
I'd Never Felt More Safe Around a Customer than I did With This One

Blow me. 😙 Pronouns: hoe/heaux
Thursday, September 1, 2022 2:23 AM
This is a *paraphrased* conversation with a customer I did two dances with at the beginning of night shift today. I was not amused and this guy was insufferable. He said a lot of other creepy stuff, but I'm still at work, hence the paraphrased shortened version. ...He was trying to get me to tell him where exactly I live at one point, too. 😬 "Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" "No." "Why not?! You should!" "I don't want or need one." "You should want one. You'll want to date me. Do you find me attractive? What are you into anyway?" "I'm into people who don't drink and drive." (Dude was 5 drinks/shots in at 8pm) "Oh, so you don't like to drink? I'll make you drink." *Silence from me worried I'm going to be r*ped or murdered or some shit* "Well I just moved back from Texas and am living out a hotel. I'll move in with you until I find somewhere!" 😳


  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Was it SJG ?
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    I wish I could say that guy was an anomaly…but nope he’s absolutely representing Texas there 😬💀
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    ^ lmfaoooo 😂😂😂😂😂
  • Uprightcitizen
    2 years ago
    Sounds like that ol smoothie Icee Loser. His version would have been that you fell in love with him right away but he had to refuse your advances because he is still heartbroken.
  • Huntsman
    2 years ago
    No one would blame you if you accidentally stabbed him.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
  • mike710
    2 years ago
    I don't think it was an original quote but I read this in a Stephen King short story. The character was in a rest stop bathroom stall and read this line. "Here I sit, cheeks a flexin, making myself another Texan". Nothing against Texans personally, but I couldn't help appreciate such cowboy poetry.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    I guess the one small bright side is, PLs like these show one big advantage of being even an extras stripper versus an escort. You don't end up alone with someone like this. So, it makes the times when the club is slow seem more worth it.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    Strippers have to deal with customers they are unattracted to who want to be their boyfriend or who offer otc activities they are uninterested in. Customers have to deal with strippers they are unattracted to wanting to sell them lap dances. If you spend time in a strip club, either as a stripper or a customer, you have to learn to deal with this. I can normally handle overly aggressive strippers. If I couldn't, I would give up on strip clubs. I think the girls have it worse than us guys, though. Females are smaller and weaker than males and some males will engage in subtle physical intimidation or veiled threats with the girls. I am frequently annoyed by strippers, but I have never had one try to physically intimidate me. Fortunately, strip clubs have on site security that the strippers can fall back on. There are also customers who treat the girls respectfully and the girls can spend time in the club with them.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    See just when we think we are the worst customers of all time then well we can still be one upped
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    ^ I briefly questioned my fate and if DG had found me. The customer definitely gave off some DG and SJG vibes the more I sat with and danced for him.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Upright citizen go fuck yourself dumb bitch Bubbleyum but you're therentrying to get him to pay you 🤡 A smart stripper hoe knows how to finesse this type of trick. It's as easy as finesse 20fag lulz
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    Did Icee say something important for once, y'all? They are on ignore, but I can see they commented something (most likely spewed bullshit trying to tell me off, I'm a troll, I'm a man, or how to do my job).
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ Iceefag is a dope, I doubt anyone would be intimidated by that cosplay pimp.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    While Texans can be insufferable, it is worth pointing out that the customer said he just moved back from Texas, not that he was Texan. Most likely an entitled liberal douche waiting for Biden to pay off his student loans, who couldn't hack it in a red state like Texas where he was expected to pull his own weight. Still, as creepy as the creepiest douche can be. When something like this happens, do you give other dancers the heads up to ignore that creep, hoping that he'll leave after he gets ignored for a while? What happens to a customer like that over the longer term of an evening?
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    So, he asked me to sit with him after our 7pm night shift review. I usually don't hustle customers until after my first stage set, but I figured he would at least be a good warm-up conversation for the rest of the night. I didn't ask him for a dances. He asked me. I have a very distinguishable Eastern religion related tattoo on my back that gives an instant boner to most Eastern Indian men. And this guy was Eastern Indian. He was someone I would have avoided otherwise. He said he moved to Texas from the Detroit area in 2015 and is in the process of moving back right now after acquiring a really good job with one of the largest employers in the area. I didn't ask him to elaborate further. He asked me where I live and I told him the suburb. He the asked "where do you live in ____?" And I told him I live on a street at a place in said suburb without naming any street or a place. After that, he just got weirder and weirder with his questions. We went upstairs to VIP and the DJ skipped me for free on stage so I can make money. I was the first one to do dances all night long. I thought we were going to only do one song, but he wanted a second (with how draining he was, I wish it had only been one song lol, it was way too early to deal with that much out of one customer). The first dance was mostly him trying to flick one of my goddamn boobs after I told him twice to not do that. After the third time I stopped the dance and I told him he can either stop doing that or we can just stop dancing. He apologized and we continued on to the second song where he began interrogating me with all of the questions. I forgot to write about the part where he told me, "I know you want to make out with me. You should just kiss me." I told him that's not allowed and I don't do that at that club. He then said something along the lines of "well you should do it anyway because I know you're a bad girl." And thank God the VIP bouncer walked through the aisle way at that moment. It could not have been any more perfect timing for him to make an appearance. The second song ended with him reiterating that we should be roommates until he finds a place to live and that he is looking to live in a city next to mine (fuck, lol). When I got out of the dances, the DJ went ahead and put me up upon my own request. I spent that stage set processing what had happened during the dances and how it was way too fucking early in the shift for that bullshit. While I was up on stage, that weird ass customer left, thankfully. When I was done, I joined my two friends working with me and I did tell them. It wasn't as a warning or anything like that. It was more of a venting and hoping that they could also try to help me process the trauma I had just endured. If the customer had remained in the club, it was so slow that early in the shift that word would have spread quick about him. If it had been on a Friday or Saturday evening I probably wouldn't have said anything or given any warnings due to how busy it gets in there. It would have been easy to lose him in the crowd, too. Hopefully that makes sense.
