Biden’s implicit message: “Donald Trump and his supporters are a “threat to democracy”. I am therefore justified in using the Armed Forces (see the Marines backing me? ), Justice Department, FBI, IRS and every other government agency to take them down. Just a coincidence they happen to be our political opponents and challenge my power”.
Truly dangerous and the real threat to our Republic.
As much as I was opposed to Obama and thought he harmed this country in many ways, even irreparably in some cases, I'll give him this: At least with Obama you knew who was in charge.
The scariest thing about Biden is you don't have any idea who's in charge, you just know it's not him.
Can't say I blame Biden. If he had to defend his record outside of giveaways to his base, he'd be less popular than $50 a song air dances.
Instead, he can scare up his base with threats of Trump, and having less self-control than a starving cat at a fish market, Trump plays right into it. Republicans need to realize that Trump is for Trump, not for us, and the greatest gift the Democrats could give us would be to prohibit him from running again. Make him a martyr and force him to campaign for the next generation.
And flog Biden's record. Afghanistan, gas prices, fentanyl, functionally open borders, skyrocketing cost of living, down stock market hitting retirement assets, DEI overtaking American institutions. If Biden had to defend this, it would make 2010 look like a red ripple.
The staging at that speech looks like something Leni Riefenstahl would have come up with. Before Biden calls anyone a semi-fascist, he should consider that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
When Trump used the band in a similar fashion the disgusting rats called democrats were all up in arms. When Biden uses it, the garbage is silent. Did Josef Goebbels design the stage for Biden? Biden is the fascist, supported by foreign scum like Ihan Omar, sick, disgusting follower of the pedophile Mohammed.
The Dark Brandon memes were more on point than we knew. That cruel old fart is an embarrassment to our nation, and more unfit for office than any before him. ANY. He has completely disavowed half the citizens of this nation. Impeachment has neverbeen more deserved.
-gave a speech last week at a high school auditorium. place wasn't even packed. -gave a divisive speech last night which the major television networks chose not to air live. to cite a couple examples of this: abc aired a gameshow called press your luck and nbc aired an law and order rerun.
You guys think people can constantly talk shit about the President, spread lies and disinformation, not respect our laws, and he should respect them ? LMAO
I think Biden is very worried about a change in control when the midterms come around. He’s trying to get out in front of it with these odd stump speeches where Trump supporters are labeled as fascists and domestic terrorists. That’s just a bad idea - and it’s also dangerous.
I’m sure the Democratic Party leaders are concerned about the midterms too. They know they have at least 2 more years of executive control. But, they are seeing a wave of change building, and they are tossing out the extremist card.
In my view there are likely three groups that will be pulling hard for votes in November - Democrats, Republicans, and Trump Republicans. I honestly don’t like the Democrats and their crime waves. I’m no fan of McConnell and his Republican cronies either. But, I can’t jump on the Trump train either, as January 6 seems like something borne out of his ego and desire for power at all costs.
If the Trump republicans were really able to drain the swamp in Washington, I’d be happy to vote for them. But those aging fossils in both houses aren’t going away anytime soon.
Biden has a long history of working across the aisle. He'll respect people with different viewpoints as along as the interactions are civil and respectful, and our laws are respected.
Unfortunately, the extreme element of the MAGA crowd does not demonstrate this behavior, and Biden is 100% correct that this element is a threat to our democracy.
^ this. Biden (or the people running him behind the scenes) are betting that their supporters hate Trump more than his supporters love him, and that if they continue to make everything about TRUMP all the time, that they will turn out more of their base than he will and eke it out.
I was never a fan of Biden and am even less of one now. But I'm willing to bet that 15 years ago, or even 10 years ago before he began to decline physically and mentally, he'd have called AOC and her ilk the day after he was elected and told them I'm the President, you're one of 435 so shut the fuck up and let the adults handle things. But now, he doesn't have the strength or the werewithal to not be rolled by the left wing fringe of the Democratic Party. There is no doubt that he's moved significantly to the left or to put it more accurately, been forced/pushed/dragged to the left.
