
Anne Heche

FUCK Joe Biden
Saturday, August 6, 2022 2:43 AM
Holy shit, was she trying to imitate Henry Ruggs? Doing like 100 mph on a residential street. I know she's got some mental problems, but damn this is ridiculous. If there were kids on that street they would have been dead for sure. And this is after she left the scene of a minor accident someplace else. WTF is wrong with people? [view link] [view link] She used to be a nice looking piece of ass though, I'll give her that.


  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    ^^ Just realized that post sounds like a "RIP" but it's not. She's alive but pretty fucked up.
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    Six Days Seven Nights. She was funny and very fuckable.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    I had just read this too I didn’t realize she had a minor accident somewhere else. I first thought maybe she had some sort of medical emergency or something - but guess that’s not likely. Those women who go back and first from dating men to dating women are all hot messes. I know several women that have done that - that I know personally and they are all the same too. Back in the day there were several movies where I thought she was very pretty.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    That is crazy - and it’s fortunate nobody was killed. That car was going at a high rate of speed through a residential neighborhood. I thought she was a loon when she was a bit more relevant. She must have major issues.
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    Cedar Rapids was her best movie she played in w/John C Reilly and Ed Helms.
  • crosscheck
    2 years ago
    Return to Paradise is another good movie she was in.
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    Mate27 Thanks for the recommendation of “Cedar Rapids” I watched it last evening waiting for a baseball game to game What a feel good, pretty darn funny at times, sleeper comedy. I really enjoyed it
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    Her best movie was any one where she got nekkid!
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    Watch "Spread" [view link]
  • magicrat
    2 years ago
    My favorite character of hers was playing someone with Tourette's on Ally McBeal
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    Hopefully she can continue her career. Maybe they'll re-make Nightmare on Elm Street with a female lead character... What? Too soon?
  • rickthelion
    2 years ago
    Relax Scrub ape. I think the Heche ape or whatever the fuck her name is was just trying to have a good time. There ain’t nothing more fun than drivin’ fast and takin’ chances while chuggin’ some drivin’ whiskey. But you wouldn’t know anything ‘bout that, because you ain’t a rick. I fully support any apes who think they can ascend to rick-like stature. Sort of like apotheosis except with more bourbon. Anyhoo, you should try bein’ more rickish. If you survive you might be a better adjusted ape that only rejects the truly implausible reviews by morons. Or Mormons. Whatever. BTW, spoiler alert: you won’t survive trying to be rick-like. ROAR!!!
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    Anne Heche definitely needed a lesson from Rick on how to drive and drink. Maybe you ^^ can counsel her way out of a lenient sentence so you can give her your spiny penis, film it, and send it over to Scrub after editing out everything but the spiny cock.
  • mike710
    2 years ago
    Well, she seems to have achieved what it seems like she was trying to do. Reports are saying she has just passed away.
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    I saw an article yesterday that said the family was keeping her on life support to determine which of her organs could be preserved for transplant. It seemed like it was only a matter of time. Obviously this was a very troubled individual, and (if you believe in such things) a miracle that the woman whose house was obliterated managed to make it out if the car was as close to her as reported.
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    I didn't really that much about it, just saw the post here yesterday and googled it. Then I saw the post today about it.
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    Anyone see the irony that Ellen Degeneres has two exes pass away from car crashes. Normally I’m not into lesbian gossip, but she has been a guest on Howard Stern where she retold her 1st lesbian love crashed and died after they got into a huge spat, as she drove by the scene later that evening from breaking it off. I’m so thankful for my plain ass boring life that I lead. Can’t imagine having an experience with exes like Ellen has.
  • rattdog
    2 years ago
    i'm guessing some dude on this board has already popped out the cork and enjoying some champagne.
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    Pretty amazing that she was conscious after that crash and moving around and then dead in a few days. Amazing what coke and adrenaline can do.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Pretty lousy story, what a waste.
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    They were keeping her alive to see if the organs were usable for donation. I tried to get her vagina for my fuck doll, but they said it's only for trannies.
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    Oh man... I'm going to hell.
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    There are some articles that are saying this was her third accident within 30 minutes. She drove away from the other two before the big one
  • whodey
    2 years ago
    Usually when someone dies unexpectedly it is a tragedy but in cases like this it is less tragic. Sure she was a fairly good actress and not that old, but she chose to drive while drunk or on drugs or both and that was her choice. I don't have much sympathy for anyone who chooses to put every innocent person in the area at risk by driving in that condition. Thankfully she didn't kill anyone else while she was busy killing herself and the woman in that house only had minor injuries. Luckily the woman who's house she destroyed and anyone else who owned whatever cars/property she damaged along the way will be well compensated by the estate. At least unless the family drains all her money trying to keep her alive in the ICU despite the fact that her organs likely won't be viable for transplant due to the drugs.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    May she Rest In Peace. She was obviously deeply troubled. I hope the folks trying to sell the narrative of her overwhelming kindness treat the woman who lost her home (as a result of Anne’s actions) with kindness as well.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    Actions have consequences but still very-sad when someone relatively-young dies - at the very-least no-one else got (physically) hurt - which can not be said for the other incident in LA where an off-duty nurse drove thru an LA-intersection at 90mph and killed 6 people including an 11-month-old baby plus a woman that was pregnant where both the woman and her fetus were killed; with about 8 others injured - the horrific crash was caught on video: [view link]
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