much as I would enjoy saying FU to OPEC, it’s not happening so soon.

As a nation we must be strong and provide a strong front when dealing with these unfriendly oil producers. Biden doesn’t project the strength that is necessary. He is feeble and weak on every front. His policies hurt our country and our perception in the world.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
This article gets it: More hydrocarbons, liberate the atom, harden the grid.

avatar for bang69
2 years ago
Biden has destroyed this country. Our military is in shambles, crime is out of control, law enforcement can't do shit. its time We take back our country. And get rid of the liberals in congress. By that I mean VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE!!!!!!!

avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Tetradon there was no ad hominem against you personally, please check the definition. And you are talking about manners while telling people to "shut their pie hole"? Good one. If you were honest with yourself, you would admit that Committee to Unleash Prosperity article you posted was a biased article from conservative activists, with glaring omissions. Kind of throwing spaghetti on the wall, as you say.

>The least you could do is own the consequences of your actions. You are either promoting energy development or impeding it. You can't have it both ways.

We will do so gladly, but your proposition is simplistic. Biden's actions have had a minor impact on impeding fossil fuel energy development, and (will have) a major impact on advancing green energy development. Overall a net move in the right direction.

avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
No, you attacked the source of the article when its data were readily available. "It's a conservative source" is not a counter-argument. You cited one regional survey as the whole cause of our woes. You cited Ukraine when prices were skyrocketing long before the invasion. Biden isn't the _only_ source of our energy troubles, but he's a big one. The timing alone speaks for itself. And that impact is hurting Americans.

If you, like many others on the left, think we need significant short- and medium-term pain to reach a glorious renewable future, then say that quiet part out loud. Own the electoral consequences.

If you don't want a simplistic proposition, then you need to acknowledge the other consequences of the "Inflation Reduction Act" (as Orwellian a name as I've seen). The poor historical ROI of "green energy" investments vs. American needs. The need for fossil fuels to get renewables' starting materials out of the ground. The way Germany has shown the world is clearly not ready for our own "Energiewende." The fact that climate change isn't worth sacrificing everything for.

I'm not anti-renewable energy, I'm pro-reality.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Cashman, if there is no better and affordable solution to gas burning vehicles, why are sales of hybrid and electric cars surging?

Your premise seems to be we can't fully transition immediately. Well of course we can't... that's not news. Nobody is trying to get out of fossil fuels immediately. But Americans are gravitating to increasingly green solutions, for their cars and homes. This is a gradual transition. Biden's actions are making this transition increasingly cost effective. California is one state leading the way. I think it's too early to say if they are being too aggressive with their targets. If they are they will be forced to adjust.

I'm not a green lover myself. A green supporter, possibly. I have a traditional gas vehicle (2022, German sports model which I'm lovin) and no solar panels (yet). But the writing is on the wall. We must continue transitioning to less dependence on fossil fuels.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Joe Biden: The oil industry has "9,000 permits to drill now. They could be drilling right now, yesterday, last week, last year."

PolitiFact's ruling: Mostly True

Fact-checking Biden’s claim that there are 9,000 unused oil drilling permits
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
"why are sales of hybrid and electric cars surging?"
Surging from what to what? EVs are still a coastal status symbol. Yet this tone-deaf administration thinks that people who can't pay $5 gas should by a $50,000 car to save.

"Nobody is trying to get out of fossil fuels immediately."
12 years then banning ICE cars, when you can't even power the state you have, qualifies as too quickly.

"But Americans are gravitating to increasingly green solutions, for their cars and homes. This is a gradual transition."
In the literal sense, yes. Not because it's "green" but because it's cost-effective. Every survey of "green" behavior shows that the common people aren't willing to sacrifice much. Only other people's money and comfort.

"I think it's too early to say if they are being too aggressive with their targets."
How quickly are they building power plants? See above. In my mind, that qualifies as stupid. I'll believe greens and Democrats are serious about reducing emissions--and not just some perverse Gaia worship--when they embrace nuclear with both arms, and acknowledge the energy requirements (extraction, etc) and geopolitical tradeoffs (e.g. how much of our polysilicon and rare earths come from China?) involved in making a transition.

See my citations above--climate change is only a top priority for rich coastal progressives. If they want it to be a priority for the rest of the country, they need to:
1. Live out their creed--that means not flying private jets on fossil fuels, to meetings where they discuss how to ban them
2. Be realistic and pragmatic about the tradeoffs, and our current unreadiness for a transition
3. Make a plan to make the transition, including the need for fossil fuels, rather than some naive "if you build it they will come.
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
Funny Southpark Episode. Can't see the full episode for free anymore.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
What we need is cheap efficient public transportation. More pedestrian friendly communities. Nore ride share apps to compete with uber and keep prices lower.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
Wild4, you forgot to mention that he also increased the royalties by 6.25% to drill on those lands. That adds to the cost - and that cost will likely be passed on to the American consumers. So, it’s really not helping the situation.

The electric vehicle demand is largely due to the spike in oil prices, not because folks love the vehicles. It will take time to change consumer behavior. There is an entire industry devoted to ice vehicles - gas stations, service shops, dealer service locations, and that industry isn’t going away overnight.

It’s highly authoritarian to think that governmental regulations will appease consumers. The laws in California are government interference with consumer commerce. That’s not a proper method to allow a free market economy to develop.

Look at US auto makers. What percentage of their capacity is devoted to electric only vehicles? Ford has the new Mustang, Chevy has a Bolt or Volt, Chrysler has (?). Tesla has seen increased demand due to the oil price spike. But, electric vehicles don’t dominate the overall vehicle offerings. It’s just not practical at the current time. It’s important to allow for time to adjust.

A weak president who is afraid to deal with unfriendly oil rich regions should not push for this crap, as he has no grasp on the challenges it poses to the consumer.
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