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Comments by driver01 (page 5)

discussion comment
17 years ago
avatar for benny
Best strip club in Chicago area???????
discussion comment
17 years ago
avatar for RomanticLover
Who goes to strip clubs to look for a girlfriend?
Clifbar does-- but then you already knew that.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for magicrat
North Carolina
Another OTC Question
If she wants money, she'll definetly let you know before you get to your intended destinastion. Having said that, if during the "significant" time you have spent with her( I assume you are talking about time in the club) you are paying for services other than the standard lapdance fare then it's a pretty safe bet that she is expecting no less for OTC activity. Nothing written in stone on all this but given the situation as you describe it, I think that's a reasonable assumption.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for jablake
What I'm Not Pretty Enough For You?
CG, just quoting a dancer... That excuse would certainly never work for me either in any club where the girls know me---lol. I would think though that as a general proposition if you are in a club where you weren't known, telling the offending dancer that you are broke is certainly not going to encourage her to spend time with you- certainly if she is there to make money.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for jablake
What I'm Not Pretty Enough For You?
I remember a time long ago being unable to shake a particularly persistent stripper. Just plopped herself down and would not shutup, leave or take no for an answer. After a while I just got up and left her sitting there- Sat down at the bar and was joined by the girl I had actually come in to see. I mentioned what had just happened and her response was simple--"the fastest way to get rid of an unwanted dancer, she said, is to tell her you are out of money"...No truer words have ever been spoken.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for jablake
I've Actually Felt Good About Purchasing a Mercy Dance . . .
Was in a club once where there was a very very pregnant girl waddling throughout the floor trying to get a dance- no takers. She was attractive in a 7 1/2 month big belly sort of way. The club was packed and I was there about 2 hours. Business was good but not for her. I kept my eye on her throughout the evening and she went from smiling and working the room hard to what appeared to be despair and exhaustion toward the end of my visit. I suppose there are guys out there with a prego fetish and I make no judgement about that or about a dancer catering to it. But damn, stripping is a tough way for a very pregnant girl to make a living. I didn't want a dance from her, but I was flush and handed her a c-note on my way out the door. Never saw her again....maybe I'm a sucker on occasions like this but sometimes it helps me sleep better at night, you know?
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for jablake
Dancer Leaves Club After Saying She'll Be Right Back . . .
Not sure what your definition of "personal" or "interpersonal" is. I will say though that some of us aren't looking for the extras in the club type of experience (I've had them, don't get me wrong--lol) if that's what you're alluding to. I have on ongoing thing with one of the dancers here(for the last 1 and a half years)- she is amazing and very "personal" and/or "interpersonal" or whatever you want to call it- all off campus, of course. But I do agree with you that if you are looking for something OTHER than a seemingly limitless supply of gorgeous totally nude girls grinding and climbing all over you while your hands roam everywhere but the kitty, then maybe Mons isn't for you...lol.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for DougS
Offbeat Sense of Humor
Does funny looking count? If so, I'm hilarious--lol.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for jablake
Dancer Leaves Club After Saying She'll Be Right Back . . .
Mons Venus in Tampa has a simple formula-- each girl (and on many nights there's 100-125 girls) pays the house $42(last time I heard) per shift to dance- that's it-- no house cut per song or add ons. Guys pay $20 to enter(and there are more guys in there than you can count with a line at the door on many nights. The only other expense for the dancers is they have to feed the jukebox when they get up on stage-NO DJ- at $1 per song and the jukebox is never silent from 12noon to 5am every day. But there are 5-7 dancers on stage at all times so this expense is minimal for the girl. The building is old, small and unimpressive but the owner-Joe Redner- is making a killing-do the math. Beautiful women, relatively low expenses for the dancers, low overhead for the owner and a packed house.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
What over the hill strippers do when they can't make it anymore.
Ah...Guam, that tropical paradise--- well, tropical anyway. One of my least favorite places to travel. Visit only if you have to and make sure you bring some Immodium AD.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for casualguy
Ever get ticked off at a dancer because she won't leave you alone?
No more so than when the significant other won't leave me alone...I think it's more than a dancer problem, it's a gender thing...lol.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for L0LA
stripper names?
BG, I don't know-- girl's gotta have a first and last name, right?...lol
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for magicrat
North Carolina
Another OTC Question
So, you're a dancer, huh? It's ok for a guy to give you money to spread your legs and for you to hump all over him but if he gives you money for two way interplay it= gross??? Is "CLIFY" back posing as a dancer??? Just a thought...
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for vincents9
Just found this board!
No, Fondl could never be considered THE ULTIMATE PUSSY-- that award has already been given and the winner was/is CLIFBAR..aka Clify.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for Jpac73
Dam'n didn't know my fav thought she was the "Bomb"
Exactly-- it rarely is about us. This is not a hard concept.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for Jpac73
Dam'n didn't know my fav thought she was the "Bomb"
Perfect example of work being work and off time is an entirely different thing. Remember Jpac, she's your ATF DANCER...not ATF friend, ATF gfriend, or all time favorite anything else. And you found out tonight in no uncertain terms that you are not the light that makes her real life shine- this should not be a surprise. Guys keep learning this lesson over and over ad infinitum. She may not be stuck on herself as you surmise- there are many other possibilities, not least of which are mentioned above. You didn't say how long she stayed on her visit to the club, but it may be that she did in fact have someone she had to speak to and that person was more important to her than you. Another possibility-- I knew a dancer once that used to come into her club late at night on her scheduled off days, just to see if any of her regulars were there "cheating on her" as she liked to say. She was drop dead gorgoeus and made a lot of money off of her regulars so she was very territorial when it came to other dancers "taking her money"... Who the fuck knows what her motivation was-- at the end of the day, does it really matter? Next time she's working, just ask her. You may not get a straight answer but she'll probably come up with some good stripper shit that will make you feel better about getting blown off and you can go back to feeling better about this fantasy ATF "relationship" you've got working in your head...That's what I do...lol.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
The dark side of strippers.