To what Cashman said, is important to remember that Trump was abandoned by the Republican establishment. Remember Paul Ryan's "Save yourselves" speech.
The establishment Republicans only joined Trump after his election proved wildly popular with the Republican base, but they were never going to be 100% supportive of his efforts to drain the swamp and unseat the establishment.
Now, the establishment is trying to reassert itself. McConnell and the rest of the old guards are trying to maintain the partisan status quo age keep their jobs, no different from the democrat party.
As for Jan. 6, Trump does not deserve the credotnhe is getting. That was the result of the lawless mentalities fomented and fueled by media coverage of ANTIFA protesters, except these rioters were rioting against the unwillingness of the judicial and legislative systems to examine all the documented irregularities, sworn affidavits of witnesses, and other evidence of voter fraud. Trump supports it, but is the old way and the wrong way to look the other way.
If Republicans control the house, they will investigate Hunters laptop, Russiagate, Afghanistan, etc. All the skeletons in Joes closet will be revealed. And, there is a ton to reveal.
Funny Mark I remember a few months back telling you this wasn’t going to be a slam dunk for your guys, told you there was a lot to happen between then and November Looks like the MAGA crowd is running scared to be honest
@scrub, Dems / Liberals do not support the lawlessness you mentioned. Countering with a "but you guys started it first" argument is lame and pretty childish.
> If Republicans control the house, they will investigate Hunters laptop, Russiagate, Afghanistan, etc. All the skeletons in Joes closet will be revealed.
This seems to be a common trait on the right - REVENGE
This decrepit piece of shit needs to keel over and die. Then we can have Biden day which is celebrated by everyone taking a turn and pissing on his grave.
^ that’s the flip side of calling the centrist Democrats, socialists and communists, the fact is the extremist wing of the Republican Party has made it impossible for us to relax in this country, appointing judges to reverse womens rights, changing the voting laws , playing footsie with the Proud Boys attacking anyone who dares to suggest that they lost the election, I’m not a fan of the progressive politics choosing people like George Floyd as the hill to make a stand on, the hyper liberal agenda, like the BLM activism, but this country needs to start growing up look at the amount of bullshit that gets thrown around, look at how much anger is aimed across the aisle, you keep pushing for a reaction you’re getting it, does it scare you a bit, because what some of your people are saying is scaring me and just like you I won’t lay down and take it. Either we’re going to figure out how to live together or we’ll soon be killing each other, something has to change, and compromises need to be agreed to, before it’s too late.
@25, it's a big difference coming from fringe journalists vs. high officials themselves.
The "extremist"* wing of Republicans returned abortion to the states, where it constitutionally belonged in the first place. No less a liberal hero than RBG called Roe shoddy law. If it's extreme to ban it like some states, it's just as extreme to allow it up to the moment of birth, remove conscience protections, etc. And I'm yet to see any evidence that voting laws are keeping people from voting--in fact we're seeing record turnouts in these states, higher than in other states held as bastions of voting rights.
The election stuff I'll give you. I'm sick to the back teeth of that and Trump's claims that he needs to be reinstated. But we need to acknowledge and correct the improprieties that have happened if we want faith in any election going forward. It beggars belief to say this was the cleanest election ever with a record number of mail-in votes.
I expected better from Biden; I'd hoped he would be a voice of calm, even if never the brightest bulb in the drawer. But these last few weeks he's doubled down on division and made two substantial partisan giveaways to his base.
* If you want to tamp down the anger, I'd suggest you moderate your talk of "extremists."
^ Dred Scott and Plessy were reversed after longer. Roe was poorly decided. What's your point?
The left has always liked conservatives who were willing to play the role of the Washington Generals. Or who turn on their fellows, like human finger to the wind Mitt Romney. Never conservatives who accomplish conservative goals.
