Did Alito Take a Shot at Elizabeth Warren in Court?

avatar for shailynn
Did Alito Take a Shot at Elizabeth Warren in Court?


I found this pretty funny.


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avatar for mike710
2 years ago
At least he didn't reference Pocahontas.
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
I guess the bigger question is - “is the supreme count going to tear down affirmative action?”
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
The "wise Latina" Sotomayor recently mistook de jure (legal) segregation for de facto (in fact) segregation. Alito called her out on it and she doubled down! It's an elementary mistake no competent 1st year law student would make.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Sotomayor proudly displayed her bigotry when she called herself a "wise Latina". The simple fact is no matter how you look at it Affirmative Action is legalized discrimination. I don't care if people support it, but don't lie and pretend it's something other than what it is. Of course, the main beneficiaries of this legal discrimination have been well-educated white women and not minorities, but hey at least they aren't conservative men. When the left need a victim, they include Asians, but when Asians succeed, they become white. Its just the college version of George Zimmerman. Because he killed Trayvon, the fact he had a Peruvian mother and always identified as Hispanic, meant nothing and he magiclly became white. Had a white guy shot him, he'd have been hispanic.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
It is frightening that someone so ignorant of the law and so full of narcisstic bigotry as to read in a public speech " blah blah wise latina women thorough the richness of her experience would come to a better solution blah blah." Whatever happened to "Justice is blind", "equal justice before the law", "crime and punishment." She was pushing "equity justice in woke law" before wokeness was vogue. Another damaging piece of legacy from Obama that Trump was unable to roll back, but at least he was able to nullify it with his three justices.
DocSavage's anecdote is another example of why people in power must be selected by merit, not by equity, diversion, or representation. That in itself explains why affirmative action is wrong and is failing our society. If you want more from life, do more with your life. If you want better for yourself, do better with yourself. That universities punished east Asians and Whites to elevate Africans and non-Caucasian Hispanics is clearly unlawful bigotry. Why is the left still pushing segregation?
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
Alito did indeed take a shot at her, to which the usually combative Warren unexpectedly offered, "We smoke 'um peace pipe."
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
The whole thing is basically just a fake problem. A lot of what you learn in college will be out of date within 10 years. You need to be able to self-study to stay employable. Yet all these kids are desperate to get into a school that will put them into six figures of debt, because it's supposedly the best one to spoon-feed them knowledge. If you're getting a PhD and want to do top-notch research, the university you're at matters a lot. If you are actually smart, you don't need bankrupt yourself overpaying for a Bachelor's, just study hard. The fixation on "top" universities is mostly about wealthy people wanting their kids to look like geniuses even when they're not, or even when they're as dumb as Trump or W.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
^spoken like someone who has never been to college, does not understand college nor higher education, and had no experience in the principles of hiring professional knowledge. Just wrong on every statement. Please refrain from commenting until you have more research on the subject.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Without my law degree I'd be an unemployed 65-year-old man. I still take a college class once every 2 years, just to learn something new and to maintain my reputation as 'the fountain of useless knowledge". I try to spend an average of 15 hours a week reading non-employment related articles and books.
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