
I will be more than happy to tell you how it goes...IF IT EVER GOES...

Avatar for jess_cowgirl84

Ok, so mostly I'm bored as hell just sitting here at work...and all I can think about is pussy...licking, eating, kissing, fingering pussy...and kissing a girl and biting her nipples...THIS MYSTERY WOMAN of my fantasy and day dreams is consuming my days AND my nights...I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT!! I WAS so dead set against the idea when I was younger, claiming that I couldn't even stand the THOUGHT of being with another woman, and have been quoted as angrily saying..."I have my own titties and pussy to play with WHY would I want to mess with someone else's??!!"

BUT NOW...just look at me...I'm A MESS!!!!!!!!

My husband is more than happy...for now, but then I'm wondering am I going to lose all interest in men!!?? OMG...I LOVE DICKS, that would just be depressing!

I know you probably think this was a lame and immature post, but nonetheless...I did it...so there! :P

~DAZED & CONFUSED...blindfolded and dreamily wandering through my own bi-curious wonderland...


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Avatar for jayray

Your pic is cute! I kinda dig dazed and confused chicks...

Avatar for CTQWERTY

I think you could benefit from a pen pal in Finland. They get so few days of sunlight up there for half the year, surely all that time would produce some deeply introspective bi-curious women and you being in so. Indiana would be damn hot (well to her at least.)

Borrowing from Iowa, build a hot tub and your bi-curious Finnish woman will come!!!

Avatar for jess_cowgirl84

My husband actually suggested we get a hot tub or a sauna...

I've been perusing sites for "swinger/couples/3-some" type places and it's almost as bad as the ratio of single women to single men...the "hunters" (couples seeking a third usually female) BY FAR outweigh the "prey" for lack of better terms...

Avatar for casualguy

It can be fun to be constantly be focused on one thing you enjoy. I try to enjoy that feeling while it lasts because it never seems to last more than a week for me. Maybe that's because I only remember feeling that way many years ago when I had a new and exciting pc game. I usually had it beat within a week. What became a bit strange was analyzing a strategy game in my sleep. Now when you think about something even in your sleep, that is a one track mind. Except of course for a voice talking and telling me about the analysis and what I could do to change the outcome more positive for me. I once played an online strategy game that lasted many hours and sometimes we agreed to stop playing and resume later the next day. We did have lives offline. I remember one game the players consisted of me here in the US, someone else was in the UK, one guy in Germany, and another somewhere in eastern Asia. That game really did seem like a global war game.

Go ahead with the immature pussy and nipples comments though. I don't mind. :)

Avatar for jess_cowgirl84

lol...In all honesty while my hubby was off fishing with friends today I spent all day online watching porn and playing with myself...rough day huh!? :P BUT, playing alone isn't much fun when you want a sultry curvacious body to touch and kiss...wink

Avatar for casualguy

I think about pussy, nipples, etc. quite a lot too but that seems a bit normal. I was thinking about the one time when instead of thinking about sucking on some nipples, I ended up playing dodgeball with a dancer's breast milk she was shooting out at me. I would have gotten quite a surprise if I sucked her nipples first. Except for the milk leaking out, I would have never suspected that she just had a baby recently. Then there is a girl at the nude club that has a very nice looking pussy. One guy who was sitting nearby the other weekend said "you have the prettiest pussy I have ever seen!" It did look very nice.

However instead of just one girl, I think about many.

Avatar for casualguy

It could be even worse. Staying home on the weekend and then the internet goes down. It did just that for me for about 2 hours. The one weekend I stay home for a change. It's back up now.

Avatar for jess_cowgirl84

Well...the "lady in my dreams" isn't a specific person and her attributes change constantly, it's more of the "sense" that she's "one personality" rather than a reality.

And I'd have to say I might be quite disgusted if I had a face full of breast milk when I wasn't expecting it (for that matter even if I was...)! BUT, that is perhaps because I was NOT breast fed as a baby...so it might be an aversion to breast milk that has me cringing at the thought of it squirting on my face (which, I AM SURE...to some me just typing that has your tighty whities in a bunch)...lol

Avatar for casualguy

I held my hands up, she never got me in my face. However she tried and thought it was funny too. That was the only time I ever had someone shooting breast milk at me. There was another time that a dancer warned me if I sucked her nipples, I might get something out. I stayed away from her nipples. 99.99 percent of the time nipples have been safe.

Avatar for jess_cowgirl84

So...where else can we take this conversation in the wee hours of this early September morning...?

OH, speaking of strippers...I think that before I'm 30...(giving myself some leeway) I want to be an amateur stripper. Currently I am going to get up the nerve to apply to be a waitress...however, as my photo does not show, I'm not a 34-28-34 (or whatever the fuck size is desireable). THEREFORE, I am forced to feel inadequate and so on and so forth all those stupid female insecurities surface simultaneously

So, on that note, I have to actually do a bit of work...please post to your hearts content! :D

Avatar for Clubber

Well we do have a couple of female posters right up your alley. lopaw is a carper muncher (sorry, but I get to use that phrase infrequently) and judyjudy just started dancing for fun (amateur?) and is not the perfect "whatever the fuck size is desireable).