Look there's rally too much here to unpack on a Friday night, I'm not calling anyone extremist that is near the center, but any politician that repeats the bullshit emanating from Trump and his sycophants, about the election being stolen is an extremist, like the label or not, and your pols didn't kick abortion and woman's rights back to the states they engineered a fix where you have states that are so medieval that they won't consider an abortion for rape, incest, or the life of the mother, if that's not extremism then what the fuck is, just to my point the VA just today agreed to perform abortions for anyone eligible for care in VA hospital, not on demand but for specific carve outs. This is just a part of it and I'm not going to take the time to debate every little thing but here in a nutshell is a major issue, that is going to make this election from a Republican thunder storm to a drizzle and maybe even a sun shower in the senate. But in a few weeks we'll find out and I, guessing that nobody is going to get everything they want, but if a compromise is not achieved this is not going to be a very satisfying event, not for the Ds or the Rs. My opinion make of it what you want.
I do understand about Plessy. I just think the court did wrong and it was because of extremists. Republicans will pay at the polls.
Mitt Romney was a reasonable guy, though his father George was more so.
This country has always had extremists. There was the John Birch Society. In the 30's it was William Pelly and the Silver Shirts, and there have been a lot more.
With the Trump phenomenon, following on the Tea Party, and then with the rise of Right Wing nonsense media, it has gotten vastly more serious.
Romney's switched views on everything so many times I can't keep track. At least twice on abortion. Now he's the Dems favorite Republican because he voted to remove Trump, but they went after him hard when he opposed Obama.
Dobbs was appropriately decided on the judicial merits. Democratic congresses have had decades to codify it into law and haven't. That's on them. They relied on the courts to legislate what they couldn't. And if it's extreme to want to outlaw abortion, is it just as extreme to allow elective abortion through the third trimester?
Extreme has to be relative to the rest of the country.
>>>Extreme has to be relative to the rest of the country.<<
While public support for legal abortion has fluctuated some in two decades of polling, it has remained relatively stable over the past several years. Currently, 61% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 37% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.
"He is calling out an extreme element in the Republican party"
Mind telling me exactly whom "MAGA Republicans" refers to, given the number of votes Trump got in the last election? Are they all "semi fascist"? Or what defines an "ultra MAGA" Republican? What defines a "semi fascist" anyways?
So much for being a unifier. I didn't vote for Trump but it sounds like Biden is actively working against half the country.
No doubt there is some influence here from mainstream Republicans as well, they are tired of the extreme MAGA element as much as if not more than Dems.
Biden is pushing the wedge a little deeper... make it very clear the choice Republicans have and let them choose.
According to this, only 28% support abortion in the second trimester. I imagine the number drops even further in the third. Both are much more of a minority view than pro life.
"No doubt there is some influence here from mainstream Republicans as well, they are tired of the extreme MAGA element as much as if not more than Dems"
Who is an "extreme MAGA" or "ultra MAGA"? Is that just someone who really really likes Trump?
If you mean mainstream Republicans like Cheney and Kinzinger, there are about 3 of them left.
Again, I didn't vote for Trump, but as we can see from our mongoloid friend Icee, a lot of Dems have a hard time distinguishing. Of course, he alternates his "no compromise!" talk with complaining how bad the country sucks, so he's an impotent little cuck.
The idea that polling should determine a Constitutional issue such as abortion is absolutely ridiculous. In addition, who did the poll, NARAL? WAPO? NYT? Joe Biden looked like he was in a shitty off-Broadway play, playing the part of Il Duce. What a tinhorn piece of shit. Great kids too....
My opinion - those who support the dishonesty and lawlessness of Trump's efforts to retain power and privilege in violation of our laws and the Constitution
^ I have no idea what you want to call them, and I really don't care, if less then forty percent of the people can tell more than sixty percent of the people what they are allowed to do, that's pretty extreme in my reckoning. We are supposed to be a Democratic Republic.
Good post 25, you just cited the reason Jim Crow laws existed; why child labor was legal; why women couldn't vote. Hey, the majority wanted it that way; we took a poll. Maybe we should take a poll about a state religion? Foreign aid? Social security? Immigration? Maybe a poll on taking all sums over $50,000 in savings per individual away from them and redistributing it among those know because we took a poll and 60% voted for it ......
