Strip club manager offer

avatar for docsavage
If you were sitting in a strip club and a strip club manager stopped by your table and offered to go and get a girl for you and then asked you what type it is that you like, is he being helpful or would you not like that? What would your response be to such an offer?


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avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
This happens sometimes to me in HK. almost allways a mesero. bottom line it’s gotta be chemistry. Does that happen? if not i’ll tipthe girl a dollar.
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
if there’s chemistry there with the girl… I’ll tip him five bucks.
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
needless to say is very unusual in my experience to have such a thing happen in the USA.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
They are just trying get your money in the game. I’ll tell him I’m still chillen rn unless some chick out there is a dressing room queen (we need to add that term to the glossary it’s a thing) that I was waiting on then I might use it but if not I’m going at my pace.
avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
Being a regular at Follies and now Vivide I have developed a personal relationship with several managers. I am on the VIP list at Vivide. Special parking privilege's and the door girl knows to not charge me. They often provide me with free drinks and introduce me to dancers that they think I will like. They have even comped my VIP room charges. I do occasionally go to other clubs and when I do. I would be very skeptical about any dancers a manger might bring to me.
avatar for OG12346
2 years ago
At HK you could ask for a girl that dfk, anal, bbbj, etc.
At a normal club, if it was a specific girl who never stopped by. Otherwise, if he brings one you don't like, you may feel compelled to get dances with her
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
I can do my own shopping tyvm.
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
The manager is simply attempting to generate some interaction. So I would not be offended by the offer. But as others have said, I want to do the selecting myself. I think the better thing for the manager to do is make sure his girls circulate around. I hate it when girls sit in the corner and look at their phones. If the girls simply walk around and say Hi , then the interaction will happen naturally.

One of my favorite all time strip clubs was Solid Gold when it was in Oakland Park, near Ft Lauderdale. They had one very large bar right in the middle of the club. If they girls were not sitting with a customer, then they were required to stand around this bar area. It developed a cocktail party type environment and made all of the girls very approachable.

But No, I don't want the manager to act like a Mesero . No thanks.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
I’ve never experienced this type of offer. Since I’m a filthy old pervert, my honest answer would likely not help in finding a dancer to service my extra needs. I will just do my own sniffing around.

If I was being honest - it might go like this…

Do you have a dancer who is a true whore? Who has been used so hard she can’t wear a thong - because if she sneezes she will stain the seat? One who takes a fist in her ass and can still scroll through her cell phone? I don’t need a real looker - I’m more interested in a real hooker…
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
The best new line for the TUSCL rotating tag lines
“ I don’t need a looker, I’m more interested in a real hooker”
You get the win Cashman!
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
One of the bouncers at Desires is always into making suggestions and responding to requests. To be fair, a few years back he made an unsolicited recommendation for a dancer on her first day, closing with the following line: "It's her first day here and if you don't move, you won't get another chance, because she is more fun than hot". I had rated her on site as a mid to high 9. The room was great and she was busy every time I went from that day forward lol
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
Most of the time, I can pick out my own stripper and don't need any help. I don't usually mind when a manager makes such offers, but if I've already got my eyes on someone I'm not gonna switch it up.

There was one time I regret not taking a manager up on his offer though. It was a club that generally had a poor overall lineup, but usually two or three I find pretty attractive. The manager noticed that I'd regularly do a room and he'd periodically upgrade me to the larger, nicer room or tell the waitress who did the "times up" knock not to bother us. Never a straight up comp, but some sign of appreciation. One day he came over and offered to comp the big room for as long as I wanted, if I took the new girl who he said was gorgeous & just my type. But there were two catches. First, the girl wasn't out on the floor yet. And second, she was friends with a girl who was doable but not really hot & I'd have to take both of em. Given the subpar overall lineup, and the looks of the 1 girl I could see, I said thank you but no thanks and instead opted to take my chances with a girl I'd been with before and had a good time. Turns out the girl I liked was on her period, and when the girl finally came out of the back she was actually pretty damned hot.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
It depends. Most of the time they just send one of their favorites.

Sometimes they actually send what you describe and she'll be extra nice coz the manager sent her.

But having or having the illusion of a relation with the manager tends to make girls trust you less if you're a square.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
It should be between you and the dancer whether you're going to do a dance. Once a third party is involved, that's a risk of crossing over into the pimped zone. And always a long shot, getting a good dance when she won't roll up on you herself.

If you want to take the long shot, go over yourself. Take the hints we want them to take from us. Abort mission if she pointedly looks away from you as you're walking up. Don't do it if she's with another customer. If she's talking to other dancers, wait a few seconds for her to turn to you. If she doesn't, take that hint.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
If it's a club where I'm a regular and I know the manager as well as how he's generally regarded by the dancers, then sure, I might take the chance.

Outside of that, I do better on my own.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
Usually what I get is the manager's take on girls they've seen me looking at instead of suggesting dancers I haven't seen. If a manager did send a girl over I'd chat her up and probably do at least one dance if I'm into her. If we don't click, I'd tip her a little for her time and let manager know it wasn't a match if they ask.
avatar for BGSD3100
2 years ago
The closest I have seen to this is them chasing the girls out of the dressing room. But, I imagine it doesn't happen too often in a club where extras are available. They want to maintain plauseble deniability.
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
I've had shots with a manager at Penthouse in Tampa. However. I was introduced to him through a male bartender I befriended in my visits to Tampa.

This bartender would send girls that he thought I might like over to talk to me. He'd probably tell them I would spend money if I liked them. Didn't always work out but I wasn't offended by his efforts.

He eventually left and moved to Scores when it opened. I followed him there until he left the business.

Still go to Penthouse and had another male bartender give me a VIP card that was good for a year at any Penthouse Club.

Male bartenders aren't as fun to make friends with as female bartenders but it does have some benefit.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Bartenders are usually snitches for management
avatar for mtnboy49
2 years ago
Like HK, I've had meseros bring hotties to me in several Mexican clubs. Durango, Mazatlan, Toluca, Hermosillo, Antofagasta, Chile.

I always appreciated the service. Sometimes it worked out well.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
When I was clubbing heavily I wasn’t necessarily a regular at any one club although I’d hit some more than others – the clubs I hit also don’t tend to have the M.O. of the manager talking to custies; thus I don’t recall every having a convo with a manager in my thousands of SC-visits over-the-years, but if one did approach me I’d take it as him trying to be hospitable and making sure I wasn’t being ignored etc.

On occasion I’ve had a waitress, or other dancers, either “recommend”, or even bring a specific dancer to me – on these occasions it’s been a crapshoot at best – sometimes it works out and the waitress/other-dancer does have your best interest in mind w.r.t. you having a good time; but more often than not IME the girls the waitress or other dancers “recommend” it’s either a friend of theirs they are trying to help out, or someone they do biz w/ and get a kickback from the dancer for referrals – at the end of the day no-one knows better than me what I want and IDK who I want in the club till I see her w/ my own PL-eyes – thus I tend to pass on “referalls” (plus as was posted previously, sometimes one may feel somewhat obliged to interact w/ or spend on the referred dancer or be in the somewhat uncomfortable position of sending her away).
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