The Noble Pervert

avatar for rickdugan
A recent thread posted by an obvious scam artist reminded me of this concept. This is when a guy who initially starts seeing a stripper for the usual reasons eventually decides that he wants to help her in some way. Maybe it could be something as simple as sharing his many years of worldly wisdom, but in some instances could also involve practical help like a place to stay or helping acquire emergency items.

Tbh I understand these impulses as much as anyone as I too had them once upon a time. But the older and more experienced I've become, the more I realize that there is truly no such thing as the noble pervert.

For those guys who like to share life advice unsolicited, let me assure you that you're the last person on this earth she wants to hear it from. Form the very first time you interacted with her in a sexual way, you lost any moral authority you might have had in her eyes. instead you became just another guy who wants to use her for sex.

Even if she ever gets desperate and reaches out to a customer for help, she is likely to assume that you have ulterior motives and, sadly, all too often she is likely proven right. If you try to get in her pants when you are helping her in some big way, or even just accept an offer of sex from her when you providing it, you are confirming her belief regarding your ulterior motives.

Personally that's more hypocrisy and self-delusion than I'm willing to stomach. This is why I never offer advice to these girls or otherwise get involved in their personal drama. It is also why I keep my charitable activities very separate from my SC entertainment.


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avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
That's true.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Rick is right about this. At most a customer who helps is an enabler or crutch. She doesn't respect him. When you're a customer you're in another category.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
With dancers your initial goals and interactions are what define you to her. That sets tge dynamic.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
But this is what they call the simp. These guys who do things like pay a dancer money to take her out than also pay for her dinner. Ilb mentioned he knew a group of strippers who would go out to eat and apparently just call one of their regulars and he would cover the bill. Some people think hot girls deserve to have money donated to them just for being hot
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
That's incel speak.
avatar for mike710
3 years ago
I hear what you are saying and believe that it's best to stay away from the type of appeal that happened and have done it a few times myself.

The only time I reached out to help a sexworker was when there was a wildfire in my area. I had seen this woman a handful of times and knew the general area where she lived. Well, I wildfire, that ended up closing down the city, hit near her home. She didn't call but I reached out to her and asked her if she was OK. She didn't respond for several hours but said she had to evacuate. I offered a spare bed and bath I have. She showed up with her adult daughter who paced around the place for an hour and left, clearly uncomfortable. The woman I asked spent a day or two with her cat and took me out to dinner and a nice place the first night (it was an area unaffected by the mass evacuations).

We ended up becoming friends now for about 20 years and counting. We dated some but her life wasn't something I wanted to get involved with in a serious way. We had a few fun years dating casually while she did sexwork. She's long retired and still a friend. We spoke via text yesterday. She lives in another city but we still stay in touch.
avatar for mike710
3 years ago
I hear what you are saying and believe that it's best to stay away from the type of appeal that happened and have done it a few times myself.

The only time I reached out to help a sexworker was when there was a wildfire in my area. I had seen this woman a handful of times and knew the general area where she lived. Well, I wildfire, that ended up closing down the city, hit near her home. She didn't call but I reached out to her and asked her if she was OK. She didn't respond for several hours but said she had to evacuate. I offered a spare bed and bath I have. She showed up with her adult daughter who paced around the place for an hour and left, clearly uncomfortable. The woman I asked spent a day or two with her cat and took me out to dinner and a nice place the first night (it was an area unaffected by the mass evacuations).