"My opinion - those who support the dishonesty and lawlessness of Trump's efforts to retain power" OK, making more progress. What % of total Republicans are they? We're not a 50%+1-o-cracy.
So now you're lobbying for child labor, Jim Crow, setting up a straw man argument against abortion, no exceptions but hey buddy it's all good on your end, no abortions for rape victims, certainly none for incest victims, and you're just fine forcing an 11 year old child to carry a baby to term, that's actually happening right now as we speak, how about a mother of 5 with an ectopic pregnancy, she should be forced to carry to term and those other 5 children will be left motherless, good post Ski, and if any of those examples were women you loved it still wouldn't matter cause abortion's a sin according to god, right.
How many of you can legitimately support an man who:
-has six bankruptcies as the man who can save corporate America. How many investors (schmucks, as he characterized his victims) business owners, tradesmen and tradeswomen did he victimize?
-lost the 2020 election by seven MILLION votes and petulantly refuses to concede defeat, leading to
-attempting to overturn both the popular and electoral votes of the people by whipping his followers into a frenzy such that they attacked Congress, shouting "Hang Mike Pence". Every one of those assholes who attacked our government were MAGA
-pressured the state governments of Georgia, Wisconsin and Arizona to appoint his own "alternate" electors to overturn the will of the people. Thank God there were Republicans with integrity in those positions!
-maintained, unsecured, classified documents which he had no, zero, right to have and has placed the security of the United States and a lot of the men and women who serve in peril. For this alone, Trump deserves to rot in a prison cell for the rest of his sorry life.
-has petulantly turned on every former supporter who has dared to oppose his attempt to subvert our republic.
This is but a very abridged version of his multitude of sins.
I am a registered Republican. I am also a voter who has only voted for candidates who deserved my vote, or in extreme cases, for the best (least worst?) of two bad candidates. That is why I voted nearly straight Republican until 2008. That's also why, since then, I have voted almost strictly Democrat.
I am frankly sick that my party has been taken over by the religious right/fundamentalists and right wing hacks.
Dawg how can you comment on Trump when you don't even understand the difference between a corporate bankruptcy and a personal bankruptcy? mOh I know you talk about the national vote total, which under our system means zero. That sho nuff [egs you as brilliant as you are 0-2. 25 There is something seriously wrong with you. You argue like Icee. I am pointing out how silly your comment was on polling and not advocating for anything. Way to go 25Icee. You embarrass yourself. The fucking dumbest thing about you, apparently among the many is assuming because I think people who rely on polling are stupid and point out how asinine that happens to be that I am somehow pro-life and against abortion. Not in the least. If people want to murder the rats they produce before they are born, feel free. I believe abortion should be, mandatory for every Democrat as well. So, I am pro abortion. Back to dawg. A democracy in danger from a riot of 2,500 people is a failure and that isn't what happened here. 0-3. When the rules of an election are changed, the election is a fraud, no matter who wins. Under the rules Biden is lawfully President, but the election was a fraud, it is the Democrats who have made voting a joke and the first time an illegal was granted the right to vote, democracy was doomed. 0-4. As far as the classified documents? He should be jailed, so we agree. If you vote Democrat you are a traitor to the Constitution. All of you who do, are traitors to the constitution.
Pussy cat You wrote a lot of gibberish, probably thinking I give a shit whether you agree with me or not, I really don't give a fuck. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind, you have the the right to be as stupid as you like, and calling me names just demonstrates how stupid you are, your a fool albeit a funny one sometimes, anyway have a nice day.
^ All related to his age, which is stupid, not his judgement which is usually pretty sound.
Along with the extreme element of the Republican party, the rest of the party is largely simply useless, as far as solving big problems. Republicans are good at complaining but terrible at addressing unmet needs and issues. Their big things are always drilling for oil, restricting abortion access, and cutting taxes (mostly for the rich). Climate change, health care, economic inequality ? Republicans have been useless on these issues, and would just rather complain, deceive and get their base riled up.
You're an ignorant prick 25. Total new Yprk/New Jersey douche bag. Fucking asshole. not man enough to just say, you're right polling cuts both ways and I used it incorrectly. No wonder you are single, you little prick. Fucking IQ of 80. Fucking little cunt - ICEY25 that's you bitch.