Avatar for gatorfan

You'd be surprised how far girls let girls go at even some upscale strip clubs. I've watched female customers lick pussy or suck nipples in the past without any intervention by a bouncer. You should go see a strip club sometime.

Avatar for shadowcat

It seems to me that females, be they they lesbians, BI, or just curious can usually get away with more shit, in the open, than men. I think that management allows it because they know that a lot of guys love to watch girl on girl action.

Avatar for CTQWERTY

"You should go see a strip club sometime."

Dr. Gator has spoken.

I wonder how that would work out in Detroit? There's $10 Monday's at Henry's, followed by $10 Tuesday's at Bogart's Lounge, and $10 Wednesday's at Henry's Southgate. The guy's get HIGH mileage on those days (same with the more upscale Penthouse), I wonder how they'd handle bi-curious women???

[Shadow, I completely agree with you; nothing better to dominate the male mind than girl-on-girl combustion...]

Avatar for gatorfan

Only girl on me combustion is better than girl on girl. I've never seen a bouncer yet stop a girl customer from doing what I male strip club customer could never get away with at the upscale clubs.

Ironically, the reverse is true at the dive clubs. I saw a girl go one time with her boyfriend (I assume to ensure he behaved) and the strippers ignored her completely at the dive strip clubs.

Avatar for lopaw

I hope you meant "carpet", Clubber.

I think you were so excited by typing it that your spelling went right out the window!!

Welcome Jess, and hope you find your mystery woman.......if you ever find yourself in L.A., I'd be happy to help you on your journey! ;)

Avatar for CTQWERTY

Gator you're probably right. My idea of Detroit for Jess probably would bomb...

Avatar for Player11

Jess - You are really cute. I know I would want dances with you!

Welcome to this site and I hope to see more posts from you and hopefully some more pics. Swimsuit? hint hint

Avatar for Clubber


Nailed me on that one, and likely, you are correct!

Avatar for wallanon

"I'm bored as hell just sitting here at work"

Hopefully you're either working from home or someplace where the IT staff doesn't pay attention to what you browse...

Avatar for jess_cowgirl84

I am on my laptop, so no one knows........wink wink I will be here off and on all night. Anyone who wants to chat and has msn messenger can get ahold of me using jms_cowgirl84@hotmail.com please don't spam it up or send me forwards though!

Avatar for arbeeguy

You commented that you were not the classic stripper-body measurements. So what. "Ideal" body measurements are nice, but so is a pretty face and an adventuresome line of conversation -- you have proven you have those two attributes. I think you should try an amateur nite somewhere.

Avatar for casualguy

I'm off from work tomorrow. I love that. Hope you guys are having fun too or just relaxing as best you can.

Avatar for CTQWERTY

Glad to hear we haven't chased you off, Jess. I wondered how long it was going to be until someone asked you to provide skin for the site. Turns out not too long. Hope niether you, or Judy feel suffocated!

Avatar for jess_cowgirl84

Well, I will be careful just HOW much skin I show...in general, but I may show some cleavage next...lol

ANYWAY, to those who commented on me going to strip clubs...as long as I'm buzzed...I get a little crazy...I'm a bit more reserved when I'm not drinking, so I prefer to try to get some drinks before I start putting dollar bills between my breasts for strippers...HOWEVER, I have not been to a place where I got pussy put in my face, perhaps I'm not waving around enough cash for all that attention...lol

Oh, and unless (before or after showing some skin on here) I am getting unabashed critisism or insults, I'm not easily scared off, and even then I won't go out without a fight...I like it here, not to be rude, but it's a little slow going on the posts sometimes but the conversation is a decent mix of intellect and hormones... :D

AND, if you are around me enough, I LOVE talking about almost all things sexual...which comes as a big surprise to myself since it seems like just yesterday...reminiscing...when merely SAYING the word "SEX" made me blush uncontrollably! :P

OH, and to anyone who's noticed my compulsion to using the ellipsis "..." or even more "dots" (I'm sure may get annoying to some)...THAT is just how I type, and I feel it best exemplifies my personality both in writing and in character.

cough (as well as my nasty little posting habits of expressing an action in asterisks - I picked up on another forum which happened to be my first forum experience...blah blah blah) ...just in case you were wondering, which most likely you weren't...so, I'll stop now...for now.


Avatar for CTQWERTY

"but the conversation is a decent mix of intellect and hormones"

hahahaha! Never thought I'd read that on here...

"I LOVE talking about almost all things sexual"

Just a guess, but I think that's going to keep you quite busy on a site such as this. If I were you, I'd find a way to charge by the character to supply such attention to the membership here. I'd like to see how you'd declare such earnings on your tax return though...


Just a guess, but I think you're the FIRST ever to use that word here! I think you may have scared the guys with that one...

"best exemplifies my personality both in writing and in character."

Wow, how many syllables there??? You should do PR work for some societally-challenged celebrity (like a drunken Mel Gibson, etc.)

"my first forum experience"

I'll never forget mine... I was dabbling at work on a site called TalkCity. Met up with a gal who claimed to be dating one of the pitchers on the Baltimore Orioles. She was giving me inside gossip. I of course can't say whether or not she was making it up, but she did come across as somewhat a neophite in terms of sports knowledge but seemed plausible as I follow baseball and know a bunch about it.

"intellect and hormones" hehehe!

Have a good day!

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