Could be stripper shit...easy enough to check out. I'm sure that since you were seeing the alleged crackhead so frequently you must know her real name. If so, most localities' sheriff's offices have websites that allow you to look up those that have arrest records or who have ever been in the county jail population. If she was arrested you should be able to find that info out. It is entirely possible this dancer that you "truly trust" just likes to tell a good story. Or, as is often the case with stripper shit, she's got part of the story right and embellished the rest. Of course, it may turn out that you were fucking a crackhead who used during her pregnancy, gave birth to a crackhead baby, got arrested, lost the crackhead baby to the authorities and is now more fucked up than she was when you met her...Damn, I hate when that happens.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Book Guy-- Ahh...Jackson, MS. Nuff said... Perhaps a change of venue is in order.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Book Guy-- you seem to have the "damn-dest" bad luck with women, strippers and now Hooter's girls...I know this is a crazy thought but is it possible that maybe the problem is not them???
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for founder
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
Private Messaging?
Only if there is a "block" feature similar to what you have on the discussion board.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
Hot female customer ruins my night
BG-- I can certainly understand your confusion and frustration in not getting what you seek. I reread this entire thread and many have touched on most of the salient points worth making. However, a couple of things worth considering. 1) In your original post, you lamented the fact that a "Pamela Anderson" type( you called her a "smokin-hot woman" and you "loved her appearance")was the girlfriend of the guy she entered the club with and it sent you into a depression and ruined your night.You opined that because she was there with someone other than you points out that you are a "pathetic loser"....Ok, a little over the top but we get your point. 2)You then move on in a later post to state "I've never been with "high maintenance" or "super model" types, and I don't find that kind of appearance appealing. I want a "girl next door" or even a "tom boy." Well, I've heard Pamela Anderson refered to in a lot of ways but never as "the girl next door type or even a tom-boy." So which is it? Are you looking for Pam or a tom-boy? It's no wonder your confused...lol. Finally, you speak of appearance as though it is the only and/or overriding factor when considering a potential partner/girlfriend? Your posts are riddled with constant references to your inability to get the proverbial good looking/hot women, not as fuck buddies or friends but as GIRLFRIENDS. Please tell me that you are mature enough to recognize that a relationship based on physical appearance alone is not your idea of the perfect match. Successful "gf/bf or marriages based on nothing more than how she looks are surely doomed to fail. If it's a girlfriend you want, get out of the stripclubs. You can lap with a stripper, BS with a stripper, hangout with a stripper, fondle a stripper and even fuck a stripper. If you think you're frustrated now, start seriously dating a stripper. Looks are not the end all be all you seem to be so fixated on. You'd better hope this is true because my guess is you're not the best looking guy on this board and if women are as shallow about relationship material as you are, then you don't have a prayer.
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
Hot female customer ruins my night
I am really glad to know that your initial post was in fact an attempt to "indulge in a little hyperbole." Having said that, I find it more interesting that you now seem to have taken the role of victim simply because I and others do not share your insecurities in this matter. To suggest that we all need to admit our "Pathetic-Loser-ness" simply because we happen to be a "strip-club patron" is ridiculous -- you sound even more like a pathetic loser than your initial post reflected. Book Guy, you actually wrote the following---"In theory, when a dude's being an idiot within general earshot, his idiocy isn't a threat to other dudes. Their need to get voluble about it is just as much an indication of their insecurities as of anything else." Nothing could be farther from the truth. That statement is another example of childish immature thinking that runs rampant throughout your writings. Chandler is right on when he states, "I think you give yourself too much credit. When somebody says they don't share your feelings, that's not necessarily a sign that they do." So to clarify for you, my reaction to your post is more like the reaction I have had to friends, colleagues I have known over the years that because of destructive behavior they engaged in or depressive thoughts they expressed required an intervention...lol. Like the alcoholic, the suicidal manic depressive, the drug addict-- your wallowing and self-absorbed rantings about such an inanity requires us "kindred spirits" to do a message board intervention with you. So sit down, take a deep breath and listen. Rule 1-You cannot have everything you want in this life. 2- Crying about rule #1 is a waste of time and energy. 3- Writing an entire post on a message board about how you FEEL like a pathetic loser because a beautiful woman enters a room with someone other than yourself, does in fact, MAKE YOU A PATHETIC LOSER... sorry, I was never very good at this intervention thing...:)
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
Hot female customer ruins my night
I believe you are the one that invited a response by requesting feedback with your final comment-- you said, "What's wrong with me? :(." I think it's a stretch to categorize my reply as invective, but given your self-described "Pathetic Loser" status, I can certainly understand how you might take it that way. Truly, my response was more an expression of incredulity at the mindless dribble you actually put thought into writing. Your post is one of the most childish, self-absorbed and ridiculous things I've read here-- You're a grown man who rather than accept and deal with the realities of your life chooses to cry and whine like a little girl who can't get her way. I am hopeful that perhaps it was written tongue in cheek and the jokes on me because I failed to recognize obvious hyperbole in it's most extreme...If so, good one. Otherwise, here's a thought for you-- (no invective intended)-- Get it together and MAN UP!
discussion comment
18 years ago
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
Hot female customer ruins my night
I thought you had to be 18 to post on this board. Somebody check this guy's I.D. because his post is demonstrative of someone with the emotional development of a 14 year old freshman in high school... Do we need to call your mom for you? Maybe get you a great big hug to soothe that fragile ego? Wow...get some help man, this post of yours is just sad.
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18 years ago
avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Are you a cop?
So, are you a cop...you write like a cop?