Trump's tax bill, passed with Democrat party votes cut every single tax bracket, so pretending its only for the rich is just an ignorant lie. Economic inequality is by far the greatest in California as compared with the other 49 states, so when you blame Republicans, you seem just as stupid as 25Icee, the pretend rich guy from South Florida, the dumbest place on earth.
"All related to his age, which is stupid, not his judgement which is usually pretty sound."
Lol. Does America just not appreciate how wise and good he is, looking at his abysmal approval ratings? Is that why he can't run on his own record and has to keep deflecting to Trump?
Robert Gates was right, he's been on the wrong side of every major foreign policy issue for 50 years. Domestically, look at the hand he's had in a lot of the current crises--his role in making student loans non dischargeable in bankruptcy, the crack vs blow sentencing discrepancy while his jay of a son gets off scot free.
You don't have to like Trump or even be center to right. But watching the left try and talk themselves into loving Biden is hilarious.
Skibitch so when California had a republican governor all the problems were coz of Republicans right? That's your logic
Tetraplop you're like sjg and subraman. Just talk about what if scenarios based on what you read online. And you go full sjg on some threads like about guys kids and far right extremist views
"I care about Icee's opinion of me and my politics." - Nobody here
I talk about what Biden has actually done, not a single "what if." That's one of your go to insults when someone says something that taxes your little brain.
I have respected Biden for a long time, he is center-left as am I. Biden and Dems will run on both their records and recent legislative achievements, as well as the threat from MAGA extremists, and of course the abortion issue. All good and appropriate things to campaign on.
Biden center left, get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Even if he was he doesn't govern anywhere near it, the people running him like a crusty sock puppet are nowhere near it. I'm sure you believe the lies you hear repeated but that just proves anyone who vote democrat is too stupid to be able to vote.
the headline from the new Monmouth University Poll found that a record 88% believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, the worst on record.
“This marks an all-time low for this question going back to 2013. The prior low was recorded in May of this year at 18% right direction and 79% wrong track,” said Monmouth.
NATIONAL POLL: @POTUS@JoeBiden’s job rating: 36% approve (38% in May) 58% disapprove (57%)
For fucks sakes SJG, you’re constantly on the internet all day long surfing random topics you’d think odds are you’d run across the Babylon or at least cite the source via google search. Easy to decipher sarcasm by recalling Mark94’s posting history and intent, because I’ve never read an arrivals from Babylon Bee ever, and I knew it was a satirical news feed.
You need to unsew your asshole SJG so yiu can pull your head out of your ass.
last commentMentions in Biden's speech:
China: 0
Crime: 0
Inflation: 0
Fentanyl: 0
The Border: 0
Charlottesville: 1
January 6th: 2
Insurrection: 3
Donald Trump: 3
Extremism: 7
Violence: 10
MAGA: 13
Republicans: 16
That's why almost everything he ever says he follows with, "Not a joke."
The scariest thing about Biden is you don't have any idea who's in charge, you just know it's not him.
Instead, he can scare up his base with threats of Trump, and having less self-control than a starving cat at a fish market, Trump plays right into it. Republicans need to realize that Trump is for Trump, not for us, and the greatest gift the Democrats could give us would be to prohibit him from running again. Make him a martyr and force him to campaign for the next generation.
And flog Biden's record. Afghanistan, gas prices, fentanyl, functionally open borders, skyrocketing cost of living, down stock market hitting retirement assets, DEI overtaking American institutions. If Biden had to defend this, it would make 2010 look like a red ripple.
-gave a speech last week at a high school auditorium. place wasn't even packed.
-gave a divisive speech last night which the major television networks chose not to air live. to cite a couple examples of this: abc aired a gameshow called press your luck and nbc aired an law and order rerun.
Biden last night: "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic."
