
Comments by arbeeguy (page 8)

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    15 years ago
    Double Feature?
    Slickpeter -- No I've never had a full service girl leak all over me -- has this happened to you????
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Unshaven pussy's
    Shadowcat, instead of using a razor, why not buy one of those $15 clipper sets? After you are through with the clippers it looks like you mighta shaved a coupla days ago. Much simpler. I adjust the depth so I always look like I shaved a week or so ago. But this has nothing to do with the topic does it. Most strip clubs REQUIRE all their girls to shave their pussy, even if the club requires the bottoms to stay on. Occasionally I see a little neatly trimmed landing strip, and I always like that
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    15 years ago
    Items Lost in a Strip Club
    Lost my billfold at Big Earls about ten years ago. I told Big Earl and he came out there with a flashlight and found it. But about a year ago, I took off my glasses in the lap dance area of a club I frequent (not Big Earls). When I left that area I picked up what I THOUGHT were my glasses and sauntered out to my car with the glasses in my pocket. I was just about to start the car when another guy knocked on the window and said, "I have your glasses in my hand and I think you must have mine." Sho'nuff. If he had waited one minute longer I wudda been outta there. Don't know if I would have ever noticed they weren't my own glasses - they sure looked like mine.
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    15 years ago
    Dancer feels old at 24
    I think BaddJack pretty much got it right. I have had several dancers in their thirties that ran circles around the younger ones in terms of skill and services delivered. Their body may not be quite so "cute" but if a girl takes care of herself and uses makeup wisely, she can pass for 30 when she's 40. But psychologically, I would think a 24 year old is already in her 40s and a 40 year old is in the rocking chair. That is, the toil and turmoil of stripping takes its toll.
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    15 years ago
    Ever had a threesome??
    Seems to me a threesome means three people are involved. That is the situation that DandyDan was discussing. That's the title of this thread. BUT the content of the ORIGINAL POST is about one guy and three females, which to me is a FOURSOME. We probably need to have two threads going on at the same time - one on THREESOMES (3 people together) and one on FOURSOMES (four people together.)
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    15 years ago
    North Iowa
    The difference between a stripper and a dancer
    Disagree. Cute but way off the mark. A dancer may be G rated (ballet, broadway, ballroom), or R rated (bikini club), or X rated (topless, nude). Depending on the venue and the girl, the dancing may be really professional, or just going through the motions. A stripper may or may not be a dancer, but by definition she has fewer clothes on at the end of her set than at the beginning. You can't go wrong calling a stripper a dancer. She won't be offended. But in many situations, you are in REAL trouble if you call a dancer a stripper. For one thing, most dancers never take off any of their clothes. Signed - the humorless pedant.
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    15 years ago
    Do it Again ... Most Lap Dances in a Row?
    Ten in a row with a girl who was determined to make me cum. I finally did. Big waste of money. What's the big deal about cumming? Can do that anytime with a little warm soapy water and a half-decent porn flik. But I was frustrated that night - several girls had blown me off earlier in the afternoon/evening and I wasn't going to leave till I got jizz in my shorts. Oddly enough I stayed two more hours after that and had a blast. My luck flirting with the ladies did a complete turnaround. Was it cuz they noticed how long Kay-a-Lee-Ya and I were together? Incidentally, this was out in the main room (not in a private room) -- nobody interfered with us for our ten-songs-in-a-row. That was very nice. Very memorable. I'm a guy who normally gets ONE lap dance and occasionally two or three max. Except for that one night I have never had a desire to get more than three lap dances in a row. If it can't happen in 3 dances, it aint gonna happen.
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    15 years ago
    ever been kicked out of a club? why?
    Coupla yrs ago, was kicked out of "Outer Limits" by manager who musta had a mike in the Lap Dance cuz I was trying to talk her into letting my put my fingers in her pussy. He came in, said "This dance is over. Get out and don't ever come back." No more discussion. I walked out without a word. But I was back in six months and neither the manager nor the dancer were ever seen again. Have also been kicked out of the VIP at a couple of different clubs for getting too aggressive or suggestive. Once when I unbuckled my pants & loosened my shirt. That freaked out the dancer, so I hadda leave. But did not have to leave the club. After I regained my composure, I continued to enjoy the charms of the naked girls running around the room getting $1 lap dances.
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    15 years ago
    lets talk about long term effects on a stripper
    What two years working in a strip club does to an 18 yo girl. Well it all depends on what she was like when she walked in the door. if she was messed up, i am sure the strip club experience would mess her up more. but if she was a single mom or a college student with strong sense of personal worth, i think she could survive, and (depending on the club) make a good living. i have known a few strippers that had their heads on straight, focused on the job requirements, and made good money without going down the toilet. True, they are the exception. But I believe most girls who become strippers are already pretty messed up before they walk through the door. Just MHO.
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    15 years ago
    Rape isn't about sex . . .
    how and dudester -- are sure jablake isn't just pulling out chain? I think jablake likes to stir the poot. hey, two cliches in one paragraph. Not bad, arbeeguy
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    15 years ago
    I will be more than happy to tell you how it goes...IF IT EVER GOES...
    You commented that you were not the classic stripper-body measurements. So what. "Ideal" body measurements are nice, but so is a pretty face and an adventuresome line of conversation -- you have proven you have those two attributes. I think you should try an amateur nite somewhere.