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    Later in the evening, I went to VIP with another guy who wasn't quite as weird, but just pissed me off in VIP as much as the first guy did. I think he was Chaldean and he had a very thick accent with broken English but he said he had been there before so I figured he knows how shit is now. He just kept trying to test my physical limits and my boundaries on what I was willing to do. I had to yell at him twice and stopped the dance the third time when he tried to suck on my boob without asking and play with my nips. One of the first things I tell anybody when we sit down for a dance is no penetration and do not play with my boobs or nips. And I know he understood me when I said that - he just didn't care. When we were on our way to the vip, he said that he wanted two dances, but he only ended up getting one. Which was completely fine with me and I was not in the least bit upset at all over it. I was thankful, if anything. I retreated to my friends who are with a customer at the bar and they made him buy me a drink and a shot after I told them that I had two awful customers in a row and what that one had just tried with me. That customer ended up being really frickin cool and tipped me quite well on stage when I went up the next time. Well I was venting to him, a gentleman who is sitting on the other side of me tapped my shoulder to compliment my tattoo. He said he had overheard what I said so he wasn't trying to come off weird like those two other customers, but he was also a believer of what my tattoo represents. And then he and the other customer began chatting and bought each other drinks. I feel like I was in the way of their date all of a sudden lol. Ultimately, the customer who complimented my tattoo took me up to VIP for some (finally!) normal and respecting of my boundaries dances. But fuck those first two customers I had. I hope none of you gentlemen on this forum act like either of those guys in VIP.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    No boob or nipple play would be a tough sell around here and considered an air dance, but limits would be respected for the one and only dance. A good Providence lap dance should be similar to one's wedding night....
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    What is a lapdance with no boob or nipple touching and no penetration? You can basically touch nothing besides the asscheeks and maybe the hair or back or shoulders? I thought full contact lap dance clubs require breast touching and some even nipple touching. Still if you’re telling them these boundaries before the dance it should be good youre not scamming them. Do you also have a boundary of not grinding too much? How do you enforce that do you grind on their thighs, or stand around and do airdances or something during the dance
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    You'd have a tough time making bank in South Florida, but I agree what ever your boundaries are, you're entitled to be respected, and bullying any girl isn't acceptable any place.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    I have to agree that no touching of the boobs would be problematic. Boobs okay, but not nipples? Fine, but wear pasties. Touching okay, but not licking? Perfectly reasonable, humans' saliva is nasty. But no breast touching at all? That is a one and done dance, no tip, no repeats.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    BigThirdEye, a dancer can generally set whatever rules she wants. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think most clubs would tell a dancer she has to allow something like breast touching. A stripper would know about that more than me. Clubs often set maximums for what is allowed to meet local law enforcement requirements. There is almost always some variation in amount of contact allowed between once dancer and another. What keeps there from being a lot of variation is that the girls are competing with each other for customers. If one girl is allowing a lot less contact than the others, she has trouble making money. If a girl is working in a club where almost all the other girls allow some touching and she doesn't want to allow that I would want her to let me know ahead of time. I might then pick another girl and she could look for another guy willing to follow her no touching rule. If she doesn't say anything and then I discover it is a no touch dance during the dance, I just quit after one dance. I don't get angry at her.
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    Oh, no. Touching is fine. Cup them. Grope them. And if the customer doesn't want to, I usually make them do it. But don't try to fine tune radio stations using nips. That stuff hurts and nobody should ever go that far in a dance.
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    BTE is commenting? Ugh. He can fuck off with his annoying questions. Literally nobody can be that obtuse and nagivate the internet (this site). I don't even want to know what idiot questions he's pretending to not know the answers to. 🙄
  • uniquename
    2 years ago
    It’s not that complicated. The dancer (BubbleYum in this case) sets her limits. Respect them or ignore them at your peril. Don’t like her limits? Find a dancer who’s limits are more in line with your expectations. It’s really not that complicated.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    'But don't try to fine tune radio stations using nips.' Lol, great description! In my case I might use the palms of my hands, which are always clean in the club BTW, to lightly cup a boob. I do understand that they're not play-doh.