Biden poll numbers
Approve 38%
Disapprove 58%
Biden Announces Invasion Of Poland
Biden Swallows Cyanide Capsule In Underground Bunker
Biden Signs Non-Aggression Pact With Russia
Biden Forces Stalled 12 Miles From Moscow
Biden Announces Strategic Alliance With Mussolini And Emperor Hirohito
Biden Opens Camps In Which To Concentrate Political Dissidents And Other Undesirables
France Surrenders To Biden
Biden Publishes Autobiographical Memoir 'My Struggle'
Biden Abolishes Office Of President And Names Self Supreme Führer
Biden Announces New Program For Patriotic Youngsters 'Biden Youth'
I’m sure the Democratic Party leaders are concerned about the midterms too. They know they have at least 2 more years of executive control. But, they are seeing a wave of change building, and they are tossing out the extremist card.
In my view there are likely three groups that will be pulling hard for votes in November - Democrats, Republicans, and Trump Republicans. I honestly don’t like the Democrats and their crime waves. I’m no fan of McConnell and his Republican cronies either. But, I can’t jump on the Trump train either, as January 6 seems like something borne out of his ego and desire for power at all costs.
If the Trump republicans were really able to drain the swamp in Washington, I’d be happy to vote for them. But those aging fossils in both houses aren’t going away anytime soon.
Unfortunately, the extreme element of the MAGA crowd does not demonstrate this behavior, and Biden is 100% correct that this element is a threat to our democracy.
Biden's strategy is to turn out his base--that means big giveaways to them and Trump/Jan 6 nonstop. A little abortion sprinkled in there.
Given his love of lying, disinformation, gaslightjng, and revising history, he may be carpet-munching KJP's speechwriter and fact-checker.
I have never seen anyone so pathetically desperate to carry the water for every liberal hack and pundit. Is that you, Brian Stelter?
I was never a fan of Biden and am even less of one now. But I'm willing to bet that 15 years ago, or even 10 years ago before he began to decline physically and mentally, he'd have called AOC and her ilk the day after he was elected and told them I'm the President, you're one of 435 so shut the fuck up and let the adults handle things. But now, he doesn't have the strength or the werewithal to not be rolled by the left wing fringe of the Democratic Party. There is no doubt that he's moved significantly to the left or to put it more accurately, been forced/pushed/dragged to the left.
The establishment Republicans only joined Trump after his election proved wildly popular with the Republican base, but they were never going to be 100% supportive of his efforts to drain the swamp and unseat the establishment.
Now, the establishment is trying to reassert itself. McConnell and the rest of the old guards are trying to maintain the partisan status quo age keep their jobs, no different from the democrat party.
As for Jan. 6, Trump does not deserve the credotnhe is getting. That was the result of the lawless mentalities fomented and fueled by media coverage of ANTIFA protesters, except these rioters were rioting against the unwillingness of the judicial and legislative systems to examine all the documented irregularities, sworn affidavits of witnesses, and other evidence of voter fraud. Trump supports it, but is the old way and the wrong way to look the other way.
The Dems are panicking.
Looks like the MAGA crowd is running scared to be honest
School of Rock…
This seems to be a common trait on the right - REVENGE
I had hopes Biden would be a unifier. Instead he's calling Republicans "semi fascists."
School of Rock…
The "extremist"* wing of Republicans returned abortion to the states, where it constitutionally belonged in the first place. No less a liberal hero than RBG called Roe shoddy law. If it's extreme to ban it like some states, it's just as extreme to allow it up to the moment of birth, remove conscience protections, etc. And I'm yet to see any evidence that voting laws are keeping people from voting--in fact we're seeing record turnouts in these states, higher than in other states held as bastions of voting rights.
The election stuff I'll give you. I'm sick to the back teeth of that and Trump's claims that he needs to be reinstated. But we need to acknowledge and correct the improprieties that have happened if we want faith in any election going forward. It beggars belief to say this was the cleanest election ever with a record number of mail-in votes.
I expected better from Biden; I'd hoped he would be a voice of calm, even if never the brightest bulb in the drawer. But these last few weeks he's doubled down on division and made two substantial partisan giveaways to his base.
* If you want to tamp down the anger, I'd suggest you moderate your talk of "extremists."
