
Hitting the trifecta

Thursday, September 6, 2007 6:32 AM
Sorry if we've discussed before, I'm not sure. But the thread on Michigan got me to thinking about something - I only know of one place, Key West, where you can hit what I consider the trifecta of SCs - totally nude LDs, high mileage, and full bar. Im not talking about illegal activities or extras places, I'm talking about places where it's legal to have all 3. Are there other areas like that in the US?


  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    Well, Quebec and Mexico for sure (ok, not the US, but close. Unlike some beauty pageant contestants, I know my geography). Portland Oregon area. For example, Stars in Beaverton (nice name for that town!). Good looking girls. Mileage is ok, mild one-way, so not quite the trifecta. I think Anchorage, Alaska allows alcohol in nude clubs. Reviews show mileage is low. Some BYOB clubs. For example, Rubys II in Bridgeport, CT. And XTC in Austin TX. Good lap dances. And then there are these strange "dual" clubs, with an alcohol side and a nude side. Like XTC (yeah, another unique name!) in Akron, OH. Also, Great Alaskan Bush Company in Phoenix. You drink and chat on one side (topless), then stuble over and get nude laps on the other side. On the philosophical side, I will gladly trade-off either alcohol or a view of the kitty for the promise of high mileage.
  • driver01
    17 years ago
    Key West, yes....but South Florida in general offers all that you seek--Miami/Ft Lauderdale, etc- Also, Pasco County, just outside of Tampa qualifies as do several counties along Florida's eastern coast.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    In my somewhat limited experience, I will agree with FONDL. The old Pirates den, Red Garter, Teasers (God I loved that place)...
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Nude lap dances alone are pretty rare in my travels. The only place I know of with nude laps and alcohol is Canada.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    The trifecta is available in most Atlanta clubs. The catch of course is that you will ave to pay big bucks in the VIP to get the high mileage LD's. $150/1/2 hr and up.
    17 years ago
    Driver, where do you recommend in Pasco County? I'm going to be down that way in a couple months and may have some free time. Clubber, how's Teasers new location? I haven't been to KW since they moved. And has Pirate's Den ever reopened? Last time I was in town the sign was still there. Best club ever IMO - I wasn't rating clubs then but if I were PD would get the only 10 I've ever given, it's the place that I compare every other club to when assigning ratings.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    FONDL, I have never gone to the new Teasers. I think I visited that location before, but it was not Teasers at that time. PD never reopened to my knowledge. Since I retired, I don't travel, therefore my clubbing really slowed. I am, however, going to Key West next week end for the Poker Run. Perhaps I will stop by the new Teasers and make a report. Problem is, it would not be indicative of a normal visit, what with about 10,000 bikers in town. There was one other club in Key West I really enjoyed. I do not recall the name, but it was a couple of blocks west of Pirates Den, and I believe next to, or very close to a police station. Do you, or anyone else recall that club?
  • driver01
    17 years ago
    Fondl, In Pasco, your best bet is probably Bare Assets in Holiday. Evenings are generally best. If you need a second option in Pasco County you might try Brass Flamingo in New Port Richey. Lot's of folks seem to like Brass Flamingo but I have yet to visit when the talent pool was very large or very attractive. If time is limited, Bare Assets would be my choice. Teaser's new location is right on Duval Street. A lot of locals like to say they prefer the old club and I can understand that sentiment. But the new( I say new but it's been there for almost 4 years now) place is on the second floor and has a balcony overlooking Duval. I've posted a couple of reviews so I won't go into too much here other than to say it serves it's purpose well-- good times, good times... Check the reviews...
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    FONDL: My buddy, shekitout, has been to Bare Assets and highly recommends it.
    17 years ago
    Driver and Shadowcat, I'll probably only be able to go during the day. Is Bare Assets open early afternoon? Clubber, seems to me that anything a couple blocks west of Pirate's Den would be under water. The police station is near the middle of Duval Street and one block east. I've been to a couple clubs on Duval Street, one of which is probably now Teasers, but they didn't have the same friendly atmosphere, they seemed more like tourist traps. There was also a newer strip club right next door and in the same building as the old Teasers, is that still there?
  • driver01
    17 years ago
    Fondl, My daytime experiences at BA have been very hit or miss-- more miss than hit. Have had very positive experiences in the evenings...Here's the website for Bare Assets which includes the hours or operation. Happy lapping... [view link]
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    FONDL, It was near the water, but not in it. Actually it was there before Pirate's Den, as I recall. It may have not been a police station, but there were a lot (for a 2X4 mile island) of police cars there. Maybe it was a Dunkin' Donut. driver01, Now you have peaked my interest for sure. I'll definitely stop in to the "new" Teasers next weekend while at the poker run.