We ended up becoming friends now for about 20 years and counting. We dated some but her life wasn't something I wanted to get involved with in a serious way. We had a few fun years dating casually while she did sexwork. She's long retired and still a friend. We spoke via text yesterday. She lives in another city but we still stay in touch.
avatar for mike710
3 years ago
Sorry for the double post. I just hit return twice I guess. Had one more thing to say is that sometimes we just have to think of these women as human beings.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
On the outside I'm just a normal regular 9-5 cheerios eating type dude. But on the deep down on the inside I'm a sassy finger waiving drama queen bitch so I always indulge in whatever nonsense is going on.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Whats incel speak icee? Anybody who doesnt cover the restaurant bill for sex workers?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Incel speak is the kind of shit you say cacaplop. Your obsessed paranoid ass going all sjg on here talking about girls not fucking you being robs and men spending any money on women being simps. Now hurry and answer with a retarded question or pretending like you're too stupid to understand plain English
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
where is the popcorn emoji?
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
I never said anyone not fucking me or someone else is a rob. People have explained to you many many times what a rob is and you change the narrative and start saying they’re not robs they’re just finessing tricks who deserve to be finessed. Yes they are simps when they do stuff like give hundreds of dollars for free to random women that is what a simp or “noble pervert” is. You’re trying to justify and promote guys just handing out hundreds or thousands of free dollars to dancers because you’ve admitted you want to help them hustle and finesse.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
If they’re donating money to a homeless person that’s different, if theure donating money to women based on how hot theu are that is what simping is. In fact youve talked in one thread you were advising someone to finesse tricks for money and get them to put stuff in their name for her.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Work on your English language comprehension cacaplop. How old are you?
avatar for rickthelion
3 years ago
rick my brother, as usual you have put your finger on something that is both profound and correct. However, you do not really understand the plight of the normie (i.e., the non-rick).

Merely being in the presence of a rick is a delight to anyone. So we ricks are being nice to the sexy females simply by showing up, having our fun, and paying our money. But what if one doesn’t have rickness to offer? I know, I know…the rickness oozes out of our very pores so it is inconceivable to not ooze the rickness. But remember that normies don’t ooze any rickness.

Put yourself in the shoes of a male normie. What does he have to offer? Not a whole hell of a lot. So he decides “I’ve got to do something to help this girl out” and comes up with some hairbrained scheme. Feel sorrow for those normies. Can you help them? Perhaps…you are a rick after all. But it probably isn’t worth trying. ROAR!!!
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
When I run across strippers who seem to make a lot of bad choices I don't jump in and help them. When I was in my twenties, I made one bad decision after another and ended up living in a cockroach infested apartment in a bad neighborhood eating peanut butter sandwiches for dinner because that was all I could afford. No one ever stepped in to try to help me and, looking back, that was a good thing. I slowly learned from my mistakes and improved my situation on my own.
avatar for RedJohnson
3 years ago
That cat 2Icee is still posting in these threads? Isn't he the sad sack who got repeatedly cucked, then dumped and then suicidal with a crack whore? How could he possibly believe that he has anything to teach anyone about girls?

2Icee, you need to talk less and listen more boy. Strippers are for playing son, not for takin home. Time to man up and figure out how to land somethin better than a crack whore.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Fuck off lying ass troll
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "Isn't he the sad sack who got repeatedly cucked, then dumped and then suicidal with a crack whore? <strong>How could he possibly believe that he has anything to teach anyone about girls?</strong>"

Red, when you figure that one out, please let us know. 😉
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Icee posted on many threads that someone who’s dating or in a relationship with a stripper is in the superior position because they dont have to pay for her while all the other tricks have to pay.

But come to find out tricks are usually just paying $200-$300 for each encounter. Icee stated he paid for his girlfriend dancers parents living arrangements, her schooling, and bought her tons of handbags and designer items, in addition to offering her 5k if she said she didn’t love him.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
^^^and on top of that she's buying drugs for her junkie whores. 🤦
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "Just because you paid for "sexual services" once doesn't make you damaged goods, at least that's what I tell myself so that I can feel better about myself hahah."

Believe whatever makes you feel better about yourself I suppose. 😉

But look at this from their perspective. Dancing really opens some girls eyes about the realities of how some men are. Men, often much older than they are, who might have seemed generous, kind, worthy of respect, etc., if they had never danced and met these guys in the real world, come into the club for the sole purpose of using girls for their entertainment. Too many of them also make asses of themselves in the process.

