
Comments by mike710 (page 12)

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    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The Noble Pervert
    Sorry for the double post. I just hit return twice I guess. Had one more thing to say is that sometimes we just have to think of these women as human beings.
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    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The Noble Pervert
    I hear what you are saying and believe that it's best to stay away from the type of appeal that happened and have done it a few times myself. The only time I reached out to help a sexworker was when there was a wildfire in my area. I had seen this woman a handful of times and knew the general area where she lived. Well, I wildfire, that ended up closing down the city, hit near her home. She didn't call but I reached out to her and asked her if she was OK. She didn't respond for several hours but said she had to evacuate. I offered a spare bed and bath I have. She showed up with her adult daughter who paced around the place for an hour and left, clearly uncomfortable. The woman I asked spent a day or two with her cat and took me out to dinner and a nice place the first night (it was an area unaffected by the mass evacuations). We ended up becoming friends now for about 20 years and counting. We dated some but her life wasn't something I wanted to get involved with in a serious way. We had a few fun years dating casually while she did sexwork. She's long retired and still a friend. We spoke via text yesterday. She lives in another city but we still stay in touch.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The Noble Pervert
    I hear what you are saying and believe that it's best to stay away from the type of appeal that happened and have done it a few times myself. The only time I reached out to help a sexworker was when there was a wildfire in my area. I had seen this woman a handful of times and knew the general area where she lived. Well, I wildfire, that ended up closing down the city, hit near her home. She didn't call but I reached out to her and asked her if she was OK. She didn't respond for several hours but said she had to evacuate. I offered a spare bed and bath I have. She showed up with her adult daughter who paced around the place for an hour and left, clearly uncomfortable. The woman I asked spent a day or two with her cat and took me out to dinner and a nice place the first night (it was an area unaffected by the mass evacuations). We ended up becoming friends now for about 20 years and counting. We dated some but her life wasn't something I wanted to get involved with in a serious way. We had a few fun years dating casually while she did sexwork. She's long retired and still a friend. We spoke via text yesterday. She lives in another city but we still stay in touch.
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    2 years ago
    Constantly moving around
    Maybe she changes boyfriends every few months?
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    2 years ago
    Any advice St. Pete/Pasco area on a Saturday late night
    Agree with Warrior and doctorevil for that side of the bay.
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    2 years ago
    Marines at Biden Campaign Speech
    California legislature has had Democrat Control since 1996 and Senate Control since 1956. Best a Republican Governor can do is limit the damage.
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    2 years ago
    Blow me. 😙 Pronouns: hoe/heaux
    I'd Never Felt More Safe Around a Customer than I did With This One
    I don't think it was an original quote but I read this in a Stephen King short story. The character was in a rest stop bathroom stall and read this line. "Here I sit, cheeks a flexin, making myself another Texan". Nothing against Texans personally, but I couldn't help appreciate such cowboy poetry.
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    2 years ago
    The Three Stooges
    I wasn't crazy about them but like them. They are on every Saturday for a few hours on a cable channel called METV.
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    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Not a bad neighborhood but also not the best. More of an industrial and commercial neighborhood that has some short stay motels that attract shady people. This is the bar where Tommy Pham got stabbed in the parking lot a couple of years ago.
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    2 years ago
    Judging a Strip Club by it's Cover
    The only time I went to club that I paused before I went in was in a small town in Wyoming. First the club was located on the bad side of the tracks in this small town. Second as I was driving by the club to assess the best place to park, I saw a couple of bikers sitting outside smoking by the front door. I drove back around the block and parked on a side street and ran the gauntlet past the bikers to go in without issue. Once inside, a sat at the bar in an area that appeared the least crowded. My choice ended up being next to the biker pair's half finished drinks. I ended up interacting with the worse of the pair but it wasn't too big of a deal.
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    2 years ago
    When the Bartender/Waitress becomes a dancer...