  • trailer12b1
    17 years ago
    Industrial strip in Hammond indiana is like the songs says. "two out three" aint bad. no alcohol but still worth it
    17 years ago
    Clubber, you're probably talking about the court house. There also used to be a strip club attached to Hog's Breath, you enter the club through the indoor bar area. It's probably still there. Too touristy but not bad. I think Hog's Breath is the best of the Duval tourist bars, they usually have the best music, so it won't be a wasted trip. And I believer it's close to where Teasers is now. I don't know what was there before Pirate's Den, I visited the Den on my first trip to KW.
  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    FONDL: You need to get out more. Almost every club in Providence RI and even a few in Mass have booze, pussy and high mileage on the menu.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    FONDL, Perhaps court house it was. That would account for police cars, in some cases. You know something weird, I never ventured into Hog's. I was a Capt. Tony's guy, or one south of Duval downtown area and a bit west. Can't remember the name but something like "The Green Parrot", as I recall. There was, at one time, a really cool bar in the Ramada Inn. It was called "Memories" at the time. Nothing but pre-Beatles oldies! Loved that place!
    17 years ago
    Clubber, I know exactly where you mean but I don't exactly remember the name either, although I think Green Parrot may be right. That's the place where I was shooting pool with my ATF when some guys tried to hit on her and she told them I was her sugar daddy. I never much liked Capt. Tony's - too dark and depressing. My favorite bar in KW is an outdoor place on the water that's called Schooner Warf - the guy who's always there during the day singing dirty songs is a riot.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    FONDL, For old times sake, I'll see if I can find the "whatever bar" this coming weekend when I am down there. Agreed about Capt. Tony's, but one thing it did is, kept tourists from hanging around very long.
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    I highly recommend Bare Assets. All of my visits there have been between 2pm and 7pm. Have had some great times there. Check out my reviews. Good luck and have fun.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    ShotDisc, You should include the city as well as Bare Assets. There are five listed on TUSCL and one is in Key West, which is the recent city of conversation. However, I didn't see any posts from you there, and only one in the Holiday Bare Assets.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    ShotDisc, Sorry, there were four reviews, but none recent. As you know, clubs can change very rapidly for a number of reasons.
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    My apologies. I did mean the club in Holiday (Tampa Bay) Fl.
    17 years ago
    So do we conclude from the responses here that south Florida and a few other places in the Sunshine State are the only places in the US where nude LDs, virtually unlimited 2-way touching and a full bar all in the same club is legal?
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    I will agree. BTW, I did get to the Green Parrot last Friday. It was the same as I remembered, although I was there in the early afternoon and not the night time. All locals and a friendly spot. Wish I had time to go that evening. I also visited Teasers (the new one). I posted a review for the club.
    17 years ago
    Clubber, you missed the whole point. The locals hit the Green Parrot around 8 am, that's when you get the true flavor of KW. At night it's all tourists. I can't access the reviews - did you like Teasers or has it become too touristy? The thing I always like best about the old place (aside from the naked LDs of course) was the laid-back atmosphere. I met my #2 ATF there - wow what a sweetie. It's a good thing I was only there for 2 weeks.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    FONDL: Other places have been cited, but even re south Florida, I can't tell if they're all talking about the same thing. IMO, in order to meet your criteria nude laps should be on the standard dance menu like in Tampa. Things like VIP sessions where the girl can get away with taking her bottom off, or nude dances where some girls allow more than the standard one-way contact aren't what you're asking about. You can find that at times in countless places with the right girl, etc etc.
    17 years ago
    Chandler, I agree, that is what I'm asking. In KW clubs the girls are nude during LDs - all the girls not just some of them and this is in a common LD room because there are no VIP rooms, you can touch them everywhere but the kitty, and there's a full bar. It must be legal there because they're all like that. And I've never run into that combination anywhere else.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    This doesn't have much to do with the posted topic, but when chandler mentioned the Tampa clubs, it made me think of something. I never wear shorts to clubs up north, but I always wear shorts to the Florida clubs. One thing that excites me a bit is when the dancer get naked and straddles my bare thigh with her naked pussy lips. Some girls have mentioned this was not supposed to be legal, but they do it anyway if they are careful. I mentioned this to my ATF recently....I wasn't suggesting she do it or anything like that, but she gave me an odd look and didn't get why I enjoyed the feeling. During our marathon VIP sessions, we have discussed everything imaginable - penis size, dancers and tampons, just to name a few.....and nothing phases her.....so for her to find this unusual, I kind of felt weird that I had brought it up.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    FONDL, I wasn't at the Parrot at night, rather the afternoon. Say from about 1 to 2 o'clock. It was all locals, other than myself and one other biker. As for Teasers, wasn't enough going on to tell much. I would have thought the place would have been jammed, even in the afternoon, with the Poker Run being in Key West. I think of the few in there, most all were locals, but it was nothing like the old Teasers. God I loved that place! My favorite there was Donna. She was in her late 30's, in great shape, and always made sure I left happy.
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