After a while it becomes hard for a girl not to put a club customer in a different mental bucket than some other guys. He goes to the club and pays to use her and girls like her for erotic entertainment of one type or another. As nice, respectful, etc., as he may be, this is the simple inescapable reality.

This is why I keep my strip club life and my personal charitable activities completely separate. There is no such thing as a noble pervert. If you met her first and foremost looking to use her for something sexual, she can never view you in the future as some moral authority or one who is acting solely out of the goodness of his heart.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I was in a 5 year relationship with a girl who was a dancer. I wasn't seeing her as a dancer. And spending money on a long term partner is normal. Her family becomes your family. It's a normal relationship. If you don't spend money on a partner of 5 years you're weird. Life is meant to be enjoyed together.

Keep trolling though
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
LMFAO 5 years of GFE with a coke junkie stripper whore that ended up leaving you for a loser weed dealer and fucking other guys for coke.

Normal? Yeah right. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "That cat 2Icee is still posting in these threads? Isn't he the sad sack who got repeatedly cucked, then dumped and then suicidal with a crack whore?"

Yes Red, that's him. Yet as you can see from his most recent self-deluded post above, he's still not processing the reality of it. Regardless of whose dick she sucked for drug money or how much she may have hustled some guys, Icee was the biggest trick of them all. 😌
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Rick what about these guys just giving these strippers free money for nothing? Like the stripper is at a restaurant and hes not even there but pays the bill.
Some of these guys believe in giving donations to hot women, without expecting anything in return. They may also use her for erotic entertainment, yet simultaneously also give her free money.
I cant say how the girl herself would perceive that person, but there are certain guys who will just give money without expecting anything in return. These onlyfans and internet sex girls post their amazon wishlists and things for that reason. Some Anonymous fans of theirs will just buy them stuff
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
I've stuck to never giving dancers "loans" or getting involved in their drama. And, if those things are asked for or occur with any regularity, then I distance myself from that dancer (even if they're especially hot and/or good at their job). It's not worth it to me and there are plenty of hot dancers who don't bring any of that stuff to the table.

That said, how dancers treat me I generally reflect back on them. If a dancer is all business with me, then I'm that way with them. If a dancer is more personable and fun, then I try to treat them the same way. If a dancer follows through faithfully with what I want from our time together (because I've told her what I want clearly), then I pay them. If they go above and beyond, then I reward them with a bigger tip.

I also try to be cognizant of the fact that they're people who have life stuff like anyone else. They can have bad days. They can be in a bad mood because a previous customer was really shitty to them. Ideally, they shouldn't allow their outside life to affect their in-club performance; we're going into clubs primarily for a very specific type of theater performance from them. But they're human and all humans are messy. Every so often, even the most professional dancer will have a bad day and it'll show. So, I try to give them some leeway to be normal, messy humans.

As far as dancers who (for whatever reason) provide a not-good experience and I suspect that it's just how they operate... well, it's a case-by-case basis. In some cases I'll dig in against it, but if the investment isn't huge (or I'm not in the mood) then I'll let it go, perhaps telling them "You don't have to bother approaching me ever again."

So, the "noble pervert" model (as framed here) isn't a good strategy and it's a great way to make going to strip clubs simultaneously not fun and very expensive. At the same time, it's possible to be respectful and treat dancers like regular people working a job. That has worked out well for me since I started going to strip clubs back when mammoths roamed the plains.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
There is no fool like an Icee fool. I go to the club. I have a few beers. Whatever happens; happens. I drive home. I go back to real life. Dating a drug addicted dancer for 5 years and giving her and her family money makes that person the single biggest loser....ever.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "So, the "noble pervert" model (as framed here) isn't a good strategy and it's a great way to make going to strip clubs simultaneously not fun and very expensive. <strong>At the same time, it's possible to be respectful and treat dancers like regular people working a job.</strong>"

Agreed CMI. I don't think that anyone has suggested otherwise in this thread. Treating others with courtesy and dignity should be a baseline starting point in almost any interaction, most certainly including those with dancers.