The MAGA people and office holders are "extremists".
School of Rock…
The left has always liked conservatives who were willing to play the role of the Washington Generals. Or who turn on their fellows, like human finger to the wind Mitt Romney. Never conservatives who accomplish conservative goals.
This is just a part of it and I'm not going to take the time to debate every little thing but here in a nutshell is a major issue, that is going to make this election from a Republican thunder storm to a drizzle and maybe even a sun shower in the senate.
But in a few weeks we'll find out and I, guessing that nobody is going to get everything they want, but if a compromise is not achieved this is not going to be a very satisfying event, not for the Ds or the Rs.
My opinion make of it what you want.
Mitt Romney was a reasonable guy, though his father George was more so.
This country has always had extremists. There was the John Birch Society. In the 30's it was William Pelly and the Silver Shirts, and there have been a lot more.
With the Trump phenomenon, following on the Tea Party, and then with the rise of Right Wing nonsense media, it has gotten vastly more serious.
I applaud President Biden for dealing with it.
School of Rock…
Dobbs was appropriately decided on the judicial merits. Democratic congresses have had decades to codify it into law and haven't. That's on them. They relied on the courts to legislate what they couldn't. And if it's extreme to want to outlaw abortion, is it just as extreme to allow elective abortion through the third trimester?
Extreme has to be relative to the rest of the country.
Tetradon be like…
False. He is calling out an extreme element in the Republican party. Not all Republicans.
While public support for legal abortion has fluctuated some in two decades of polling, it has remained relatively stable over the past several years. Currently, 61% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 37% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.…
Mind telling me exactly whom "MAGA Republicans" refers to, given the number of votes Trump got in the last election? Are they all "semi fascist"? Or what defines an "ultra MAGA" Republican? What defines a "semi fascist" anyways?
So much for being a unifier. I didn't vote for Trump but it sounds like Biden is actively working against half the country.
Biden is pushing the wedge a little deeper... make it very clear the choice Republicans have and let them choose.
According to this, only 28% support abortion in the second trimester. I imagine the number drops even further in the third. Both are much more of a minority view than pro life.…
Who is an "extreme MAGA" or "ultra MAGA"? Is that just someone who really really likes Trump?
If you mean mainstream Republicans like Cheney and Kinzinger, there are about 3 of them left.
Again, I didn't vote for Trump, but as we can see from our mongoloid friend Icee, a lot of Dems have a hard time distinguishing. Of course, he alternates his "no compromise!" talk with complaining how bad the country sucks, so he's an impotent little cuck.
"Biden is pushing the wedge a little deeper."
Glad you can admit this. We're making progress.
My opinion - those who support the dishonesty and lawlessness of Trump's efforts to retain power and privilege in violation of our laws and the Constitution
OK, making more progress. What % of total Republicans are they?
We're not a 50%+1-o-cracy.
Tetraplop lulz
How many of you can legitimately support an man who:
-has six bankruptcies as the man who can save corporate America. How many investors (schmucks, as he characterized his victims) business owners, tradesmen and tradeswomen did he victimize?
-lost the 2020 election by seven MILLION votes and petulantly refuses to concede defeat, leading to
-attempting to overturn both the popular and electoral votes of the people by whipping his followers into a frenzy such that they attacked Congress, shouting "Hang Mike Pence". Every one of those assholes who attacked our government were MAGA
-pressured the state governments of Georgia, Wisconsin and Arizona to appoint his own "alternate" electors to overturn the will of the people. Thank God there were Republicans with integrity in those positions!
-maintained, unsecured, classified documents which he had no, zero, right to have and has placed the security of the United States and a lot of the men and women who serve in peril. For this alone, Trump deserves to rot in a prison cell for the rest of his sorry life.
-has petulantly turned on every former supporter who has dared to oppose his attempt to subvert our republic.
This is but a very abridged version of his multitude of sins.
I am a registered Republican. I am also a voter who has only voted for candidates who deserved my vote, or in extreme cases, for the best (least worst?) of two bad candidates. That is why I voted nearly straight Republican until 2008. That's also why, since then, I have voted almost strictly Democrat.