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    15 years ago
    Ritz Cabaret (Houston) Raided Last Week
    I spent a few days shopping the strip clubs in Portland and found them pretty tame for the most part. One of them appeared to be a "front" for a brothel nearby. Several were "neighborhood bars with girls wearing scanty clothing and occasionally dancing." But I found that by driving a half hour to Tualatin, I could get more action than any club I could find in Portland. (I was not willing to spend the money required to check out the possible brothel setup in Portland.) I don't think anywone who has visited very many cities would consider Portland a "great town for strip clubs" no matter HOW many they have. ALso - on per-capita basis, surely little Washington Park Illinois has the highest ratio. Anybody disagree with that? (Not that it really matters anyway.)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Girls that 'hunt' in pairs
    Over the years I have encountered many girl-pairs who came to the club together, and to one extent or another wanted to double team me or were willing to do so. Just in the past month I think I have encountered five or six pairs. One notable pair though wasn't really "a pair". They were traveling together - about 100 miles - to work at a local club. At first I thought they were "a pair", partners, so to speak, but it turned out THEY COULD HARDLY STAND EACH OTHER, and were together solely to reduce the cost of the 200 mile round trip. Another "pair" were an experienced petite mixed-race gal named Duchess and a larger, slightly older spoiled white girl named Kitty. Never could quite figure out their game but it was fun to sit at the table and talk to both of them at once. They told me they were each other's best friends, and I believed it. I have never had a private session with two girls at once - don't see much advantage - came close once aat Centerfolds in Houston Texas. When I told them the most I could spend was $200, they politely left the VIP. Never did figure out what they had in mind.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    No soliciting
    just curious samsung1 whether you "started at her cleavage" or "stared at her cleavage". If you started at her cleavage, how did you finish?
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    15 years ago
    Rick's Cabaret International, Inc. Reports Nightclub Sales Gain 20% to $6.5 Mill
    BTW steve229 posted his note while I was composing mine. Great minds run in the same channels I guess.
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    15 years ago
    Rick's Cabaret International, Inc. Reports Nightclub Sales Gain 20% to $6.5 Mill
    Have never been to Rick's Cabaret. Is that statement "sexual contact is not permitted" -- is that a for-real fact or is that just for public consumption? People who have been there would know. So please share your knowledge.
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    15 years ago
    Foreign-born Dancers
    I was kinda surprised that steve229 did not include Brazil on his list. Seems to me like the Brazilians may have the best mix of beauty and sluttiness (another word for sluttiness that positive rather than negative connotation? to me, sluttiness is a very positive thing, but others may differ.)
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    15 years ago
    City Rejects Gentlemen's Club
    Until this thread opened, i did not even know there was a chain called "Paper Moon". Have never been to any SC in any of the cities that Paper Moon operates in. They are limited to the Southeast sector of USA - must go only to cities that don't attract GOOD strip clubs. Let's all congregate in Falls Church and hold a massive pro-strip-club rally. Make all our wives & SOs proud of us.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Dancer or a stripper?
    One club I go to is a bikini club, and they never take off any clothes, so it would be highly incorrect to call them strippers. I like the term "dancer" because it is more neutral. There are a lot of different kinds of dancers - ballet, Broadway, Bikini, Gentlemen's Club, Sleaze Club, etc.
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    15 years ago
    What is YOUR line of BS?
    Steve you are a funny guy. I guess if i said i was in the defense industry I would expect her to ask if I like removing (de-fencing) fences. Oh well, it seemed like a good idea to make this post but who knows. Anyway Steve, I like your entertaining posts. Keep it up.
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    15 years ago
    New Jersey
    Nightmare Review, Literary Genius
    It was a great review, I read it yesterday and it made me smile. But I wonder if every word was true. From what I know of the place, I seriously doubt that a dancer would come out to the club and give you a blow job. BUT WHO KNOWS. By the way, I have been to Pleasure Palace, and the place is AT LEAST as bad as the review indicated. Yes, it was one of the most entertaining reviews I have ever read. THanks, BADDJACK
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    15 years ago
    Ever give dancers performance advice?
    Sprobably best to just do the best to enjoy what you have before you, and not give any advice or suggestions. i have been tempted many times, but i think it destroys the customer-provider relationship. you are converting to a coach or mentor. even if she ASKS for advice, it is hard to be a customer and a coach at the same time. especially in the erotic area. a better idea MIGHT be to seek out the appropriate manager and offer HIM/HER some friendly advice about the provider. even that is problematical.
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    15 years ago
    Which city has the worst stripclubs in the whole country?
    I must take strong exception with the previous poster who claimed that on some nutty criteria, ORLANDO is the worst strip club city in the nation. Here are some facts to the contrary: (1) TUSCL lists 11 strip clubs in Orlando. (2) Three of these clubs have a rating of 7.6 or above. (3) the average stripper beauty-factor and glamour-factor in Orlando clubs is actually quite high. (4) The Orlando clubs, taken as a group, are classy, clean, well appointed, etc. (Well, #3 may be subjective, not fact, but would anybody disagree?) So it all depends on the criteria. Given the right criteria, Orlando ain't half bad.
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    15 years ago
    Which city has the worst stripclubs in the whole country?
    Salt Lake City may be pretty bad, but - hey - Salt Lake City is Capital of Mormon Country, and based on that you should have pretty low expectations to begin with. Based on the TREMENDOUS gap between expectations and reality, I nominate ORLANDO. There is no other city that has so much entertainment but so little satisfaction in the erogenous zone. A perverse tribute to the power of squeaky-clean Disney, I guess. But one would THINK with all the money spent on entertainment in Orlando they might allow one little X-rated joint with bare pussies and extras. Maybe it is there but we just don't know the secret password. I have often wondered about that city.
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    15 years ago
    Which city has the best stripclubs in the whole country?
    woops - another typo slips in - bad proofreader - bad me. It is East Saint Louis Area, not Eawt Saint Louis Area. Bad Dog !!