I did chuckle though over your theory that we are going into clubs to see some kind of theater performance. Where in the world are <strong>you</strong> clubbing? LOL. I'd hardly call many of the girls I deal with polished actresses, nor are "messy" days some aberrational event IME. Heck one of the biggest reasons why I enjoy clubs in precisely because I never know what I'm going to find inside on any given night.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
I didn't mean theater as in curtain calls and props, nor even the types of performances I used to see at The Body Shop in LA many years ago.

A strip club is a place filled with hot women who are motivated by money to behave towards us very differently than the vast majority of women behave outside the walls of a strip club. So, if not "theater" then call it an "act," "persona," or even a "performance" employed by a dancer to get paid by customers. And it's not unusual for some percentage of guys in a club to also be putting on some sort of persona, perhaps because they have a private life to protect or because it's part of the fun for them. So, the audience and the actors are often the same people.

A strip club where all the dancers responded to guys exactly how they do outside the club would shut down within a week. I see it as theater. You can call it whatever you want.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
'Icee stated he paid for his girlfriend dancers parents living arrangements, her schooling, and bought her tons of handbags and designer items, in addition to offering her 5k if she said she didn’t love him.'

In the early days of his posting here he talked about spending 15k a month on some stripper hoe GF of his. It's somewhere in his early postings if someone wants to look it up.
Then again, he had an account or 2 banned in the past so those postings might be gone but I absolutely recall him saying he was spending 15k a month on some whore.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Funny how everyone felt sorry for Gaca marrying a crack whore and wasn't creeper out by him asking guys on here to stalk her for cash.

Yet you attack me like rabid dogs for being with a girl whose coke use got out of hand for a while. I feel bad for any relationship you're in if you can actually get one. If you think taking care of basically a common law wife. Is tricking or dumping. Grow the fuck up.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
Diversion won't work here homie, you made your choices, posted about them, now reap your rewards, Lulz
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Its karma icee
You encouraged her to finesse and scam other people, and she did the same to you.
avatar for BGSD3100
3 years ago
I don't get involved in their lives. I assume that most of their sob stories are designed to elicit sympathy and get me to give them more money. But, it's not like they would give me a discount if I were tell them all about my pathetic life.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Icee said "Yet you attack me like rabid dogs for being with a girl whose coke use got out of hand for a while."

I'm not critical of you for 'being with a girl whose coke use got out of hand'. I'm critical of you for making up a story about that imaginary girl. That and not being able to keep track of your own lies better than most of the other guys here. But hey, when you're making up enough fake content to require some sort of Dewey Decimal system to keep track of all your lies, I suppose it's understandable that you've lost the plot more than a few times.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
I hate you Icee because you're a lying sack of shit who only trolls here.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
CIM you're a piece of shit troll who thinks he's so clever by telling everyone what they think mean or do. You add nothing to any thread other than this.
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
There's nothing "noble" about it when I do it. I'd like to think that it's innate perspicacity that has allowed the practice of helping periodically to pay dividends down the road more often than not, but it's probably just luck.

A few bucks, a ride, helping balance a checkbook, food for her kids, or any of a countless number of other small favors has been worth it for me. And not always directly. A couple of times, doing a favor some someone <em>else</em> has paid off as well.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
LMFAO Iceydodo's idea of coke use getting "out of hand" is her fucking other guys for coke and also whoring herself to a broke weed dealer pimp that sells her pussy for money.

I can't wait to see what she says when it gets really bad. 🤭🤡😭😭😭
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
What do you mean, doing a favor some someone else has paid off as well?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
"If you think taking care of basically a common law wife. Is tricking or dumping. Grow the fuck up."

^^^Wrong. It has nothing to do with having a common law wife. It has everything to do with the facts that

1) she's a junkie whore

2) she's a junkie whore that used you as a source of coke for 5 years

3) she's a junkie whore that dumped you for trying to control her drug use and whored herself to anyone that gave her coke, including a broke ass loser weed dealer that she chose instead of you.