I am frankly sick that my party has been taken over by the religious right/fundamentalists and right wing hacks.
25 There is something seriously wrong with you. You argue like Icee. I am pointing out how silly your comment was on polling and not advocating for anything. Way to go 25Icee. You embarrass yourself. The fucking dumbest thing about you, apparently among the many is assuming because I think people who rely on polling are stupid and point out how asinine that happens to be that I am somehow pro-life and against abortion. Not in the least. If people want to murder the rats they produce before they are born, feel free. I believe abortion should be, mandatory for every Democrat as well. So, I am pro abortion. Back to dawg. A democracy in danger from a riot of 2,500 people is a failure and that isn't what happened here. 0-3. When the rules of an election are changed, the election is a fraud, no matter who wins. Under the rules Biden is lawfully President, but the election was a fraud, it is the Democrats who have made voting a joke and the first time an illegal was granted the right to vote, democracy was doomed. 0-4. As far as the classified documents? He should be jailed, so we agree. If you vote Democrat you are a traitor to the Constitution. All of you who do, are traitors to the constitution.
You wrote a lot of gibberish, probably thinking I give a shit whether you agree with me or not, I really don't give a fuck.
I'm not trying to change anyone's mind, you have the the right to be as stupid as you like, and calling me names just demonstrates how stupid you are, your a fool albeit a funny one sometimes, anyway have a nice day.
“Take a bullet for this fossil? Wtf!”
“I don’t support this geriatric liberal fool!”
“Did the President just crap his pants? What’s that brown stain?”
Along with the extreme element of the Republican party, the rest of the party is largely simply useless, as far as solving big problems. Republicans are good at complaining but terrible at addressing unmet needs and issues. Their big things are always drilling for oil, restricting abortion access, and cutting taxes (mostly for the rich). Climate change, health care, economic inequality ? Republicans have been useless on these issues, and would just rather complain, deceive and get their base riled up.
Trump's tax bill, passed with Democrat party votes cut every single tax bracket, so pretending its only for the rich is just an ignorant lie. Economic inequality is by far the greatest in California as compared with the other 49 states, so when you blame Republicans, you seem just as stupid as 25Icee, the pretend rich guy from South Florida, the dumbest place on earth.
The fool is a recurring character in Shakespeare's literature
Lol. Does America just not appreciate how wise and good he is, looking at his abysmal approval ratings? Is that why he can't run on his own record and has to keep deflecting to Trump?
Robert Gates was right, he's been on the wrong side of every major foreign policy issue for 50 years. Domestically, look at the hand he's had in a lot of the current crises--his role in making student loans non dischargeable in bankruptcy, the crack vs blow sentencing discrepancy while his jay of a son gets off scot free.
You don't have to like Trump or even be center to right. But watching the left try and talk themselves into loving Biden is hilarious.
Tetraplop you're like sjg and subraman. Just talk about what if scenarios based on what you read online. And you go full sjg on some threads like about guys kids and far right extremist views
- Nobody here
I talk about what Biden has actually done, not a single "what if." That's one of your go to insults when someone says something that taxes your little brain.
Americans know about abortion and MAGA, and Biden's still 13 points underwater. We're not dumb.
“This marks an all-time low for this question going back to 2013. The prior low was recorded in May of this year at 18% right direction and 79% wrong track,” said Monmouth.
NATIONAL POLL: @POTUS @JoeBiden’s job rating:
36% approve (38% in May)
58% disapprove (57%)
DEM – 74%
IND – 29%
REP – 3%…
Biden’s brain doesn’t know what year it is, let alone what his politics are. An MRI of his brain would look like Swiss cheese.
After Using FBI To Suppress Son’s Crimes And Raid Political Rival’s Home, Biden Warns Democracy In Danger
By SJG, the slowest member on this site since one of the Juicebox69’s alias was around.
I am aware. Everyone with an IQ over 80 is aware Babylon Bee is satire.
music which is more edgy…
You need to unsew your asshole SJG so yiu can pull your head out of your ass.