
Ritz Cabaret (Houston) Raided Last Week

LE raided the Ritz last week arresting 8 gals for solicitation according to a friend. She told me a gal can be arrested for solicitation even asking a customer if he would like a lap dance from her. I found this disturbing.

The Ritz is one of the most popular clubs on the SE side in the same class as Treasures and St James. I have heard there are 40 girls on day shift and 60 on night shift out of a pool of 300-400 dancers. Thre are many gals who want to dance there as dancer earnings there are real good. They have a super free buffet, CR behind stage, and upstairs VIP. There is even an elevator to take you up there. Check out their website and the pics of their beautiful girls.


  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    I've been there. It's a decent club, but wouldn't put it anywhere near St. James or Treasures. The Ritz had pool tables, which is about the only thing I would give it over the other two. Girls were pretty good, but on the whole not up to par with clubs I'd rate as two of the best in country. I'd believe it got raided, though.
  • londonguy
    15 years ago
    Player11, which city is this club in, it's not obvious to me?
    15 years ago
    London, it's Houston I believe (H-town for short.) A relatively high mileage locale from what I've heard, though have not experienced firsthand.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    Ritz Cabaret (Houston) Raided Last Week :)

  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I heard a dancer can be arrested for running her hand up your shorts as that is considered some sort of offense...

    I believe houston is the city with the most strip clubs in it. I did a count today just to see out of curiosity :
    Tampa has 27 Strip clubs
    Houston has 53 strip clubs.
    Las vegas has 29 strip clubs
    Atlanta has 37 strip clubs
    New York City has 20 strip clubs

    If anyone knows a city with more strip clubs in it than Houston then please let me know...
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    Portland, Oregon.

    If anyone knows of a city with more high quality mileage in it than Houston then please let us all know...
  • londonguy
    15 years ago
    It might help if I open my eyes wider doh ! Thanks Wallanon
    15 years ago
    I second Portland, Oregon. Although somewhere I heard they're mostly air dances. Why would a city have soooooooooo many air dance places?!?

    Did like the name of one club though: The Dancin' Bare. Never been in it though. Wandered into The Cabaret downtown and saw some cuties dressed in nighties. But then I remembered hearing about air dances being the norm so I split without spending a dime. Instead decided to spend the dough at The Acropolis on their steak and salad bar. I wonder whatever happened to "Aurora"?

    Um, Wallanon: Detroit.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    Not another Detroit post. Even if I believed it, there would still be a tough time matching the quality (of the girls, not the action) or quantity of the experience in Houston. Tell you what, talk to the chamber of commerce about actually having something in town other than sports or strippers worth seeing and I might be able to get it on my schedule.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    But wallanon, you can buy a house in Detroit for $1!

    15 years ago
    Wallanon, are you a pop culture buff? There's The Motown Museum (the record label), not to mention the museums of the automakers, etc. A couple of casinos. You can wander over to nearby Windsor and mock their price of $3.99 for a gallon of milk and/or their speed limits of 20 mph. [Hey, you asked, I tried...]

    P.S. Put your finest memories of Houston up against The Penthouse in Detroit.
    15 years ago
    Steve, it used to be $100!

    Seriously though, I hear some folks pitching the idea of Detroit abandoning certain parts of it's present territory... no more city services, etc. Back to untamed farmland ...
  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    It would be difficult to count clubs by "cities". If one went strictly by city boundaries, the count would likely be different then what one might consider the city.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago

    That P.S. is just crazy talk. And I'm still not going to Detroit. At least not this year. It was a toss up between Detroit and Atlanta. ATL got the nod...
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    wallanon, thank you for the post. You are correct Portland, Oregon has 55 strip clubs listed on tuscl.
    I tried to figure out why Portland has so many strip clubs but this was the only reason I could find:
    "Because of strong free speech protections of the Oregon Constitution upheld by the Oregon Supreme Court Henry v. Oregon Constitution 1987 which specifically found that full nudity and lap dances in strip clubs are protected speech,[86] Portland is widely considered to have more strip clubs per capita than Las Vegas or San Francisco."
    "since 1994, Oregon voters have been asked three times whether they wanted to limit free-speech protections for the sex industry, and three times they clearly have answered no."

    clubber, I know the count is unofficial but I was just curious to see it on tuscl. I'm sure other strip clubs site will have a different count, etc.
    15 years ago
    A okay. Happy travels!
    15 years ago
    Sam, the more interesting question is how are so many able to stay in business? Portland is not the major tourist destination of Vegas or San Fran. It does have the tradition of debauchery (I think it's where the term "Shanghaied" comes from historically speaking.)
  • arbeeguy
    15 years ago
    I spent a few days shopping the strip clubs in Portland and found them pretty tame for the most part. One of them appeared to be a "front" for a brothel nearby. Several were "neighborhood bars with girls wearing scanty clothing and occasionally dancing." But I found that by driving a half hour to Tualatin, I could get more action than any club I could find in Portland. (I was not willing to spend the money required to check out the possible brothel setup in Portland.) I don't think anywone who has visited very many cities would consider Portland a "great town for strip clubs" no matter HOW many they have.

    ALso - on per-capita basis, surely little Washington Park Illinois has the highest ratio. Anybody disagree with that? (Not that it really matters anyway.)
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    What are the contact rules in Portland? POP? In Htown it is full 2 way contact with a number of clubs where extras are abundant. I have been getting POP here in Htown at $150 itc / $200 otc. Some gals it may take $300.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    "I heard a dancer can be arrested for running her hand up your shorts as that is considered some sort of offense.."

    I'm only offended if she doesn't go far enough. There are a few dancers I would not want all over me though.
    15 years ago
    Casual, I didn't ask for it nor know it was coming at Rick's in Seattle. The gal though had fingernails and bad aim (the testes) so it's actually sometimes NOT such a good idea.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Also surprised about Portland because it only one major league sports team (NBA).
    15 years ago
    Sam, a few years ago they used to be nicknamed the "Jailblazers" because several were busted at different times for Pot, etc. I don't think they were too much into strippers. Which means someone else is fairly devoted to them to keep them in business, etc.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    That would imply that pot and strippers don't mix well?
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I agree about city limits. Yes, TUSCL lists 37 clubs in Atlanta but half of those are not within the city limits. There are also many more clubs in the burbs. So the overall total for the greater Atlanta area is probably more like 50. But they all suck.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    The clubs in Atlanta aren't Platinum Plus in Columbia, to be sure, but it's a little harsh to declare that every single one of them is a bad club.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    here in Columbus, all the strip clubs I know about are within city limits but I have noticed that a lot of them border on the burb. Col Gold is located right next to the Dublin, OH border....Dreamgirls is located right next to the Westerville border, Doll House is located right next to the Worthington border, Kahoot's next to the Upper Arlington border, etc. I'm guessing they can avoid the regulations and taxes of the burbs but still be close enough to attract the upscale customers from the burbs.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    wallanon, yes, It was stupid of me to have said that because my 2nd favorite club is in an Atlanta burb. You just to have to pay the price for VIP here and pick the right girl. Before the Olympics, the clubs were much more permissive. The cops did a massive clean up job. Even Stewart Ave, famed for strip clubs and street walkers got it's named changed. I will still make my monthly trips to Columbia but I have a back up here when I need a strip club fix. You just have to be patient and picky.
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