
Moaners and Heavy Breathers - Fake or Real?

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

How many times have you been with a dancer during lap dances, that begins moaning or breathing heavy, or giving any other signs of her being pleasured by you?

Is she faking it? Is it part of her drill to do this to further turn you on?

Or do some dancers actually get sexually aroused enough to bring these things on?

In my 'limited' experience... :-) ..... I believe 90% of the dancers that have acted this way with me are actually putting on a show for me. However, I can probably count on 'one hand' dancers that have gotten into the lap dances with me that actually got turned on. I usually tell them, yeah yeah, sure right, whatever..... but most, to prove their not faking it, will take my hand down the 'kitty' and rub my finger(s) over their lips to feel the wetness. Can women (dancers) fake dampness down below?


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Avatar for evilcyn

Bones, can you fake a hard on??? No you really can't fake that... If they have they much going on down there with out being excited, they may want to get that checked...LOL.....

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

Thanks evilcyn. Was hoping that I might get a response from a dancer.

Avatar for chandler

Wetness doesn't prove that they're aroused, so we shouldn't get too pleased with ourselves. It's an an involuntary physical response. Rape victims get wet.

Of course the joke goes, Q: Why do women fake it? A: They think we care.

I love it when lapdancers moan, sigh and cry convincingly. It really ads to the thrill. However, when they lay it on a little too thick or just fake it very badly, it totally ruins the moment, and I just wish she would drop the act.

Avatar for driver01

They fake it for a couple of reasons-- most guys do care, it's part of the show. How many times have we read here or in the reviews about a dancer that was "in the wrong business" or wasn't enthusiastic enough in her LD technique,etc,etc.

I tend to agree with Chandler's last comment, we only seem to mind the "faking it" when we know about it. The really good ones "fake it" so well that we leave feeling like we did HER a favor. Now that's talent.

Do the math, on a busy night a dancer can end up giving a LOT of dances. If she's there 8 hours and averages 3 per hour that's 24 trips to the LD area and if she's any good, she'll be back there for longer than one 3 minute song per trip. If you happen to be say #22 on the roster of customers, odds are pretty good that whatever reaction you are getting from her is largely "performance art". But that is what we are paying for-- and some do it better than others...

Avatar for chipitin

I know a dancer that after about the 3rd dance, she will hump your leg or groin (whichever she finds that is hard) like a dog, and after about 2 minutes her entire body starts to shake as she slows down her humping, and next she quits breathing for about 15 seconds like she is in orgasim as she quietly squeeks out a few moans. It's a great show, I still can't figure out if it is real or not.

Avatar for shadowcat

I suppose that it mostly acting but I did have one experience that I know was not. In the Crazy Horse Saloon. in Atlanta. About a year or so ago. I opted for a totally nude VIP dance. $40 for the house and $100 for the dancer. Half hour. 20 minutes into the session, she got this weird look on her face. I asked was she OK? She pointed to the big wet spot on my black shorts. She said "I'm sorry but it happens some times." We continued the session and then I went out front and had one for the road. By the time I finished my drink my pants had partially dried. But now I had a 3 inch long white mark right down the front of my pants. WTF. I am the one who is supposed to cum.

Avatar for casualguy

I usually can't tell anything. However I do remember one dancer acting a bit strange making some faint noises during the lap dances. Another dancer even asked her if she was ok and she just said a quick yes. Then instead of asking for another dance she kept going for a third dance no charge. I thought she might be enjoying the dance. She was doing a lot of grinding in one spot but I felt good too. Most of the loud moaning I've heard wasn't during a lap dance but dancers playing around while talking to me. It does get other people to look at her when a dancer suddenly starts making a loud moaning sound while you're talking to her sitting at your table.

Avatar for casualguy

I really don't care about a dancer moaning or breathing heavy during a lap dance. I just hope she's trying to please me since that is what I'm paying her for. Of course if I enjoy her dance and she is too so much that she wants to do another for free, I'm all for that.

Avatar for casualguy

Most girls fake orgasms at some time. Strippers often lie in strip clubs. Using logic, it seems logical that strippers would use fake noises if she thinks that turns on a customer.

Avatar for David9999

Fake 98% of the time, especially by experienced girls - and one will find this out when one of these girls becomes an AFT or friend type with the chick - although they won't necessarily admit it, but they will back it off because by then they know you know its often phoney

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