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    What I usually do if the customer is acting gay and afraid of lady parts is grab his hand and make him grab on to one boob and then put his other hand on my opposing butt cheek. He's no longer a little bitch about it and I'm safe and secure for the rollercoaster ride of a lap dance. If they get weird with my nips, I remind them not to do that or try to brush his hand away. It depends on my tolerance for customers at the time and if he's being respectful/disrespectful in other ways.
  • rickthelion
    2 years ago
    Well, as a rick I certainly respect the limits of all sexy female hairless apes. So I certainly sympathize with Ms Yum. I am also undeterred by her limits because, as a rick, I am frickin’ smooth. I’m talkin’ smooth with extra o’s, just to emphasize how frickin’ smooth this rick is. That said, I am dismayed by the lack of appreciation for the art and science of proper drunk driving. Driving drunk is the prerogative of all ricks. We’ve developed the skill of avoiding cubs and apelings, for they are the future. Fortunately, there ain’t may cubs and apelings playin’ at 3am. So al is usually good… So, Ms. Yum, if you see a lion wearin’ a suit enter the club realize you’re in for some fun. No nipple radio tuning. And at the end of the night you’ll be coming to this rick’s hotel room - and then cumming in this rick’s hotel room. Trust me, it will be a night you never forget. Now where the fuck is my drivin’ whiskey? ROAR!!!
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    "I am also undeterred by her limits because, as a rick, I am frickin’ smooth. I’m talkin’ smooth with extra o’s, just to emphasize how frickin’ smooth this rick is." You had me there. ❤️ I'll be on my way after I wake up (if insomnia ever let's me even sleep at all).
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    ^feel you on the insomnia - I haven't had a good night's sleep since July 4th
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    I agree any boundaries are fine as long as theyre stated before the dance is paid for. I think most contact lap dance clubs allow breast touching and most dancers allow it. IMO it isn’t a lapdance without breast touching. I might get one or two dances if I like the girl otherwise.
  • 48-Cowboy
    2 years ago
    "^feel you on the insomnia - I haven't had a good night's sleep since July 4th" ^ aww must be rough dealing with the rejection by the man of your dreams. I am sorry your heart is broken that bad
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    ^Its ok that you're gay and no reason to be upset. You are way to fascinated with gay people to even pretend to be hetero.
  • 48-Cowboy
    2 years ago
    ^ projection. If that is too big of a word for you then Invest in a dictionary
  • 48-Cowboy
    2 years ago
    Or if you are smart you will use Google for free
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    I am hoping the OP just hit a bad set of creepy customers. If that happens regularly, maybe it’s time to consider changing clubs? I hope things improve for BubbleYum. You deserve many great nights after that creep show!
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    That club was known for being one of Detroit's dominant extras clubs back when they were a thing in the city. There are stragglers who come in and test the waters. Hey, BTE, I don't know what you're saying, but kindly fuck off from my post. Your trolling isn't welcome in these comments, loser. Go get your ass wrecked by SJG or get hit by a car or some shit.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    "free" is very important to you Cowboy. Must suck being you and being poor. "Free" lol. Use google, its free. Wow, free lol.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Some guys use strip clubs as a consequence-free environment to say out loud all of the horrible thoughts and ideas that would likely get them tackled and zip tied in most other settings. I try pretty hard to be the exact opposite of that guy. An interesting experiment would be to give every stripper a taser with a single charge that they can use once per shift without consequence. I'm pretty sure that the revenue would drop off a lot, but so would stories like this.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Ishmael you cant tackle or zip tie someone cause of offensive speech. They have to be threatening in some way for that to be legal Bubbleyum thats quite a violent thing to say
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    Was it supposed to say "Safe" or "Unsafe" in the thread title? Maybe "Safe" because the OP had backup at the club? No biggie, just hit a little different after reading the comments. If dancers are upfront about what they will and won't do, why not believe them and respect it? There's always another dancer or another day.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    ^ Most guys go to strip clubs for sexy fun. For other guys it's less about sexy fun and more about exerting the sort of power and dominance that they completely lack (particularly when it comes to women) outside of strip clubs. For that guy, fear was the goal most likely.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Op is basically saying they don't like guys who act like most on here say they act 🙄
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Sounds like that guy would be very difficult to deal with. Too much of a rehearsed power and domination script he is running. No openness. SJG
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Bubble, “One of the first things I tell anybody when we sit down for a dance is no penetration and do not play with my boobs or nips. And I know he understood me when I said that - he just didn't care. When we were on our way to the vip, he said that he wanted two dances, but he only ended up getting one” Do you tell them these rules before the dance is paid for or after? No penetration is a general lapdance rule, but no boob or nipple touching isnt. If you don’t tell them these rules before they pay for the dance, it can fall under robbing. I cant imagine anyone paying for a dance so restrictive, unless there is LDK involved. Rules like this may be why you are getting crazy or weirdo customers, because its going to mostly be crazy or insane customers willing to buy lapdances with no boob touching and no LDKing.
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