    There is a very hot bartender at Thee Dollhouse in Tampa that dances a few times a year. She's very fun to hang out with on both sides of the bar. Unfortunately, I don't think dances with her would be great based on the bar and relationship status but it great to see her nice rack that I always
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
    Curb Kicked by the Mexican Military
    I had a similar encounter while just walking through the zona with a buddy many years ago. It was just about the time passport were began being asked for crossing back from Mexico. We were stopped by a weapons carrying military officers and asked what we were doing. We responded truthfully that we went down to bet on a Monday night football game and check out adelitas after. The lead officer pulled the same "can I search you" line on me. I responded that I'm not in the US and you will search me whether I want you to or not. He pulled us both to the side and proceeded to search. However, before he started he told us we had bloodshot eyes and pulled out a small bag of weed and said we looked like we are on drugs are were looking for people who have this while holding out the weed. I said we were simply drinking and don't have any weed. Anyway, he proceeded to rifle through our pockets. I told my friend to watch and see that he doesn't try putting that weed in my pockets. I had about $200 and my credit cards and a business card. He interrogated me for 30 minutes about my life history and I told him about my work and being the the son of a father born in Mexico. I guess being honest and speaking in spanglish must have done trick as he let us walk away with what we had on us after the long interrogation. I haven't had a desire to go back since. I'll just spend my in the USA.
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    2 years ago
    OT: Biden cancels student loan debt
    I think we all have it wrong on the best place to get young pussy. You could have an advanced degree in some useless study and have a tenured job as a senior professor. Once you are there, you just have your Student Assistant teach the class. But you get all the young college girls coming to you asking what they can do for a better grade. All the while, the Uncle Joe is providing you your golden parachute.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    You have a stripper/SB/girl in your life that could get a lot of you?
    Roy is the nerd in band from high school that got girls with his musical talent.
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    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How long before the first major league?
    A pro league already exists. https://www.ppatour.com/
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    2 years ago
    looking for condo style relief in the mid-atlantic
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    2 years ago
    Since some people like quotes
    @TheOSU. I bet Greta can't be attributed to a single one of those quotes.
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    2 years ago
    Rock fans; when did Rock and Roll start to decline for you?
    It's mostly dead but there are still a few bands that come around once in a while. Greta Van Fleet sure reminds me a lot of Led Zepelin, but I think that was their aim. https://youtu.be/aJg4OJxp-co Most of the rock that is good anymore tends to be more on the heavier side that you hear on Sirius XM Turbo
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Aspiring PLs
    This reminds me of a time when I paid respect to someone I saw in a club about 10 years ago. I was at the Penthouse in Tampa sitting at the bar when I saw a mixed group of men and women come in with a gentleman in a wheelchair. They sat at a table near me but one of the younger people came to the bar and talked about bringing their dad out for his 90th birthday. They seemed to be having fun drinking but with limited interaction with the ladies. I had a lady with me at the bar and I asked her if she would dance for the gentleman in the wheelchair. I gave her $40 for a couple of table side dances and she helped make his night. I went over and talked to him and his family and he said that he was a paratrooper in WWII. He had a good time with his family and I was glad to help him enjoy a bit more.
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    2 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Anne Heche
    Well, she seems to have achieved what it seems like she was trying to do. Reports are saying she has just passed away.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Public health expertise needed
    You can just tell her "Well, you both had my dick in your mouth too".
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Should I be on a Sugar Daddy Commercial ?
    I would think you would be outed by the wife of a male acquaintance who is involved in the same lifestyle. He would pillow talk with his wife and say something like "guess who I saw doing an ad for seeking", while telling her I would never be a member of that site.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Owner wants to pay $250,000 for Prince Harry's underpants.
    Funny. That club is located in a building that used to be a dive bar near my company office in San Diego. That was a long time ago. It's been a strip club for a long time now. Never been. I'm not one to go to full nude clubs with no alcohol. For some reason, I feel weird watching a nude woman while I drink a soda.
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    2 years ago
    Western PA
    What do you think about to prolong sex with a stripper to delay your orgasm.
    I'd think of Hilary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi but I'd probably throw up on the girl. Better just to slow it down for a bit and start up in a minute.
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    2 years ago
    Strip club scene in Arizona (phoenix/tuscon)
    Maybe you posted under another name before but, with your short track history, I would hope nobody would respond to your question.