
favorite alcholic drink...In oreder from top to bottom

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shadowcatAtlanta suburb

Rum and coke

Vodka and coke. Yes I know that his is an odd one.

Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary made with tequila.

Margarita. The real one In a stem glass without ice.

Margarita on the rocks ( fucking Americans) but not frozen.

Tequila sunrise.

Martini. You already know how I like them.

Gin and tonic

Tom Collins ( gin of course) a vodka Collins is made with vodka.

Tequila shots. rarely but has to be Sausua Blanco.

Scotch on the rocks. The only way I will drink them but prefer not to.

Beer, wine etc, only as a last resort. I Almost forgot tequila and grapefruit juice on a hot day.

Do you think that T--- will prefer strawberry bubble bath to rum?


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I'm incredibly boring in this regard - scotch and water, or sometimes neat if it's good scotch. I prefer Jameson.

Of course, strip clubs seldom have any good scotches, or good anything for that matter ;)

I like good wines, but I would never in a million years order wine in a strip club sine (i) they always carry crap labels for the markup, (ii) they have no clue how to serve it and (iii) all the smoke interferes with the flavor in the miraculous event they have a good wine.

Champagne? I'll leave that to the "ballers". The girls I know would rather have $200 stuffed in their garters, not poured down their gullets lol.

So yeah, scotch. Yawn ;)


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Jameson is Irish. Wars have started over less.

Avatar for ozymandias

Hah, yes, I should specify Jameson "Whiskey" to differentiate from Scotch "whiskey".

Perhaps I should amend my answer to say I prefer "whiskeys", including Scotch but including and especially the Irish whiskey Jameson.

We have enough wars at the moment, no need for another ;)


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Single Malt 18 year old scotch neat in a snifter. Rarely found in a club unless seriously upscale


After that IMHO it's all downhill from there

Avatar for DougS

I typically don't drink mixed drinks... I'm usually a shot guy, or beer... but here's a mixed drink that I spent many a drunk college night drinking... Also, when I'm in a club or OTCing, I try to keep my head clear, so I will usually drink very little alcohol - if at all.

R & R (I coined the name)... it's rum and ROOT BEER. Try it!

As for shots, my current ranking is;

Patron (my ATF got me started on it - never heard of it before that)

Crown (my prev-ATF got me started on it - hey, I see a pattern here...)

Bacardi Rum (if I want to impress, I'll have the 151 variety)

Other than that, I drink Coors Light.

When staying sober, I'll have a SoBe if available, if not Red Bull... or Rockstar... or any energy drink.

Avatar for FONDL

In rder of preference -

A great dry red wine (eg. Stag's Leap cab)

A good dry red wine

A good dry chardonnay

An OK dry red wine

Yuengling or Canadian beer

Mexican beer

Gin and tonic

Avatar for AbbieNormal

Just yankin' your chain ozyman.

Favorites from top to bottom would include several different styles and brands of beer, but I'll try to narrow it down.

Paulaner Lager or Dortmunder

Newcastle Brown Ale

Single malt scotch

Other assorted beers




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Scotch is a whisky, not a whiskEy. If it's Irish, it's a whiskEy. If it's from Canada, it's a whisky. And last but not least, if American it's whiskEy....now that I've confused myself and everyone else--lol

1)I like scotch whisky-- Oban is one of my favorites, never seen it in a strip club.

  1. In summer, it's gin-- Beefeater martini up extra dry extra olive.

  2. Wine, Port-- too many to name

  3. Beer-- after a round of golf, if it's cold-- I like it.

  4. Lastly, if you're picking up our tab, anything behind the bar- I like it.

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

White Wines

Grey Goose & Red Bull

Beer (preferably German)

Pepsi or Coke

Jaeger Bombs

Avatar for casualguy

Miller lite first.

Bottled water if I can't get that (blue laws at certain times)

After that it becomes a matter of persuasion. If a nice looking female is trying to get me to try a drink she already has, I may go along and taste it if I don't know what it tastes like.

Avatar for lopaw

Beer (preferably mexican)

Silver Patron Tequila (shot)

Southern Comfort & Diet Coke

Bathtub gin

Jaeger bombs....oy.....what we used to call "instant panty removers" in college. I've only recently starting drinking them occasionally again. Brought back some nice blurry memories. Cheers!

Avatar for elemental23

patron tequila shots

cuervo tequila shots

tanqueray (gin) and tonic

royal flush (crown and some type of red juice)

grey goose and hypnotic (this will mess you up in a hurry)

Basically don't do beer and wine.

Also no salt no lime with the tequila shots, unless there is a reason for it ie: Body Shots :)

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LongIslandTea, Bicardi & Coke, Budlight

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bud longneck

mgd bottle

coors light


scotch and water

jack and water

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  1. BURBON, most clubs I freequent will at least have Jim Beam. Knobb Creek or Makers Mark if you are lucky!

  2. RUM almost always in mixed drinks unless they have something extra special.

  3. NEVER EVER BEER - bad alergey, would rather drink my own piss.

  4. SHOT GIRLS - whatever garbage they are serving, they have a special place in my heart.

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Any fine, rare or small label beer (porters, stouts, ales, all good)

Never anything hard, 'cept my unit, if I'm lucky.

Oh, and a pocket full of pretzels since I never imbibe w/o eating. Slows you down, soaks it up, and you'll be driving later, right?

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From a dancer I met recently


it's her favorite,

she likes liquor as well but not tequila.

Avatar for kcquestor

Vodka and tonic (prefer Ketel One)

Rum and Coke (add lime juice for a Cuba libre)

Tequila and Coke

tequila on the rocks if they have a good selection

SoCo and Coke

Wheat beer

most any pilsner beer

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