LMFAO it's all about the context, my niggette. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You're a lying ass troll and nothing more. You're sick in the head making up narratives and repeating the same whit ad nauseum in every thread.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
LMFAO those are all facts posted by you, my niggette. Here's the thread...…

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
No that's your fucked up narrative. Coz you're as obsessed and autistic on here as sjg.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
"My 5 year relationship ended because she thought I was too controlling...

...She started fucking other guys for coke. And she ended up with a broke ass bum wannabe pimp junkie...

She called me controlling and obsessive...

...he sells her pussy so they can get high."

^^^LMFAO these are all direct quotes. 🤭🤡😭😭😭
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
"Watching her give up 5 years of a love most women only dream of for someone who sells her so they can get high..."

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Taking shit out of context and posting it in every thread like a compulsive retard. Going full sjg on here. No one gives a fuck . You do this every fucking day. All day.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
^^^LMFAO you're butt hurt by what I said coz it's true.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
No. You're butt hurt and obsessed to be sitting their all day fantasizing about fake narratives about me and posting them in every thread every day. That's crazier than anything sjg says or does.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
LMFAO I'm just having fun with the contradictory posts you make on a regular basis.

LOL the "fake narrative" is your direct quotes. Too funny.


avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
If you think making shit up jn your head about me all day and then posting it compulsively in every thread is fun. You need psychiatric help.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
LMFAO I'm quoting you directly and you're just butthurt about your own posts.

And it's hilarious.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Icee said "Taking shit out of context and posting it in every thread like a compulsive retard."

Well, that's a layer cake made of pure hypocrisy right there.

"You do this every fucking day. All day."

With a cherry on top.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You think uts hilarious to spend your day scouring posts and copying and pasting things out of context then making up narratives and spamming the forum with it?

That's more retarded than cacaplop and sjg together
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Keep being a sick troll. Let's see how many repetitive posts you make today
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
And by the way, I'm posting per the thread topic which is about the futility of being a Noble Pervert.

In Iceydodo's case, she tried to get a coke junkie stripper whore to cut back on her coke use and got dumped and cheated on. This is completely per the thread topic, dumbass
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
"You think uts hilarious to spend your day scouring posts and copying and pasting things out of context then making up narratives and spamming the forum with it?"

^^^ work on your reading comprehension, dumbass. I said it's hilarious that you're butthurt about your own posts. It's that simple, dumbass.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
"Rick is right about this. At most a customer who helps is an enabler or crutch. She doesn't respect him. When you're a customer you're in another category."

^^^Exactly. It's like that customer I read about who enabled this coke junkie stripper whore's coke habit for 5 years, thinking it was a "normal" relationship when all it was was a GFE hustle. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Sjg doesn't even go full sld on here. Sick fuck. Are you retarded or disabled that you're home all day copying and pasting parts of years old threads and obsessing about me all day?

Okay keep up the trolling in every fucking thread
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
^^^so triggered and butthurt coz the truth hurts. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
Anyway, I'm glad we agree that rickdugan is right about this thread. And we have an actual example of it! 😁
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Icee youve called people sick, twisted evil and all sorts of things for making fun of mentally disabled people but you dmed me yesterday asking if im special ed and if im allowed outside alone.
avatar for PhatBoyHell
3 years ago
Really Icee? We talked about this. The reason you said not to make fun of mentally disabled people is because all of us mexicans are mentally disabled and we didn't want other races to make fun of us when we aren't smart enough to defend ourselves

Unless bigthirdeye is a Mexican.

Are you a Mexican bigthirdeye?
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I know some dancers are great and guys enjoy them for a long time (as some form connections that last years). It might almost be inevitable - depending on the length of the relationship - and age difference (which is going to involve the guy paying) - that he makes some sort of noble customer inquiries.

I think there are three possibilities in a long term stripper/customer relationship.
1. The customer tires of the dancer - and decides to move on (to other dancers).
2. The customer makes odd comments - almost paternal - and that pushes the dancer away.
3. The customer knows it’s sex for money only - and obeys the boundary - and continues to enjoy great paid sex.

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